, - - ---- -- -~-------- 1 s66 I /In Expo{ttion "ppon I 1 - ;:::}ttee:~~ed~{.~~\T,~ ~~;,:·~~/:r~:{o:~f.~~~ A ' ~~'~:;;,~b~:fu::~~~~;,~.j~;;7£,~e;,~~:::: '\ ··-=---~ I l Notes of:m vngodl.y and :::b~~h. I il theQl, they arc vngodM; :_ommJtt~d. By vngod. ~ffendetb mee,fll"Jit rm;p.gcmyfolfc feucnt 1e;1 mcs Iyworkcs arc mc:.tnt allltnncs againft any p:~rt {ctl1UJ1 fuld; a crucll aqd_Dlp?dic fpccch v~ming I ofthP lawofgoJ,whcthcr in the fitH,or fCcond it fclfc.cucn-agai;;fl- Gqd himfclfc. ' l).blc: for cucry ilnn<.:(though ic be ciin:Cl-ly aVfo. FirH, hence it fol!o'v\'<;th ihat ")~ked ga.inft :n:m) hath in it a dcfctl:,dnd a withdrawwords and works il.rc ,:::i.ut'csof iull condcnmatng.of:fomc duti_t:,duc ro God, Secondly, ifOr I tion.Qb.Then good,v\·ords and \~ori~s,;rc C;lUth_c~Ul~n.ncf, thtlc wo1·kcs bccirtg_vngodly at:d ~cs o~ faluation, An[. 11:hcJC..?[on i?~}Ot &9od, fa}hng ag::np!l the law arc donc.aitcr anvngoa~ tor Wtckcd rncns fi.nq bepcrtc:IZ"t:lyp:ickt:O,but. ly ·~ua_nncr : anH :hat workc is clone vngodlity the aCl:,iQtrsof.thc rcgspcratc arc: not.pqf~CJly. '\\'h\o,h procecdcd1 fi·om an vnrcpcntanr hc<1n, goost Secondly, \o\'C :1r~ .h~nc.c to bc:waile the ~0~ a mindc ad~litled and dcuoted to vngodli-. vngodly ~\·ords and WQr~sthat hauC"p,affcd vs, n~Uc;,which i!11known ancl difccrnc:d to be fuch which biQd~cYS oucr ~d1coodcrnnation,.and aa onc:.Py three notes: firfl,bccaufc ic purpoferh \ bouc all-~h.ings in the \\'orld to fi.Jc.rpJGpd lbfi , to £0mmit finnQ.bcforc hand Secondly, in the prayer forp~rdon:yca ~o giuc our fdues nO'rc!l: COJ1111!itcing of fioncjr is delighted and rakc:th ~ I til we h11uc \\\.ithin vs rhe witnctfe ofG,od~fpipl~.a[ure In 1~. Thirdly, after finnc: it walketh in. " rir, wimcJling to our fpirirs that we.are,.gracir._ltqfAme coul'if(:, yea runnc:th on in the fame ouOy accepted, :md that Ol!r vngodly ,{orkcs 1 Vi_a-icS without .rc..nwrfc or repentance: and this arc rcmoouc:d our of hi·s fight. Thirdlyvw.e are e)aufc fc<:meth to bj :;Jddcd to put a.differcncc to markc thqfe: pcrfonswho!C liuc:s a;nd mouths Q~\~ecno lhe.goPly.:llld "vick·'c'd,who boch of , abound \-\'ith vngodlindfe, and commt;lfip tc .G~emmay commit Vngodlindfc, and be founr.l not \>\jth ,f:uGhj but mournc for them a,S~P.t4icl, )1\;vngo_dly aClign;; but not both committing whofc: righteous foulc w~s ,vexc:d, lJ~H p,p,c:ly·in tl:t.c~mjnan vng~dly-manncr: fOr. the childc of. fcc:i'og the .wicked works, but allo in hearing God b.ctOre he fi'm1c'hc purpofcth it nor,yea he the filthy f11~echcs of the VnFic::tt,lC ~~domites, hath apurpotC not tO finne; tO as he may ray it My tearcs (faithbauid) ha,!JC ~ecn~:':l?YJU.Ca~.c rbl.tl·J• isJlOt pqely bcfidcSJbut againlt·his purpofc.'Se;.. day and nighr, while rhe;:.~ily fay :vnto mee, I cgntl.ly ,in his fi.nne.he hatb ardHl~iig,:~nd flrife wh:re U..-th;·God? Fourtl;lly, our duty is ro auoid ,aga{nH.it, and is not wholly ,l~va!Jowcd v.p in euerywi'ckcd way :ltrd \~·ord,and endeauopr tO 1tPe plca{i.~rc ofic.Thirdly,hc !yethnoc in it,but hauc: our fpcach feafon~d _)Vieh fair, aml mini- ~cncy.reth and reco\J,ercth hil!l'(clfc~ againe by C firing grace to the hearers. Fifthly, conftd~ .Uit·hJ!.IJd repcnc*nce: fo a~thougi1he"l!oe wichence what we in this Land may iufi{y. be, a.. kGdU~~·)'Ct he d.Qili i.t not wickcdly,but weakfraid of, fedng vngodlineCfc fo excecdu1gJy-aly,.boeing ouercomc and foylcd by corruption ~ boundcth, godlineife dccrcafeth: the!gQQ!y are ApclJJ~llCC is it tlu(t this vvic.kcdtw.orke be.eingl ~ taken p.w,y..,d)e wicked reproach thcufv.~l)~jarc fi\Y<II.sliP the haJlds,<>f,Gods d rild,.n, .though' ' left eucn,fqrrfligions fal}e,& for iuch.c'c!igi/i't<S ,i~~~~feJUC dea-ch,: yet through,gracc it fuaJ be , pracbfes as {l•nd-boch,\>yQ,o.ds Jaw &,(he.Jaw< lli!ti'.!H>fe of his<cndcnmat.ionil oo. c ofchehnd,J>y/uch fpeacl]e,s as t!)~fe;1hi\~~J.t :: 1 /lpfb. Ti)e prijlCip~ll, caufe aftc_Ondcmnatiofi' o~e thi~.ryn~l~S to fcr.qu:~IJS; dpeH thoj1Jsa::rre !is>.q~~fhis .or tha~:61fne, but,thc:t·lying and tra-· ' th1s o~ t~at.t~~s:-?~hou nrt ~ul oft~cho.ly ghofi 1 , dirrg1 ~hcr~m, wh1c~ argu.ctl11an{v,ngodly heart: , the pcm)IJ.s;~~·~~htn ~hc£_P:,~l~p Ju.c.h lt~if.- 1Jl9H, til.'"fqlVJtnt_,vngodhqe{fe mdedi·e;rhakcth men , wretche~d;tnfl v.ngodly, fi.>~~f:bes,, IU.(l~1 ,:Le[~r": 1 (u.9,ie' ;411 ~0 ~-on_ .~.c:mno. tio1~: b. ut to ~omrfli[ i.t vn: I, ~ing ~C:lJCfuh,i,ud. gemel1ts·:_. Thc~wic~~Rllf..t_ff~pf g9.d;h.!yrtills bnngcth fw1fc wdgenknt.Sccond- 1 l.nhabua,n;s .o1,1equrnc w:ho.lc.kl!lgdgrps~tou. Iy;a-jwickcd tn~n fitineth not ot~~·ofinnitic, fob 1 :1~8. z.• .It-t.9fhoRUCSvs th,n!tP (bcta.ke,c!Ul~;lt:lucs h~ '9!nplittcth vngoJiincs in ::n ''dgodlymm-' 1 1 to fpcedi~:rc,ncn~anc.e;...h;~!!fp.~~qJ_e vcngfanc:~ nsTJ,1-nQ uacietb inJtdGkedncffc.·.~, wickedly: the ' ouenakov.s V.Mwarc:s.t: r· - .).l:.t' Cronc;sQfjnti.rmidc befall not the gracc:Jdfc fin-... P · · , I"' ner, butchcregenerateonciy,inwltomfraihy. ' , V.·• i61.~ q-he!C·are murt.~U~ f~ils'lJ.gra:cc for atime: the drut}kard may ex- ':}..." ~,,J. · cufed himfdfcatu) fay,his finne is 'his infirmity.;• rerJ~ comp.lainer.s.,it~Jall(jng,a;:· yetisitnot,buc:i ,y'tickcdnc:ffe,,wickedly c.om.:. 1 1'. 1 ') ' ' 1 1 fl 1 h•f. 1 mitte~;fo ofthe COll~~ous perion·andocher htl" , t.ef I/Jetr O'flme, .::lfl;•eS., 1l? (j e; n,:rs_.Thirdly,markcGodsgreatt'mcrcic"\'ith · l • ~ the r;f In I fi~ ui/ th ·~"U •· m.~clnhankf!il\1<S.:in th.a~ the rcgeO<tllt< doing mo~ J;/ f ea...,; ·[', 0 '• .,~'!6! • v.•icked atlions af~,.vcll as the ...\ ickcd, arc:·not: hauilifTmen I "tJerfonJ in·admtra . con9eJl1Ue<ffor thq<n••• cho wiok~ll-are: Fo/ 1 • 6 • •'. /: }' • j '· · · • thm i,• no.co~denr~alio~fO.tiJCmthai arc in Chrifl tionbec·azye if aduantage. /ef;u,H.om.8 .I , ' ' -,· ,:;:. · ~ ; , t.f'' ~ " ''J' .T\le fccond c:~.ufc oLthc ~iud.gCm.cnt is the : ! 1 In this vcr(c the Apofilc remrneth ag.ain:e to fpccchcs ofthe wi.t~ed;[ct•o.ut by t•WO proper~ 1 ; ,his former pmpofc, and ilill conrinunh t·ht re– tics: firH. tltqan cruCllr: fccondly• . th_~J ar:vt;; · hcarfahoft~e{inncs and \'ices oftheft fa!IC tell ure_d af.4infl God. A._•~ oxamp~e ofiuc!•·.(peech 1 chers, agaiuil.whom heo writccfi : and ' g'i~fi _ · whom