the EpJfli--;;;I;de-: ~--------,-,-6;--~ - diJ(:ouer the wickcdncs :md vnbclccfcof their 'A hea: r\ a-ud. breakcth our i11rO ra)'linf!s. t>uHillg j bean~; which is ~he ~oH ~g.rceablc and fi.Hcft I ( rcuiliRg, and ~!l.mann~r ot rcucnt!t: :-fo 1f bu~s C'Xpoldon; cxp!a1ne.d 111 Ifa.57· :w. Thc.wtcl.:..!d h~nd L~· vpon n1m by l:~.~e~1cffe,~r lpon hts bare bizytheragt''!:fea that cannorreft, whofi:wa. I mily, he c:mnot (0l1Cr h1s waur of !ouc ofG<>_rl; ttn caP vp mire and dirr. Fromthis. f~nfc confiI he cannot bide the infidelitic of his h<:nrt: fbt dcr thdC t~i~gs! firft, a ~·ark of G~d:fccond- I i he bc_r,Jkt.; l~imf,:lf'" thr ncxt.\'-'~> ~h~ s_orct'L Jy, :1 pratl:itc of man. F1rtl:, the Will , \vor~c, I 1 1cr, t~,gurc-c3flcr, or the nd:t \1\ l:l7.:u 0,10 fly.: and appointment ofGod is, dut men fhall b~ : j eth from God,as f3H as his i~c~ wil~ cJrtiChim: troubled, fiirrccl,moo\H:d,and fer t>ur ofquiet, 1 and euery \o\'a.y the '"mevinl-rm lft-cc'tions beand hauC within them futh di(quiemcOC, as if v\•raic thcmfclucs; \\·hich theft: fedutcrs ate the raging \o\'3UCS of the fea were within their cb~r_gcd ~,o\·ithdl. . foulcs. The mindes of men both godly and Vj't. Sc:eirig, tbiS is the prdpcrtic of~ wicked wicked, their 1 \\•iJtSand affed-ioris arc oft cri (d fu:111 bt"ciog troubled , tO fo:U)Le DHf Jn:s OWnt: diflcmpcred, as is the fca V·-' hen it is troubled jhamt-, lee the chi!d of God in hii trouble quiet with boiflcrous windcs :md tempeHs. rere.46. j him(elfe, rdhaine and bridle his corru}~tions i I A~ A.U~i I ''"'"'""' . ~:··t;;~:l!Jll m:m~'31.Hh' Ht.·:ht<'thc: I ,!ci•ill ~r~•i thC'pu••!li· n•cidc! Ji'. 2;. 7h<LordjhalltroHb!< Damafcm,fofhufthlll B , yco let him !hewe·fonb his f,hb, obedience, hcom< .u • fc••ll foa that ca•not e.ft. ]of. 7, I i tncck<ndfe,ond fubicCHon vmo God byP")'- lopJua fa id to Achan; Tho!t h4ftrou6!~d lfrMI, ! er: 3S lehof.tphat becing ib 3 grear Hrcight on J,di!O.hl and the Lo1·d Jball trou61e thee. Jo6 faith, Th't 1 : eucry fide turned his eyes vmo ri1e Lord, CurAimighrie tro:<!b!ed him, chap·. 2). 16. Yea : jng,lk,z;ownotwhatto doJmrp:n-ryoaretOw.trds ChriH himfclf,although he 'v\'3~ \'l:idlOUt finnC, [ rhee. And DaHid flying from Abf.llom his had his foulc troubled in his ::agoni~:, in which fonne, rcnilc-d him nor, nor Horincd again~ his minde, will, and affeCtions were diflurbcd; I him, h!lC turned to the LoHl, t~ying: lfI p!eaf! and tlus trouble God bring~th on men cliucrfc j theenDt,Lord here I am,doe rrirhmeuue;tJU rhpli wayes; fomctimcs by tho(c ofa mans owne 1 pleafrft. , . .. houfe, as lacob.J fonnes troubled him, Gen. ~4• 1 The faond comparifon -fo1Jt)\Vctl_l iil thQfc Somc:cimc:s they of his companic, as Achalt, words; Th~] af~ w~tndrmg flarres. B)• wl1idi' Io!h.7. Sometimes by the Lords withdrawing· words \-\'CC nlay notvrrder!bn.d ·the planets i~ of himfelfe, Pfal. 30.7. Thou didft hid<thJfae< the heaucns: neither the fixed f!arrcs;whicli and I was trou6!ed. Sometimes a mans owne kcepe a direCt andconfbm courfe: bur fuch as' he3it and confcicnce will ragcagainft him, as C w~ c31l !hooting, filling, or ghding fiarrc:·s; I Balraur fceing the hand wrinng vpon the which haue fome light, but it is foon obfCured·; wall, was troubled, and there was no life in The tlnne then.i.s, that which w~s before tnCn;.; him, D:m.5. What then will fomc fay, is there tioned,uarnely,their falfe and intbbl~duChine, no difference between the godly a_nd the wicwhich can ncuer dtreCl- men to he;~UE, no 0101c kedhc:rc:in? An{. Yes, for euery little cro!fc then thofc lhootingfbrrcscan direCt either faivmo the wicked is atCpcfl breaking the rocks lcrs by fea, or trauellcrs by land. Hence le3nic . which makcth them to fiormc a1~d rage, and, two things: firft, that all true teachers mull: be fend forth foame and mire: butthe crof'fcs of ft11rres. Secondly, they mull befixed, andnot . the godly, arc :as calme winds, a lit.tle lh;~.king. wandring{brres: firfi,rhcy muft be flarrcs. 06: them indcedc, and for a little ti)nc: btu are This cannor be, fecing they hauc no light of blowne oucr.whc:n theyh::ue 3littlc exc-rcifcd their ownc, .Anfw.ChriH is the light v\•hicb.en.. their fa~th and graces, fo as they arc bettered, lightencrh CUCI')' man that commeth int0 .the yeaand furthered by them :I .King. 19. E/,a;s I world; called thcrfore theSunofrigbtcoufucs !landingonMoumHorc:b, there paO.Cd by him and the day (hrre,fromwhom all Miniflcrs re~ amightie tcmpefi which rent the rocks; and I ceiuc rhcir light. Againe,thcy m~y be fir infhu~ then an earthquake, then fire , but Codwas D ! ments to carle light vmoothcrs(which~is their not in any ofthcfe; aftcn-vard there came afl-m office)although they hauc none oftheir owne, and foft voyce, and God was in the voyce. Af- 1 1 faue thot ond)\ which is conucied frotn.Chri£1 fliCtions arc like that tempeH, canhquake,and 1 vmo them: flS a bmhorne hath·no ligl1t in ir fire, namely, to the wicked ,againll whon1rhe l feHC but "dlatmcnpur into it•. ·· . :> Lord commt:'th to ibakc-8.: confume- them; but Doff. Fidl, a!I true Tca'h~rs mull fi,r(hh:JUe to the godly arc as a!hll voice to teach and inthe~Sun of righrc:outi1es to fhinc in thcir·owne firu£hhem: vnder which rhey quietly content heans, befOre they can enlighten orh·crs wirB themfelues, bccaufc God is in tl.m flill voice, I his light: for as Paul was himfclfe comfOrted namely byhis grace and prcfcnce fupporring that he might be able ro comfort others. 2.COr. 3tld futbinmg thcmcucn a,_ the midfl of their J. fo no man can teach mhe-t:s,till himfdfc.firfi troubles. be ro.ugln.Secondly,ifthey he ftarrcs,rhcymn1l Minincrs :u Secondly, the prltlifcof a wic~cd man is, !hine tO fotlJewhar, and that 1s to the beans. of fi:tm smu!l \-.:hen he is .troubled and flirrcd O"y G~Hl to. men:fo as the principal c:1re ofMinifl-crs ought 1 ~~~;r~, :~~:~" fo:unc out h1s ownc; CUCLl as the ica his I eo be hnci_ll> placed, that dH'·y may inliohtdn not ondy froth. Experience tcacheth, thac if a "vidcd the mind~.-confd~ncc:s, \".:ills, :ind ~fft·Cl-i~ns of. ~~~~~ ~0 the !ll31l.haue 311Y,'_"'rong 01' difgrace offe_rcd h!n~ , Olell, fo b.C,COI\11,1'~\Ilg thc:l1;"\C:l.11CS of the· tifii1g prdcntly he OJfcouc-rcrh the '?~_T~~onof hts of the Su'1\nc of nghtcoufi1eOc in nicns hcans; 1 --~----·---------~------~~~----------------------------------~n~o~'~----~