=--. the _Epijll~- o}ffude.-~L---- ---~--~-1_?t~5~ ...~ men fpreads 1t fclfc very farrc : and ag2mc, as A f 1.~, th:lt the Church goods and lands m:ly l.;t . ! rockcs 3rc dangerous & tro'ubick.)J.nc to them; ! lomcrimt~ vpo1~ ~Omc~ oc,afions 3hl·natct!l rhe !' I fo arc thcfc :1s. roc~cs and Humbling blockc~ ~o gromHl or \.\'hich ant~vcr is d11s rule~ nan1ely, 1 the weakc, hmdnng them from d1c profirab,c rh:~.t the go_ucnw!.lrs ot the Chuuh are cu L"On• l proordfc in godJincs:rhcpre al(o righrlyc::~lled tent rhcn1.!r:lurs with things 11rcefljric1 For . sfot~,hecaufc as a timt defacerh the counccn5cc when the people had broug~n !idlidcnt tOr the I I to·rhcir prcfcncc IS. an eye fore and :1 difgracc building of rhc Tabcrnnlc, Mofoi bidt.ierh ' Exod.•o;::o.j. vnto rhc(c Loue-fcalls. The third th1ng is chc them bring no more, iCcing ( 13ith l)n') there-is ! > c:mfc why they arc tints nllc~l; that is, bccaufC CtlOl!gh: iO as ':\'hen th<.· Churth h:ah tOd I in thcfc L<:uc-~cafh ch~y t<.:edc thcn~fci~tcs: mu:_h and cxcdlc ( as the RomiOt Church and for laying :lltdc all c:trc ot the poorc,anel of the thctc Churches of Emope gvttc:n by m~ffcs, . Minil1cry for whof~1:1kc thisconrribucion \: 1 <lS Purgaroric, Dirge-S , l,~acranJ~or·~f Pcnat~cc, J I m:lCic, chcy pampered and f~d thcmfc:lucs' r lO- &c.) t.hc.rc mar be admtttcd altenauonand lllltouOy "''aiHng the goods ol rhc Church. The eropn:uton ot Church goods and ~ands; !.Jut fourth is the c:mfe of this their riot [ wieh~J!t to as two conditions mull be necd1a'rily obfcr"' 1 fou~Jchat is,becaufe they baue call offthe fcare ucd, firH, thcre-·mJfU)c iuH duiC: :md that I of Godand mJ.n. In thcfc words therefore the I \o\'hid1 is fo alicn'atcd :mnfl btc imployc<! eo ApoiHc ch3rgcth thdC falfc teachers nor onc:iy 3 fomc good vfe fh·t-hillChurCh·•or.tComm'ob-. with imemperancc in gcnerall, bm alfo \\'ith a wcahh::md this is fqu!e \o\'aics: firH, in c::afc af fpec1all kind ofriot in mifpending Jnd walling pr~fcm nccdlitic-; for tenths hauc bin in fom~ the contribution pcnainmg to the pores main... cales of ncccl1itic lawfully paitd in way of cri.t 1 tcnancc, and the fufhi~ing of the Miniflcric. bute, and oth<.·rwife t~ithcr Church nor Com:... / Vfo. That \\•hich is ~lokcn oftbcfc men, may mu.ttwcalrh could hauc·bm prcfcruCd, Scconef?. b~ applied to thefc lall tit:ncs, wherein diucrs ly, 111 wayof cxch::mge:whctHhc :t1icnation of i men rioroui'\y abufc the goods fpccially profqme hods fh3ll b·e i-ather more conucntcrrt TheJtomilh · uided for the maintenatlcc ofthe Mittifleric and borh to the Church lt fclfe, and tO \vhom.fudt ~~~ch?~:~er poorc:as firfl: the Romi(h Clcrgic, :holC Lo· 1 lands arc alicn2tcd.Tkirdly,when as fOm~ grt~'t , ftcultlem !cufts that come forth ofrhe mouthot the bcafl; profit {hall cnfue Vnta the Church and Corn"' f:~~~~~l:~~· ~ idle bellies,and ilow backcs, the rnoHofwhich I mon-~vca!th: vpotl which grourid.Ki11g Hennie o~m. want lc:lrning, and arc vn2.ble to teach people; ~he8;of fam·ous 'r)'l~fnoric motl iufily :tlienared yet feede thcm!clu<S witl10ut fcarc, fo asthcir motlpflilc Chur'ch landscallcd A'bbcy lands1 -......... l eyes are fwollmwJth fameJJe: wealrh theywaht 1 ,b.ar Mbnks, Fl'icrs, Abbots, and fuch Hke id'lc I not, ~auing craftily couueyed vnto rhcmfcluc$1 D~ont's:ntm.Jld neu~r h~1ue m_?rcfo«:fth.lg in.chi, the thud part of che rcucnucs of Europe; but our bn·d. Folfrthly,mway of rcward:for .Kutgs / with it doe nochi11g but pampcl· thcm(clucs.- C and._P.rinccs that arc the Parrons and prote&o!s Secondly, fuch Patrons arc here induded as of the Church,· {nay aHc'natt Churd1 lan·d'i fccde thcmfclue~wich Church-liuings,appoinf,vhcrc there arc cxccffe)vnto fuc.h as ha.uc bit) ted fort he releeuingofchc-poore, and .niaintef3ithfull in thed.cfencc: o'fChurch 'or Gotnmdn; nanceof the Minifkric: in fi1ch fort as God; v::calrh, and t·hat l.n·way ofrcqlih'all"a.nd reward people cannot be faithfully· and fufficicmly oftheir fe~uice. Thefecond con'ditlb'fl is, that taught they can be c6tcnt t6 depart from fomc thcr mull be rCJer'lted a fuffideht?I 1 Cli:ifcfo.r- rho I te-n pounds a yeare to (omc vnab!e lll:lll;· fo as ' poofc, :tnd maii1ft1lancc fdr :ll)·ablc~;Miniflc'rid thC'¥ may of the reil fccde th~mfcluc~ \.\'ithouc SOI~t:thcrc a~c, \vhicJl.rcach othc:t_V"!.Ife;~nd th«t}i fcarc, o~ clfc'(as fome doe) fcrue thcJr liJfl:s, in rc~~·16n th!Js:l enths'(by thoy)I1'J.n~~ti'g by god.$1 mifpcnding the Churches rcucnc\o\'es vpon b ..,.c arc nor tO b.c.~li~natC'd:. l::fCJt t'h~good~ :rrtdl Hawkcs, Hounds,:mJ othcr'vnprofitabJe·raueJ:mJs1ofthe €1--lor~~·flarid c.:ht~·f.iy~ifH'Ctahs,andl ,1 1 nous crcatures.Thirdly,fuc~ St~1dcnu J..\•h~thcr ther.<.:~rc admic.n:doj}J.'Ch~tio~~ f4P1frg. 1'11 'EnS!..' Fcllowesor Schollers ofor"' Collc<lges-as mila~\1 :rcnths fl~nd not by Ceddaws, •bo~·bf' fpc:nd their time in idlcii~ffc, gaming,~ or .other · t'~Jc:· p6!iriuei.1w·cs of the Lbrrd;•ftia·S·ifir plea I~ I improficable cxcrcifcs, <on)e alfo wfthitl·thc D thr. King h_ec r1Jay·:appdint doh[{~~: or morc·o\' compalfc ofrhc Apofllcs reprchcnfii>n;·~as:foc• ktfd~s-well as.<h<'Jl'' lll<h itl;f •Mrc-t:o< .fo,rOOI dcrs of thcmfclucs wifh' tlii~falaric dr Jiuihg; MiH~fit~r wcr'(:'lto nic<fdlewidirth(5ttnlh ofh~: \.Vhich was giuen for thC ~tiaitwinanCc o~·rhe l)!lriflr: fOr by:([h)"'d~~-a.... te teruJiLu:(!rc bronght-· Minillcric: 1 ·: : '~· ) - ''v~:> ·. .- t<Jthc..fi~rehol1fcbf~hCoucrfcer6s:lm] diftfil5uU Her·ea qu~lllon m':ly i,!,c:dcmandcd~, i'l'amc:fy; tc~ .by ehcm r,o'tt~c~Lc·uitcs,.a.cc~f<hn~ ;;ss cl.J.:ljr 1 whct.herthotcwhom~ we (all lay ml'!R,thauing man h:Hi tke"d; bur~he Lcu!tc-'l.tln:tntlducstk - J .Church lands ~nd :nulngs _~iinproP(-ia.!C' V·mo' uc:'r't.i1cdlcd~lithlr.tbt'H '.4:~a.in<\: ~lt~mhsll0o(f l 1 1 then), m:tyb~·f2.td With thcfc feduccrs-tofccdc n6w .byd1e fo.,\-c! ofdMd',then tho1~oorc fhoutdl 1 thcm{C!ud1*"ithout teare; ot whether c:::~n·_any h:ru~l cuc.ry ·th!t<~-y:carc .;~IIJt~,~~'fi(hs 6P th~l I man imt,rilpriarc: any Churc:h go·ods odihings, C·3l~h t (or [()it' fwas amo1.1g }t1lc'~·1cQ\'csl \v:lillt · ·,.\'ithont t3Cl'ilcdg<:? AnfThc :mt~Noihcr('of is' t:}R:,1.fl:oodc·infdrtcby GodS•J2!lW"ScconJ-t.yr 1 1 cwo·fo!ddi!P•though il'~·~j"6od tncri1b~rof the t!H;y:~bidf that in 1hc P·t•ofu~rbll,iC~~p:..:o. 2•5 :-) 1 Church catnn g?od C01llcichcc reek thc-han.nc ft: U.li{nare rO'~JI~.,n~"!'l'tCntlu• .-Ahfi~. lfFhc p1atltJ I l and prciudicc ot the f~n.1CJ Y..C_t rhc pl.ainc:lnnh iS: to1 be vndttllvO<~' df H.'l'lth$ :tht·n' O;fnl,\if'lg-~ \ . ---.l'_________ Ffff z - in I~