--~--------...,------------- ,=-____ , _ tbe ,Epijlle of !ude, , i 553 ! ~ in qudl:ion:and {Ccondl);,in the: bqok,so:f ~an,o- [A fo__ as God pt:cly propr:rly (orctcllnu d;~l -~---.-.- J I nicall cxtam, not one fcmcncc, or t_idc,. no.not j wbich ls fin,pif. to com·c, and ,nq;nail or An-: the (cnfC of~111y fcnt~cc is lotllhow,thS~1fhould . grll. ~ 1 I v.holc bookcs come to be loll? · -.; " : :; . ·. The fccond ,point is the tcO:imony it fclfc,. It is allcad(Ycd that th.:- bookcs. q.f.Salamon B~boldrh: Lordc11mm,th,&c.]li1 whith obfcrUc :m.: moll ofth~n lo{l. ,1nfThc book"c'? ofSalot_hrccpoims : firfl, the com'h?i"~f. of the Lo1:d: mo 11 which were loft, were bookcs of hujuanif.(.'Cond!y, thC" :udg;ment of_thc I;ord : thir~~;y, ti~and Philofophic : for hcc \'\'rit of.all.b.calls, the caufc of it in the i 5. vc:rfc. : :fo giu~i"i{~e;.: b 1 rds) rrees,eucn from d_1c Ccd3r in l;.ibfli1t!S tO: menr r!gai;ift af/.men,&c. FirHofthe p:ln}e<,GfTl.; the hyffop vpon the wall:rhc books of:lnm1a:nc 11_1ing: Bef;oi~ .the Lord ccmmnh, J lNherc (h<2, truth might fa!le, but no part of. c;anonical~ ApoHle fp,~~kcth in rhc cim~ pr~fcnr, \\;hitJtJ~ Scripture. put for thc,tflTICtO c:omc:whtd~ formcpf r~)C:PJJl Ob. Mention is made in the 'icripture ofthe fl1c "'''cth the cerramecic of Gbri!h comming to books of the Chronicks ofthe Iewes or kings iudgcmem;who /lull as certainly com<:, as i(l]t. of Judah i. but t~c:fc ~re perifi1cd. Anfw. ~hey ! wc~e nowe .alr.cad.ic comming.. Concetning were polit1quc hdloncs, asarc the Chromcks J whtch ccrta1ntJc, tt may .be 9'em:n)ndc~ fidl; of England, or other Countries. whence commctll this cotmuiHgofChrifbtO;~~~ Ob. The bookes ofNathan , Gad, hldo, She- B ccmtinc? An[. From thevnchangeable will of maittiJ, and other Prophets arc peri01~d. A nfw. : God, which bath ccnainely decreed thc·fam~. All ~hele (as is thought by thd~aw.cd)arc conFor h('e bath appointed ad'!)'·iiJ tbeWhichb·eewill taiu~d in the books ofthe Kings, C}lronidcs,&: itsdgethe world in righteOHfoeJfo~ And ~HIS; ;;1r'e Samuel. r: ~ll otherthe articles of our faith moll -cert~it.H~J Ob. This booke of Enoch is loiL4nf. Firfi, in that they a·re grounded ·o.o the vnclqngealll_o itisdoubtedwhcthcrinvasabook~or no, or willandw9rd of God. ~ . : ,'. went by tradition. Secondly, ifu wa.sa booke, Secondly, how or from.-~v.:hetfce m;t}" vve it was no part of Sc:1jpturc: for ,MofeJ was the know this will of God to be fo.cerr:iine ?r>.Jit?.fi. firfipenman of Scripture, V..'ho liued long after From the manncr·of propouncling the doC!nh Enoch. , 1 , of it; wherein the cui~cnct R,fthe fpirit plain:.. The fccond qucnion: why dpth thc.Apollle ly appearethJ. faying pcr~lllptorily; tbr, Lo'd !~~f~~r~~t make choifc oftbis tefiimonic of Eno,'i:h,rachcr commeth; cuident)y cxprcl1ing t·he ccrt;:~h.l~tic tto;n Ad~<n then fomc other Prophcc? A nfiv. Hi1)Jfclfc gias if it w<:rs: now prctCnr. And the f.1mt-inay g~~.~~~;: ueth two rcafons. Firtl, hcc was ·~hc'[eanenth C be fpokcn of the \\'hOle Scriprure, Whid1 j.n~t but the rea· from .AdJm: it is therefore an auncicm rctlimofclfc is mo_ft,fure and certain'c,"becaufe; j( js,cll,: ;:ft~rtJ~t~f nic, to ~e rcceiucd and rcue.rcnced·for the antimoll vnchan_gea_..blc will of G,od: Bp_t h9.'f'...d9. Scth, quitic; but withall it.fllewcth what.is true amiwc.know it io to be wil fo~"Qe fay.? I an{w~rphy (icn. 7 . 18 " quitie; namcly,when ~ doctrinc-pfrcligi.on can th~ cuidcncc of the 'f>irit, thc.:tmqoritiO<, purt!'t be prooued from fome Prophet or Apollle: for tic, maicltic, ctfc& 3nd ,end1: of the de6nh\~> tbis cc!hmomc was a prophcc1e, and ~hercforcIt need not feekcemdcncc-ellcwher~th~Il.ff.e-.til that.antiquitie which the church ofRomc ch:tlit fc.lfc,not from man or th"b'~Ch~lr£h it fci(c..T..bo Je:ngcth to her religion and dptt.ri,n~ is but Romifh Church confeff(th,it:is of:it fe.~ff;:·and cOunterfeit; bcCaufe tl1cy arc not aQJ~ td iu!lific, iq ic fclfc.fufficicmly ccnail)c,~bU..t not !q{Q.~~Q} thctn~ine poi1'\tS thereof from an9 PFopl1et or. t}lec, cxccpr rhe Church fa}~(q;bu~"f.h.fsriS":l~~ Apo(Uc: yea in thefe w,herein.tl}e;y,~if(cnt, ,fi·on:r poficion. The S~ripture..is -ccrcafne, b~J.~iJl1\: vsJ they cannot bring thcir,proQ(C;il.P? dcfcenc (clfc and VntO; vs, ,and we kJ)9W .it (Q to jJ'C~ from M'ithin rhe .. fidl ~hundreP .ycarcs after. though nctuct;tm~n ·woU.Id.~~kn0..,vlcdgc it;thc Chrifl:. It is the1i aV<~inc.pleaa~d.f,9!fc; pretcnce hean fealoncd with graq:Y(~ihna-ke th.e Jllouth ' of ·thcn1 to boail: of t.he•amiqq!tic pf rheir re~ · confdfe ir., · •! .)·:.!; ligiot).Thc fccO\ld reafon i1 i•.l tl{t;y;oippropiJ< 7 q Secondly,the Apolllcipcakingjn this (qwc-, (J-ieJ: fol' £,lOCh fpol\XJlOt thjs o(hifqwn head hec ,comm,~Ih, for hee wi/1 COrd?'"; vxe Jea~.P.C tO fet ormonon, but fron~.God;(or nq,~rC=lture, AnbCfocc ou£_fycs the 'commli1~ofOur .trird Icfus g.cl1, or man, ca~1for~tdl ~hl~gs to·~~me;br.eto i~dgct~e.9~' and to ,!lla~~ ,aC~~ount o.( c:v~¥p ingin-a prerogaouc properly bt;4>!1gJng vmo prcfent day as the day of his commipg: :t~1c God. Ob. Yc.s., b\lt the learned I?hylition ea!) ,Scriptltres eu~ry~wberc coiJftUcfJ'd "''at.CQfu'lb-es trudy.forctcll tho.dpthofth~ l?~(ent to come. vmo vs, which is to cfoe n?thing elfe but to An[w. Hec doth nm properly ~q;~c_it:~: f9rctcll a make rc4oning conrlnUan.y of this da}r. B..i1t thing to come ; for~ the deach. 0f ..che panic is fomc will ~!1}';':-\'.C cannot m~;l-;f.,accoun~ d:1\.ty.· of J>refeln in the fi~cs atlli caufcs of Jt.~ Ob. But it for we fee it corinncth npt: ncicher rn!ly we the Deuill couldforetell Sauls death, r . Sam. enquire, in.to t"he time ofir: :Af1{w. Ahho,u_gh 2 8. 19. To morrorufha!t thou luwith mce and \'\'c'cannoc exaCtly make account of that day of thy'fo,.me!. A n[. T~e Deuill. c~..Wd>JH?t p_ropcrly gcncralllqdgcmcnc., yq "':c may reckon vpon 1 forctdl 1t, bu~ m!ght \<.'c 1t 10 ·t.hc cauics, an.d the day ofour pa.ruct1lar lUdgcrncnr, and tbe ti.gncs. Againc, he might fpt:akc lo to Sat~!,beday ofourowne death,that fo we may·be fitted caufc Godhacl m~d.c him an infltumcnt for the thereto: For as this fhallleaue vs, fo th~t fl13ll execUtion of lb:tt•iudgemcnt and ,dcflruCt:ion; find Vi.A ncccffary doCh:inc and duty tQ be enforced .: t ''