Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~68 .An Expofition 11pon 1 : ------ 1- -: Luk. 4o Alltht~ will I_r,ifle thee, for thry are A men arc admired for \\ifcdomc, ,,hcr~Jstl:c ' mine, and l giue them to u;home I will.,· \\'herein f3tnC men, ifthey were poorc, v.:ould c<1rr:c a- 1 bee fhcwcth himfcltC the father of lying and way no praifc thereof. Ah~b bad fourc hun- 1 boafling. It is noted alfo to bC the propertie drcd falfc prophets \o\'ho rhus admired his per_. of. Amichrift, as to V\ home v•as giucn a fon,but ondycncM1cha \r\'ho fait hfully adn:o- 1 r tn9uth '"'hieh tpakc g'·cat things and blafpheniilied him. Thirdly, o~t~ dmie i~· to !J.onollr 1 mics , .Reucl: r ~. 5· \\•hich was meant of the thcmtharfeare God, nch or poorc, mgh or Errperour indeed, but fo as the fecond Gcail, low it bcc111g a note of n child of God to colt- I .which is that Amidnitl, f11oulJ doe all things temnea vilepcr[otJ,that is a..,, r<·ccl~cd finncr,but . Pf.1.1.JH.. I which the flrft be.1!T could dOe-before him,ver. to bonollr them rhar fiare the Lord, bee they \ rz. lt is a![o the noted vice of all hcrctikes & neuer [o ba[c: and yer the honour~bic: much : fcduccrs, z. Cor. ·1o: J 2. to cx1Jt and praife more, ifthey be found in the waics ofrclJgion, themfclues.Thc conr'rarydurics are firll,In eomThe fixeh finnc. BectJHfo (Jfttdts:mtalic.] That 1 ·111011 fpcech neither to praifc, tior diiPraife our is, for profits tJke; where: their .cou~tollfi1cifc. Celuc5, for vani;;ie lurkct.h in borb:-belidcs that which before was touchcd,is here again taxed; modeHie"' ilnot !Uffer the forn)er; and the lat- B the effeCt of which atfc:c1ion is to blind rhe tcr is to occ:Lfion- others to praiiC -vs, which is minde thJt it cannot iudge 3right ofpcrfons pr but vanirie.Sccondly,whcn in lpe;1ch we eomthings: it makcdu man account an cncmie of pare our(clueswithothersourc:q uals,wemuH G~d right!y honouraPic , :1nd to dccmc the euer thinkc and freake better ofthem then our things bdow ofhighctl rcgJrd. Let vs weede fclues. Phil. '2. 3· Let euery man tj}eemc other out of our hearrs this biuer roote ofcoucroufbetter thett himfolfo. Paul comp~uing himfdfc ncffc, which othcrwHC will fo blindvs, :is ·wee with the Apo(llcs, f3id lue WMI~e leafl of them cannot truclyd,fcerncthc: p~oplc :md thinos of all; bccat~fc he had beene aperCCcuror, t. Col'. God, but take Egyplia;ls for ICraclitcs,and u15. 9· Thirdly, ifany ~)e:1ke ofhis ov..·ne want, ccpt ofthe red pottage in Head ofthe .bldfing. when iufi"occafion is offered, hcmnfHpeakc · V. 27. 'But, ye befoued. re- ~uCn the moll agaHlfl: hind'tife: As Paul chat he , ;vas the hcadanachiefeofall(innm.Fourthiy,if member the ~ords ~hich ~ere aw<~:n vpon iull occafion be mooued to comI1J;.nd hi:nfclfo,tirfthe muft do it ioall humility Jpo{~n· befire of', the !!Apojiles and moddlic; fo Paul lpcakerh of J-.imfelfe c o~-"our Lord fte!UJ Clmijl:. tnanothcrpcrlon: I.Cor.l:.I. I k...newaman 1 'J jl'}4 in Chrifl which JVM tak$n vp into p,,radift, &c. l In thefc v. ords the ApoHlc gocth about to An§/ 'in nothing WtU f infcrslfv.r vnto the verl bhief~ anfwcr an obicCliouth:l.t might b-e made by the ylpojlles, though I be nothing, vcr!.n. Church afcct this manner: We cannot be reThe fifrh fl.nnc.1lauingmmsperfons inadmifolued that thefc mE-nagain.fl whom ye write, ration.] ThewordperfcnmScripture Ggnificth ' arc fil vngodly as you would make rhem; The thc,face and outward appearance of :1 man;and anf.,.,·cr whcrcto is framed in the 1].I8.and 19. c·o~(equcntly the things bCionging vmo che vcrfc:s. The dfcCl of which is, that in.the lall pcr.Con, a.> riches, honours, dignities, for the times there fhall be mockcrs, and thcfe beno which thc,fe falfc teachers haue me~ in admiqther thC the men ofwhom he writcrJ1~ & leall radon.~- Is it not lawfu:I to admire a they f11ouldyerdoubt ofrhctrmhofthat hec Prince, or other Pcncmates at all? Anfw. fpake, hre bringerh in the ccHimonieof the Yes: but when men admire them oneJy for Apofilcsintheconfirmationof rhef.1mc: tO as their perfon, richc~, honours, nobilitie, with... his doClrine vvas no other then that ,~·hi, h. was out rcfpcct ofthe fe{l.rc ofGod,or true vcrtuc, before by them dcliuered. Where three things this IS vnlawfuli, and the finnc ofthcfe mr:n: arc to be conftdcrcd;fidl,a preface to the rdHwhercinis alfo Included the contempt ofthe re D j monic, verf. I 7. Secondly, the refiimonie it hgwus poorc:, yoa and alfo of the ttch themfclfe, v. 18.Thirdly, the amplifying ofit, v.rg. [clues: If they trucly feare Cod. lam. 1. J. My For the P.rc:facc But, yee Veloued, rer1fcmher hmhrcn, hmtc not _the faith of our Lord le["' 6-c.]Firfl the Apo!lle lude fertorh our hi• own Chrift itt refpeil of perfotts: teaching vs that it dutie and praCli!C, in that whatfocucr he fpeawill not !land v·mh true Religion, nor with the kerb itproccedeth oflouc:& he iS not c:aricd a... faith of ChriH to honour men onely bccaufc way in tiH:aklllg or writing wich finil1er affeCH they ate: rich or noble, ons; and therefore hec callcrh ehcm Beloued, , FirH,nore here that no man carriccb fo bafc a This ought to be rhe praCtiCe ofall Teachers, minde, and fuch flauifh :Jffc:tlions,as the proud who om of their inward loue to Gods people ambitious pcrfon;hc magnificth the great n,1an, cornmirtcd vnco them, are to vttcr whatfocuer and is fcn1illy :tdditl:cd vmo him euen for outthey tcach:yca nnd no man in any other calling A greatn'i· W3rd refpcC1s, nor cflccming hi1n for that may lay afiJe thi~ affeCtion in the difchargc of Cerie ,)f which is indeed worthic: robe refpcClcd. Se. the duties thereof, fe<eing it is che end ofall the ~~:('h~~~fi condly, the condition of grclt men (for the ~ Commandcmcnt'1. f a«rnin:d.huc moH parr) is mifcraUle, who hauc many tOadIn the fecond word rememher.]is laid downc (~~~,;;tmoI mire thm~,_ but fcwc to admoui01 ~~_e_m_:_~_ch the dutic of the Church and faitJ:fi:!JJ'.:."P~~