Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

sso \ An Expojition "Vpon ~-~ :Jr~c rhus forctbiy carried to d~e euil vpon hope A lyacc6pliilied in thefe Bal::!amircs ofRome:bur i --- ot \ngcs;ofwhich hope notwithHanding the-y cfpccially herein rhe Pope is b~come 3 fecond I !are dii'appointcd,:tnd defeated, as Bal.tam \\'as, Ba/;t.1m, ig that asBalflam curfcd Gods people h~n. I So as this fifth finne is cou~ttmfnes, propounded for gaiuc; fo to maimainc his ownc pompe & I in a fimilimdc or compariiOn, of which there ~~re, by his Buls a:~d tl~mHlcrbolti bath he 3 (_ I arc t'-\'o b,r;mchcs_: firH, as B:~lttmrJ. was:carried ia1cd to ~urfe cucn Kings :1-ndPrinccs,and fomc I hc:1d!ong to curfc rhc people ofGod in hope of wl~ole kmgdomes, yep. all Ii.tch as bauc !h:1kcn wages; tO thcfcwick~d men vpon hope of re- I oil hjs. .intollcrablc Amichri!Han y,okc. The 1 ward arc fct t·o ~"aJfifit ·and corrupt the doChinc fame actuCation may b~ .i~1!Hy intended again!t i ofthe P.rophcts and Apo!tks. Secondly, as Baverymd.ny that.profeffe 1 godlincffc and true rc- ·lMmwas dccciucd ;ual ti'ufl:ratcd ofthe rc\ovard ligion •;Jfqr the[~ b~ the lafi daics and p_erilous '1 hoped for, as Numb. 3 1. 8. hce lorl his reward, timc.!i, wherein men fl1all be Ioucrs of themye~ & :Jeer h1s li.fc.( f~r returning h~mehe w~s ft:lues, ~ouctous,&c. ::.,Tim. 3· 1. Such as leflaJn With the M1dtanm)fo11\lll theie loic thcfr remi~complaincd of, Iere. 6. I 3· Fromthclcaft rc\'Vard which they cxpcd:, for fJH1fying that ttJ the.grearefteuery one si giuen to couettJufnej{e; doChinc which they teach: And [o much for from the Prophet vnto the Prieft they dcale all j the meaning. B falfo!y. The \'furies, Qppreffions, iniufike, the 1 Th:lt which "''as the finoc ofthefe fcduccrs., common and cu!lomable deceit in all trades, 1 is the ftnnc ofthcfe times of ours,wherein that cric out of this ftnne of couetoufi1cffe in all e- ~.Pet.~.3• prophcfie of Peter ts o.cco:nplifllcd; \vhere 1 iS Hates.BudOrnc will perhaps here fay; Yea but for.erold that falfe teachers fl10uld come in tlic you wrong Chrifhans to charge.Jthem thus .btrer times, JVho thrortgh couetoHfoes, \o\ith faidccpcly withBalattmJ finne, for they haue bet.. ncd words 01ould make merchandi(e of me.ns ter thing$ in them• ..dpf. But it is no i01.d!Hce, foul os. f2.!!11. But where !hall we finde thcfc for Ba/a41" had fomc ~s good things in him as couetous teacher$? Anfw. ·They are,too cafily many Chriflians:fot· wheh he was fidl fclicitcd ··' ··' found eucry where, but cfpccially withincthe 1 ofBalaak,)t?cttrfethJ!p~opleofGo!i;hew,ould ~'', precincts of the Church ofRQtne, The Bilhop .not till heaskedleaueof.God; and when God of Rome and the guides of that Church lre.thC had·denicd him lcaue, he anfwcre.d him that he Arch-fcducers, \Vho through couetoufi1es-mak \o\'Ould nor goe with him, if he would gi}JC him mcrchandife of m:ns foules, tea_ching fir!hhat his houfe full ,of gold and lliuer. Furt~er he de. a man mull confeflc all his finnc:s,or elfche cattfirc:d •earnc!lly eo die the death of rhe rightenot be forgluc:n; and when hchath reckoned ous, and that his ende might be !ike.hii. In~ vp all 1 he mull f~tisfie.for rhcm In that manner d.u alfo had many good things in him, hee left as they will prc:tcribe: who~ot.nmonlyenioyne C all to follow Cl1rifi ;: he~ became a Preacher of ,Wccrdtl"c mcrltobe{low fo muCh land~,or. fuch a fumme the truth, none o( the Difciples could accufe' :fP~~~ri~e orpenfton of money vpon th~s or that Church, him,_or could ~fpie any thing in him, and yet 4.cudcd. or Abbey, that fo they mil.y bulc: out a pardon. was.can:ied awaywith couetoufn~ffe: (o let no 1 ~Bywhich wicked doCtrine through couctoufman obicet the good,things in many Chrilli-' ncffc they haue (by cncroching vpon coumries ans, wl1ich I graum th()'.may hauc, and yet too' and kingdotnrs) enriched themfdues, or rach~r eagerlyhum afrc:r theworld,ycaand~l>.~powred eraftily conucyed to themfclues the greate!l om alfo after filchy Iuer~ no othcnyjf~Ihcn Eapart ofthe rcuc:ncwes of all Europe. Secon.dly, !aamwas. ;;·. :•,-· they through ·couetouftH:ffe maintainc rhc .QiNdw:for the auo~dingofthis fi!lnr-... l<a.vsJob-, t1inCHon bc:twcenc mortal Iand veniali !innc.s; ferue tHr.c.e thil)gs-,WPjc.h the Appflleadmorti-· betweene the fa er .od the puni£hment; and lheth·inthe Wdrd,,.Firll, in 1hat h~e faith 1he.y hold that the finnc may be remitted, but.ner arepowredom,.v.c a.rc glUcll to vndqJhnsl that the puni(hmcnt : for which purpo(e the fjrc of 'the affcChon of couctoufne[e IS a, rppil vwlent ~c~ua.t~?t l hc:ll .is changed by them inco a milder fir.e of hcadfl.r0ng affeClion, carrying arp~ acadicng' km and Purgatoric, to bee fuffcred after this life; of 1 D to linne eucn agait}fi qmfciencc, as it did Bahcadicfin. v.•hich the Pope is Lord and King, indulgent I lanm: and caufiog him to povvrc our his bean I to whome hee pleafe, cfpecially to thofc that vntowickcdndfe. Ar:hamcouet9ufn.c;£fc could Iofl17· can pay well for the merits of others, or maffcs noCbe 'curbcd, n6 not by Gods fpeci.all corn- ) of their ownc. This painted fire hath a long I man:dcmcnr, the: wedge ofgold and.the1hbytimckcptthefircofthepopeski:ehinfobright lonilh garment did fo fway with him. Ahab burning, which ifit lhould goc out, his !tare w3s licke of couotoufi1cife, no phyficke could · j ~cre·{haken. Thirdly,through c?~ctou~1ctfc rceo\ler hiO),: but- Nt~hothJ vim:y3rd·:aud life. •they forbid•many degrees ofmen fro rnarnagc, hidtti ,for thirrie pc~ces of filuer was carried awhich God forbirldeth not, that lo they may gainft all fenfe to the betraying£\er,& thcoftncr dirpenfc \o\'ith thofe degrees .which that after diuers admonitions. AilgniM ·a-nd thcmfclues haue {orbiddi':for the more difp~n~ I Saphtra to fauc put a ltttlc money, make no 'farions, the more wc-Jith h:mc they c6rning in. bones Of lymg vmo.the holy Ghofi, What is And rhus is their whole religion courriucdand the caufe ofall treacbcnes, and thofc mofi cru.. plotted for g:tinc, complCtcd of fall110od and ell murthers, of fathers,ofmothcrs.,ofJeru::mts, I couetoufilcs.Soas l~cters prcdiClion is mof1: fulI &ihangers,but thccouetons heart fer vpon the -------~--------·- _ootlC~~