ThtPope tht f-.rc• m:~nof Corfs com– p1!nit. eAn Expojition vp~n I ' . ' ~ --- 1 come \\'ith a refotnte and conA:ant'}'~rpofc,and. · A , Jawrul.I au~Ot'itie; fo _dOthtbc Pope Sainefay · endea~1our neuerto offen<l God agame.: foro-. j 1 Chn!han ~10gs and 1'. rm~es,in (hiui:u; t9 r·ake I ! thcrwtfc a !he\\' offornc good thmgs m.-,y often . 1 our of thi!Jr hands all t,hqi'lpower and amhori- :all them, as B.-1/.utm did. I~:ltlly, .\\'c ::~re hence- ' minions--:. )ngy;Rer~iil.lhcgo.cth ·bc.yondi'Cor"t",lil ,dccCiuc: 3nd ·delmic vs, and we may perifh for 1 tie in nufh EcdcfiaflicAhA'ithih tbcir{ I \ ;taught ncuc.~ .to giuc-rc\t:cs to our affcCHon,•,· tllat 1-it·vfufpetli ih:itlpqwcr Ouer them.v.:h'ich , and ddircs.,but cmbc,cr.uc:fic &: mortifi-c them: the l:dr.J-ha~l-rput ha.,hhf'ownc liadds,,· ll· qirc.fully:for if·once they gct·head,and bcyoel• (beeitrg'irlild~~d in·th·ert'o.wne ·p<·f[ilns.-), mo(\ 1 :dc'd vmo, th<y w1ll not ea lily be fubdued, nor riglitfully be!o"geth'l(l'W.t.hemfclus,Seoon.~ly, 1 -ft~'ftcr a_nia!1 q'Uict ~.ill hcc hauc ·po..,\'l'cd foorth·. his fllan~lings ji&.•M:itfc .. pri~Hs,n.flt~nJy ga)n ... _- hm1fcH~ v:Ho~ll \ylckcdndTc, and fo brought fay :md'~dnt-radia Oiril~in his do~t.rlnc;butral.. him imothc }Hgh ~vny of perdition. ' fo aftemftt to v~uqre.hisO:ffic~ inloffriqg~-rc.ail ; .And m·e' P'i·ifbcd in tbeg"incfaying •f Cor•: on'd·Ilfoptr facrifice•dfi,.iiGnerncJl~ fqr, theJOns ·In. thefe worrls -,~e Apo!lle l~i«h downe: th~ oftht·qdi,keand d_cad:'yea, and (wherein they ) .fixth tinne oftht:.le: fc:duccrs; to vnderHana-.t'htJ finptCort'}thcTtakc:vpon them te b1=ro_·meu1c- ~ mcaning,whercaf:~conftder t·\>VO thing.!.:firfl,thediatours' bttwecnc <Ghiill-.and tl~,) iit hi!torie it fc!fc.,.fccondly, the·app!ication ofit, 1 B pra~hlg th<1Father th~r-he would·ac«ptth.-fa, Th_ehillorie ~s.rccordcd 111 N~Hll~. 16. "''he·r.cin ~-~- c-fifiac-of_t·he fonnc,:.• as11ec. did thCf~cr.ifiee of Mofn mcnTJol:'lcth three thtngs .. conccrn-mgAht'/;Thndly, of·tbJS'fortareallJr-!ly.tors·and €ornb; firO: the caufe ofhis fi.tlne; ·which lNas' Rebcls,cit\icr Pricfis-0~ ICfuits,orothertraitc- .ambition :xnd prid·c: for Cqre (b~cing a Lc\tirc) rou!ly lhfnded men at home orrabroad,wbo(no affeCted t"'c Pridlhood of .Aarcn: .and ·.pdorhcrwifethen.G'DrC) gainfay the: o.rdinaoc·eof than and A6iram ( bccing heads ofth«ribe'Of. . c;:;od\:l<nd1land•our in''deoiall·or refiQ~nce:of RNbe11) !hone to rake the gouernmcm of the' thcir•faV\•!foll and ~natur:alL..Princc, ·whprne the people out of Mofa hfs bowJ, . who V\' asaP.!..: fame punifl1ment fhal2iTun:dly find our;which pointed by God·o.s King ouer ~He JHacHreq 1 c:onfumstl :Corah~atfd his compani< in,t.he-~ndc ;D~ut. 13· 5. Secondly, the !inn~ it f{:Jfc,n~uno.q 1 Qf thdi"'cQnfpiracic.. Fourthly, many .amo11gft lyin this rhcir di.fcoptcnrmcnr.,. th~y cmerpr.i.c)/ ·vs wholprofdfc ~he Go.fpeJl, yet _in, the ·fed an infi.Jrrc.Eti"OrrragainHA1ofu. and. Aaron.:: ga·inc{aying of Core, ofwllomfomc;;will openthey !toocl vp .agailill them, cantradic\ed and· ly foy they care not whabthe Mini!ters Jj>eake, 'g-ainfaid them in _tl~eir offices.; and 'thargcd thC~I 1 wha·dOcucrlc is they will '"'•ithfiand ir;:·fca ma– 'firft thattheyvfurp~d author.iti:~,~nd tooke i:o·oJ C : ny \\'rerchcd crcarures Who come rQ..rh.~lcrds much vpdn them, and lifted·"'p •hemfelue< a-j· - Table, will nodHckc tO fay, thanhey hopc:_ tO: ·boue the congrcganon Without the:Lord, vcrf:• fee the day when they !hall be hanged-; .VI'hlCh 3· 2nd therefore they would notoohey Mofa .. argueth them to be abetters in the I.Vick.ea concommandemeirt:, vcrf. 1 "i~':l!ld fccondly, rRat_j fpiraci.e of Corl. Laflly, ,it were to b~ wifhcd, Mojn hod Jeolt deceitfully with thepeople.; &! ~~ that fomc of our !lud~nts eucn ofDitiipity,had ( ondy in pcrli~ia.;o make hirbfeHc_a King) !lOt o fplcc 'ofthis li11ne of Corr: for.wi.thin,this pron'ufcd them a Land flov\•Hlg With n1!lke and. fixe or [eucn yeares,d1u~rs·haue addJ6te~ (bemhonic.~ whereas they faw no fuch matter ;·na.y...: 1 felue5 tofiudic Popifh. wtircrs, and: M-onkilh mhei he had brought them au·t of Egypt !er difcoudes,defpiling in the meane-tirne the wridcflroy them in the wil~emcs, vc:rf. 13. 14tingsoftho(c famous infirumems· an_d ,clcarc Thirdly,thcirpunilbmenr fonheir linnc,which lights,,~hom the Lord roifed vp forcthe raifing was3n horrible deftrutlionvpoq tl1em,& their and rcfloring of true religion; (uch 3S Luthtr, corppany, bcciug all of them partly. fwallowcd Calvin,.Bucer,Bt:::.a, JJfari:Jr,r!?'c. which arguvp ofthe earth; 'partly deuo~1rcd 'by fire from eth that tb.eir minde~ ar~-~licnatcd fron1 the heaucn,vcr. ~ z. 35· · finccritic ofthe truth :-:bt'caufcthe \vr~tings of : Secondly, the hi!lorie of Co>·n/1, Datha•, & thefe (founddt expo'fttors of the Scriptures .A~iram, isapplied to thefe fa!(e teachers by D raifeJlincctheApo!lles)arenotfauourie vmo way of comparifon, and thc..y are compared in I them: yea fome C31l rcuile tbefe worth~c -two things.Firfl,as Core and his companie molf I lights thcmfelucs, which is a fpice of Core hts ambitiou!ly and proudly gainefaid MofeJ and I finne. ·, Aaron; fo doe thcfe t~lfc: tc::.chcrs the doChine 2. Doff. Secondly, hence we rre taught to of the Propbets and ApoHles.Sccondly ,as they bew:uc of 2mhitio~,. and flu?ic to be ~omenw.eredcfiroycdfor rhcir fuch rd1fhnce;eucJ~ 10 1 1 tcd with that condmo~ of l1~e wheresn God fhal tht'lt pedlh in their gainfayingoftbe truth hathplaced vs, not feektng rhmgs b~yond_ our Thus the meaning 9fthe words is made plaine. cOate. David\\'Onl~ not meddle wnh thmg~ I J:his Epifllewas written for a \'\'arning \'llto tl1e ~e1or.d his re11ch, Pfal. 131. r. Part/had le:.rnea laA: timcs)cucn vmo vs vpon \.\·.hom the ends of m euery dlatc to be content, to bee t~baf:d as , Fb.iliF. 4 • .the·world arc come:& rhcrforc that which is afwell as to be exalted. Our fidl parents m the ·~ firmed o(thefc mcn,is verified in fundrie in this ambitious conceit". ~ffunher highncs,f~ll from age.' For cxarr~ple; fidt, r.he Bi01op of Rome' .a mofthappy condJ~ton;~nd.brol:ght ~~me '-'p~ 1 is the next follower of Core :for lookc as Con~ on thcmfclues, ana vs thc1r poilerme. The \ gaincfaid MofeJ and Am·on, in regard oftheir venue ·of contentation is indccdc nccdfaric for