Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

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An E?ojitiofi"~Po'J . . ---T_=-\ The: Pope Peter ondy indeni~llof Chrift. ~h_c V\ hlch Pere, fmotc Atut~sM an~ Sti}'~~;.a A.. wilt ~~tk_o itfur rherr ftljlr4 and fay, :\· rhe 1 I ~~~th· l"rcfe~-~ ~-dc:~h =. and Pfml Etyma~- wn1'i p~omik"Ofl'-l!s~nun:'ng;~llafA's.;thofc,tha~.fl1 aJI j b.mdnc-s. _, . . · . . . fcorneall rchgton,uuni].llaNCa mobkcof God, t· Vfi: M~rke ~har now rhe_Pop.~ _c}annmg augod!inc'• ondlgo:diyil,.•n·;~<\\<n which rbrre is t_hbrwc ApoH~~tc.all tromPerc1:;_1t ts but a fal fC not agrcate~hc:fght of\\:k kcdnefiC: of."'·hem ch::t:llen~gc: ~or _ch~t authoritic cc~fed with Sa!oimm ·fpaal,c:th as; beelO:S, fofaJ.r.e tgon.c,that I t~lQt office, ~nd ~~~ued .onely to ~ay tne follnti~~ thcy''aror. 1 1aftra11' admonition,' :lnd ·tl\b:cforc ProiL?- 8· tt~J~S o~the·C~~~rch_ \\'Hh~~!·~~cm~B?th extra'- woulclttOt l}auw\hem ·:J.d1Jlonifl1.ed;·and..Drmid otdtt:3_n~ as,t~c calling '-''.3·s_:.~~U pc,r\onal!: cc~- _ lt1:Jke~h _th~~dic•th~gbcH: 1dc~rec . of.a fi:1~ ~\~tt!_~ the peJrfons of tl~-~1 ~p·?Hl:_s; s~ ~S'~lf I; m:lilS.:pioddcding in1 his flnnc;,.to ftt·hitilJdownc the· Pop~ fucctc<lcd~ P:,re1"1j1a~~Y.t~~~n~,.,;_tt(t~ m i'n the_cJmJre1ffcbrnc-I'J.Rt;.~. I. I. ' :.~l,; -. ~ the clenymg•ofShn!q .l~not ~c. mfoundtng .Vfo,\:i'-1-rtspar[\~f:thc.tefiiluoniC'I~mofi\uu-. Popi!l!<lothe S::hurch,,'-{1~\chwas dotl~~0 hts h:1bd fb'tn-a~ · J.y verif.i~H inour agcj tfidl<, :in. tf 1 ·c·•Romlfl;f lh1nea rnocfiy hundred ye~rcs bcforl! him.'· !; 'J. ' t~·.:o churc'h,~h'efe religi'otl fett~PhVtp a p'laiR.el!J cL ~~~r~%?!1 re:- ... · v, 'J.'s'.".ffow thttt the~ told~ · kerie!o£{;-o~)and'or Ch<ilt,·of Solq>mC:~nd "s"•· . _ , . n ·, . t' . • _v ,· , I of trupl.r:rlrgton: ~ En~if.on..ChJ.i-fLthey1:~11ake10U ihat therljhould. hee·Wbc~ B but 3'!lJO!:l!o-qftru'?;.th~<ttue Chrill dh•Ki'ng 1 1 ·•. : . ' '''he ' : , , ' · . andfoidreyf•y>but \11c'P<>pemufi'-npo(il:>ule k!rs:i.m '1 , ' 14Jl ' ttn~e, "lPhtc~ him borh in m~ki,l~_lavuesof 1\is-oi ·Iic:to bind fo /d " '·'1[,, • {; '· 'b • · · · the·coofcfeJlCel'ls·aJlo: m@<linghnllq~at\in« . O• ou; . 'l}laf"'! q; .ter t_etr 01!1,~~ from G~riltSilawswhaLhc.,,.~JJ:(oeailoilin.ift o\U-J df l·fl ,. n.: ' ·( B'aSamour;butthcym-a~e·eUerym:iAafaoioui ~~J~~ !Y .U~~S: ·"...: .'. :. '':'·',> ofhimfdfe,:·btmeriti~>g ,Cal~•rioliTful<th<~ Thrs·v~rfc1 codtalncth the reR-JmonJe tt,fcUe; , tcach"thar-6:hrtfi merJttd~·that'"''c·mlghbtn'orif rRCprHa:ce ofW~ich was !:lid down in tlrc for-: outownc falv.{ltion:yc:l·thc trUe GbJifl:is::a.IJJcl.t nier: whcr'cin two things are to be noted:'firfi; diatour;butyer.Saincs d..tuftbe-ini:.rn=dfcn~3rrd the time wh'C:-n \,·ickcd nleidh:dl ·aboundltf lh,e ' his Mother; whome'theytimitle! of Ch~.ii"ch: int-h~!afttimc:-.J Sccon41y, whatl.,h.i~;, ~ Heal1en ~ ~nuH comnt:lUI" .•d her l fonne:1b,v the nc!t'ofpcrfons'ihey arc;namly·dCfcribcd by'-~"'''0 , right ofa rMothcr, td h"atc i:heir pr.a.y.chi~ anJ propenic'st!' fir'A:~ they arc niOck.!rs: fccond'ly, forgiue their ftnn:s;whai: is thisbut ro1 makc his fofhiJ. '· ' ·, Morl><o MediatouPin hls!tlead? Secoo1iiy;a's For the time!It is called the lafl tim~: whiCh C fort:Ht SCriptures, they renounce rh-e1or~iriaU is the time from the Afcenfion Of Ghrift vm6 Bible,and the Grec-keand Hebrew text a~·eor·l. the ende ofthe world~· H may'lta a'sk·cO, -how rupr. an'drwtll. admit 'o( none as .imt'Plenticall, could this be_'blled the ·iafi timd,·feeing i't is but the L~tin tranfiJtion; ·yca:ind of~hat.all.ow fixtcenc hundred year~s ago?~n(ItYs fo 1 dlno fenfe, butthat which ihc Pope authorifetll; Feel fo1· two caufcs: tirH, bccitu(ej t goeth next and ft:_tttth downe:what·is this els-.buuo m:~ke: before the end ofrhewo1'ld;andJl,aJ.J be clofcd a motl<erie ofthe fcriptures? no Bib.Je,no.fe.nfe vp ofthe: bll '(fay; 1. Cor. 10. It. To admowill feruC,normultfiand,but the---Popifhife"nfe, nilb vs vpon whom the ende1 of thewor!diir~ which isindce3eco redUct: all fcriptur· the! come. Secondly, in regndof former timcs,acPopes will and' detCrmination. · r·~~ :,1 , • . cordingto the fCucrall :~gcs ofi,[,in which God Sccondly,if.wc co:nethomc to our fl:Iues,we altered the condttion of his Church, and re~ fhall fihde this ScfipU}r_e- verified 'among the ncwcd his cou('nant ft·om time to time vnto fwarmes of Athei(hj which-make but afcO-rOc the fame: as firlt plighring it wirh A dam, and of the word a~id·Religion. rcll any man"aiinofl afrcrward renewing1t to Noah: thirdly to A. of his dutic, bee willr\>e tCadie to f3.y; 'How !JrahAmoften rcpcatiug it~ fourthly, toDauid: knciw you thcfc to be Jt!afiJ ' wrirings? an'"d fifthly, at the returnc out of rhe Babyloni(h the(e'to b·c the Apofiles writings which'go vncaptiuuic: fixthly,~~thccomming ofChrill. D dertht'ir names 1 and may not falfchood be But nowChrifi bceing come,and that fulnc!Te I written as well as truth·?: Thcfearc.rrroitpro ... of tin1e wherein the former prophccie$ arc fulphanc and bl:afphcmous fcorncrs-: burfuch as filled >nd accomplifllcd, the ihadowes and ce- • were prophecied of before by the.Ap.oCUes remonics arc abolifhcd, :md the new couenant J themfclnes. ~~ . ;t · · • ,.:d·:. • ·. ofgrace ef:bblifhed;there rcmaines no rcnuing Agalrir:, among tho(e that prof.c{\e reHgiotl' I thereof, neither any other ~Iteration of ir, buc arc mah}' ftorners; thac..let a man_make bUt a as ChriH h:uh ~]ready appeared in hishumili'ty fheWOf g·oodne~c,~and.~cgil~ to mak~tOnfd- ; by hisfirft comming ; fo nothing is to beeeienccof:hfs'Way, tfhcc _w1ll not bafphca[ne 3nd 1 peCled now but his fccond comming in glorie: fwca'rC~s'hc was '"·_on~-~ if. heC' will not drinke · and this is rhe proper and principall caufC why with the chunkard: if be refufe li1ch companic this is c~lled the/aft tim~. (" as he copuer~cd wi~h a\orc, or \\'ill no_t doe as 1 Sccondly,concci·n ·mg the perfonso thevno~hers->do,l1e1s p~cfe-mly condemned for. <'~ prcgodly men they are dcfcribed, firfl to be mocnfe foble, ·or wah. fuch .f<'prochfull t~anncs; k_m. Thefc 're dcfcribcd by Pner, 2. Epi!llq. how•the~> is nor rhls predic1ion of rhc Apofl!c 3· In the l:Jfi times f11all come mockp·s, which :it~6tnp~ifh_cd-; when cuen the performing of mo-