Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

, l .the Epiftle oj•lude. I '- ; ,;,o-;-all <Jut.ic~-,y~a-~d fuch as 11:~1 by the laws I A The latter is th'e motion concci!1,d, bnt \t•irh 1 of God :md d1c l:~nd is fcoffc~i at, as a blctni!h? cbnkm,purp.Ofc, and d~hbcra't:ion; w:1id1may When fcomers are tO rif~·and bold eucn in the lie macie phin.c 10 ·this iimihrnde. Tbc eye is j face ofthc; -Chu'rvh? ~'·hc1i yvhct·c Go_sl ha~h his fOmc-timc-sC?fi:ypon an obi·ci!1 dn the Gidd:lillt, lir;lc Hockc,thc D.clllll hath a la!"gc kn1gdon1c? wirhbut any pu1pofc~or'iutcnti6if df·thc rilind! let vs not !J'c offcndc<hoomuch,..wb6Wf bcarc bu~ Comctirn:cs pmp.qfcly. and Hca'dily vpon thc I and fc.c rhCfc fc-omcn chci1,:Jgc f:~mc: and asjn.tHc owincklingoft·he ~ye· ir l~ lhc accomplifim1cnr o:(this prophcfie,and,con:: 01ut wivlfo.uv:ihuught Ol' pdrpo·.fc; .bur ' tr:~rily 1oucand r.cuC:omc~ tbc "'"ord of.God as 'foni~t11hd -~J~nincl"O~p,urpoft1 atHh dc-hbctatiOI! a moll prCtious · . '• . !; to.ptcucmvtonl{! hun. fo·as it in't1h~1 tninde-phcr The fcooo·d Onne }vhcrcby thefe vngod!.y ht:aDt.i-s a:furnace pfiluft, ·t·he1fl3i11es:.J\-\'hctftV men arc datCribcd, is thht thc:y w~tl/zy.afi~r the Of,arifc'fcirp~'itiHhpetnhclttddtm_;,.:nlU·tbd;oa !:ljls ofrheirbwne ht'4fts,\:lrhcrcin two things are timcs-vpon leitUre a'nd •cie!ibc.rat4dn;!:k)lh thc(d._ included: fidt ,"th::!t the.fe vng.odly metl {hall mUfl here bC vndctll~od:, .O)'ncernlr1g haucrheir h"" fiiled ;vith_..,•go4/; lajfJ<Seeod- )Villdt.lufl>Pthcrc ll~ three rhmg•/•rr<l<cr b~rc 1y_,t~3t they..D.1al walk afccr thc{e Juils.C:onccrto b'e:con.!i<!cr.edJ~Fit:H;\hd~o~!l:ti".e:and nanlt"t ning the former fundr)t thi-og_s ~r to. be kn~0~\'11• OCth.Cf.e lu"fls·;in.t."¥atothci;atct':liU.rb be vngo·d~ Fidl,what this luH- or concupitcence is.An{.ltl · ll ly lHfts: fuch 3sa:lrci;,i"ooi.rls,(i.u:lrar:c the bra\l~•it is ofrw.o).Orrs, originall, fhes.; ahxi thare.f.0rdnre itf'fh<tirnaiure propctl'f or aCtu,all:.or ic may be cOt~iJcreditVowaycs: J'im~~s, ycaprinc•irt~thnd ma(h:r.P.nncs:yca and firit, as it·is the fOuntairie or offpring of all ofinmng finnes,-caufing men t<rUdc o·n m finnc .. ther finncs.; or iCcondly) as it is a fruite ofthe !l.!!!fl- lfitHcy 1 bc finnes ,· wlia£'<:1o)htn~ndemCr corruptionofot1r hearts. The fonncr ~s an im• of thet·ennc 'Conde.fn~eth them.~"~Ylnf. Sudden pot ende oft.he hean,vvhor.cby it is ino.rdinacc-. luH: bciforc·confenobP\o\;il'l is'<!Oiid'tihh;cd in~1h~ ly difpofcd ro the dcfirc·o(l'his or that..e.uill: of tOOtb: but voluncaric with conferlt is cOt'fd'eh~ which lamcJ fpeaketh,.Chap..z.14. EHt'rii m.m nedin alii I: he nme formet. lf:.."th'i:> •diflitH~lio!t w/Jcnbt't'U tempud, is drawnt'AwaJ b; hit.Jowne_ benodlcld, wi:: Cannot·makc)t.enne Commznll concupifomce: hc::nce•is 11ht whole corruprion of dc:mcnrs:For in aU.dlc comrrta-nddmcnrs luft is the hcarr.;Or originall finne called luft, bccaufc for.biddcn; !lC£effarie-then it•is;c.hat Jh(l fl1ould it principally fhcweth it fclfc in thefc lulls. be•hus di/\i,tguifhad-and~lf<>(of~N~d, as wee The latter is aCluallluft, that is, eucry1nordihauc faidc. !l.!!Jft. Some may askc ~ In what nace and euillmodon·of the inner man againfi Corhman.dcmem•is·origintl.fin'('Jc:tomaCJ.tmed? the Lawc of God, which pto<Ccd.cth as a Anj:Soniday. itis;folbtddetil<n'th·ewholcl~w branch or.fruit from chc formcrroote,.Rom•.6. C which is~not vntruc; bur yet'tt feemeth to bee 11. Let notftnne ratgne inyour mortal/badiu,that d~rcCt-1¥ condcquicd iO the fir. 1 fl:':lltd la(l CoinJ" foop/d ob'} iti• rhe lujhof it' whereo'flujfs, mondomcorsdouhef; <w-o~l5hcerncproperly,: are meant rhc flames & motions of lufls fpriothe heart of m~n:.Hrdirflr~fpe6hog tha htatt giog from. the former fountainc. This lufl I dircelly fo farrc a•oib eoricernetl! God-: the la!t call, fidl3n inordinaci:morion, to diflinguHh ic fe f2rrc as it concCCnc'th man!whcthcr himfelfc, p(3,11,,1~7. firfl from a holy lull:ing in the regenerate. D.:1or others. · UJdluficd after and defired the c6mandcments Vfi·.Thi.s te.ach~rtl_n to~d~tCll the Popi(h crofGod,yca aboue gold and filuer; and there is ror, which tcachcth vs thao inoniinate h1ClS-bc Gal.s·•73lufl ofthe fpiric again!t the fldl1,as ~'·ell ;:as of no !lns,ifconfent of \Vlll benot added:but th·at the Adh againilthc fpirit.Secondly,from anais fa!fe;forifthcy boiMceiued ii1 the mind,tbcy turalllulling, which is :10 nppetiteafcer mcace, arc: the i1~ncs .ot' th"C niinde, condemned in the drinkc,&c. Which in it Celfc is no.Gnn.c. La~aw tenth Comtnanti'Cl!l"C:nt.JOb~ Bmt~1ey f.'ly rhife, rJ.U dtlired without finnc thecrummc:s vndcr ran bee no fin ne properly prbduced wirhour: Diut'Jhis table:. Thcfc luHs then :Jre not to be~ confem ofwill,...{nfitln ciui.\1 Inattcrs tht:·re·acondcnmed,bur orrcly lufls inordin:tte.S.cc6dIon ts good, thac none•cah bee acceffariC Ynto ly, 1 fay erter;ct'tli/lmorion; bccaufe lufi ~n the D finne, vulc{l(: confcnt ofwill be added : I>hc in Scripture comprehemleth all thoughts..& modiufne m:mers,:and in Court:of Confcic~cc it tions againfl Gods la"",fo is the c6mandemcnc is farrc othcrw.ife. i.· to ba vndcrflood: ThMft>alt not !ujf .. Eph.2+ Secondly, in th·e luAs nore rhc propenle <tf among whomcalfo 1 NC hadour conuerf:nion in them, in thcf.c \vords;·wh;Ch ·~atk!dfrt'r: chcir ' times pa(t in tf.·t' tufts of tlJ(jl4h, in fulfiltmg the property is to r~ignc in men, ·ant! ro caufe m('n -witl of th;flejh ,andofthemindt'. Where the Ato giuc attendance»pon chcm;-yca and to .U~lk po(l)o.inlargcth it toall motions, inclinations, after them. W~crc thcy"'a_r'errlol:..rcfiH<:d <~.nd reI paffions, and perwrbaiions of the hcan,mind, prcfl'cd; they make :l;lar man a'~aff;rll 'and {l'auc will,or affcC\iom: ro f:u re as they arc not direvnto thcnl. Rom~·6. Let notJin.n(r,-tignei~JMY Ctcdby the lawe ofGod. ThiStext mufl: be vnmortall bodie~ to phey -the lujhof it. Where the der!lood ofaC\ualllufl-: ofwhich there be two Apofllc tnfinuarcJ1 fo much thoc they fo"rccand degrees :for fomctill1e it is fudden, and fomecompel! men to •the 6be(hcnce of them, the timesvolnmaric; the former is the firlt mouon whole order and courfc of \l\'h1ch reguncm ts ofthe mindc c·oncciucd, but withour confenr. 11uel)' defn1bcd, lam. r.14.15 by fiue degre.:_s: ~-·---~~==-h~ ·--- -9 ggg _4____________~:rt,