Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

1·__ 1__ th~ triflle of lude. I . rhev be chat arc fcorncrs and followers oftheir A . n:mcc it i'i rhJt men O!o:dd be rwgln by men·; I I ~u(fs:namcly,fc'!rncrs_arc: rhey tha.rmak.{Jtfl', ! and_notorhcrwiiC. Ubu.;t, Thty !3y. fUr:l:cr,_ I icpar:uing rhcmfclucs trom the people ot <...: @d: th:tt tht·y hauc rhc Bible:, and tbc Sermons o.f I and foJio.,,·crs of their hdls be thofc who arc Pnwh.ttJ; and Apolllcs ;!t bon;c, ~nd n{tnc JL~P)'J,audwJrl;omrhef}irit: vvhich \·\:oni~ be- <:an mukc better Scrn1ons then tht'~'; and a1ng applied eo thc[C' kduccrs, f.1ficn r"vo lmncs gain<'.. that rhty <:an gCr I>no•,\ ic-Cg.c rr~ouf.,h more vpon them.The firH ,,·,th;n they to fatu:Hion by d1cmli:Jucs: and J(,tnc fay d~<.y nrc m~l"-.;rsof[ef!J. The JC(o!ld, ~hat ~~cy haue ham· knowledge enough ~nd nccdc 110 il1ort. nut the Jftirit, For tlic tOnncr' the '1-\'0nfllg.nifiAtif FlrH J Gods ordJnanCe mun be 3CkllO\·\'_ cth aJinglingand fcpara~i11g ofchefducs from j lcdgcd,and reucrc11cc? in rhe publick miniftcchc church and people otGod, & confcqucmric, and in the mid(l ofthe affcmblies: and pri... Jy the makingof fcCh to rhcmfclucs: neither uatc duties mull giuc place eo publilk.S·ecnnd- · 11l3Y this tCcme llraungc that thefc lhould be ly , the word is not oocly rd be kno-.\'n,buc :~ffuch pcrfons that make fiKh fcparation; JCcing feCted:now although knovv!cdg may be gained iris the nature ofcucry finncr to fhc from the priultcly; yet the affcCl:iuns muH be wrought prcfence of God, as Adamdid:and fetcr when aud mooued in the publikc Mitntleric.Thirdly, he had fecne apanof the glor\c ofCh.rifi, bad thofe that know the moft, know but in p:ur; him d~part from him for hec was :1 finncr. The 1 B and the miniHery is inflituted not oncly to .iniprodigaii!Onne mull hauc his portiM :lpart,;lt1d tiace and begin mcnJ bur to c.onfirmc tl)em in will not beperfwadcd to Hue wirh his father; .grace, and lead thcn'l to pcrfrtlion: for whicb and Cuery vngodly m~m wir~drdwcih himfcifc: code the Lord harh giucu Pafi-ors and DoDors vmo perdition,Heb. zo. ~ 8. ! of the Church to teach men·, vmill they come D oft. Fir!l, it is a great Cinnc for a'man to fc... \•nto a ripe agt in Chrifl, ·which is not till par;ue himfdfc from the affemblics of .Gods d.cath. people: bcclufc firH it isa t1ying from God and Now for the funher clearing Of this point, , his prefcncc, whofc facceucry one is cornm~mtwo qud1ions arc to bc.n:fol(jed.I . .0JJf.Sec-j ded to re,k;fceing he prefcntcth himfclf in the ing it is a finne for a man to feuer himfelfe fi:om ; Word and Sacraments, and \.\·hercfocucr tv. o tjle Church ofGQd; ·where ~nd what Church ' or three arc a!fcmbled in hi.s name,&c. Secondis thar eo whjch a m:lll may for cucr ioyne Iy, it i~ 3 contempt of Gods ordinance,\\ h.ic h himfc:lfe with :1 good con[cicncc? A nfw. 'That ·whofoeuer dcfpifCth, dcfpifeth God himfcJfc. people- which heare, beleew:, and obey the doThirdly,out ofrhc Catholike Church is no fl lClnn ofthe Prophcts.and Apo£Hes,arc the tru.c uacion: the faying is truc,Whofocucr \-viU not people and S:hurch ofGod, vmo which a man hauc the Church for his Mothcr,fhall not haue may (afcly ioync himfclt:Diuers notes there be, God for hisFathcr,Founhly,the congregation C · but the infallible notes of the true Church arei of Gods people on c:atth are the fuburbcsand knov·:ledgc,faith, and obedience vmo that donates of dlc kingdomc of hcaucn; "d10focuer Chine-; thcfc were the notes of the ptimitiuc ~herciore lbuttcth the gates of this kingdome Church next after Chrifl: AC\'.2.42. Firll, they ofgrace: againH: himfc~fe bcrc,l11al neucf cnrcr continued in the Ap_oftles doilrinc.Sccondly in into the gates ofthe kmgdome ofgloue herefe!lowfhip, wherein the duties of loue arc cam- ; after. prch ended. Thirdly, in ~r.akfng ofbread, that · Vfo. Our dutie hence is, to ioyne our felurs is, che adminiflrarion ot Sacr2mems; for the to the a!fcmblics ofthe faithfilll, not forfi,(j;tg celcbr~tion of the Sup.per is put for both. tht fcllowfoip rhat we haue among our felucs, Founhfy, inr:aytr, rhnt is, inuocarion of God, Heb. ro.: 5. but k.;epingthcvnitieof 1he [fmit 'sirh rhankclgiuing. In chat commHTlon ofrhc in thebonrl ofpcace,Eph.4. ~ ,beeing like rninApolllcs giucn for the gathering togcrhrr of dcd one towards 3norhcr,Rom.15.5. fpci'.king the Church of God, they :uc cnioynt·d firH ro one thing as rhofe char :tre knit together in one tettch all Nations: that is, ro make them Difci- 1 minde and one iudgement, r. Cor.I.J o,And if , pies, namely, by thcdoChine Propheticall and j we would fc-par:neour fclucs ,thc:n let vs dcpa~c D[ApoHolicall. Sc:condly, to 6ap!tfo rl:~em,th"t is, from the AtheHh and Papills in their corrupt I to bring&. admit them into rhe houfc ofGod, doChines and wicked conuerCation. Secondly, Thir\11y, to reach them to perfornu all thmg.1 fuch arc iulHy reprehended who fcldomc come which chev were- comm::mded.In which Comtb hcare the word, rccciue the Sacrame~us,~nd miffion t\\~O of .thcfc not<.•s arc e.xprcffed, Eph.~ to call vpon God in the congregation: for fo 2. 19. The Church is foJmdt>dvpqn thedo8:rine,. much as they can , they cut themCrlucs fromrhe of the PropbetJand .Ap~ftln. Ioh. 8. ~ 1, Ifytc~ kingdomc of Cnd, in rcicCl:ng t\~c meancs of a6idc in my word,.:rce arc trH{7""1 Di{ciple~, Ioh. · l their fa!uation.ObicEf.Thcy alleadge for tht-mto. 2.7. M; {bupc bcf'.re m7 ·wiceand followe fclucs, that if they ilwuld come, they !hould mer. Pf":ll. 1 47· T 9· Hee/hewcth bW lawos to /aahc::trc but 3. weake mln theu1fclucs fpeakc trJb, tmdluJ flamtc.r to lfrae!, hec. dcalcrb vnto theLll; and if ChriJ1 himCc\fcor fomc Anwi.rh cttery narjp11. Hence\·\ c note, .rhat we may , gel 010uld preach vnco .chcm,thcywould he:nc not ioync ont· felucs with thr Tcvh·s or Turkrs, y~_:~~~no the INifdomc of God, who(~;- ordiApotl!cs: netther yet Wlth ~he P-arifh ~ for ., ·- . I ~n i I ---- , I I I . vvillingly. Anfiv. L<~y < all difputing,. and who rrnounc~ the words.of the Pr()phcts and . 1 thon.;,_h_ __--'