~ ---~----------------------------------- 1 572 C?.An Expojition' vpon I 1 I fi_r_lt_,1 7 ;ifJ_te_m_p_t,-th-,-.-n-d-ch_a_c-tw_·_o_"_'a_y_es_:_fi_r_fl_, b-y~.:_A_I_g_r-ac_e_:-our cndea~~u_r n-,,;-(l_b_c_to-·fe~~l-o-re-a;,d i ---~, "''idH,lra-.ving the heart from God ~ tCcondmo~~_rhc(e lufis fhrnng & moouiog thCfducs I ly, by! micing and intangling tbc minde with ag:un(l God and man, Secondly, to mourn and fame delight oflionc, Sccond.Jy,lufl conc~ltteth, bewaile [hem, Thirdly,to pr:'Ly that g-od ._,·vuid 1 \ when it cau(cch ~:he will to cot~fcnt,and'tcfoluc buric t_tltm all in the <.ltath and~,grauc of his I ]· vpon the wickedne~ thought vp.on.. Thirdly,•it Solm'eJ that theYHand l'lt>t vr·in iudgrmcnt "a- \ brb;gcth for' rh; v~·heo it force: eh a·rnan to pur il1 gainfl vs;bCing euery ofthc:m fufficicut t.o proexecution the tlling$-C.oofcmcd·vmo and rcfolcure ou·retcrm.jl deftruC'tion. · · ~:: .• ,· I ucd vpon. Fourthly', it P.C:rfe~o'ih:t!,.Hhcbirth10f .. Sccondlv,.we mull n·ovfuftCr frnnc td raion~ Sin ne ~1i!l ·fiune, vrging il·man to ~Hide finno:•trmo fitme, in vs, fOr tl;is is the part.ofan vngod!y p.cd~n: ~h~~~ ~~~n !: votlll h~ cot.l)Ct~ :l cull~mc.; w.hiahjs.a ripen.es truc·it•is that lu!h will be in the hcar:c ·..,\'hileil a c\wd inth~ ll and perfctl:Joo m finmng. F1ft•Ly ,1t 6ringeth ma is·in the Aclh:blulhcymull be rcflflcd, that ~~a~\~~t tt tfo.r_tb.d(atli, tbat is_, 'cuerlafling vcngcap·ce and they m<~y not raignc & rule in the hearr•.Q,!e:ft~ ;~~~~d~r r defiruClion : .in all wlflch he alluderh-vnto 'the Ho V\' flrall we keep vndcr the lulls bfthc heart ' bcginn-i'ngs., proccedin~s ;.a11d endo of amah'; frofh")r'aigning ouc:r vs ? Anfw. Seeing. finne who after he·is paA: hiS fulllrengoh!dtc:lietl:i araignn;TI in the mindc by cuill thotr~hrs, our gaine, and"dietb: by tbcfc dcgrec~ihe' ltills· of fi thoughts on the co·mtarjc mufl bee,frame-d <lethe heart rile vmo this raign.c: and regiment iil coiding to the wqrd, and ordered by the colithe heart of.euery wickt:cLan.d natur.a\1 man; fell thereof: according to the Apofllcs aduicCs \v~ere grace Oucrcommcth,not.nat_ure. •"''1 i.: 1 Phil-4.8>/fa»T thing hcc honcft, vcrmom, ofgood , Thirdly, obferue the nui'nber olthefclulles, r.port, "'"""JithinJ,; of theft things ; Cololl'. l· Aftavngod!y..Ju{IJ.] Where ho lp;akcch in•rhc 16, L<t th< word of God dwellplcntiouflJ in yo11, pl.urall numDcr ~s ofmaoy:for Griginall concuAgaine., lull r:~i'gneth in the: mcmoric, by repifcencc i.s the fecdc of all finn'e in c:ucry man: membring vanities, ·wrongs, and wicked fpt'c- & look bow many finnes their be in the \Vorld; ches and aCbons:we:mo{hbercfore remember fo many lulls thcr~ arc in the harts ofmen::fO asour finnes, the number·and grcamcffcofthcm, fccing rhs;rc is·oo. number of the ctiillsinrh.~ the curfe C?_f the !awe againll them, the ·day of world, c:ucn fo arc the lu(b of the bean innui.. our t>wne death, ::md the generall i-u<:l-g.emc·m; merabic. Thcr.cfore trucly~wee may condu.Cie; the remCbrance of "Nhich'fl)all be able to keep that vngodly·menhaue tlwir ,JH:ms·lillcd wjth out, or at lealt tn kecpe·vodcrthcfe v-ngodly vngodly lu{l:s. ' .. ~ lufls. Funhc:r, fceing it raigncth in the aftCCtiThe i'Ccond point in the words is, that thele C ons of pride, rcuenge, haucd, &c. wee mull vngodly men fhall wa/"'-afte_r their lulls; wh~ch learne the exhortation, Phil.z. T· [;et the fame is then donc,}\!hen men firfl: fufferthctr hcar'tS' mimic be1 inyou rhatw;U in le[m Chrift ~ thnc to be withdrawndiom God by euilllults·and lookeas Chrill was mild<, meek<, humble,pamotions: fcco;1dly, .gtue aifent thereto :third~, ti<:nt, full of loue towards God and man, fo ly. practife them : fourthly, kcc:pe a. courJc and ought our Vmuly affc6tions to be conformed trade in filming, which is the perfeCtion of it. vnto his. And latHy, fceing it raigneth in the. Thus a man dcnicth th.e true God, and exclubodie by idlcncffc, eafe,fleep in excc!fc,w_hich dcth him out of his hart, and fettr.th vp the demake the bodican inHrumcnt oflinnc,·INC mufi uill,ycahis owne lufts for his God,vnto which alwaies diligently inure our fclucs to the dutie hcc bccommeth :! fi.1ue; tO as this is no finall of our calling~; vfing faRing, \\'3tching, and finnc. , _ prayer: by which meanes well obfcrued, the Doff. Hence note a ditferCnce between the }u!h in·thc heart may flill trouble and 'molell regenerate :md the reprobate: for if the cliilde vs; but they fhall not rule and raigne ouer vs. ofGod be emked~nddrawnc away.fr.om God Vfe. If it bee the propcrtic of awicked man he grieueth for ic,and giucth not'rcadic confCt to foliowe after vngodly lu!ls, we ought to YntO thctemptation.Secondly,ifthrough frail- D purge ou"r fclues fi·om all the lufls of th<fo{h tie be: beouercarricd to giue con(cnt, yet it is and!pirir, 2.Cor.7.1. leatl thcfcdefilethe boI not full confcnr;'but he doth it againtl his will dies and foulcs in the powers and partsofthC: and purpofc, for his purp6fc is not to finnc. to do which the b<'ttcr, remember thar. h!effed Matd> .. ,.!. Thirdly, if he put lulls in cxcccution , hee lieth are thepure inhart:fecondly,to inure our feJues not in them, he will notw:tlkeaftcr them; but vmo rhefcarc ofGod,fccing the fc:Jre ofGod rccouercth himfelf, bccaufe he is incorporatea Ucleanc, P(al. t 9. that is, it clc:mfcth the heart, into Chd!l: he hath the roote ofgr:~.ce, which and bre:~.keth the necke of :~.11 noifome lulls. fhall notvw:rly die in him, the feed abideth in him which at laO frtall fproutc vp to repentance and amendment of life: and hereby may a man know whether he be the_childe ofGodor no. ·Vfe. Firll, whereas all men go~d and & bad hauc innumerable b!ls in them, we arC' to take notice ofthe vilendfe and vncleandfc of our nature, which is common to the good & b:1d, 1 bct\'I.'CCilC whom there is no difference bl!t by• 11. 19. Theft are mtt~rs of feElr,jle/hiJ, not hauing thej}i– rit. This verfc cont3ineth the :tpplication of the former tcHimoni<: \'ll!O the particular pcrfons whomc it conccrn<:tb : feuing dovllne who -·------- ----------- -------· 1hey___