~- --- tbe epijUeofff __ il_d_e.__~-- 1 111_ Vnrtt!ified aft·caionso· ucrcallrtai– ~:di:.dge· mcnt..ndvn. dcrrtndi"£· for all men, but c(pccially let Hudcms Cceke ~t : A !_ VVhe~cc_wc _m~y \earne, that if:;~r a1l]' rime we! at the hands of God; and the rather, bccnule I j would wnh_fnttc here, read, Hud1c, ur Jcarne I that wichm thefc few ycarcs diucrs ofd~C (not the wor~ ot God, we :n~1fl bring \oVith vs t~oc poffclling rhc benefit ofthis ~crtue)bccmg fru- J one]~ qu1ckc vn~c.rlland1ngs, t11arpc conccJts;. £hated here of their expeCted preferments, and hr:nc mcmoncs, buc hondl hearts , c-alme, which they thought "''ere d'l1C ro their gifcs, and r:·mpcred a_ffctlions: wichour 'A~hic~1 it 01al 1 hoi.UC departed away Jifcontcnrcd, and haue be wah vs as wnh the !ewes, who law Jlldt:ed, : grownc roJcfolmion in hcrcfic,Papifhic, trea- ~nd ycc pcrcciued not• j tons, and moO: dcfpcrate attemprs.Now th:~t cFo~lrthly , IH:rc MJgiClrarcs aud Minillcrs I ucryman may learnc to be comcme~ wit~ his I m~ft l~arnc, noc to b~ difcourag cd if ~hey bee condition, be it better or worfc) let bun rhmkc: . g:unf:ml and conrradH~l:cd by fuch as Cor~, Da· I well vpon thcfc two conCtdcrations: fidl, that th~;;,and Abir,un,who \\:ere great mco in their the prcfcm dlate :md condition oflife,whcrin T_nbes; it was ll1ofos and .ArOJJs loc Chrifi cutrie man is fee byGod, is the bell dhre for h1mfc!fc was .;1 rock ofoffencc,and Jllany Humhim::hcalth is bdt m time ofhealth, & fickncs I bled ac him; he was n.adc a \\·onJer of 111c~ 1 in time offtckncs:richeswbcn they are inioie~, a_nd few of the gre:Jt b_elccl!Cd ~is doCh·~n_e;yca. poueny -and want when the Lord changc~h h1s B tcw thc:.re \\'ere thac •.hd noc ga1nf:1y 1t: lt IS not hand: life whildl he Jiueth, ycaand death 1t (elf well With men when all men fpcakc well of is the bell when ~s that change bcfal!cth: and them; mc.:ke JJ1ofo1 Hull hauc his patience triall this is,becaufe the Lord fo ordcmh and di• ed by very many fuch in the world. fpofeth vnto cucry manout ofhis wi~e prouiFifdy;Studen~s e(~~cially ofDiu~ni~ic,muO: f 7::;,~:n'~r. dence, which we for our.parts mu{hn all our take ~1eedc of this fpmt of cmnradttlJOn and comc11~!cn: thoughts be fi1bmined vmo. Secondly, that in gaintJying.whcrby no wholfomc doChinc can j isio thin~~ . 1 regard ofour finn.cs we arc lc{fc then the lc~!l eafily plcate them: wl.~ich was Cor~J fitme: and I !:~~~rf~~~~- of Gods mercies; vnworthy to draw breath m conccnc themfclues Wtth that truth of doCtrine on. the common aire, or totrcade vpon che earth: and thofe found grounds of Diuillitic, whi eh I and thercfore(bcdng fo vnwonhie)ifwe haue are pmpounded in the writings of thole fa.. but fmaH and few bleffings, wemay ·well conmous and eX~cllcnt inllrumcnts :~forenamed , tent our [clues: fOr by ourdefcrts wee cannot who were the rellorers ofpurcrcligion;prefer..: I chalenge fo much as we haue.f~cob herein H:airing thembefore all Popitb writers & corrupt cdhimfclfcinhis want rh:~r he was v~wtJ~th;of p~Hill<'rS (in whom a man ihall mcec with no~ th~!eaft mercietJf God: the bafcft callmg ts too thmg fooncr then errour and vnfoundneffe)& good for the belt man,ifhe Jookc at his (lefcrt. C reading fcrioufly thcic: workes :111d wl"itings,as 061t'll.Buteueryman is preferred bcforemec, the foundeO: arid bcfl·grouods of Diuinitie, and yet I defcrue as well as they, or fome of and eXpofitions of the Scl"iptUrc-s ., which them. An[. Herein content thy felfe, God hath haucbcenc fct out fince the daycs of the Apocallcd them to fuch condition; (lay till he call (lie;; · . ' , the~; cli~rael nor rh~ thobshts hcrewhh, but Sixtly,lcri~1fc~iour.s hence Ie~rne 0.bcdiecc, 1 . reel m hts rcuealed wtll. ~ and filcnt fi.tbtcChon YUto f'i.tp~nours ; the fer.. 3• Dc£f. Thil"dly, it may fccme firange thlt uaot or fubicCt mull not be a g3.in13.yer)nay not Core and his companic lhould g3infay Mofet an avfwer"e"r t!g.1ine, Tit. 3· This cuneth off all and Aaron, :md their aurhoritiC', efpcc.blly difp.utation bccweenc the MaCler ond feruant, beholding all rhe miracles whereby their calfather and.clnldc, .pridcc ·and fubu:Cl ::for the ling was confirmed, the one tobe Prince, the very appearance of.C0rcs finne mull be avoi... othcrthe high Pricl!; & yet we fccitto be fo : ded. ' ..·,· . :.. '"' ·' · for his affeCtion had blinded his confcicncc: he · Seuemhly, Core gainfaicth boihMofes and wllofocnrr knew veri~ well that c~ey were called by God: .Anrou;_ th~ou~ in regard ofhis Magitlracy, chc ; f!~~;tit't~· hefaw thetr \vholc rcltgtOus courfc, the great othcr.ofhts Prlcllhoorl. Thcfe two finnCs goe A:uon'alfo, miracles in their hands: but yet the difordcrcd D Ihand)iO·\band: hcc: that oppofcch himfcl(e ro ; affeCtions ofhis hcarcwercchey whtch blinded MofoJ, dcfpifeth Attfonnlfo;he th:it honourcth thevnderfianding ofbis mind. In like manner, not tPe King, fcare.lh not God; he tb:_licareth men maymcrucl rhu fo many learned PapHls; not for ihe.vvord, is not loyaH to hi_s Prince • :1 otherwife fo wife & prudent 01ould maintaine rrbd!.to God. is a rehcH to his Prince. Seeing fo many grolfe errouu, :md hcrcfies, and thofc thellioy:\hic towards Go·d ::md tl1e ~ing arc fo againlt the foun.datioa of rc.Jigion :but the: linkt together in tbemf.ducs, le.t.Vs'notlUnder cafe: is with them ::'Is it was with Cort'; for let thC dwm, but rathcl· cOhioyn.rhcm inour praC1ife, be ncuer f>.l learned, graue, and, wife, yet their as the Apofllc harh coupled them in one prewickcd .hearts ::md ambitious affeCtions Oucrcept; bothmaunding_:V·s.to(care God and honour caLl _thetriudgcmcnt and knowlcdg, and ouer~ the; King. . ~i. ·i..) C3rrJe t.hcm :Jg3infl confcicncc: yra and often "Eighrly, itmay be h-rie demanded, \O.•hether rclfon tt fclfe:thcy rcadc the Bible the word of h:lu..C we done we! in·gainfaying :tnd comradttruth, _but fee not the truth therein comaiucd, Cling rhc Churd1 bfR'ome, fccing our Church bcc:tu{c the dO\.\"d ofcorrupt affeCtions bath cbeforr the time ofi King n~f!ry the s. was :t ~c.rfpre:td and dnrkencd their vnderfbmdings. member ofthat Cli'JGCh? Anf.VVhcn twoare at F ft I flrif<;