j ~-\ An Expo/ition "Ppon I ~rife, both :ne n~t to be bbmc:d, but the p:ttty 'lA ·' the Lord rcuengeth himfclfe vp'on them: fo ~~:whom the eau{~ is conuinccd to be: we hauc I men glori.~ in abuling the-cr~<:~turcs of God, ~s ! llrdccd Jrparrcd r,o them; but the caufc ofour mcaces, V\ UlC, and Clrongdnnkc' the Lord m wehau~f, \departure\\ as not in vs, but in themlelucs: we the mc:mc time fccrccly curncth the fitmc ro ~~t~.r;;!lts10 -~ hauc departed from them, as the Ifraeiir~s by their ownc ddirudion; chat tho(c which arc a_nhc Hra~:- 'Gods commandemcnt from the Tents ofCore: his good gifts,and ordained for the pretCruatihtcs from I l I c " I . . . 'd Cl . , d f b . b the tcuts of It lcy 1auc Hrlr a ong nmc gamlai utit, an ono n<lturc ,. ccing y men abufed, through ~~~~~~mtherefore we h;mc: well don~ to g~inf3y d~cm: Gods iu!l: iudgmcm are tumcd to the chokinP mal'ldemcnr, we :ne nor therefore the: fchtfm:mkts, ncnhcr and oue.nurni1~g ofnature. 0 b 1/ bhmc \\'onhie; but they ill whom the caufc: of I Secondly, hence lcarnc: the wile counfell of Num -l 6 .:tl· 1 fchiGm: is;no mmc then JWofes was here to be Sa!omon, Pcou. 24. 22. FetF~ God, bor.our th~ blamed, the caufc rcHing in Core. I King, nndm~ddlenot withth~foditiom; or "'\'itb L:1HI)', it will be asked, whac did Mofls all them that make alrcutions. For although it be Prime men this while that he was gainfaid? An[. Hee fell _ lawfull for a fubicCt (becing called)to Jhcw his ~~;P:0:0210JJ hiJ{.:lee, aJJd prayed 1.mto th~ Lord. Wherein-. B mindc, wlllt be thinkcthmceccfu~chc Church cuntroll bee became 3 fit prefidem for vs in this land, or Common-wealth; yet for a priuate man to fli~~~~~~:~on- ""ho hauc beene 2bouc tOnic yccrcs a!faulced atrc~pt vpon his own head. to alter any thing, , by Popifh Cores, enemies and rebels, "'"'ithout fiandu1g by Gods & the Ponces Iaw,iSno bet- • and within vs, from whom "'''c haue beene deter then fcditiori, and iy a branch of Cornh his fended, not fO much by thefword, as by Gods finnc. protection, obtained by the proyers ofhis ferThirdly, although Cor.h, Dathan, and Abiuaors :which ceachcth vs for time to come to ramarc deA:roycd tOr this finnc, yet Corer chil. turne vs to this mofi readic courfc, of fubdudren are not deHroycd, but fparcd, Numb. 2 6. ing all g:1.iniayen& enemies of our peace: for 11. God in iufiice remcmbringhis mercic, his the direCl: way to difcoucr con(piracics,to fubcare·for the Miuillcrie was iuch as could not due trcafons, :~nd rebels, and to purchafc tranfuffcr the Lcuitcs race to bee rooted out, but quilitie to a Church ~nd land is to commend prcferued for the vfe of the Tabernacle. Let the fafctie thereof vmo the Lords fauourable Gods care teach vs our dutic in this behaHC, proteCtion, whofc eyes arc eucr watchful! oucr namely to apply our bell cndeauours for the h1s people. And thus much ofCore his ftnne. rnaintaini~g and prcfcruing of the Schoolcs of The la!l: point is their punifhment; in which C learning,for the yfe and feruice ofthe Church. it m::~y beasked how they perifhed? .An{.:le is Commendable bath becne the care of many commonly thought that Cor~, Dathan, and AKings nnd Princes in this behalfc, whome we 6iram were [waJiowed vp of the eanh; but I fhould imitate in prcfcruing thcfc feed plots of take: it, that all the men ofCor~,all his fubflance rhe Minilleric:tOc. her~in they imitate the great and his Tents-; Dathan alfo and Abitam .were King eucn God himfclfc. [wallowed vp ofthe earth: but that Cor. him- -p 1~ rhefeare fl..ot ' felfewasburnecl with fire fromheauen', with • •• '}' Jr sznyour thoso. men tbatoffcrcdincenfc, verf.H, for feajls if fou,e, When they jeafl inthehiftorjC,!Numb.t6.17.32. it is faidthat ·b ' /l' f. Dathan, and Abiram,.& the men of-Core were Wit yOU, Without 11 J earefiefwallowed vp;but Cor..himfclfe is not mcntiodinff them f{!fues. ned:foDeutdt,6, andPfalto6,17. In both 0 J< I which places. Dathan and.Abiram ar:e(ajdc to - In rhefc words the Apo!lle fetteth do..vne be (wallowed vp with their hou!holds; but in the fduenth finneof thcie fcduccrs: to kno"' e neither pHce'~s Core mCntioned.S.econdly,Da- D the meaning ~,-,·hetcofthe bencr,confi.dcr fourC · than and 1:.A61ram wcrC i11- their Tents., and !0 things; hrll,wh:tt is meant by f(afh of !oue and were the in en of Core alfo; when the--earth ochantic. Anf. In the Primitiue Chutch it was a pcncd and fw!allowcd thC2'm;vcr.17. But Coral, cufiorne and manner to haue a fea!t before the and the t•wo.hundrcd and fifty men were at' the Lords Supper, made by the Cornmunican·ts; dore ofthC tabernacle with their Cenfers,fire, vnco which fome brought hon1e, fame bread, and inccnfe,and \-\'Crc dcuourcd with fire from 1 fome wine, fomc,nilkc, and euery one accorht:aucn1~.19. Oh. Num. z6.Io. The C3rth opecling to their abilitic contributing fometbing ned her mOUthandfw.:'ll/orved th"em (that is , Dathereunto. Thcfc were here meant and called than and Abir~~tm ).withCere. Anf.Thc leacncd Loue-feafts, becauie-they were hcrdn t~ teGif}e expound.that place not ofCores perfon,bm his their muruaillou.c.anJong thcmfelucs:as a}[Q to fubfhnce: and retinue. ·n , · '.'\ .,,,. -' rhe poore, who hertby-wcre re!ceued; and td Marke here the iu!l iudg;ment ofGod :·Cothe Minificrie it fclfe, which "'''as by thefc fcat1s rab had abufed himfclfc (bccing 3 Lcuite1) his partly fuflained.Seco'ndly, what is mcanc wllcr office, ~nd' thofC facrifia:r$ .Whtdrhe oJfcr.~Crby thefe fcducers arc c:illcd !Jotrin thtfofeafts, or fire; and the Lord ddlroY:ed him b.y fit:tY,: ·The rocks; for the wOrd ilgnifieth either, and more j fame wa~ th.c.dea\ing of~<?~d1wirh N:ldab--:ari~ pr:operly the l:mcr; they arc rockrs, becaufe 1Note. ..Abihu, tcu1t: to. 2. Lookc 111 what ch1ngsmen as .rockes arc pcn:ciued a farrc off by the ic:l.- 1 fin & di!houour god,by thofe for the f.IIOfi part fJring rncn;cuen fo the infeCh6 oft.hefe \\ick~d. ~------~--------~---------------------------------------~-------------"'-e-"------