i / 5d0 II v1n Expojition vpon ' ing ·~, ithcrcd~f~ik~ backc: v..hat \\ll!bc ' .A jl fi . - I (thmk we)the end !mcof? Study the axe be111g • 1 llrYCi, Or rPhome U tejet"Ucd , a1rd.dte latd to the rootc of the rrec, {hall cut the b/'acLe d b1 I downe\\bat!'oeuerlnanchcsbeore not foorth ~ al''\nes ,or euer. ; ~bot! fruit, and t~·cy fha\1 be call imo the firl'. The Apo!lle in this vrrlc procccdcth, Qn in lit- fbmdcth vs then in hatH.i to become more the fi•.nhcr difcouc.ric of rhe!C y. ick.cd rhe.hby liuitfull before we be cut <lowne. Fourthly., fumlnc-orh~r fimlC'S; fee dp~.o,·nc afte-r tthe fame htn·cc let drcrv m;:~n k:Jrn fubictlion vmoGod manf1cr as the f.ormn h.y .\">r.y oft{im)iitu<te a:nd iH'{I!Lhis Crotftsnnd affliCtions; we arc trees or c0mp:riiJ~n. And firH he,coqJ.}):lrcth .t.hcm to b1 n:i'nchcs at lean, ofd1c Vine, the Fa1hcr is the rhc r~J'":{;"!. ~"mu o-f th.c foi~· ; ;mJ tC..()ondly to hu~bandman , and lookc as the husbandnran wand1·m~ ft11rra. An cl 10 lhc cndc'QJ the vcrfc, loppcrh, cmtCth:,an'd-pruncth~ yea ond almoft Forwhcme,.&c. the confiufion is ~gaine rcpc:;t.- cuacrh dO\\'ne his uccs to make them more ted, ?fwh1c:h "''t h~uc fpokcn in the..r r, vcrfc~ fruitful\: tOdcalcth the Lord .,.\'ith his childrci1; The formcrlcOr!lparilonlJarh three C",xpotitions: who therein ar'c to rdl '"'ell contcnred; for hC B for fomc will hauc their groffe hypocrific herechaHencth -them for their good ;-:md although / by tlgnified; :!.tld then tb.cco.tnp~rifonJla.ndcth no chafliiCmcnt fccmeth ioyom for theprefeltr, thus; LGoke as thc ~WllUfS of liw·foa. rage :utd yet ft bnngeth ;~.fren..,·ard the plclljtmt .fruiu of fwell, ritl.ngvp to\.var~s Jhc _hcanc:f)s~ as.th.ough riuhreoufn~J to tholC d1:.tt arc ner,ifcd thereby. they would Iwallow and ouert.hrow the ranb ~'>f]1Vic~ dettd ttndjlud?.,;dvp.] Some hence ga.! \'hieh thty fecmc to thrc:}ten: but -dn\•·.'iog \~ thcr this, that we.arc once de-ad in Adam by o.:. the fl1ore, they arc br~k-cn~tQ alittle (oJ~mc: 10 ~ig.inal~ iinnc;'ant{ fccondly after rt>gencration thefefe.dUc-trsn~akca gre::atfil.CW of godlincs·, Or"~ ~ngrafr'ir1g into ChriO: by f0tt1e gricuous ~nd pi:cti.t:;:as.thoughJthcy .onel.y wQuld gQe to finne wounding~thc confdcnc:e to de:nh: ~\11~ h<."auen ;·-yet· IS the ITI2:tJ(r l)ot.bmg fo; .all i~ but hence condude.rhat aman regcner:uc may die fr?th, feciog they wam-thCI"powcr and .pr3C1ifC af;a.ine;and fa\ from grace:vrg.ing for·:rhcirpurof religiort,ancl godhn~s i.n the mi~dcH.offuch p0fe:th::tt in Rom. 1 t. "r'J.o, ·~T.JJrough vnbc!e~f~ 'prc~en.fcs. t- Snondly,: _Qth~u hereb~·- <:xpfeffe thq were brq{?_!n off, twd thQu.jbmdcft by fairiJ; [ tbcJr vnprofit:lhlcndl'f;': ·~nd -dcccitfulndfe ill flr:nol high mhtdcd, but feare. Buv thi~ cannot their doCtrine, thus ; JAs t'bc wau~s of thC fea bcfo·vnderflood: for b~ twic<e)dc~d, 1S meant lC ri.fe very huge _an.d'-hsgh, cfpccia~ly b~r.eing dead ccrtcnly; or dead twic~, 011cc 111 Adnm hy H1rrcd by theWinCes , and yet thCJr c:fidt is origin~ll finne, and the fet:9nd time dead ~y J 1 1 nothing but a little _fonm~ and Q1ire, v.hich the.ir o'snc aC\:ua\l finne. As for that place 111 they call vp: fo thdc Jc\\·d men l:>_.c.cing pufRottl.tJ.lanfwer, there are t'Wt> kitlds ofplan.. fed vp in thtmfclces, promife ~teat 01auers to ting:: fhfi,outward : fecondly,inward.Thc outtheir·followers: as much libcnie, man.y blcf-:- wai'-d: is, when God giueth the word vnto a fings,and-great good things; and yet chc cf.,. people without other his ordin:1nces, and they feet, of all their fho\\CS is but to make men publikcly profdfe ic. The inward is,\'hen God much more the feruams. of finne then before'• .g:iuCth true faith_, whereby men are fct inco And thusPner fpC!:¥<tth ?f them: In Jftrakfng Ght~i·tf. 'Now the Iewes whome the Apofilc fwt/t;ng word.r of vanirie they bt'gui!~ rr;thwanfpcakct11 of,were implantedby the former onetonnej](, through the lujfs of theflcfb, them rrhich 2. Pct.:,J8• ly,and therefore might be broKen off:1he other u:_er:clume rfcaped [Yom thtm, This was truely i's cuerlatl-ing, r. Ioh. 2. 19. Theywentoutfro"') Jpoken of them, and may as truely ,be applied vs, h'utwcre not of v.r.for ifthey hadbeer.~of :'f, vnto diucrs ofour tim.es; as firfi the Libertines they jhould haite continu~d with v.r. Further, and Familills. fondly affuting their Difciplcs .whercit is Caid,Pluck!dvp :] hence is gathered D t!m they lhall be illuminate and deified, luch by (omc that they were: once in the roote, and great matters they promifC"; whereas theymake therefore a m3n l'ooted and fer in Chrifl may thtm the children ofthe deuiii ICuen fold more pcriCh fitr3Uy. A~[. But '"'c t:'utl- know t~at th~s then tl_1ey wcr-:: before, Seco_nd!y, ~he Ro~i01 phrafc in the fct1pturc,ligmfieth amamfcfiauClergtc haue bc:cne as large 111 thc1r prom1fes 'R.omi£hfc• 011 ofthe things to be done,rather then the doI vnto their hcarers:tcaching them that they fl1al c3ftclhout r f: , b I b b r fi f d r no1hin,~; bu1 in a ofthem: they arctherC1ore ain to e plucc a le to H\tiS c the iuiHcc o Go IOr their fo~mc and ked vp whomcGod m:mifcllcth ncuer to hauc finncs, yc:land merit life eucrJalling, and that mife, becne ;ootcd: :ts ai(d men arc faid to beblotm:my of themcanpcrformc ~orks of fupererte:d om ofthe bookc oflifc; not that they were rogation, which the Lawe of God bindech euer written rhereitl ·but in that God manifcthem not vmo: but what is this but to foame {l-eth and makcth 1/nownc to men that they our durt and mire, and to teach men rhat for s wcrencuerwrittcninit. little moneyrhc:ym:1ybreake all Gods com– mandemems ? The third e:xpoGtion is this; As v. I'· They i:tre rapinr:rwaues the Sea !.lirrcd by the windcs and weather ra- \ 1 ., ) •• • a b . gctll ,&tromthcfound<"moncafierhvpnothlng ofthe {ea, foamtng out thetr but froth: ro the le 11>Cl1 fiirr<q and n;ooucd by I Jh ' ' · d · thchanJotGodcorrcf'ting them, amend not, orPne ame: they are rP:n n~g_l_,~,~ .. pro6"h'.rc_bl', bm ,,~h<. vndcr the r.,~:~: I I - - -- --· ------··--------~·~,.....,--_._ -~