~---------------------------------- 561 cv1n Exprfttion vpon r Opu.thc dooreof thyhe:Jrt, that the Sun ofrightcoul– r.es tfl:JY fhinclnttt thchoufcof rhyfoule. ·not rilat th~y m~y fill the car~ 'v\'ith'·wo,ds '.but 1 A 1 • Pfe. People ought to hauc their hr~rrs n 3 _ the.heart \\Jth hghr , comfott, an~ rcfrcOm1g, 1 bl.!hcd,::md fctlcd vpon the: doChir.c ofn·J:giTht~ was the fc0pc_ofPnuls preach111g, z. Cor. ! on tlughc ,and prooucd vnto them out of the 1 4: 2,m the declaration of thet~uth t~ approouc j ! word: by the direction whereofthey arero bee l l~un(clft·to cu~ty .ma ....ns confc•cncc 111 ~he. fight ; patTed \'IHO the h:mcn of happindf('.!fchis bee I ofG<:d: fo as 1t hts.Gorpcl were yet IHd,lt was 1 learned ofthe b.odic ofthis land,our peace and n?th1s !:mlt; but of thofe .men whole eye~ the j profperiuc fl1all bee flablc within our walks l C_od of the. world h<1d blm_derl, that the hght I and p~l:tccs; )'t"~ GoCis proteCtion f11~ll be-e a I of.-thc:glonous .Goipd. of Chrilt l110uld not wall of fire rounll about vs• .So much of tbat fh1n t v:tHo thctr he :u'ts . · ' · v·crfc. · · , Vfo. This cc:~chcth th:~c ~n men hy n;lturc arc A d E" h J h the chi·!,1ccn ofdarkcnetfe, without the know- [· ')1, •4· ./ln noc .alfo t e. , ledge of God; as vnto \·vhomGod hath ape fie thfi Ad. h·r; d pomtcd Teachers to be as n,nmg !hrics tO en-. : uen rom am prop ,e;te I lighten them. We need not goc b toproouc .I ofjuch > ftt}ing : ?Jthvfde the ' thts trtlth,for cucn our O V\'Il country \\'ttnciT<'th. 1 !-- J" . . I th.at in the daycs offormer Princcs,ourforef3- B .Lord commeth rPtth thoujands thers wanung d11s hg!1t :md thcfc Harrs,fov·:td , 1 ·:fh · (' · and reaped their field~, brought home their I I DJ ' 14 uatnts. cornc, ~aked their bread : which ferued them The Apoflic hauing in the latter p::trt cf the I partly. tor foodc atH~ partly ro m~ke ahreadcn 1 1 former verfc repeated the coucluhon of the ·god of; an~orc p~lp~blc.darkcncfic rhe~ that of i. reafon, which is, thar thcfc fcducers !hall bee Egypt wh1ch nllg.ht hauc bc:cnefclt. S-:cond- ! deOroyedlthebiAck!nuofdprk!nu/;eimrrcferly, {ceing that.darkcne(fc is cba~ed a'-vay, and I Hed for rhemJ:he confi~mcth that conduflon by \\'c hauc the ltglu and many bnght llarrc.s to aworthy tcfhmony of Enoch;\\ho prophcck·d dh:c~l: vs, rake the cxho~tation, Ephct: 5.B. ru that the Lord \\'ould giuc iud'gmcm againft all 11r:e. nowc l{_'{ht, w4;lk.; tU children of rhe light, I vngodly rflcn: and therfore thcfc vngodly men namdy, by acc.cpting, cnccna'iniug, and cmvcrfc4· mhfl: needs be dcHroycd. In this reHibracing of the lighr. That wee moy doe this, · monic conlider rwo things .: fidl, the preface firfl we muH kno ..vthclight and behold it·With , J before. it: fccondly, the tefiimonie it felfc. In the tooC :md affcCtio1_'ofout hartS v-tHo it; that ~· ~~ the preface b. e naiTicth the Autho~; who ..\.'"' :;s-\ovhtn1thc fitmlc lltuleth, e·u~ry-m:h10pcncth : Enoch:and commcndcth him in that he was the Ais--doorcs and yvindOwcs. to r.ccciue-the com1 iCau~nth fromA<Mm. Here t\\'O qucftions are fori 6fi<: fo we lhoul<l opon the doorcs of o\lr C to beanfwered: firft, whence had ludcthis hi– htartStoemcrtainc, ::10d rc:t:tinc the l~ght of 1 I floric, fceing it is no where recorded in the ~n'rill,'to hau~thcm fill.cc! thc'r~wi~h: for then · ~cri~tures? and how knc:w he i~ to be E~och1? Gods fau<?urable cou.ntenancc tS Chu11ng 'vpon 1 anlwer two waycs: firfl, he caher had tt ~nd vsi Secondly, hanillg the lighr; w'e ·mufl do~ the l~arncd it to bee his by fame tradition which wDr~softhe'light, rhat is, of obedi~nce: when went from hand to hand: (or clfc written by I the Sun i$ vp anO fhincth , cucry man walke[h fome Ic:w)or fecOdly, he learned it om offome in his calling. :md whilcfi our Sunne of grace book which went vnder Enochs name then exis .c:mcr Our he: ad~ , \o\'C arc to wa!kc as bccomtant in the daycs of[hc Apofl:lcs, thon&h now mcth the calling ofChri!lianidc, to m:1kc conloft: it is certainc that one of thcfe wayes hcc fdci.icc of'all ftnnc;a 0.1ame is it at noouc day to had i[. . !lumblc and fall, and ru{h inro a pir: [o now is Hence the Papirls g:uhe.r,rh~[ theIewes had it for Chri!Han men iil fw.:h a funlhine of the vnwrittcn traditions, nnd confcquftly :11l their GOfpcll, to bctakc them eo cucric workc of traditions are to be obferucd. An[. We dcnle darkcncife, and be bctakcn ·with cUery fnare not all vnwrit!cn traditions;ofwhich fame are of.ftnne, as though they had no light tcdirctt · 0 true and profitab)e: but we renounce ancl deny thein, but wer·cJ~.ft in darkcncffc. · all thofc traditions which arc made Articles of I Scc_ondly, true Tc:tchcn mull not oncly be faith~ and rules of God:; woriliip, ncceff:!.ry eo , 1bticis ~ butftxtdft.1r:reJ, that is, conllam and falnation. (for oll fuch doClrincs arc \ovrittcn in ! llablein the doCtrine which they tc3ch,and detht bookts ofthe Prophets & Apolllcs,which 'I fltier mtofthc Prophets and ApofHcs: for if containe perfect dirc~ion :md rules con,crrhc ftatrcs and Scamarkcs fuould challgctheir ning faith & manncrs)ofwhich kindc dlC Replaces, and rcmooue to and fro, thC poorc pafm:m church holdcth their traditi6sto be: this is I fcng.ds that lookc for conflant .diretl:ion by ofanother kind,it ~cing no anide offaith, nor f them; ::trc likc:Jy'tol)c'carried and cafl vpon the nccdfary to faluauon to kno..-''.'''hether.Enoch 1 q uicke fands nnd rockcs, and fo to bccoucr':: writ thisprophetic or no. Ag::.1ne,from the (c- r dlrownc and drowned: in like m:1nncr ifTca.... cond an f..,..;er others who :ne no Papitls , con- l cbcrs.bc variable, alld'ch:mgcHngs in their cioJ elude that i~tne bookes df.Can.o~icall Sc'rip. i drincs, the (oulcs of!'Ill rheir hdarcrs(not kno; ture are pe_nlhed :md Io~.But th1s IS vntrur;for j 1 v:ing wh~rc to half~ fim:• din·tti()n) arc: as likJy then firft r1lc ftdclitic of the Cburch, "''hich is I w f~ffcrfhipwrack ~ ftnkeintd the f>it of hell. ! the keeper ~~':!:<_<~:ades ,Jhou!d b: ::J.Icd \ .---- --~-~--------- ·--"-' .:----·'