I - ----·- - ·t}e EpiJt<e. of lude. - 179. ., 1\ r - - - : );;;,Oil.2.lll his loulc hehoth ~~ccllcpt_powcrs IA lt looil011lCS th3t lilt il~ould be brought OUt of I --- . and t3cuhLcs,as W11l, vndcdbLHiing;:tft~~f:Jons. sJc:uh. Secondly, :~s hIS mindc 11 blLHd,fo 3na- ~1. 3. Jii;.h.ach ::.11 chc ornamcmsofm1n, ycc f~ as cur:lll mans wiJJ is rcbdiious ,..and is not fubicCl: wi~hqm grace: i1.1ch as arc, flrcngch of !Jodie, vnto chc \\'ill of God, ncic,hn iudccdc can be. and mil}~ic,mcmoric, knO\i\'lcd gc of Arts and ] oh. 6. "14· N(J man can come ro Chrift, vnfc;J'i: s,)onns,ciui!l polidc and VC'fU\CS' as •lu!ticc, fhc Farherdr~Ul'C him: infinua~iog oar \\'itbdraPrudcnct, Tcrnpcr.,ancc, difcrcuon to difccrnc v\·ing .ofour fchjcs,and rdi(bnc-c ofhis c:d,vnW~f\.t·iJ meete to be,done, wh:n,not: tb.cfc .arc oil he tume vs , and m:tlte our wills of vnv.:if. ornom~e.Qt.s incidcm t9 corrupt nature:, ~lcru1ng Jing 'Nil Is J r~ v.-fll that whic!1 .is trucly good; nQnQ,;tbo!i(h, but t<Heftrainc and brid] ccorwhence the ApoHlc faith, ~hat towill, na'rnt!y, / rup,don ., and concainc men in .order , for ·the that "vhich is uucly good 1 i,snOt of our fc:lpcs, I p.(ciC~~tibn of humane lOcictic, Now he that ic is Ehc gifcofgod.Now l,cncc we may rcfoluc hach.tjlcfc three aud nothing cltC 1 is but a tllCCr that qucHion: why it isafitmc.w be a narurall naturall man. man? nor bccaufc a man hath11arure in him:but The fecond pointis: Here it may be ask.cd:,. becaufchis whole nar.urc is t;:,.intcd with origi· how it commcth to paffc charanacqr~l 1,_nan of- B nail finne. , · .. ·;, f~ndeth God? An f. ] 'here be t\oY9 things in c- . 06. The naturall tnan n';lay~ p!cac~c that l~c~ ucry natural man eo bC diHinguHhte:fit!l){h~re cannot hclpe ic; he· was borne linfull: why,thcl! is naturc:.(ccondly, the, corrupriOgf na.,wrr:the fuould he beblamed?, A n): Ro.m.5. I z. ln Aform~f.is fromGod: the la~rcr r/6111 m'insfall : dq.m.VJe all{innrd; for whenJ1ce ~tc the forbiQ,- \.vhich cwo :nay be indccde Jifiin~\fil.Cd; but de.nfruit, we ~ucn a;:c it iq him,flnd are np ldfc cann~t nQ~bC: fcparaccd: tllc One fS it3t ilie obl.a.mewpnhie tl~cn he was. Of;iflk. But i~ will 'then.blit t.hc one fsnorwitbout rt}epi~cc; thiS P,e,f~id;ic is no rcafon th2t w~;[lwl1ld be faid, tQ corruption i~ thac lin which prdfcth 's do.wn~ finne in lnw.;Jccing then we we:e not? At:['t!';; and h:1ngcch fo fall on, Hcb,I z.r. wHiCh'Odr.r. .~dam""t~Sa .publikc perf6 rcpr~t~nc~qg aiLm~ ruptcd ~Ac w·hole m:m,fqas the !.Vi?9}czfrfl}w;; of ~ind, aqd c,1,1try particular p~,l{o;t) ,d~tCending man,~t.hat is, his whol<; djt'polit-iOI;l~Qd:in,dinafrom hi111; and ch,qcforc wh<\Ij hc,f,i~c~,,allaqdcd uon is corrupted&. cu.ill from h1s yout!~,};Jtn. Jl~SY ma·n di9 in)1i:n : Eucn as aBurgqJfe in,th,c 8. ~J. h1s wifodome IS Cl.liT\ItlC to ,Gpd,, tbar •s , Parliamen[ giuinghisvoycc and affcnt , alJ18S cuen the bell chmg thaf{l~,or canbc:\n 1 the flcfh countrie or,fhireis faid to giuc their .voyccs, is hatelull to God, Rol!1·8·5 h1mfolff 1,4,deadm t~i)yg!>chcy be abient, and qot prelent othcr1 (,nnesan.d crcfp3lfes,;.Eph.a.r. haumg no IJWC " "\·i/ff+ ... hen in hiS pcrfon•., G~qd: t.h~n giuin.g:i\ abtlatc ton)oouctoauy thu}o- tcueJy~gopd,thC C p.r?Nhhi.Rll v-n_co .Admn, h.e gaue it vncq {lH bout ch~:~~Chons of }!fa. 1 , 1l , 11'1 •• • I !HH!etll !nankind; .tl1is oncly ,(~ t.4~.diffc~~lJ9fi~ For<l)e'<lecrer beholdingofthj!COI'I'Optio)! W))~h•.bcciflg thf!poror flo5~e, ?•Jd wcs' th;. hath a (ltadman to b~(hr(C hulJfcT.~pq~nd a~,.j ys iP him; and thrcatning him, hc.~h. rearn~d y~ of maos :nature, mar~c..that thcre;¥<;-}wqde~: l:lranches ariHa~g fromhim_, he finned aClualJy,; grcespf,u:theformci'!'\~hwof.\Sa ~,~~~.o.{r-hat ~ud weby relation and imput~tjo,l,1,.. lfthenrti}p. The N:nuu.1r goododfe and nglmqufnes. \Nhtcli a~;,<llf 6r.Jt\ PH"!.'\11 m~n,'flill p.ieadehe~ was;~ocoufc, bu~ was,antl now qught eo. be found 10 our.nacurc.\ ~kb.orn~ f.o f .t:he anfwcr is flc~.rc, tha~ 9i.m"t. The lattt:r-1~ a pronenetfc and difpofiuqo vmo .I f:·l(c,is a ca.!lfc~ahbo9~h noJ in,~im[g(e1 yct~l} a)l:euill-; which cilrriethJh~.hcatt on.~vny, o,c, , Ati'!llll>eforc h!>w;ts born h>;p(o.cu,~d .that.~t catlon ttl:c~:e.unto: tbis~QT~~upti~n mufl1Pp ~PI)"' 1 fl10uld be bor'n~ an:uurall man. , .J•. )d ceiucd·<A$.~flOGea)l f~11 ;i~4tldlqg ol\lfHlt9J~uc~J~ :J,~c~dn91y, ic~tn~y be plcad~tJ p.g~{oe ;.I&Irbc ch3nn~l·and vciuc ofthe 19uiqncj,w.l:Mlill\l'\30' ~ ?JUat}IJal\man,J ' Ql gods crc~tUrc as I am;w1~ flrcam~sJIJ)d floods.Qf, wi~~cd1«.tf~, fortl9_qkq the~.(hould l bf blamed? Ap[if.h~fom><r,dh into cht! p.(iucipaU po'w~rs o~ ~ht: fopl,c~c fball r h:jo~ion bcc~ceoc nature 4v1 ~corru-ptiPlb~ necd·c1,q;gpc no further for the li ndin~o~,tl!is qal~rc mhll be l!qrc rcc•incd, f<?!iby th,cfo..r!IJ!!li: q·uth. For fidt,.in tlic mipfie js fuch ,an.jn~po- D . ~J:s .. P.aHI~~IJ..nJ~Jl is.!;i9ds sre.f!f~~~~!l~l)9Jjft cencic, as '-'''hereby it'i$ ,;nable to rh\nkqqr np:. I rcfpcC\: of the corruption ofnawre: for thjs,-h,;- prooucP.f.any thing th?'(i.,truly goo.<l i,,~or. , cfc~.t<!l·not, as;tl)ej~th~r: but ft>(l;'tJ!d.it;o p~ffe 3· 5· We,arenot fufficr(np~fpuf fe!ue1 .t.o,,rb.wk$ ,. ~y·g~Mr:\jjqn fromman !O 11Jan/!!r<tbo.~~·'i:llh of any goo4, but all o11r jii/Jicimcie,u ,of God, '''· l rim>llC:Ih• ·puniQnn,cnt ofths; firJl fiQ!i~ .•" 1,01 Cor.;. '·5 J<bcMn!rall ma.t)per'ceiuelh ·~Ot t)re Qc.eft. Why d.i~ no' God {j~:;,t))i,s.,c,ol'r11pti,1 thmgs.a"f:. God; wh~ch IS 11)91l mamfe(hhus: 9T):in·fidat.wperfon? Anfw.:c;Jod-~~uld l!_au~ firfi, h: lviiow~th not Go~l_hin&lfcMight;. for dctq~it. ;-why ~~~is\jr not, t·h~ ,rcafon is .{u[j:{ although hemay know. God as an infil)j,c and !J>.~t kno,yn~·J1Qr~AP~ <lf!]Ylf~l'l'}:a'(<erct,ic,j:;, ,etcrnall bccing,or in Come other atiri!,ljltc,yct ·but yot a il/fl indgcmfnt' of'~<>difilfl)tlyy~l?PS< hecannpt knewehim ;ts a father vnrp.h.il,l)ff:Jfc. vdth reuercnC>~nflcd in) <~nd nql: v-:hhxu'ri9.fin j Sccon.d1y,'hc'knQ\o\'Cth no.t,,!Jeithcr G.OIJC~in~~h \!e1 ~9P..c fcarG\l(d:o.ut. .,,ni)i.<l') .~ ~-·./ut)) 1 ! the corrupJion of his O\Vtfc. narure-,n9r his fim . :1 ,.Fffo..Firfl, forn~ tJ!.:lY~C·~1CC gath~r ,,~f ::s m~~· ~h~m.;'Thirdly ,he conoeiueth not ofeh~ reme.. 31jd.n~c hau.mg.ihq lp(nt 9t Go~:;·;thcn.c_tt~r~(i 1 manproC'U· redthatfo heihouldbe born<:iu A– d~m,andis therefore: cxculdc!fe, origin~ll,a~iJ a.fluallin d>~LI~i!le and iJ.aJlgct of , ~ l•lfliY blamqq,(on .. \:>~ing ~·~·lY" qa,eu.ral.man;., l! die ofli1,1pc..., Jhc death ofC.hriH: but acco'fii't:th qpc~h;:~;th .p·owct tQVcceiuetl1t .fpirit of G,9 ...d.., ---~--· -~ - ~ ~----- - .-:0£~~