Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~-~ : _ theE_p_ifl_le_of_fu~~e,_' -_ ------ 1 I bootie.faying ro ~' fclfqby rh. "fa5l,~h1S ))pufe, :A profdfe our !dues to be_mcml;!ers ofChrill;thc I ~hat Iand.Atch a tumme ot money Oial Qc;;m_mc? I fonnes a!1d daughters ot God; nov.• fiJCh ab~f,: whioh obicCt in .rhc eye pu.uc.t~ QUJ,!l~ the hgl~r fi,.~n: bckcmcth ~or .fu ch :lri hi_gh profcflion:for . 1 of rclil!lon, rea{on,and fomcttJUC of·nature tt a Noble man or aPr1nccapp3rcm to fpcnd and JClfc. Thus rhc h~arc (9 dafily•pdw_rcd .o .. u~...vqw tri~e away hi:; time i': buying & felling pinS& .. I cuill,wh~rl'3'i fidl it is p0~dfcd w~~h ~<?ltc~oufp.omu V\:ere a mad11e!le;wl~af a ~ale fol~ic .were ndfc, which Paul callcth the rdocrOfa/lem!J. H for v~that hdpc tO be hcJtes df the kmgJom Secondly, the Ap.o1Hc would h.aue:Vs ~.con.:. o~ glotlc,tO be Hill poring on e3.rth an~ earthly fi.der ho ...v har'd a thing to. be.. rec.Q~U!!red thtogs! whofc beanS and atfcCliohs fhould be. from this ~nne,feeing filCh a finnc:t is priwYedout raifcd vp higher; and taken vp v.. ichhc~ucoly andcteft ~)V#] by the deceit.ofjc: and .indccPe medications, vfing weahedly t~i~ world ::1st !itde hope: i~ [hereof. the.rcpemi.mCe <>"! a~ouc.. though we vf(d it nor. Thirdly, Nature is con~ tous m:m;-of.whon! Chrifhwas bol<l to,fay,that temcd with a littlcj and is fiuti:cctd wich. abun~ d4 fajie itUfor a Camel/to .goe thro11gh rke t;e dance: a~d yet graee_ispleafcd wi.Lh ldfe: and ofanudle, -44 " rich rmtt.f'to enter into ht"'aHtll; therefore tf we hauetoodc and raimcm for vs the rc~fon is,becaufchiS:cbu.ctous cares choke and ours, let Vs be tl;~rtwirh Contented, I. Tim. and nindenhe Word fr.on1 rakmgpt.~~iQ his 6. 8. Q:!<:ft'. But what th•ll we doe then?do nbt he:ut, and fo hce fruHratcrQ .an me~ocs.of his ·B I all men thus, and may not \\'e feckc weJlth ::~s faluation. Agame, hceRat.h!rcnounce:d the true . ochcrs doe? A11[. The rule of the wOrd mu(t. 1God,and fet vp anotlthGo.d in his heart. The I be Q'ur dirctlion herein; and n~t the manner of I Idols in our Church art.dcbced and.dcllroycd the world: and rhar aduifcrh vsxo make God by the Magiflrare; buuhe Dellill fettcth.v.p Iour porrioA: which !elfon God himfclfe r.~ught dots flill in the heans:Ofmen, which'oughuo Abrahatn, Gen. 1 5. 1. I •"! thJ b11ckj.r,ar.drhy be Gods temples,oueri Riches rl« gocl.<lf:grcec:cc1<dmg gr<ai rmard. Dmiid h~d k•rned die men. . ;~~.:"!":: thislcffon, Pfal. 16. The LordU myporrio11; Colltiu!lice Thirdly,obferucthatinGodsiuft.iu:dge:r')lenr This·is done by fcttingout louc, our io}•, gur 1~aintlmans the couctous man is dila~po~med .of ·hjs,hope; princip::~l cuc,yca our htart·S and affcctim~s Vp',.; imuf'licc. his wages arethcw~tg~s ot: dtclitf~!nt./Je :·for ei1 on the .L()rd, as m~n ~oC vpon thcircrcafurcs.: ther bee atchieueth not, er rctetmeth not th~ By wh1ch meanes 1f rxches mcreafe, our heartf thing cxpcdcd, as in the former ~x·a:.mple~ : ~f mufi. not bt. fee vpotl ~hem, for they are not out Ach~n,who for the wedgelofl hiS hfe with ltl poruon; & 1fwe beprnched &prclfed wirhadfo neither .Ahabhimfelfc, nor his poficritic e- C Uerfitic, want, or Ioffes, yctfhali we not bcop.:- ucrCnioycdNahothJ vineyard. luJa~ brought prdfed: forwcwamnothing but that we may baekerhe thirtic pceces of liluer, and hange~ well be wirhour, and haucnot as yec loll any himfelfe. .Anani~U and Saphira defirous to part of our portion. . . . . . kcepo a part of their potfdlion, lo!t with the Further, in the phr:rfe which the Apoli!e vpb(felljon both their Hues; or clfe ifhe retaine fcth; Thty arepo.,.,rtd aWAJ, ) note-a difference the bootic, and ger and kccpe alfo wealrh fraubecwcene rhe child of God,and a wicked man; dulenily gorren and heaped vp by opprdlion ; when both ofthem arc found in rhe fime linne, yet hauing rhething, he hat~ not the vfc Qf it; but ·the one powrcth out himfelfc to wickedhis couctous heart kccpcth the key of it, and ndfa, g.1ucth himfclfe leauc to fin ne with full locketh it from his comfortable vfc:yca,and be .c,o.nfent, w.ithout rdlraint, yea with greedines:; it th:u he haue fomc vfc of it, yet his is the other fi.nneth with confent,but not ful confinal! for which he !oofcrh his ioule; Thonfoole fem: for bceing regenerate he is notall!lefh as thiJ night{ba/lrhryfereh away_ ri'J Jo"l;. :_. the wicked man,burp•_rrly_lldh,and partly (piWe ore all hence admon!(hed, clpemlly a. m, and therefore partly Wi!leth and confemeth gcd·and rich perfons,tO•bewarc of this dangctofinnc, partly nillcth Jnd coniCmeth not,he if; rous finne. It bccommeth Saints not to hauc D not powrcd out without rc!lraint, as the other couctoufndfc once named among them; Eph. is, but ar length rc-couereth himfelfe by repc'n- · 6. Our praCtifc is to varnilb it with tearmes of tancc, and obtaineth reconciliation with God. thriftincffc ~md good husbandric,and the wodl Sc:condly,·wc rnuft beware ofpowrino out our it heareth of vs is fcarfe a fmatl diflikc: fo a.s fc:lues to wid:cdndfc, but rather with Anna when we fpcakc of a wretched worldling, we powrc {_!ut our foulcs before the Lord in humfay he is an honcll: man, but fomewhat har,d or blc confcflion ofllnne,and petition for pardo1lt worldly: fo as thi s finne is in no difgracc athat fo the Lord may powre forth his mhcie mongfi the mo!l,as it defcructh bcdng both fo · vpon vs,aud {bed hisloue abroad in our hearts.. odious vmoGod, and bunfull vnto the (inner Thirdly, we ~~~Y not coment our fclues with :1 himfclfe. But let v< coafidet fir(\ that it ealily fcwc or fomc good rhings : for rhe hem may drawcthaman\'ntopcrditior:t,rmdcnwrappcth notwith!bnding be powredforth to finnc, as': him in the Deuills fi1arc. J . Tim. 6. 9. Thofe B4ltMm and ludM: ?ut fceke carefully to haUe that will !ut rich falL i11to many remptation.r and our hearts uucly fcaioncd with grace, with thi f .,are.r,Whcrcfocucr it rulcrh, that man rcfpeloue and fcarc of God, which for the prcfcm · Clcth not commandcn~e.m., rcafon,_ confcicncc, will c:wfc vs ro decline euery euili way; yea to no no~ton honcH~~:_~cl~.:~~o! hate eu:,ry fin ne, :11ld for tii'llc to ·------------------------------------------~COnlC