----------- -- - - ---· ---- - · I · th~ Epijlle\ofJude. --- fCduccrs :uc faid to foll~w Cain;way, and th~c A · agoirlfi feeling,.both_ in lifc.a~d death; oppofcd . is in regard of all rhcfc lcucn finncs:but tfpcct· I to Cttinet dt'lpc.ra.[lor~. Fourrhly;, rh{ed~J_mq 'Jllcwayof C.Unbc~rcn ~~fso!c:~i;in iBiinitcaufc– Jclfc nla(fa– crc:s&: cruc:l murrhcno( PrQtdbnts, I ally in the h:nrcd & cruelty ...vhich he praCl1fcd :whereby the heart !S fl n-red vp to kckc Gods , againH hi~ brothel'; for 1 as he ~as bloodily, and 1 kin~domc,, pc:n:c of con!Cien<J(, ~nw;)r~- wy~ \ rnalitwufly minded wwards hts br<,:nhcr.'th~gh I a_nd ll1 ~he kc.ond ... place for the rhu1gs o~ d 11s j he g:l.uc him good words, till hc_e taw h1~ umc l! fr . Fth~1ly, 111 (,ods '-v_ay_ 1s fiw!~(~l."'lcjje and i conucniem to execute hi::; conccwcd malice; fo ! conthnc1<"; met'i th:n begm m.thc lp1nt cnJ nol 1 is it with rhde fcduccrs,thcy 1~1ay Iceme for the ; jn1hc.: fldh ,bm ar_c fil_irhfulFto _~he ~lc:uh;\\:hcr.- j leafon othcrwi~c. affcC~cd,yct meked, they c:~.ras the way of Came u to ~cpm •With fac~·,ficc, I ric a harefull afteelion to th_c ~hurch_ ofGod,_& ?ut :':de 111 proP.tnenC's.Tb1s ts tho '"''"JYot C c.~ / againft rhofc alfo tl'iat cndcauour Ul the butlm...vhtch we n\uH ':"'alke : vfing.·:dl ~ood .m::~.ns I diner vpof the fame.· wt1crcby wc ·may uc both fcrh ncl comamed. lJoct. Hence firH no1c:-th~t the.way ofC.(.in therein; ~fpc~~:d_l the word prcuhcd,, ancl_t~~e 1 is thehigh and bro:td way ot the '~·orld. T~c S~ctamcnrs ; whtch mcanes -t!lc ,very Ph,..a~·d.cc I Turkes and Iewes follOw Caim footcfieps m hnnfclfc could acknowledge, v\·hon hce Iatd ~o . the profc:!lion and praelifeof all p~oph3~encs, B ' ChrHl, A4tifle-,.,thouttachcft rh~ W:!J wa·r~f:fi! id 1 in that ·;hey dcnie and ,dofpifc the M~rtias the true!;. So the Prophet Ef'!J f:•ith,Yc thali hc~•c : So_nne OfGed,yeaa11d pcrfecun: wich a d~adly ~ ~?ycc_ bchiild.~ou, fa~ing,ThiJ 1i.J tbe wa_i,wa!lc ~ haucd' all Chri{l-ians,_and are ncu(:r ·fat-t.6cd m tt: th1s voyce IS noth111g but the voyocofthe 1 ·With thc:fpillingofthi:ir.l{'fOod. Thc-~ay of_the .J~irit in themit~iftcpic ofthe word. :!q. _i I Papifisalfo is the '"''ay ot.ICJinefC3~Jytng \-\"it~- J.DoEl, Thtrdly, note what thcfc.fcd.uccrs 1 in then1 the fame heart towards 'Pro~dbnts, arc bbmcd for, n'3mcly, for t\o"\'Othings: firH, J whicHCainc did towit·d:; .Ahe/1; \\'ithouc- any ,for making t:hoi(e of C(i1jnn W'-Y: for walking , conuitl:ion of them either of ~e~~efic'J ·O~ of ·..a.nd going o t.l fon-\'ard ~n ir; which is a p{'~p~i:- j wickcdt~dfc; :mcl ,(no _othcn~1fc thc-n"X;~m!!') ~~2 ·-of the w1:k~d.._ Ir 1s rrue rhar the ~?J~trof \ th<y tfo,w·carriethcm:c[ue$,qu;etlyllnd:~lemly 1 ·G c:J •btthe frailty ofthe Aen'.· may •(];p ·wto 1 till opportuniue-may fer-ue them ·:r.wh1Ch J£" Jt t€-amuway, as.E>aurd d1d m ila.ymgVnah ; but • #'Wereoffered, w·e{hould fcclc and hauc·'fe'arC- .lfbrloth not Hand~ goc on, and ke~pe a courfc j full exp_criCnteof rhc fruitS Of a Caimfh heart In·that w:ty, as thewickeddoc,bccing br-anded in•them, a-s yj~cll di'd; BCfidcs; thodoClrittc "to be fuch, as-jhtnd in the way ofJinners, Pfal. I . of the RemHh Church tcacheth thc..w:ay of C We on-thc_tron'tt~tf'c mufl prcfcruc a care to re,. Ctfi11i, for·i't llandcthwhoUy in Oll't.ward Cere- ·C'oucr. ottrlf~uC".s. otwof the .., ay-of C.tinc, if.at monid,borfowcd pattoly-fr9q1-thc Iewc;;panly ~nJtime~V.~e ·fh~ll· bl:"miflcd i"nrO·; that if we from the P:Ieathen; yca-tftrainerh vp rDcl1eo be ~cahnot kbeee fiio~"f all- tlnne , yer \A e 7Day he -hypocfi!tcs; bcbiufe H: -i-s-oncly·a:d.mbbC' .. :u:d ktptlfrom ~ Colttf~l'& tr~dt· in finning. "'b.et.thls ~l .,.), • • dead fi1cw,.J.ith6ut any·pt>w~r oflifc:Jo~:godlttcl:;litH4i.an Car~pu:£cruc ouDp?tbcS in;rh~ ! }'OS ncffc_.Againc,it tcac~cth tJefpcrdti~n,intth~tby -6f l<YoP, and rctun1c vs vnr~th_~~olJc.dicOcaof l '. it no'man ought to be a!furcd of,hts faluauon, liis \~ill, when through manyw~nkcrrcffcs a~S:U (for th~twc-'rcprcfumptioh) as alfo that am~n Oi_ps•WC'arc-ofcc,n tUrnedafidC: :1nd tbc riiih~r ! ' mull fatisfie the iuHice·of 1 0od fOlu!ii~rttli)CS, "bttraufc Citirltr ·end·c attrndcch Caina ·i ·hole ! oand cal~'rieuc·r obtain pard011 Wlti-rou·r c·Otlfcffi- {1 C'Ot1rlc ; v\·hd was hauntcd.v.:ir.h an euiUarrd:aCi- ! ~ onof ~Hr l1is !innc~ in r\~c:~~r ..c oftl.lc Pricft And cufin~ confcicn~c; ·~·hofc Gone.' 13y Rt1l~c·d~c 1 1 MtO'COOlC nc;fr_erhomC -J!UC·t\ among~ our fclu~~· .as!! wild~ bean· read le to te<U~lhlm,alld!pu~lxlut -rh;-s w:tfb . . f!€aint- is notcirttbCarent our.Hy.·pocn- ; dfc throatc ofhis loulc: bcfi.rles that h<nwas.i'c- ~ .jiC, JyiBg,·nhlice,but ?Lh6ucralll our.p,Ophan'i:s 1 hlrf~·d'ly:c':lfi out from the prc'f: ncc and.faoo.Of -will c'onU.ince·vs'hercof. Do not mcn.goback- •·God: tbQt howlOeucr hce "\':iS aPriJJc.c7 ou.td ""l>'!'<) :w:~rd •in''l"Citgion, as thofc that (haKe: Off the mig~tic :unongfl men, }'C't :he"l\~"S" a v::~g«foild .waiCs·o~. God? Is tlQ.t the Gofpcl qffa·r.rl:: ldfe D -and_ flllltlagat~·on' the bee of thc;,canh t iv.ihiCh I · il :,s· reckoning amdt)gVS·;·'th~n h _h~rlY'bccHc'hcrcct1rfi::s let them not lool<e to aiwidc, whoJP-c.uCr :toforc? Is that '"holromt 'do6\:r-loc not ldfc re- . will (ollow hi's way, no more clicn c~.ne hJ.m- ·': •'· fpcCtcd!n'()"'.\•, then it was t\vcntie y-e:are.s· agoc? .fdl.fc could. . !· '~r. ... ·:>" 11 01 and much>feffe ther~fo(e obcytd~ whidb<s >I "" .Ytnd ,.,., oajl 'amaJ Y)' thedeccir of•{Ja(4A7>u manlfdl'argurncnt r·h><,.G'dlnePWa:fis>gcnc-taliyl JMj;is, J In thcfe words is fe t.do.,·ne.,tlrl: flfih thC beaten way·o{ tli?s agcf-}: . •: .;.m ,r:.• cl·l· : I finne ofthere reducers : them2aninc of. w.hiah 2. Dof.l-11StcdndfvflW"t1n',uf1 bew3ri:acd .r:o h·lirft tobeknownc. Caft awtr)': if.hrwor-d lig- ... , j tur'nc 0Ut.oft.he- way'z56<Yainc·, mt,Oithc waics mfit::th thoy :trc powrCd out, a'f powrcd ::a'Vay, j •~.:•xAl,..,...cr. ofGod")~'eft. Which1s the w~y·of:G od that '\t~htch fhrme of rpcnch IS taken from V\'ater~thc I we~1ay w~lkc in ic?· A n[. 'his 3ho·gc't'hc.r cop-1 v-.:h,tth dd'h!lcth llOt .out of-3 ~dfelr Eir.op,by ~r3nc to the wayo fCaine: for firfr?11 G.otJs•way drop; bm is pov\ red out m abundance, tllhfO 1 1~/ittceritie. God is V\'orlnippcd in the fpil'i~, & all ISqu1ckcly ipcnr. w hCrcby the Apof':dc I ] not in liypocriflc. Secondly, louc of .God an-d \-\ OIIlrl glllc vs to vnderftand,-'th:tt:tn"thoonffctfimcn,tdlificd inword;&dced,orpOfcd-to (J-AiJJs on of their heart_s they were v10lcnr, tatltll cucn I j h3tr .. cd.T-hird!y, in Got~s w~y fs fdith, Mhith · C'3r6e-:d hca~!ong to comn1it their wick_edncflC. \ t rdLth vpon God<; mc-rciC& p!'ouu:!cncc, cucn . 'B; rh~ tdccert of Ba/amns Wt!g'e.t .- that ts, they .. --- ~-=-~------ o re \