,-.. i the Epijilr: of lude. ·---1 ·-·--------- · ~. -- --- -----~-- ------ - --~·- 1 1 tlu cis, god by their miniH~y ingrafte~l theC~- A mtfr:l:.J"~eJ!i:, tt'mpt'rancc.Pbil. r .1 r. Pllii! pr:~ycth Ioh.ryr. rimhians into Chrin. Secondly, '-' het) onh1s that the Philippians might be fi lled"'' ith the 1 plrt l!e.giucth Chritl,bc giucth all? a p~wer_to f"uiJs of rtght~orrfJcjfc, th~u is, the dmit'Sofrhe the bclccucr w apprehend him,anJ recemc: h:m Mor::~.J/3.,.,· c-Ot~incd in the firtl & fcconci Table~ with-his merits vmo falu:uion, and rhat by the ~ourrhly, a _tree of right couli)tffC" mull bri1·1~ oncly hand of b.i ~h. Oh. .Bm rhis can be no in• tonh g oo:.J fruiu, fi1ch :~.s arc p!e:1Gng \'lltO god~ grafcing, fe.cmg Chri!l j:; in hcauen, we .::ate on ~1f. H ow {hall a ChriHian btipg forth good earth·. A n f. It is not indecdc a namraii 11~gr:~f-. fi·uirs? .A;,f. Ftdl, good fruit muH come ti.·o;1J 1 ting, W)liCh c-annot be but by t-he fir1<~ppJy111g Of 2 good hcarc, il-11 hean p~n irent, :Jnd trucl)'.tiHi .. j t'-' o bodies one to rhcother, but fpirmJ:Jll, yet nc.d tOGod.M anh. 3· Bring forthfruite.rtvvtih) 1 I as fnrc·and :ts tlraighr as tha.c is. We fe~e in naammdment of /if~. T. Tim. I. 5. l oue our of a rure, the mindc is pre(cnt and ioxned \odth the pw,-'-" bcart. Sccoudly, it mufl- be brought forth chi·ng 1 c tbinktch of, aldn>ugh it bcditlic m:my with intention, v..-ill, purpolC,and cndc:mour ro rhoufl n.d miles : if this can Qe truc: .in nature, p bcyGod 4 i:1his commandenlents, ''hich the then much more ill fai·th, which is a wo'?kc fuheart nmfl rcfpeCt. Thirdly, the ende of tbis pernawral,and farre aboue th(O rca.ch:ofnarurc. frui·t mu!l be the glorie ofGod,not feeking oUr .Againc; a -man hath latHl giuen hitl11n Spainc, B fclues but GoJshonot:r. l:l Leuir. I 9· 2 ~ .• God Turkie,-or America,•mat\Y thot.tfand miles off requircd1 that the trees thould be circumcifcd, him, he was neucr :tt ir, he neuer faw it, and yet whjch \\'as thus performed: The daec, firfi is truly-th~ Lord ofir, :md may f::~.y··of it, it is yeares the fruit was to be caG,or fall a\vay; the his o"\·ne, by vcnue'OPthc donation~ Eucn fo fOurth it \\'as to be dcdica.ted to the 1or4, a.nd God in his word giucth Chrifl and his· merits rhe fifth yearc the lfraelires might ca:te of the to the bdecucr,who ashe hath recciucd bimby fruit : cucn fo we mull fitft call :l•Nay in rcfpeel faith,fo he rtt:Jincth·htmby Grace:by venue of Pfour fclues our fruirs,aud dedic~tc themvmQ which donation,:md acccptation,a man may as the LordjfO he 01all tatlc of cl1ero with ddight, truly fay, Chrifi is his, as though he \ovcrc now and not bcl'ore, Fourthly, it muA: be brought in hcauen·alrcadie with him ;Jyea fo firme and forth to the good of othcrs;as trees bcarefruits certcn is this ingrafting' , that it once bccing not for.thcmfdUC!, but for men: fo our fruitS made,dn neuer be dHfoluc..d,but is euerlafling: mufl be intended not fo muft for om priuatC for the roote liuing and :1biding for c:uer, fo 31• good, as the co1l\fllon good ofthe Church and fo doe the br:1nchcs, be('ing fct ineo the fame, Commdnwealch. " and tharbvthehand of the good h:ulumdman C DoE!~ 2 •• Seaing t~c fJithfull are nor· fi1ch The (ect!lnd thin'g re-quired in a nee of righhaue here firtl:1 ground of comfort in rhe mid.:. Trees d tightcoufnes muficircum.. tifethcir ~can1;feeins; uc~~ ~·cic w bcc circurucikJ bythc lawc:. God himfclfc. corrupt ~ecs, but ofGods owne planting,they I teoufndfeU t;f'-", \'"hich is not the naturalllife ddl of fonow, ficknes, yea and death it fel(e; of other plants, but fpirimall a.nd etern3ll; tOr for ~ccinK ingrafted imo Chr~tl, .the 'r"\'l1olc I 1 eternal! life bcginneth in this life. GaL -a. 2.0. man 1s pretcrued f:1fe and fou.Qd 111 hun: yea the Now 1/iue, yet nor l now;hut Chrifl liu<th in dying body, nay the dead bodie, and.-that mee ::md this life is by the fdith in the Soamc of which is rotting in the grauc is p13.te~ into him, God, and then wrought in vs; whfn 'the l3me and is t'o liue aga.ine in him,who alwait:s Hueth~ mindewhich was in ChriAwhilcfl: lv: was vpon -and will raifc it to life etcrnall at the l'afl day. earth is alfo invs, Phil. 2.. 5. for he conueycth Trees in "''inter are dead to mans fenfe; yet bChis owne difpo!i.tion into his'membc;:s in part, caufe the roorcs of them line, and hauc in thC'm \oVho :~ore daily made conformable vnto him: of f3ppc and moifhtre,in the fpring they fhaJ,bud, which conformitie the Apoflle makcth two blolfo'me, and beare fruite ag:aine : euen fo the parts,Rotn.5.6.Firfl,3 confOrmitie vnto him in rotten bodic at the time of refrcfl1ing fhall hi1 deAth; that lookc as hediedforfnn~,fo ought reuiuc ag3ine and become a gloriow: plant', his members vntoJinnf : and as he by his de:~th putting off mort:Jiitie and corruption, Oo fubdued finne, and obtained viClorie ouer it; D more to be fubicCleJ tbtrcunto agalue, then !o oughtthcy daily to be nibbling in the abolithe rootc into which rhcy arc fet; who h3th fhing, and mortifying of that finne which for his members chafed them awav. Secondly pr~JTerh them downt-, and hangcth fo fafi vpon fceing we mufl be planteO, and c:::nnor attain~ them, vmill the day oftheir full conquell and this growth by n~ture:we m.ull detcfl, and abfinal! deliucr:mcc.Secondly,l conformitic vnto horre our fclues in dnA: and.afbe_s;rcnounce, ,& him in his Rt{HrreCUon; that :IS he role againe bcvvai\e our n:tmral condidon 1 and he at no reil I from the grauc, fo fhould they from the gr~ue till we fee le our fch!t'S fet int9 Chri!l, by Iiuing f ofthcir finncs ; and as he roiC<o liuc for wer, the life ofthe SoQ.nc ofGod :·For l:z;ow rrenot i fo ought they by venue of his refurreClion that Chrifl!i:setbinvt , t'\ ccpt rrt> he r~pJobnru ? ! to liuc to God in ncwnc:s of life, as thofc th:u T lmdly, om Churchhath here-1111 e!Cmblcd Ir~- I lookcroli~>lefor euer wilh him. Thirdly, the doth; haumg bccne for many\yearcs aplant of tree ofrightcoufneffe mufi bring forth fruits,to Gods dcl,ghr, v. ho hath hel~gcd 3nd foncc<,l lt I tcflilic rhe life of it, called Gal..5. 2 2. fr'uirs of by hiS fauour:1blc ptotcCbon: but many, yJ:a the i 1 1 ~be JPirit, ~md t~cte rc,ckonc,l vp; Lou.'-", PettH, moll branches arc ~urcn, bcftring no_fruit,; ·~- \ t~)', lo_::t-fi!Jfcrmg..!..J...'!,~ntlcne!fo, g~o_!::_'-"Jl.:_!_J:!!!_~s_beare ~c~c fnut then they h:H~c aone,l>'CCI F ftf 4 ing_