Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

----- -~--- S5S 1 \. .An'Expojition 11pon ~--~ ;::.::~ c~ vs. Ma~Y faith, tha; God.(i!lnh th~ ht:n .. ~;·ie ,A 1 and b:~rr~n trees_: cc~taining fourc 11cps or de- ·~ l wa/1 g~(Jdth;11gr: by the ~ungrtearc meam tho~c I I grces of nJughundlc, l'U. e!ic one worfe then . were pmcd and (brurd for want of H. Chnft muft be vndcrfl9od not m rcoard of their fubI who tc_cle? thcmfclucs votd<.: of gr:lcc_, yea as_t,t orhtr.Thc firH Hep,thcy are corn!pt trees;which j te!lcth the WOllJ:lll of ~J!lll~l that h~ came r~ I Ha~cti, but in r.egard of thcirbcorrupt fruitcs: , ~lltth.15 '~- ~ rhc lott [beefc ~[t!Jcbo:tjeofljf'.te::that ts,hc that for tire word tr~wilarc<) •_con~pt, prppcrly is :~~:!:'!'!n~· kn?wcrh btmlcl_fc not a wandnng lhc~pe, bm npplycd to trees thou bt"arC no truit, but ·in d~c 1 .I quae: Jolt, ~:nen 111 the lyom pawc read1c to be fall of tl?e le~fc, ,which \\'Jtb the leaucs fall off, I dct:ourcd:fuch doth ChriHtakcvpon his neck, I being heglcCtcd'aiH1 '.-\'itl1cr l\\'ay, neucr c;om-,1 \ Gal.I.6. !ew:tre-or l<?okingbc– L lundcthc:e I tC¥.'.3rdSn... dom,outof which tho~t arte~aped. I L and like a good ll;cephcard bring backe ro hi~ ming r;~ ~ily g?~d or gatprillg.~hc f-cc'oiH:J defold . For he v\·as Jcnt to preach the acceptable gree, they are \\'Hhomftult: whtch worth arc a y-carC;noc eo the tntgluic & fi::ttt's of the \\'or.Jd, correction ofthe tOriner ;'·for they are uot only but to p_ri!Oncrs and c~p~tue/-, _that i~,.fu~h as v~itho.uc gobd fruit_c, buc.Vttcrly dc~itutc Ofa.. ! could gncucand mourn tor rbcn· capumty. Seny fnurc at all. Th1rdly,thqm·(twifedead:that ! condly,as dric land parched with drought gais, 'eFtaincly dead, hopclcffc of any fruite. peth and opencth it frlfc wiclc, as ifit w6u!d Fourthly, they Afc p1Hckfd.vp6;the roota, that I fwallo\H vp rhc dowdcsfor rainc:fo mu{h:i~r IB is, vucrly without hope, 'not of fruitC, but of I harts prcferuc t\"ithin th::m an car:1cll appetite, life it fclfC; they ate pa!lliuing, and much' more and inf~niablc dcflrc after Chrill & his mcrits 1 pa(l fruit<.". This fim1litudC then chargeth thefc <tboue al the things in the world:morc haigr.iry$ feducers'(to whom iris fitly applyed) fiffi that him, then after wealth, gofd, fi!ucr, ho- :'Ill their workcs arc bitt hfpoeriticai.Sc·condly, , nours, health, or whatfocucr is c.lcligl1tfull :ind that they aic vttcrly defliture ofal good works highdi ::nnong the fonncs of mcn.And. which trudy arc good. Thirdly, tho.c they hauc t(1is will follow ofthe formcr:for ifwe be on~c no hcaucnfy :md fplric'ual! life or fappe in them, at the point,th:\t we arc out ofall c6ccit ofour And fourthly, that they arc out of Chritl·, not' · ownc goodncf!C,wc wil feck carnefl-ly for it at rootecf in him, bl\[ pluCked vp: and therefore the hands of him, v:ho is the "fountainc of all they arc mbfl hopeldfe of Cucr bearing fn.,Jite goodncs:ifwe feel our fpirituall poucrrie once, vnto life'·, bccing proceeded fo f~rre i"n the I we ca1mct but couctouflyhu!'it afrcr thofc true high wayvntoperdition. So much o(rhc mea.. trcafurcs which oru:ly inrich our (oulcs to all e: ning. ternirie. The woman ofSamaria did but pratDofl. In that rh,(c fllfc teachers are iufily tic with ChrHl till hehad told her ofher fin, & condcrDocd for this finne of becing corrupt ofhcr husbands, and that he which was nowe rrur without fruiu: we on the comraric mull her husband was none ofhers: then could fl1e C firiue to become good crees of Gods delight; humble her fc!fe,and confcffe him to bea ProIfa. 5• 7· Iudah isthe plant ofmy d<lioht; trees phet, and quickly after came to ·acknowledge of rightcoufneiTe; Ifai.6o.2. I . ThePtantingof him the Mdliah, and all her cauiiling was laid the Lord, laden with the fruites of rightcouf. afidc; fo till we be humbled we doe but caueH ndfc: which that ·we may be, foure things arc at the word,and recciue it not as dry land doth required ofvs,firll that we maybe wcl rriorcd: the l11owrcs, ·which fall; bur let the hcntoncc fccondly,that we hue in the rootc: thirdly,that be touchcd,it is turned prcfcmly vpfidc down, we bearc fi:uitc: founhty, that we bcarc good and we are become other111J.Iltlcr of men then fruitc. . before. Fidl-,wcmufi be rooted.In,thisrootingtwo The ninth finne blamed in thcfc fcduccrs is, things arc required: firfl, there mufi be a root: that they arc inconil:am& vnfb.blc,carricd like t~is rootc is Clu·i!t.Ioh.t ~.I. He is the vine, lioht clowdcs with the winJes of flro.ngc dowee the branchcs:Rom.~ .6. If \11.'C beeplanted Ct~ine; whence Teachers muA: lcarne to holdc in him. Col. 2. 7· rooted in him. Here \1\.'ee confhmtly the doClrir'le off.,!u:)tion, Titus I .9. muft- confider Chrifl not as God alon~ , or haidinof41 th< faithfullw.,.d, people olfo muit alon<, orthc Sonne of God alone, butas not rc~1olr or depart from it, nay not be vnfla- D God~man;.~sGod m01.dc: man; f:S an Immanuel, blc or foonc rcmcor1d to another Gofpd: Eph. .God with vs, eucn our Mediatour :md redcc4· I 4. Be no more children l"Pilfltring ami caried mcr.Thus he is our roote, in whomc ar~ hidthe l!bast with tHtYJ vdndc of doctrine: bur both I tre~t[:rru ~f gracu, Col. 2. }· and of whofe 1 Teachers and hearers mull bew:tre lcaH we(bcf111Hcf{c rua/lrcceiutgrl-fufor gra~e~ !eh. t •. 16. ing by gods blcffing freed fi-om the fpiritual EThe fcrond thing in this rooting !s.mgrafimg: o-ypc where ·we were many hundred ye~res defor trees ofrighteoufi1c!fc grow not by nature. ~aine'd)now after fourtic yeares and moc,looke Pfalm. r. A good m:m is as a r:"" plan!ed:for by backc ag~inc,~nd fal from thatfiath imo which nature the bc!l men are but \o\'tldc ohucs, _and wt ham~ beene baptifed. mull be tranfptamc.,d from t~c. firH A_d~t~ mto Ccrn 1 (.t trus 11ndrvirbout[rttir,twice dcaJ, and r:hefcc?nd.Th~ auth.or ofth1s mg_rafung 1s god plt~ck}d vpby ;.~'crootcs. J In thcfe words is the him!clfe~ w.ho doth Jt by two.2Ct1ons: firll, he tcmh finne ofthdC reducers fct down,.wd th~t gmeth Chnft rruly :tnd really m the_ word & ~ais thei.,r incfti·l!h/e hypocr~':!: illufiratcd and an1cr~rncnts,not out ofl·hc word,but m and by it, 1 plified by-a comp:trifOn or Jimilitudc, ti·om bad So I. Cor. ::. PmilplrmtcJh, A pollo war:rez_~ ; I . ~