Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

!!An Expojition vpon I ! ~~--------------~~--~· - . 1---- forced in 'rhcfe drowfie daies,whcrin cnery 111i A 1 the ~aufe is in this vcrfc dcfcribcd.Concerning almoll.puttcth off the cuill da.1', and makcth the tudgcmcnt V\ c muff: knowc,th;n it is either lcJguc o:~nd coucn:ilms with death and hell: the gcrlcrall or fpeciall: botli ofthem here mentioyoung man prcfumcth of length of daies: the ned: the former in thefe words: Togiu~indg~~ old nnn JrC'amcth ilc may liuc one ycrc longer: mmt 't'!,ninft all m~n; the l~ttcr in thdCwords borhofthcmdcfcrhcrcuponthcirrcpcmancc, following:· And to rebuk.! all the -zmgodin that they both arc ofone mindc,n:ilmcly,tha' (J 11m~ng 'thtm.] In the gcncrall iudgcment thcirm:lHcrwilyctdcfcrhis·comming.Thirdly; H may ·bc asked, how Chrifi can bee faide we mufi not onely c:.1rrie \;\'ithin vs aconceit&' to giutj iudgcmcm ;~g:~inA: all men; fceing opi11ion of this tby; but alfo mull: be: inwardly the Saints fhall come with him, and hcc will affcClcd with it, tlrat we mav w:~.ike in :~we and paffc no fcntcncc :~gainfi thcm.An.f. The mcarcuer~ncc before God in rc£:1rd of ir. 2. Cor. ning is, he V\' ill giuc iudgemcnt vpon all men: 5. 11. Knowi"z therefore the tetnmr.softhe Lord, for the g'odly fhal rccciuc& hcare a femcncc, we perfwade!"m,&c. bur of abJOiution: and an~ongfi all men he will Now in the latter p:.a of this verfc, the at· rebuke the vngodly: all pcrfons fl1all come vnttndants ofthc·Lord in his comming ;uc mento iudgcment without cxaption,ofwhat age, tioncd in thcfc words; 1¥irh thoufands of hit B fcxc, or fi:Jre focucr they be. Thisvniued3IJ S~tints: which muft be vndcrflood not oncly of iudgcmcnt tcachethvs, firfi,torcdrc:ffe before Angels, but men alCo, I . Thcff. 3· I~. at the this day come: wh~tf9cucr within vs would cotnming of the Lord Icfus Chri(1:: \\'ith all his \\'hen it commcth confound vs, for euery man S.tintJ, ~efl.Ho,_,. can this be, and how iball mufi appc:arc: in hjsownc:pcrfon: no Proctor the Saintscome with him? .An f. Alimen iball lhall be: a.llowc:d to fpeakc: or. folicite for any rifC: "''ith their ow11e bodies, good and bad, at man; the fecrets of all heans mtlfl be difdofcd, the lbund ofthe Trumpet; then fhallthc Saints and eucryman {hall rtcciue accordingly to that be t:lken vp imo chc do\\'dcs w meete Chrifi, he ha1h donc.It fhndcth men thcrcforc'in hand and !hall be made apart ofhis attendance: but to reformc thin~s amiffc before hand, for they the wicked thalllland vpon the earth, wilhing !hall appcnrc nakedly cuen as they arc, 0!_ejl. thcmountainc:s :~ntl hils to fall vpon them, and How fl1all this be done? An f. 1. Cor. H .2 t. hida rhem from the prefencc of 'the Judge. iudgnb; folfo before hand, and thou !halt not Which affoardcth a moll (pcciall comfort vntO be iudgcd ofthe Lord; ar:~igne, examine, caft 311 them w1•o know thcmfclues to be the memand condcmnc thy {elf~, fue for pardon as for bers of Chri(l, they thoU not needno be dif- C life and death, and thou fhalt cfcape that fcarcmaiedat that day, "m fcare the f:1ce ofthe wic.: full iudgement:For he that confeffcth his linos kcd,fccing they !ha! be recciued in the clowds and fo1fakrrh them, fhaJJiindc merdc, Prou, into feiJowlhipwithChritlbcfore the iudgc28. q. Thus doe and mercicbe!ongethvnto nient bfgin ~ which manner ofpr~cceding the thee. Vpon the fame ground Pau/nifet-h the Aponle hauingdcfr,ribcd,concludeth "''ith the famedutie, admonHhing all men eucry where: fame :·Whtrefo,·ecomfort JOur fo!uu one an(Jthet to repent, becaufc hec hath appointed aday in"fo words, ver[ I 8. Here alfo may be 110whicb he .,,,. ilfdg• the world in rtghteoufocf{e, ted the power, maidlic 1 and omnipotenci~of ACt t 7· 30. j T. Secondly,fecing there iSa4,ay ChrHt in his fccopd comming, although hiS of vniut'rfall iudgcmcnt, fccke i·n the·meane firfi comminn wa~ b·afe and in the fDnnc of a t im~ w flop the mouth ofrhy confcicncc, ·tlfat' (cruant;now i1e l1u11 come w.ith inany millions it may thtn Hand with thee to cxcufc arid ac.: 0 £P..ngelsandSaim,s; whom all creatures can.. quit thee, and neucr dare to offend agai·nc and not rcfill:let no wicked m:m thinkc then either wound it, for·it is a deputy iudgc vndet God: to abfent himfclfc,or efcapc his fcareful wrath: \.\•hich if it 1 condcmne thee, much more fhall the onely WlY [0 auoidc it is in thy life tiane to God the great rudgr, bcCing greater then thy mccte himby repC.rrtance. confcience~ T-hirdly, hence in all aCtions -our n-. • • J: l D care fuould be to 2pprooue our hearts vnro I . V • 15. .L 0 gtUe tU_ rgemen God, cfp<cially in heari<lg and fpeaking the t~,oainfl alJ men, and tO rebuf<! word, prayer 1 vfe ef'thcSacramems, yea and ~ all other cnde,auouu fr.o~1ld ~e to plca~e and o- 1 all the '1Jnf1od/y amo"£ them, bey him:who one day WtJJ ome 311 vpng~t fenO d h tcnce vpon the1'D :Ill. Thus the con!lderauon of! of a!/ their 'tr!ickt dee s, "fllhic the iudortncnttocomc,madcthe Apotlle Paul the' V hatle "'n. I(IQd/ilv eom_mitted: ·endeau~ur to-t'o,pprooue all tlre aCtions of his I ;/ "o ::1' JifevntoObd,1.Cot.5·"· So Pmn.Epifl. andofAll their cruelljpeal.inrr!, ,.• I. fccing all lhefc things n,.n be dilfolurd, r '\: '). whatmanner~fmen~u..rr.htwetob~einholycon- 1 rrhich wicfr.!d /rimers kauejpouclfation and god!tndfc, lookmg forthe hah · fling vmo the comming of the day of the ktn agam !f . im. · . Lord? The fnond point in the tdlimoni~, is rhe Thcfpecilll iudgcmrnt is laid downe in the ! iudg("mcnr ofthe Lord, which tog~rh<.>r with nex[ word~,and they conrninc t\'>Othing:~rfl, I _. --,.-· the \Ven1nl1:be cnndtmm:d by.ourfducs orbvtbe Lout..