-·-·--·---·--·--.!.~----·- the epiflleof fude. I 5& 7 ! A i thcirwilhingsond defi:c~:~\'c on lhc <ontr,.ry ! ---~- ~~ ~re hence to lcarnc, fidt, tolhinl;ev.c11 and ( whom he hath alic:~die allcdgcd t\·\•cluc fcuC"r<il t finncs; and in this vcrtC :~ddcd1 ll:xc more, of I which {omc not\.\'ithfi:mding h:we bcenc tou– ched in rhc finncs formcrlycondemned.Hcrcin we firll 01cW the nature of the vices thHclucs, ! and !Ccondly lay downc the contrary duties fo I fM as they 01all conccrnc vs. 1 Theft Aremurmurers J By murmu1ing \\ carc fpcakc well bf th3t cHatc in \\hieh C ell in his I prouidcncc bath fctkd vs;bc it benn or \'\.'orfe. . · PhiI. 4· J I. In what eftme JOmrr, 1 hrtflt Iear- ! nrd !h~r,with ro be conunud. Hcb; I 3· 5. Bti I content with thn.t youlu111~. Fidl:, tarrit nbt co– u~tons;aip~ring, and maii!iot~s m.mds and ~.tfc.:. Cl10ns:but tf thou mull 11('rds t:c drfiring,fa: js.; .fie thy tCife with lncobs dCfirc: 011c(y rlu Lord 1 bewithmt-e,4hdif hugmcnu foodc m.d rttim~nt j in rJ;is my io'lm:cy, it i& jujficieilf. Sccondl\' otfr 1 1 to vnder!land a ccnaiuc fruitc ofin~p::tticncc, whcreb~ men fhC'.\' them(ducs difple<1fcd with 1 the wo1)tc ofGods prouidcncc,efpcci:J!ly whC Ihis hand is vpoa them, and they arc vndt~ the ! crotfc. Example ""'hereofwe haue in the llrac- ' ,.lites, who when Mofos had !5roughr them olit ofEgypt,thcy murmured and rcpiil<'d that they Il 1were fed with M:mna only, and wanted thi:'ir / i fldh -pots which they had io E~ypr: fee Deut. hearts muH be fct to obry God Cl1tn tn p~I!Cr~ 1 Go,{• <;iil tic and affiitlion, and bc~rc aducdltie wnh an 1 b:.'~~ki1t . ·cquatl andmoderate mind,o\!r Obdlitncc mull bc:~ingbotfi no"t o.nely ~~aftiuc- in doing, but patliue a!fo in · ~~.f-;er:d~t fi1ffcrmg hts will. J'bii. 4· f 2. I ctPI want and v,. abosmd; I can dot n..ll t~ings tln·ough Chr!fl that I j/rcng:htneth mu, Hcbr. ro, 3-f. The faithful/ · j I. 26. 1.7. \\'here thts finne is c::tlled rehc/1/b"na.:.. l gain.ft God; and therefore is no ftn31l finnc.Fot auoyding and preucming of which fin ne, we mull le:1rnc two duties: fidl: iu filencc and fub– icdion to calmc and quiet our he::ms in the rcucalcd will of God vpon vo;, thm.gh therein our owne wills be cro!fcd. Pial. 4· 4· Examine your felues,andbej/i/1, Nal.l7·7· BefileHtvn– to God,and waitc on the Lord. Which is: all one as ifhe had plainly faid:Ler Gods will be your will alfo. Ifa. 30. IS. In qttictnef{eandconfldeJJce ,fhAllbe JOHr ffrcngrh. Herein our ilrcJ.lgth mufi 1 1 be exercifcd, not in refilling, but cndt•ringthe hiid ofGod.Secondly, we mull fl1ew our.fclucs I truly thankcfull ro God in all things befalling vs: ye"3 euen in cuill things, which other· ' wife may be oceaftonings ofmurmuring.!ob. i Th~ J .. o)·d hath giu1n, and the Lord hath talz!n, Mejfodbrhk·nttme. 06icff. But this m:1y fcemc harfh :md contrary to reafon,to bidlCGod for crotfes. An{w. Not a whir, ifweconcciuc that f according to our defcrcs, hce might plunge vs i into the pit ofhell: and therefore ifhe mitigate ofthat iu!licc. :md remember hismercie more eafily correCtingvs,hcrcin :Jl thcpraifc ofmcr– cie is due vmo him. Complainers] So called for two caufcs: firll, bccaufc they arc difcomemed with their prc– fem outward cfiare wherein God h:Jth pl3ced them; the portion that God harh allotted them hked1 them not; they arc difplca(cd that they !re not :~:s others be, and that they hauc not as others hauc. Secondly, becaufe vpon the fro– wardnes ofchcir difpoGtion they arc eafily di– fpleafcd,and hard to pleafe ag~in, foone inccn– fcd, and nor fo foone fatislicd; and .thereupon are commonly c6plaining ofthe hard mealure they Iceme ro recciuc at mens hands. But cfpe– cially they arc (o called in rcrpcCl: ofthefnrmcr .rcafon. This is not the finne of that age o'ndy, I ncilhtr onciy ofthofc pcrfons,but is CUC\1 3 c(l. mon {inne ofour times, and lh:a of the richer fore: for thclc arc the poorc!l: ::tmongHmen, cl ucr ~o~.·hining, & complainiug that thci1· A. arc is not fo good as others, nor as they would hauc ir: and although they know (aswe fay)no · .L____ endc of their wcalth,y~hcy no end of con/d with ioy f-Jfer thr fPo;linJ!. cf their ~oods, . Thirdly ;W.e lnuH end. C3LlO(IT tO n)C'\•\' ~Jl tlJcek..:.: I ncs to OYJI_rnen Vp<in ::111 occ:ifi.ons,pu!ting offal morofitic,waiwarducs, and difficultie to be (3tisfied and appca(cd. Chrifl.r VDiCe 'i'Pas notlifi li vp ~n ~heflruru,hC ii1durcd ~ll wro~gs,fo:gauc all JOlttncs;and al themembers ofl11s bod1eput offlikwire thcirwqluifli dilpt>fiti6s:thcy /:cafe 1 to be T1gcrs, L1ons, Cockatnfi:'s, and become · IC" Kids , Lambcs, little children, eafie to be han~ &?. 11 ' Jl, died, hardly offended, and quickly ple•fed: C which diiporition we·mufl- put vpon vs. The third finne; [ WAfkj,Jg after tbcir own; /uj/r J is fidy expounded in Ecdef. '''9· where the young man is ironicslly willed tO wa·Jke in rhc waies ofhis ownc hear~, and in the fight of his owne eyes, &c. euen io thcfe men Hue in their finnes. according to the. leeding and lulling of their ownccorrupted hartcs:- whi·ch finne i!i. before in the fourth verfc tou.chcd; and fomcwhar alfo is funher to be fpokCofit in the rcfl- ofchc Epifllc. O ur contr:tric dutic·inwo– foldc: firH, ifat any time by frai!tie \o\"C fall into' any fin'ne, ncuc:r to goe on in the fame, bur bre~kc it off, 3nd returnc vnro God :· for t6 wa}ke after his OWOC hearts Ju(l-s is a i10tCofi 0 wickedperfon aTul :Jit enernieofGod.Pfal.68. 2. Surcly;God will 'vound the head of his e– nemies, and :he hAiYif pate ofhimthar walktr!J ! on in firm(. Secondly, we arc ro frame Otll·liues 1 clcane againfi tlic hdls and inclinations of our I own hcarts;waging batttll rontinually againfl ll them,eucr eroffing and thawning them:Ro. 1 1 14- y;,~no thongbt to [111jill the /11j/s of thr Jl-/h. IG,l, l· They that ore Chtifls lm!<c-tllcifiedthr 1 [fie/b,n·ith the luj/s them[: for whofocncrbe-' l I lccu<rh truly the pardon of his f>nns by Chrills I dcath,c5.not but monitic the lu!ls ofhis \\.!.icked' · heart; befides tharthc whole conrfcofChriHi-"1 anity is nothingcl le but acomioual conucrfion· an<i turning vmoGod. t The fourth finne. /•Vhrfc mo.:lthtJ[peak.; proud I' I orji"4'cllin~~· thingJ, l that is,thcy bo:-~U thcrnfr1urs of knowkdge, holincs, and thillf"S not to be foun d in thc:n_. The fame with tb~ dcuils iinnc, \ Ggggz · Luk. l