Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

-~--------------------~ 574 \VhomC \<r'! llU.YilOt (C• p.1f:m: from ~(;~~:~~~ weoe.:d not priu:nely conuerfe with. ru1n Expojition vpon though in_\"ord and ~pecch~ they holdc tl~is A theProphcti and Apolllcs. --- 1 ----- word~yet 1ndccdc a_nd ID fen le they corrupt It, 1 I . Fur~hcr, confider the manner ofthe fl"para- · cucn 10 the foundauon. ! tton of thcfc wicked mC; there be three forts of 1 T~c fecond qudlion.~m wh~t if there be er- \ feparation: Firll:,b; t:poft.tft:,whC'r. :~man f3llrth i : rors 1~1 the d~urch,or thmgs :nmff~,may we not ~·holly from his rcligion,trom the Church,nnd 1then tcparacc our fclucs? An[. TbJt,~s that may from common gr3cc. Hcb.6.4. his impoffib~c1 be amdlC in the Church mull be diltmguiihcd; that they w~)ich were once inlightcncd,if they for fomc Emits coneerne the matter of rcligi6: fallawtf], &~. Sccondly,by hcrdic, when men I fomctlu: m:ttlncr: the former rcfpcC1~th doern: in the fuUfl:apcc of doCtrine and rc!ioion, l .C::rinc principally:tl:c l~ttcr tl1c m:tncrs ofmetl. and c.hat ofobflin:tcic.Thirdly,by Schifme~,and Fufl:, tor thtng~ am1ifc Ill the m<~nners of men, thatts " ·hen men hold the fame faith andfounwcc may noticparace; but with Lot haliC our dationJand yet difagrr.c ;nd fcparate in regard righteous hc::ns vexed, :uul gricucd with the oforder and ccremonic. Thefe fcducers fcpa· ] wicked conuerfacion ofthofcamong whom we r:ned thernfelues bybere(in: their hcrdlcswcre \ liue. The Scribes :mdPharHics fitting in Mofes thcfe: fidl, t~lat men being in Chrifi might !iue 1 &haire,tcaching /Vfo{a dotlrint, muH be heard, 1 I as they liH, and fo they were Libertines. Se- ~ howfoc~cr the corruptions of their manners B condly. that among the people of God there 1 be fuch as they may not be imitated, Math.23. i ought eo be no ciuill Magi(hacie-, and fo they I l. y Ct here ob!Cruc further' that although we 1bcoomc alfo An<1h3pti!h.Here obleruc that cue may not fcparatc our fc!~e~ from fuch corrupt I in the Apolllcstimc& daies were many hereperCons in the publikc aflcmblics,yct in priu:ne tikcs; among whom was li)·mennu and Ph!leconuc:rfation wee may ablhinc from them, I . ltm: z.Tim.l.I 7. ~nd many \Vouh1e5 mtredeum Cor.5 , I I. If:my that is called a brother bee a I in their dayes who fparcd nor the flock.VVhich fornicatuur, or couctom,or an ido!a~er,orar.1iler, may iCrue to !b.bli{h our mindcs againfi the or adrsmkterd, or an extortioner, rrith[Hch an one I Papills,who obie£1: that our religion is rhe foiiearc not: that is,catc not priuately. Sc:condly,ifl dation ofall hcrdlcs: 3$ at the rilingofwhich the church crrc in matter ofrcligiofli,then mull: many herdles were rcuiued; in fo much as they we conf1Jcr vvhethcr the crrour bee in a more call all our relligion herdic, and the profdlOrs wcightie and fub{bntilll poinr, or in matter ofl' ofit hcrctikcs: by which re:J.fon they might as leffc importance. Ifit be in final Ier points (the , fl:rongly prooue, that the doCtrine ofthe Apofounc.btion hccing kept} vw: m:1y not Ccparatc I files thc:mfclucs was herdic, &. that the Primiour fclues. I .Cor.3.1 5. Ifan1 mens work,_6urn, tiue church in the ApolHcs time was hc:reticaU hc/hAII/ofc, bur himfclfc[ba/1heJafo,ycr .u ifir C and no Church: for in the lirll hundred yearcs wert6Jfire. Now ifthe error ofthe Church be after Chriil,thechurch fwarmed with herdles, in fub!bnce of rloChinc, or in the foundation, fowne by Sathans inflruments,to tht" choaking t thC we mull- conildcr whether it crre of human ofthat holy doCtrine \vhich was fo..,vnc by the frailtic, or ofobfHnacie: ifof frailtic, we may Apolllcs and their fuccdfors in the field of the not feparatc. The Church of Gahtia. was church:nay rather we conchtde our religion to through frail tie quickly turned to another gobee Apofiolh:all , bccauCe the fame herefies fpcl,:md erred in the foundation,holdinginfiiwhich arofe vp in the Apofilcs times againll fication by workcs: yet Pmt/\vritcth vntoit as their dodrine, now.rcuiucd aglin vpon thercvnto 3 Church of God. So likcwifc: the church muing of our relig1on. ofCorinth erred sreiuoully,:illld ouenhrewthe The fccond finnc of thefe fcduccrs in this Article ofthe RcfurreCtion; and yet Paul be~ v~rrc is, thatthey "J.~t: Jlefh!y, or naturall men. haucd himfclfe :tccordingly vnto ir. But ifthe For fo it is c~plancd m the lafl words (not bttChurch errc in the fubflance of religion oblliHmg the ff;irit ]wherein confider two things: nately, then with good conCcicnce frparation firH, \"''ho is anatural! man: fccondly, that it is a may be m~lCic, r.Tim.4.5. lfanl man teach ofin to be a n~turall man,for iris noted as a main therwife.and confont not tothcrvho/(fomedo[frine, D finne in thcfc feduccrs.Touching the former a from [Hch ftpararerhy fo!fe. An cxampl<; hereof, natHrallm~n is he, who Jiuing a ll~tllr:llllife is we hauc in ACt. 1 9· 9. whenPatJ/had pre-ached endued wnh a reafonablc foulc, & ss gou.erned f ·in the Synagogue ofthe Icwes, !nd could not by natllrc-, reafon, :~nd (enfe oncly; wuhout preuailc with them, bm they bcgannc to h!afgrace or the fpirit of God;".:hich m~y appeare I phcmcandipcak$ cui//of rlu lV4}'J of God, then lirfl by the wor~ natur>l; whJch fipmfieth fuch hewithJreWt himfolfoand fcparatcd from them, :l man, as Ill whom the befi thmg IS 03tUIC,and 'i 1. Chron. Jr. 14. t 6. when lerohoamhad fct in whom there is nothing more excellent then vp the twoCalues to be wor!hippcd, many of! hisrcafon:~blc foulc,though corrupted.Sec6d- , the bell di(pofed Jc~,oves dtparudftomhim, tlnd i Iy, by the expotit.iOI.l '.or rather oppofidon_i_n t cam~ to RhehohrMm, and ioyned rhemfo!uu with I the words,whcrellllt tS oppofcd 'tmto theipmt, \ lud.tb 1md lerfl{tdem in the twc \\'OlO,ip of the , ·who is wanting vnto fuch aone to leadc him in i Goci oftheir Farhers. Whc11cc we tCc,that no ! the way ofa beauenly life. Funher, that yet we l m::n may with good confcience fcparatc him- I may know this.maa~r the bcttc-r,thcrc be three \ felfc fi·Othe Chnrdl of f. w land; tCcing it tea- 1 things to ~ee found In a n.aturall man : ~ . Hee f j ~------- .I <!'.:~, bclccncth, ~~~•cycth the doctrine of I hath a bodtond foulc vnlt<d ~o~cth<r •;.~~:;_\_~ j