Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

---·--- -·1 _ /_ .!!e Epijlleoffude. /_!69 J J of <..;od, \\;hi eh is to rcme1ilbci' the words f~o· A or writ mull be rccducd as an infallib!c truth 1 1 / 1 I{co by- the AppLlles of the Lord le(us Chnll. :md may not be conu:~diC"kd. Now :he better / J !\Vhich we allo in this ao:c. arc to be cxhqrtcd to know both what 'he Apolllcs wcre 1 apd J vnto.forvcry wcigluy r~afons:firft, it is a QOta"- what this Auth<:>ritic is, confider three points-~ I 1blc rcm:::rlic anainH 3.llfinnc, :md cfpecially the firft, their calling, and the grcatnd!C thereof; ~ j foren3mcd fin~1cs: Pl31.•116. I 1. ft1 m;. ha.ftc I They '"'ere called byChrifls O\.\'J1C mouth,loh, I [aide allmen.are !iar.s;that·i-s,whcn1I.r~lllC!llbrcd 20~ 21. As t-he Falhr;·fn;t Yl/ec, fo I fmd JOlt! I 1hot the "'·or.d ofiGod:butrforgatJTl~ p)t\'nd:ny, by which C'On1p~r.ifon In: dcjigncth ehcm eo a Iand was carr.icd away M'itl~ thcJikead.1~_,gt my panicplar &. waigl1tic £allitJgiA:and1ng in tlic(e 1 I . owncaffetl:ions•ag-ainft f:iith,!bfaded qnd peims: firH, ,as Chrill W<IS irilmcdiaccly caJ)I!d was foiled. Pfal' 1 r 9.• I h~tue.hidth] teftizmniu by the Fathc{,fo \\'ere the Apofll,f!~ i.mmcdi3tly / Ii• my fJmu>,thad fbouldd4t .•!fmd agaif<ft,(h.e. called by him!Clfc.So<ondly,os G'hrifl \\'~'fen~ SCcondly;this·rcn;cmbranoc is a,nQtab.lelr,cmcfrom fllcrFa~h~r t9 p,rcach to tlw:whplc world) die againll herefics,·anO f(:hifi1JCS 1 au'd:all f.1lfc bccing tile great.!Pntphcc,., aod:.R:9t1or...of 'hi~ doClrines, &. is .of mmzh vfc in thcfc6Ur daics, Church;fo Chrjll (cndcth rhem ip;~ th... c whole ( whcrcitt we are in dangc.t to!befc4pced,partly B world 1 forth whOle wotld<<:it· fhargc, I by AthciRs,ponlyby•P.apiHs,on8tparily by·car- !llif~i!¥'"' ,Clv;i,fl 'Y"/~il t,(q"<~>)\!~i> F,1, nail Gofpcllcrs; againH all whom w~ had,need· thcrs wil,whlch bcfo'rc \>viis R~) ·ro'thc~greart"fl..: w be well fenced, aRd·ormcd by the reading, parc.<>fthc worl~i{o thoY.'i''qf~('t bt.<;:hr.iRJO knowing,. ,bcle_cui'rig:; .tand rCQlem.britJg the rcuetlc the Fat,hers Yvitpanly,I{l making thin~s words ofthe Prophets ond Apofllcs,which ontl)o_tc.ftillykrto.\VJlC,iNhich wckbdore but dili~ ly•atc as Dauidl fling •to ouerthrow the .great ly lhadowcd;andpartly in forete!iing thin_gs to Goliahs:Thirdly, it isan·cxccllcnt,meanes to comc,thcy all bcmg Euangclic l~flf.ophcis\i\( fettle tht:.confciece in the·truthby pcr(wading !h.Gfe thrc 1 c 11-andc.rh that comp:irjf9n:,ip._r~-Jrd the fame: and the rather ,to becnforc,ed, be.. .9.f.)l\'~ich mantJcr of their (cn4i\l,g they .;m;:~:., caufe mi'ny· 1 allead'ge thlt•there are fo many, poue ~ucn the Angels thcmfc!nc_s, nay the .A9~ I Rcligion·s :tnd opinions, that tliey will be of gels, \,V ere as ic were but their (ch.c:>ll~rs. Ep~,1· none, for they koolNC not which. to bctakc I.O. flow vntopri;-,FipalitieJandpowc:rrin heatle'f!J I thcrt;lfclues vnto: But if the(c werc.diligcnt in plf«p Mmade kzrow)Je h.J the Ch,tiYc ...h,tlumttnifold the words ofthe PrephcJS& ApolllCs, i11 rea: ofGo1, that i~, by thc;q:jipi~~ri<! o(,hc cling, fearching and lifting out the truth in hu- .1\pofl:lcs, the myfterics of God, concerninG inilicie-; they fhall find wherein te fettle themmans redemptigo,~aue bin re-uealed to the .Anfelues. 1 •• !'t:;' C gelst~emf~h}Ss·· -~ . )'h, . IJ?: ·Secondly,by his fecond wotd all teachers-arc $CCOJld)ycr.:>niJ~cr th~" Amhor.itie; whi~h to take notice ofrheiT.dutic, which is to whet was moll au~hentiqali.f~.i_ng tJla.t neither ~IJ tq thc word ofthe Apoll! es vpon the ham ,minds ching or writing~hey <9ttlsl erre,bccing fpc>tand memorie-s oftheir he<'rcrs, fa as they may ally priuilcdged ~hcrcfrpm: H>. 19. It. 1 lcarneand remember them: and the rat·bcr beJball begiuenftU in zhar hortre whp!: yu foall f.ry, caufc1in former ages religion was defiroyed,& The peculi2r promife of dircCl-iR9l.b~lo:nging fupcrftition prcuailcd, becaufc that men laid ato the Apoll-le$ is re.corded in Ioh.16, 1 3· The way the Scriptures out oftheir hands, and be- {pirir of truth /hfllt (eade JOU all truth; iH tookc. tflctufclues to 'the cxpofirion of other whith regard they were bol~ to ioync them... mens writings; and to glotTc vpon the fayings fclucs with the ho~yGho\t ; I!fcemeth good{~ Afl.·tso1&, ofthciranccflor" whereby they brought a the hoi; G~oft andw, n3m,ely,, inorderingtl]~ bl:tckdarknesoucr thefe pa:rts ofthe '''OJld.The Chur"h affairrs:yct here that d1llinCtion.which Prophct~s and ApolHcs giuc another dircfti.on. is falfcly applied to rhe Pope, is true in the A~ Malachnhc la(\ of the Prophets rcfcrreth vs polllcs. by rcafon of this afliflancc · that as VfttO Mof&s and the former Prophets; and lude they \\'Ct'C priuatc men, and in othc'r caurc's thelaftof the Apofl-les vnto fooncr Apol1ks, D they migh:-,and did crrc,hur no't as ApoH:lcs il; lhewingwhit ousht tobe the (cope of all tea... performing their office apoflolicall. chers th:lt would follow their flrps. Thirdly}thcir work! or offi.ce,thry "''C:rc Ma.- Thirdly, hence all Swdents of D'mi.nitir ,<~re A: er builders of'thc Church of the new Tcflataught what they muH moll remember, namement: yea founders thereof, both by tca,ching ly thc ·words and writings ofthe ApofHts: for doClrincs,and informing the m:mne rsof men: thefeare the key ofthe o!dc Tcfiamcnr.and of farce pofling all Euangelifl:s, Paflors,Tcachc:rs, the whole Scripwrc; which dmie if \t '\"'Crc or ordinaric Miniflcrs fincc their daies,, .Cor. 1..vcll obferucd, Poprric, fllptrfiitiot~ tin~l A3· ) o. A.r a Jkjlfull Mlllj/er builder, I hauelaid theifine could not fo f:1rre prculilet.h}lli fall tbe fosmdtllion, and 'mother /milderh rhereon, I downc to the grot:nd, as Dagon befo.r:c the For rhe furthering ofwhich great..,vork in their Arke. 11 hands, they had giuen them fidl a power to 1 Thir,d!y, he namcth the amhors of the; tcfliworkc miracles for the confinni1.1£ of'their dol manic, ,Who \'\'ere the ApoA\cs of our Lord Chine.. Secondly, ofgiuing the holy Gholl by lefiu 1 Cbr41, implying their ;~;mhoritic; and ta-' impofirion of hands. Third!~·, an Apoflolicall ! ~it1g it for gramcd,that fpake rod ro fir~~~_,and correct obtlinateofl'enders;by __,__ ,__L ____ ,________ G g_gJL!____ the