Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

1-- ,,~-\ An Expojition "Ppon 1 _ _ 1 in force by Godsbw, not of oms whtch lhnd A is nota true member of :he Catholike Church, ' l. · b;· mans. Thirdly, they al!c-d~c tho.t fame deas the Papill:s crroniouOy hold: that !et a i\ l ' \ crcc~ \\'Crc mJrlc in the PnmititlCChurch, that bee what he will, if he profctTc the faith, it is the alienalion ofChurd1 bnJ,:h f11ould become fufllcicnt to make him amember of rhe Cathofacrilcdge. An[. But thofe decrees co.ocerncd liquc Church. Whereas open offenders a1·c w priuarc pcrf0ns \\ ho might not,nor may not on bC"c accounted as fpots, \\hieh no man will their own h_cads impropriatc the churchgoods; fay arc trut parts of the bodie, but b!cmif1 1 cs as altO they liebarred tb~ t'lking av\·ay ofnc1 to be pared away, rha.t their bodicm::ty bee the cdf:~rics from the Church., for then the Church more perfeCt and cmire. I 1 w:ls f:urc from that iupertluitic "'·hich fit hence Fuding tiHmfcbtu without fo.1rt. J In fca- no~lt. 1 )t hath obtained: fo tha~for a l::l)' :nln to holdc: £ling we arc ro prclcri.ic fcare wuhin our hearts, \ lands impropri:ne, the f?rmer conditions obwhich is two-foldc: firH ofGod, fccondly of I fcrucd, is no faqilcdgc.N·ow ifthe qucOion be man. The former is fccnc: Exod. I 8. I z. The concerning 1.he improp~iat.iQns of Collcdges, men of Ifrac:l, fca!l:ed 6efo'te rhc Lord. /ohs 1 lt\'hcthcr they lawfully hold rhc01 or no: then I fcarc. was, lc{l: his fonncs Dwuld c::~ll ehis fCarc 1 ;mi\·\'cr fec.ondl_y, t~:lt·;b::tl<C'iit, they l_1o!d t~em \ of God out of their hearts _in their feafHng, & by a n;lOrc -fpc_cl<~.ll ngln; foJ)Ih.~ .. ybc:c1ng gillen B . fo offend God. The latter IS prcfcribed, Prou. ! at the firfi vmo the Cllllr:ch,i}l~f lrc not(being 1 . 2 ~· 1. 2. When thou httcll to Cltc before a 1 "impropri:uc to Cpllcdg,s7gCQ!=rally and V\• holy Ruler, put thy kn1fe to thy throtc; th3t i.'l, brialicnatcd>frottlthe C.hurf,h;b,ut rcmainc in this die thiac: appetite: haue rcfpcct not topafiC the fpt.:.Ciall vfcof the Chun;\l f~r-"thc maintaining 1 1 limits offobrietie, rcmperance, and modcratiO. of the Se.>miuarics of it;-\Y.ith9Jit vvhich the And as we are to catc: and drinkc, fo:alfo to fea· Church tmJ!l·n·C',ds dCJ:Il}' .: :tnd •tills fCemcth a. fon all orher our atl:ions with the feare of God fufficicnt caufc of rcfcrJ.!ing. vmo tl~em this and men; which one grace will cur off many Jn~intcnance; fo :ls c.arc-- .b~_had Qf the people graccleffe praCl:ifes eucry where raigning aa"nd pooreforthcir rclccfc 3Jld inQruClion. Semongllmen. Bur a fpcciall thin-g here aimed at condly,whcrcas the Pritpit)u.e"Church firll fca-.... is, that we fhould ncucr come rocat the Lords {led and then rc;cc"jucd tb,Ci Lsnds Supper, we Supper without fearc and rcucrcncc:which benote~ 6rH tb~ lawfulne-fl't ·:Q((e.ails, fo as the cauiC the Corinths wanted, Paul complaineth poorc be r,cg:J.rdc~,fup<"i:flujJ...y ~riot a.tJ,qidtd, ~hlt ou_ccame hungric, another drunkc,and fo I ~nd the right _end imend~fl~\'''hich is tj1c praife prophaned tha~ holy inA:itution, I. Cor. I 1. andglorieofGodcxprc(le~.intha,nkf~tlt~·for I ' ~~·· OhirEI. But inthatplace it fccmeth PaHl 1h!:-abundnltc of hi_s good bicflin~tf,S<!, af•~ 1 C ' condemneth thcfe Loue-fealls,which lud, here the facrifices and offerings, .A~ron anQ t!teE:lj difp-r~ifeth not, where hec faith, (Htr] man M- ~"- of Ifrie] came to f~qf/ .With Jnhro-hcfonr I wh hi; f"PP" heforr, verf. >I. n. An[. Thefc God, Exo~•.18. 12. SoE·Lfa-;.S.Goc your wa.ies, Louc-fea(h were indifferent, and mtght bee (/ff( thtFu., dnd drmks r_h&. _fw~n:..(, andfo~d part _ Vfed or_~ot ; P~ulcondcmncth the grc:aubufe tP.tb(mfor-.y_bqm.,ttone u jp;_~pflrcd;forthui.rthe lofchcmtn Conmh, bcc:lUfe fomewer:cmade ,f.a; of1he.Lo?:4•. Sccondl·y,thd'-a]'!lls are dccci. by them drunke, and vnfit for the Lords Supucd, who ti!'aJ:..h it,nccefl~.riC:to come to theSaper, ::~nd the riche decciucd the poore: cr:uucnt of:W~. St .. qwcr fafling, for thefc fe,aflcd but lude commende~h them, bccau[c· they befor~ it.) fhir;fll-y, i1l the~rimitiue Chur-ch, & were ioother Churches rightly and religiouOy in tfte ApQ{Hc.bda~cs, th.<l"f~ was. no p.riuatc vfcd•. · Maffc i11 wbi'dl·onc:Pric!l Jlw1_1ld j:ate vp all a.. Clowdes thy m;t', witbout watn-, carrittl a.. lone, hut·\ll-er$:;\YSre fea{hngs., (which c::~nnor about of winds.]Thcfc v-.•ords containc the eight be pcrfoiJn~d( by. one m~o:~!one, ·but the :md ninth finnes of thefe wickednH;n: which whole congrc~tion. Fouxthly,.henct we may the better to kno\\'\f..'h~t rhcy arc, let vs alittle note theen.<lc of the Lord; Su:ppcr to be ' the confider ~he meaning of them. ] C!<wdn th<J incrtafc of. oilr fcllo"vfl1~F and. 'com!J1unipn D are withq~t wa(e:,·. ]..: h plcafcth the Spirit of with Chrifliln·lllrJl, as wcJ.l:;as-our Vllion wirh · I God!i1i 1nany placf;~ Qf the oldcTellamcm, to Gpd; and tb~u we ~.t:e to cO\nc",togccher in CO!J}}l3J'1 iBfpp_hct~-~l)d 'r .-cachcrs ymo clouds; and Chrillt!l) 'i)tiii<:for the.rcOifying-of>,bich and <b~·i~;dotlrine vmo the dropping and difli]. ch:trir2ble affeC\ipn; rh~;. .a.\ln_G}cnt-bcleeuf:rs in ling oftb~ rainc 1n.df~~e~ flowers falling from th.c Apoftle~ daies had tbof~ .f<,afh of l<> thcfc dowdes. So the Prophet· E<.echir/1 is E"'""'•'· fore they c;ln)~ to the Lo~·ds ~a.blc. . .... col~l.n~,nQed· to ICt ?is face cowa{ds. ci)c wayof ,further, in;thae thclc f~d~.Jccts arc c:tlJcd· TcmaQ,,andtlrpphuwordrowardthe South, and [!pots in theyf~.jls l I note .Rxfl. that opc11 ofhis prophcfie towuds 1he.forrdt. Dcut. Jz. z. fenders lhoul<\l:ie hindcr<d)~nd r.~pellcdfrom M)' doclnne !ha!I drop .u thr rame ,•and my the Sacramerits, bccing as !pots in rh~ fact~; fpccch fua\ldifli/ltf;j~e d~JP~,a& tlufbown-vpon 'which bec:mfe t'hcy arc blcmi01es, niufl-1~i?cte ~k( l;ur/;'J, ar.d auhrgreat> raine ".,.Jponrhc gnzF. l~a.fl1cd >w>y: fo OU((ht the(e by the ccufvrf,;.f. Mich .. 2. :1: aoJ I I • . The word mnlla;~d P"- cxcommuniGation to bc(vntil tJtcir repen't-a0f...c;) 1 phefr;·Jign·di_eth proper!_):to ~rop or (.liflt!l.Thc ·;c~t o.fffro1t1 the face of the consrcg.:n.ion,. ~e·A· l rea(Q<Jl qf~"·h!Ch corp_panl~n ·,s rendercd,Tfa.55· condly, th:l-l cuery one t!J3t protdfcrb d1~ fa~h:\: j t Q._JJh Bec:mfe M tht'f(!mfnllrthvponthr~ttrrh, and ~---------