j . 576 I cuin ExpO}itlon vpon Anf.This is no good rcafon,but is all one:, as if A hy tb-;fjltir rh."lt he harhg,:fl(-~·;~-----·~ .--· ~ , --- ~ bec:J.uf<.· a bankcrout is blamed for not difchar- ~(j!. Em how fl1all am~n know whcthrt ging his debts tO• his nc:Jitors; another man h~ bath the lj>i~it or no? Anf Let hime:i:1Hnmc 1 . 1l10uld conclude, thin furcly he is thcrforc al>lc hnnfclfc, fidl, V\ hcthc:r he mv~~rdly lotk 2n<i toPJY them. But thcfc '"'icked tllen ·were blJfcarc gof:! in his \l;ord ofpromifr •& thrcavning: , I med bere: firH, bcc:aufc tl1cy profeffed ChriH~ (ccon~~y, wl.lc'ther he fubicB-.hi!o hcarr ~nd) lifc i' bm_Yet had n0t his lilirit:fccondly,bt:caufc rhat vtlto hun: thtrdly, \\hether hts hean be cctiti~ it1 A d::tm they v-..·crc,thc Glld"cs that they V\·c·rc nually lift Vp hl im•ocuion and thankrfgi\•it{g. [ bO.rno \\"lthouc the fjJ'trirof God, and fo made All rhc'fc ::trt•'thc worh·s ofthe ij>iritef.€od:& i rh'eil"ifclucs vnfic tO'l-ccciuc him. ' t_hcy ....-..·liich lie oftbe ipirit" tl•u f.luoufand·!lfScCondly, ifnaturall men be iu!lly condcmfeet rh~ thln,gs ofthe fpirir, Rom.8.~..Q!!t<fl.:Uut ncd,muchmore thofe th:lt ~re wor'fc: then they, 1fc:"lrc !'"han<: not the fp"irit,ho"" fll:lll·f·Gbt:aine as ~·rtl·c-Hh,prophan,c pctfons,thofc ... -..•hi eh conit? A~ifw. By vfing the trx·a.ncs of rcadiOo.thc: telnhe the 3{fctribltcs, and ncglca the means of Word, meditation, and pr:~ycr efpccialiy .luk. thcir{~lu :-.rion, and )'et lookc for faluation as 'I r. I;.:·: Tour heauenly Father giuethrbe Jio'J 1 \'I.' Cl asorhc.rs. The Gentiles'' ho were\\ ir-hout B Gh~(f to them•that dejire him. Pial. t 4~'. 5,6. l j th~1 lawc, 'doe the things nf the !awe by Hathre, 'm~'ditatein_allth; worf:.!s; (Uldfiretch fcortb WJ , ~om.. 2. 24. and ycc many chat, profeffc the hands v~to thee. n:mieofCh rifl,andliucvndtrthcG?fpel,goc . '\-i r. · m t l I " J ·~- not fo farre as thofe namrallmcn in doing the · ,, . , .,.. ~0. .DU yee IJ(IOffe .>e~ !hings of the la\vc: fo ascuc.n thofe Heathens dt.fie .J ,ll,f!r fe/ues in )OUr,,.)JIO.I/l atid !latur-all men fh:1l rife vp in iu0gemcnt,an4 I' . , cqndemn many a profcffor ofChrill; ofwhom holy {at:th: pr ll)tng in the ·ho(y cucn tn<1riy come l11orc of the DC.uill him{~Jfc~ qh' 'et ' whO bclccueth and uemblcth; :lfld vei: not a OJ"• ' , '"' fe'":'c p~ofcffors neither knowc what tf1e deuil·f lti this Vtrfc vnto the code ofthe 2.1. 1are fet b~lcCue~;neithcr through hardncs of heart can , do-..~ ne fame means wherebyall bclccucrsrnay fi~'rtiblc at the iudgc:mems of 'Gbd as hee dri I hie fith•d t'o'thc: maimcn:mce of the f~i.rh 211d dOe.• · · '1 uuc religib'n 1, vmo tht which the Apoflle"hath Tliirdly, thofe come farre /hoh that think,e in the forJ\l~r·patt of•t'he Epillle por!'-•aded. thcmfc:lues in Hate good enough, bccaufC th_c-y C 1 Thc-fe mean.cs arc contained m fiut r.ules here liuc ciuilly and dcalciuflly and neighb6l1fly;as r.r#ctibcd: lirll, concerningFaith:' f<'<ondly, they fay: for the naturall man can doe !lfis;ana :) L;ti<:·thitdly, Hop~.· foutthly, Mei/c,res .-lif<iy, yet !hall be condemned: no plea /hall !lil1d at Gh•if/ian'f"'erilit: thdirll of whic~ isc';'ntaitlfe'great day ofthe Lord, bunhat wliich•fftincd in this twe.ntieth vcrfe1 which is·,thanhey icth of the pardon of finnc, fcal~a vp"with<ilic! , .foou!d,bv.td>rliimf<lulr'Vpan th<ir failh ;'Mhi'ch blood ~fChrift Lecamatis ou·twardand ·duiH ' i isrlovbat~lylpropoimJcd,but mfor-ced o·Jid vr– rig~reoufndfc·be rieuc·r fo gtcat, yea if it could I ged:-~1¥/bY. imotiU:e in•thls word; »ibfl•holj be equall to the righteoufiteffc o~ the ScribN \ 1 jlurh.} fWin\Jiy;by the·mcants of.it,'~htlh is. ,. andPharifies; which for omwardl appca'iarf~~ 1 ' f"afti~~r.<_Y.,~'inihtiJ~> Gh•ft.Jin thettil<llot~' ·•' · .ud ~S\~•it·hb·~~ al(c-xcepti?l~; y. ~.r.lfhcc bring O?i . 1 1 1 tWo thin.g~ hrfi,_t~a_f fa.)th is a·founc~ad~n : ~c~ ~.:1 artgliteoufneffe cxcccdmg that , he C3n·t1eun . condly; ~h:l't the dutteof beleeuer.s uto 1 bnl!d bc,faued. · · · 1-l::od) 1 v·p tiieffilb~~leS v'pGh' th_is;fOl!ncbtioO'.·'"C'o·n·cer_.~· . Fouithly',111 that the natur~ll man is blamed I' 1· ~iiigr1te'hlrtti<t': li<ll>,<i•rnaybce de!Ifidnded· f9t beeing anat.~r~l man,tbi~oucr.tliti>w~th all :. . whatis'here. mea. nt by faith? A"f. Herb bj' faith uic:rirs ofcungruicy ;'v~·hich the Papifls 1 bdattO:tJ 1 is k~t'fb tl1uch nieir' the gift ofl"'ai_[h,as th~ m2~becaufe a mans reffon not being acccjneH BeD D. tcr of;;~;tl'ain~ly; tire clo'tlrine of faitlj and retore God, aB his workcs arc'fi"nnes~ the work@ li~tot1.)cotnpt!ifi:c.i in tfhc~wridngs ~t rh~ Pro.. tleucr p!C~fcth God till tHe worker ~rfiplc<~fe • 1 . ph~t>'& ('p. olli<s; i,nw.hi<~ fenf•·it is-faid that 1 him. ' . .J ' • .r.,')(,::J; , the Epht>fians were /;Hilt vpa>t...othe fouftd,rti- -:~•Fiftly, cuery profcffor of-Chtilt mt!ll-'lhiP, , 8n4',tl~tYtnpheJi·&Ap.jflcs, that is, vpo the_ir the naturan inan,& brcome a fpiritualJ E~r{p·o::; r: do'1rl~c., Ephc-f.~"l. T,~c.(anle W~S the: ro_ck-cothat is, fuch as thefpirit ofG~d dwellethin'i I' fo~cd b'y Prtl'f;vpon·,vfi~ch Chnllprdt11Jfcd to forfirfl as rhc.Fath'er \Yorkoth ·our fa]uauon /llhfd ht.•th11rth;an<l yet tn the fccond plate we by gluir;'g Chrifi aud his.tn~rils; fo mull th~ j· , ttnill'nrithchtde tht.git[ it .(clfc foialrhough' holy Ghotl by,applying tl)c famc'vmc<~s,c~tfc . the doClrinc be a fo~ndonon 1111t f<if<,,Yrt" tS un·we lookc: for-1~0 fnluat-iot\,SCConclly, asrt-lre . not fo tO Vs~vnlcs wc.belecuc tt , and-2p~lyi'r to lll'til,.hilieth 'Jifhothe hodie, whirhd!'c."Yi<rei out fc10t?11iy this gifr, ·If any man aske' whar ·di!a'l1;51bitht fpirit of God 'ifthe foulc-of01lr I' d_otli'inds thi~?I anfwer the fim~mc of ittnay lroules ,& quickneth themwith new life be it~~ , bC"tcdlttE'd to :hrco heads : t.he fi~fi · \,1 hereof ·d:&ta fi1·fiatl~!~hirdly , wee :~n.-nc-Uer-ktl'-0\,,c: i l fO~ccrn~th m~ns fnjfirie by h1s finne•: origina!J 1 • 1 .. tb:ft " iearc ih:('lhrifl, or b~Jong'Vn. to him•j'hb'J I · lnd ·aehral :as alf~ <·he da.ngerom frmtsthtrof. :by·thc prcfcn·~e of 'the fpi'rit i-n Our han~;'r:JOh'4 'fhC[tcond t~c redrn!prton of n.1an from t~Js 1 !5~4·1fmbywe lc,rowerhlit'h~a~idnh i"_!:',i,et!~,;. miferi'e]aftd hiS frccdorne by Chnfl. J:he thrrhd l, '·• t .c ~~----~-----------------------------------