-------------~~e .Epijll~_o[_1}!_~e. __ · /_!6i :1 - --, the pcrfons-'<~j~--fl~ai·JI~c.- fudged; All rh~~ngo~- A cialz _Gods Saint_s_, and rhc houfc~1old off~~{q \ I i !J amottg mm. Sccond•y• the manner ot t_hc•r j -•tfc ... ,~ng the parttutbr _cong1cgatt0t~s,~.ol,1)t~ : I iud gcmcnt in thc·world, rcbuk$ or '"""!nu. 1 ly d~hghung nl £he Sam~s vpo~J cart h,lhat<t·~~! The pCrfons arc fet out by their propcru~ of J ccll•·~-vcnne~ Thus_walkm_g wnh Cod,, as E..... 1 ; vngodlmt'fjt, which is a finnc direllly :l-g~•n1l J ~_pc6o,d, _wcfhall-ckapathtsmo!twdcfitl-!ftJ:.-; ' i. God: and the vngodly man is he "'·ho dcmcth I tencc vvh1ch 01<1~ bee pronounced agaidl· ~hC i· 1 God the honour due vmo him: of"' hom (that vngodly one·; ot the canh. · ,-,·r..:s I ~ we might' the better know him) the Scripture /' . ,The tCcon~l d~in$ in~;his fpcoiall iudgcttl(l.·ni !hat~ g\Ucn fiuc notes or propcnics: as firft,that IS the •n:tnncr of J.c' 1n chc. "vord~elmk!. J 'Q;~~ I he knowcth nor,or acknowlcdgcth ~~c the rru ~..ebt~kcdt tv}·~o waJcs: firH m nrcrclc, when a~m : God arighcaccording coJJis word.'Pta-1,·1o. 4· / .HI(.lJc~,hc rcm:mbrcth mcrcy,Hab. ~ .Sctt:fn'd.Jf ! All their rho11ghrs/Jcc rh~t thern~ no God, that 1,111Uihc.c, y.ratn :mt;cr and wrath:Pf.1l. Q. •1"' 4 I@ , ! i.s, t.hcy acknowledge him nor, in his prcfcnc~, I /Ard re6HJ:.:mee >J"ot intb} wrar~·-l. and t!liS ~atttlf I Iprouidcncc,iullicc.'or t~trbc.Sc,c60<Ny1 ,~H~ fuh"· 1.s here 1m:anc.So_ as thus muc-lvt~hcrchgndf.:~Y 1j~Cl:eth not hisb~oie, fOl~lc, ann €Dhf'e1cnce to tl.l:lt the L.ord_ vnll _po\vrcout ·~1s fury, .andn'l! , . 1the'J'aws afGod 10 'all thlllgs:but-t*et·h·hbcr- , '' rathfu !l mdJgnacJon vpon ~I! the •vnotsdly o'f 1 ~ f ~~:!~tr~:·;:;!~~j-;,:';·v~: ·:,~;::;,t:;?:; :!; 'B £i:~~~~;~~~~1ii~;~~~1~~;~bn1~k:d7;~~1 t~~~;~~~;; : ' ~ ,;;;; I WttttJ. Pfal. 50. t6r ThtJ: hate to he~ r~form~d. c.orrlcienccs,ofal.th~irwickc~ thoughts,Wdr"d.!: ~ I Thirdly,in hearr-:mri life he depe~10cth nOt h1m and workcs, and thts the word a!fo tigni~'ct-h'j f ·iClfe"Vpdil the wil,po.wcr,prouiden.cc, & good Rcn. :o. The bo?kcs f11:1li be opened;·flhiJ4fl I; I pleafure ofG~J;but On fomcthing ~lit t:1fGod m~~~ jmr.u fhall/Je Inidoptn ~ -th~t is, rhc.ylhtit~ J; I in himldfe,or fom~ other cre1ture: Ab:ic. "·4· be fo difcoucred, as they ( becing conuintcrd) !l whcr'eis the iuH man liuerh byfahh,thc wicked fl1all nocbe able eo dc:nic.tbcm~ Sccondly.,.t>ht ! ~ane.~·alterh himfelfc , an.~ is puff~·d'·vp as Oca- ~unilhr~.cnt that i11all fol~ow. rhat co_n~i4\iorbt rmg lutnfdfe v·pon forncthmg ~elidds the erea... So Damdpraycrh, Pfal,6.Nnthtr chd}lit;C?he't~~·- tor.Folirthly,he wor01ippcrh not from his hart thy he::t:tie diffileafor~. ··~ ' . I c n,:.r: the true God,he liftcth not vp his)Oule in praiD ol1.Henc<: we leame that al things~t'fu{ail er, orthankfgiuing; bur as a hcafl rccciueth ty_and perfcCl:~y know~1e vntoGod; .a.nd·al}l I hlcffings cOntenting himf'l"lfc ""ichin hi!llfc_lfe, th1r_1gs arc: open ~eforc hun-:H~b·4~' ~ .yea rh~r· ncucr looking higher to the hand rcach1ng arcnalz!4,~nd as1t \·vcrc vnquartercd b~for.e:Mst thcm,ouc vmohim:Jo~. z r. ts. w hoUd,e A/... ...., eyes: for the.JApofilealludot.bto c·he c-u't't·ing-:. I m'i~~~ie.~hat we fbo~!d ferue him, A-:d ':'hatpro- ! vprof a bca~l, . ~rthc :mat~tnJZ.tnG_ of t~Ci1C~a·? i jitt.lslto Caflvponhtm? Pfal. 14.Heeneun·cal- 1 C ture,whcrcmmcn arccunoustohndcout'~Ue.•: ltth vpon God. Fifthly, he haccth the_ Chur<h j ~Y liulc vcinc or.muslde, though they lie ncue·t and-people of God, 3t)d wh~n oocohon O,all;1 fe cl~fc; cucn fo the Lor~ 01all find ou•due•Y.: . feruc,he -will tc!lifi"C·it bypcdccuting the fame.· i uanlgrdfion,.'although)neucr fo fecredy·C'-6ft..J . For he·that loueth nop.God, loucth 1\or his ad- ~ ceiucd &·c.onr;~!Cd, and r.hat in fUch fe.rt;"t~l'lel hereof'' P,fal..i4+They (mite down thy pco~ /hall conuince t~evngodly man, y;hoft>t!il>il!h·._; plc:r~Lord,andrr_ou6le thinehe-otage.ThcCe be' fiH~l·bc fhut1fo.tooneas euer his booR iS.O'pkn: .li the notes ofthem agaiOR whom fenrCnce lh:tll whiCh f'ho~l!d tcach"Vs, firfl ~~n matttr·ofr.ertgi~J p3tfc when they ffiali·Dc"'iudged! .frdn,l V.•hencc bnto· ~uoidc rnHrdHfembJing and hypecrillcm3gll two dut~es ~re tO be !.earned. Fir~rto 'de·ni'c: all" ~hat in dCcdc. v.•h~c thou ftidncfi torrtR~9f<f't'J ~~~c~to:r vngodlines,and-tO pll~ farrc frotn·VS alt the }'>ro- 1 though t~hou nuy;dt delude mc·n,thOu (:iiffhict!l fecme ..s f perti~ ['hcreof.Secol1df)', tocxercife our iClues decciul!-thc A·lmightic, but ~lee fh311 e6f(u'i.~kcc~l thuu~~~3oiT l•. vnto gO'dJines and a1hhe ~utics.thcr~Jf::as·~.dl ~hc.c. S~contJJ¥, l~t thy do·aHt1g before lne'rfbC : 1 . <1";~~,, ' tol:o.r-oe ro knowi<?od:3nght,?~th ~~.h1s ow£1 1 plan1c,,fimpJ.e,, "':Hh?u1 frau~;~~~min orf~c@~it'{'l -~. :~~ ,n3! :lttnbutcs, ~ndalfo tr1 hls·a~~ChmVto vs ~ard, . for though t.hou maldl.gloi? \~'f;.Hh m~hiv..ill~; .:.~~;;;::~1: I ncucr quictmg our fc~uc' nJl we ~nov.t h1.m to ]· t ' cannot con~uJ,(e thee, yet the rightC:?US :t=-brel'1 be·4 ~Uff~th~r;~o:u~ Redeemer, o.ur ~a~~C!'Ificr: D !hall rebukc·.thec for want of righteonfi1clfa in.;f and thiskno"':~ed_ge c;rhim is !.i~e erermll. Serhy dea!in!!',{hitdly, humble thy (dfe:~~.for'e' . con~ly~~o fqbtcClo~r'ifoluc.,oui../lliliS~,,~Is1af.., G9d olwatesfor all thy kngwec'flrines;yea~rtd .,. fccf~9~~~fp1:cches.~,~~d aChons, t~ ~!J !l.islaws.• for v.nkJ~Ownc:fi~mcs a\10: ·f011 though.tll.,ey be : for,t.o·f11"li.kc<Offthe yoke of~obcdrcncc to :lny vnknowne.Jt<tth)r fclf~, y~t: d.1ry arc khoWn'e· ; P?.~\ft(l•i~t"'-'dJs,'f~cllion.T~i,d1t1\\£1l~'~-!\ , v.nto hiinpwho- will .one'day,<onulncc'the~_'ot1 ot otlr ~c1ucs, 3S Oe('tng nothmg'in oul-le1ucsi them all, cxcertthou· prcudnt ·bun by thy rc.L' :w?}~l._.ou~ hsJ.rts d~ps~4 vppn~~hj: {1\'H·~gnoa.\ pemancc., t,,;,, ~.,! :; '> . • :> .• - • .\ ,plcafi.Jrc of Cod, liuipg by f::ti~1, makr1g him ·: The third·.t.hing propo'Undcd in the tcllim'oJ. ! our rockc, ounowef;o\tr tOrtrc{fc; ahCI (hong ny ,is the caufc Ofthdlldgcm'C"fin thefe word;~ I defence itl all e~atcs , ye:t in life an? in_ dea~h O.f all~h~ir wick!d ~erdu_which the] hiiue Vttg~4- ·J ountd.u~mage. Fcm~th!y, to worfhtp hm1 not lily commiPte-J;~~"~ ,Jlirll•rh:ir cruell [pe51k]ng1~J oncly outw.rdly (as hypocryresmay doe) but .-h;ch wjo~tthJi.tinn>J•bauc'fp•'<._en againfl him,] I to ftrue hnn m our fpmts, g\U·tng htrn our The caufe JS: ~-.,,•c...fold ,:the decUes and wOrds 1 f''\.Vholchearfs. Fif::hly,ro louc all men,hut cfp.cof men: ...:_he deed~s ·are cliA:ributed, fit.fl-,-" by' \ I _ _ _:_:. ·· G l' I . ~ ·the !