(=~- .the &pijll~offfudc: -··-----==-l};.;J :i f 1 andYrt#:nttl.~ not in vainc, bur m(}b'len~tb jr, nnd A in..,, hi eh ,~·cc b1 eath, c~llcd the f.rm:H,lCnt of' mak$1h 1 t b1mg forth andbudde , tb.:t tltmljgtt:e hcauen:tOa ti. i::; the lo\'. dl ofthe t:•H'C L~.. t;rn~; , fude to rlu fowt'r, a1;dbread eo hi~1hateauth; lo "'•hi~h the Scnpn:rc r:1:1kcd1 n1cn~ion <Jt: rc:~thchc word in the mouth of the Minillcrs rcu:ring to the thu;c:s; the !C.cond btciog dH: lbny · ncth 1~ot \'oicic, but accomplil11cth the Lords hc;, u.cn,thc third being rhc: IH'ltJcn or' hc~ucns~ will, and profpcretl~ in,thc thing ..,,·hc~eto it 1 is dH: lt::Hc ofGod., ~;vhcrc he rcuc~~cth his gloric !Cm ; in beco11:ming t~c !3uour of life to t.lC to hi:; Sl ims and A11gcl5.Thok tbcn arc d<:cci.: (:llu:ttion .~ff~t!IC'j an~ ofdca~h VIH_q,th_c, d~.:t~h ~tcJ, "ho out oftbi!l phl(e dn::a11;c ofa ..,,·:ncne 1 ofehcm th,at pcri01. The words tb~n !hnd:n_g Ileaurn abc.uc the'ihrrc5. I vp6 cjl~~fi!Jlililu:Ic b.qrc this f:nfc;Thpy_gh rh.c. Now funher il.l-th::~t.tbcfc fCducers :lrct c:tlled propcrt;~ and v!c ot dowdcs JS tO earnc.... ~arcr C/arvd1 wid,our wafer, bec:lulC they arc Jdtitutc: 1oh.4. and r::~.inc for the vfc of the earth , yet f.ome o~,\-hvlclomt· tlot'trine~\\'C Jsarnc firtl th~a mi- j dowds arc without water: euen fo th~ugh :~.il tld'lcrs ought to bee ha:h as arc abic: to teach Teach~rs oughcto be fit ted& filled '-"i~h ltol'C v-:holcf<>'mc and found doCtrine; t .Tim.;. Mal. CJ(.;.Jd . of wholfome dotlrinc 1 to powrc it out fa!' the 1. ]. Th: Pri"Jh lippci /ba/lpr~fom~ k,z;c-w!edge: ;·:';~~~;~~;:\· viC ofcheChurcJl; y~~-thcfc feducers.~rc vtrer· B oth'erwifc th,·v arc as clotJdcs ... vithom \vater ' On,d~ ll:·l·t ly ddlitutctbercof. An<! agai1;,as thofc. flouds Keeping the fi~ld of God hai·ren :md fruitlcffc~ ~rau/;!~:-c ~ without water arc Jighr, and titter_for nothing \'t'hieh abiline t~ppofeth, yea and trnpofc.:rh the 1 then to.be carried about with -..vinde: fo thc(c perfonnancc ot diligence:- herein; or e}fc whc- ' arc ahogccher variable& vneonllam,c:;:irried.a~ ther they hauc:- kno\-dedgc or·not . they con;c bout with cucric bla9:p(llrangc do4h~nc-. "fh~ vndcr the ranke of them whome Ef.1y s6. J o. former of thdC ftmllitudes condcmncth their callethdumbdog,-,whi,h c.lnot, or do not b·ark. finne ofb:~.rrcuneGC and vnfruitfulnCS:.the l::afn former 3gcs 1~rra indeed there were readers tcr their ni·mh finne of itJc:oulland~~ana' varia2ppoinccd in the Church,v.'ho could ncit oth,crblencffc. '.viCe teach: but vet none were called for teachCopf:crning the fo~mer, fc~ing ~P~t. ~he Atrs into the Chu~·ch, but fi.tch ~~ harl this ab1Ji~ po!llc takcth it for gra~ttc:d that tl~c.. ~Jouds arc p: ofwatrit~g God$ Churc~ by doClrinc mqre naturally ordained eocontainc water; it may be or lc!fc, vntlll herefie and f'hifme camc in. SeA demanded how it can bee coneciucd t~at. the ! condly, MioiHcrs ought fo to tc3c.h as th~)i clowds aboue being heauic with W:ltcr fhouid I drop and inJlill the gr:~.ccs offaith, repentance, not fall to the earth; feeing eueric hcauy thing ;i1d obeJ1cncc into the hearts ot rhe hearers: tlaturally dcfcendeth and tenderh downward? cuen as the dO\\'ds drop water vpon i,hc dric Anf. The dowdcs are hc:wic indccd,f01· cuen C earth, which finkcth i11ro the- {3mc. This was winds thc:mfclus(being bymany degrees lighPaul; dcfirc to fee t~c Romancs that hec miglit tcr the~ they)hauc: their waighc,Iobz8.25 .No bcA:owe fomc fpiritual gra.cc: vp'!O thc:m,Rpm. man therefore bv wit or rcafon can rcfoluc this 1. 1 t. This1s the right handling and dcuidin·~ doubt,but onc:IY from the word ofGod:whieh ofthe word, when n~en ChewC ~lOt words Gu~ teachcth th~c it is byvenue of Gods cotmnan.. pO'-' er: J . Cor. 4• J 4· That Teacher fheweth clement giucn in the creation, that the clowc!cs learning that f11cwcth men Chrifl, and can be a , fall not, Gcn.t .6. Let thefirmmnentfoparate the mcanes to diflill Gods graces into their foulcs: l warn-s from thewaurs: by fOrce ofwhieh cornlet this be. the fcopc of tho!C \.\•ho arc fct ap:u:t rn2unJing word, thC \\'atcr h:1ngcth i11 the Vnt0 this huly lvlinificric; elf(; they fitJII be as dowdes, and the: clouds in the aire, and nec:dc vnprofitablcas clov.-d$ "''hi eh com.ainc no"'"~- no othcl' fupportcrs. Job l'c~ting out the Maictcr i~1tJleru Jt ~dl. _Thirdly, i~-thc Mi-ni Hers nmfi M<'fl m,,0 be fiic and greameffc of God in his workes, here be as CJO\\'ds haumg '-''';HCI tu ehcm; then mull a~<l·y~roii.~, be.ginnctb;Thathe hangcth the earth vpon nothe,peopl~ be as dr~c grou1-1d , not in regard of 1 ::~~~.b:.~~;;rc. thing , be bindcth the ~vatcrs in the dowdcs, barcnneflc, but of thirH and dd'irc after thefc r<:"'l"d of and the cloud i'i not broken vndC"r them. Phidrops3nd clcawcs of gr3ce difiillino from the thlir ,hid! lofophic is too defcCtiuc to )•ccld thcuuc rea- D Minitlcrie. Pial. t 4~· 6 . ./fly foui.ed~fi;·tthafrfr ;,.;~.:~fe fen ofthis grc:lt work ofgod,whic:h c_ommOJ}- I t};~e, rwen tU a tbirftie land: vmo v.·hich difpo- 1 gm;G. ly attributcth too much to naturc,and too lirle flt!Oll we arc to prefcruc two things within vs: j to the God of nature; whofe prouidc,nce and fir_fl, lool<e as in drie land parcht with the ~Jc;Jtc I power is herein to bee ackno~,ovJcdgq1, in that of the Sunnc,thcrc is agrca~ w~mofmoiflurc-; byhis word he ordcrcth all his crc:atures 1 vmo fo in our foulcs nmrl: be retained a fenfe ot tl1c ~ which he fpc:~kech the word and they obey. want.of the graces of God,' with an i1eanic I Secondly, hence we lcarnc to conceicc the j f0rrowc.· of om want. Our heancs muH bee right meaning of that place; Gcn. 1.7, Let tb~ I perfwadcd !lllat in vs , :HHf of our (clues firmr.mmt [cparau tht waters that bee bm~t-ilh, ! there is no good thing that God can t;~.kc'l from the waters that be 4bQKe. By thefirm.amcnt 1 dcli~ht in: )'1.'3 :md the gricfC C'OilCCil!ed mun is mc:mt the airc, orthe difhnce bennc!le the I not bee finall, but we mnfi fcclc ot.:r fducs canh and the fhrrie skic: by the waters vnder I e~cn cl(~cd 1 ond pMchrd _with tnc l.leatc of rbU firmament ore meant the (ehs and Apodcs; I.Hs "''raul <1ue vmo our h:·,ocs _, vnul\ the. (c I . ~~nd the ~'Ptrt(YJ abrmc, are rhc watcrie clowdcs J ! fvq:·ct r·atcr$ Oowin~ from vndcr the thrt~- 1 . :vhieh are diuu.l.ccl by the finnan1eot or ayre ' (hold ofthe Sao8uat)' hauc g,rac10ufiy rcfrdl~- 1 Hfh - - -·--- cd I -----. _______ _____ _:__:_:.:_:__--,- __ ___:_::...:_