-~-~- ---·-- --_--_-_- the· epi}i!~~/1 __ ud_e_. _--_--_- -~cc-----c.=--~ J_7~7·. 1 ! the thdn/J..!fulnnwhich man cwcth for this (~~- t\ I ~pplycd mult .take~ deepc rov_ti11.g in tlrc horrj 1 -- I P.lpilhfofl. li!hbuilders. byingthe (oun~~fion ~f~~Ji~!?c~ ! liucrancc, and ought to tdl ific and cxprdfc lil ll mult dcfcend in,ro rhc oiffc81ot1S, & there be I I JlC'Y\icncs oflifc. . - 1 imbraced vn.rill it hath wrought out :111 cxi)_cri'" Hence lcarnc firft what' is the infalliblemark encc ofthe fwccq:: cpmfort of,it. Sixtly, there 1 ofthe true Church, whereby it nuy be difccrmuR be :ln ?.mf.'lim:d c6cdicnce Vl,1fo the. \N-hoJ~ 1 1 ncd from the fa!IC :md Apo!lJticaf Church,and word of God: Nflt erJcry oi?~rbat ftirh Lo;·d, that is the doClnnc of the Prophets and ApoLord: hut hee rluu doth rlu IPi~ of my Ftfther) fl:lcs;for this bccinl7the.vcry foundation ofthe Match. 7. 2'1. This man buildcth wi(Cly \'pon . Church, where it i s: there the Church mufl the rocke, ~aft.~ But what is that ._.,·hich ll)\!,it j ncedcs be: :illd this nocc,of it fclfc is rufficicnt be done of VS? Ai:[. Wh:u_focuc:r is to be done I to poiht aut the cruc Church whcrcfoe:ucr. Seof vs may be tc.:duccd eo three hC"ad~: fidl.f4ilh l condly" iCeino fa'ith islhc foundatiDn of th~ whereby th~ Pclecucr truciY. re(.lcth l.iimiCIJ!! I Chnrch' and n~t the G:hurch the fou ndation of v~on God;cleaucth vmo Clvifirf("f rb~p~rdRn Jhith, btW;fra lrencc of.a damnable doCh.it)C of ot fim1e, and r;enq~mcerh all .p~hcr l)leancs iu the Popilh ·church, \\•n'ich tcachetli that there hcaucnand c:~nh. Sccom!ly,-r;p..c?lt.tnce,y .. •hq~- can be no'cc·naintic of thC' points of religion, B by, he trucly mtneth tiom :1U f1l1)1~1. ~.!Ho (~ot.h no n_?f of the ScripturCs themfclues~· bUt ot)cly Thirdly, new o6ed.,ience, whqe·~:y('~o-cnQca~lOJt~ by tlfe iudgcmcnt of the prcfcm Church ~f mh to obeyC.Q,dj11 pll f1i1 Ccnmi'~'1.c\>f1.1~P,ts• Rome, and·that €hutch triuH giue wlut fenle Vfo. FirH;horcistcproouc.A~P.o CaFnall P~ot foeuet'fhe•pleafeth to-th·e:~Scriptures·, '-t!fc hath tcfbnr,who holdeth.hi,s rc:ligioo.bm fOr fo,rJnC. .i't nonc:\.vhercin they play thepart ofptcpofte~ and fal11ion, qrJo·rfcare of Ja·we~,bc· i~ altggc-.- rous builders, laying the found:uiori in the top thcr without fo.und:\,tion, & in aPit:ifull eo@'"= of!dre btiilding. Thirdly, it m·ay be demanded, tiQn ~ fecing when the great·ch. 1 »f?f the LoFd how~anydot'hinbecOmmcth afoundation vnfhalt approach, whofocuer 01.aU 1 ;\'an&, .G\!tif} to thefalua<ion ofmenlAnf.Properly to (peak, cheirfoundaciou fhal fall before him.Setol\dJr 1 I 1 God'arid Ch'rill is out·fou ndation and rocke, YfC mufl ne1,1er fi1ffcr OUf felue~ tJ~ ,be dra\yn~ \ I . Pfal. i8·.r.-but bcc31ffe.God rcucalcth bimfelfe froJTiour faich a~d religion; nor lo.ofe our.hpJ.<il and the mcanesof our faluition in the word,it ofthedoCtrineofgodlineffc,tbough. wc.fhQ».4 b~commerh hence afoundadon:as alfofccondfufferJoJfcoflpnds, liuitlgs, lib.c.,r_rk!i· 1 yea om. l ly, becaufe'Chrifi, w~<i fsthc proper fo.undatilife it felfc: ifthi.s be once wr~.fkd frolft,ysj-y.·~ on, is the fumtnc of the dothine thcre.in conare fallen from thc.foun~;J.~ion, &1hawc loll dyr rained. · ,: · "·', , holdl'of· happit]efie,~nd ,Hfc ic fclfc, Thitdlj<, Vft.' Firfl, !er no creature drawe .vs from C we mayJlQt ;akc'~J}y'rcfl cil) ;ve be \>tlilqcd v.p' 7 Chrift, for then we afc·dra.wnc from'our fOun~ on this fi:mndatiOIJJit be.e.it\g!l;hc..found~tion li dation.Sccondly,thc affc8ions ofour hear.t toground... ·worke·q( :lll•our fafecie and fecuri.J:-ie~ wards Chrill mu{\ cxcc'edc ill afftCl:ions.ofany tOr Chriflian man-:.J:f~:lS houfc._s P,~il(vpon,t-h'o thingbcfl.·dcs;our loue/elre,hopc, confidence fCa fl1orc, who mulllookc fo~.ili,e~vauts and and trt~A-, umfi fettle t~cmfi::Jucs vpon him as bmowcs ofaffii~li0ns one in the nci~kc of anovpon afoundatio~. '• ·· ther: cucn as one (urge in the f~3·9lJCrtaketh·a__,.. The fccond chingin this ficflrule isthe ducy nochcr; how fliould chcy ho.ld ouc.when thiS of oucry bdccucr,which is tobmldhimfo!fevprainc fallcth, thcfe floods come, ~hs.:fc wind~$ on hU faith; which rhat a m::m may doe fixe blowe :md beatc v.pon t-heir houtPV~~1lc!fc the-y things arc ·required: firfl, hee mull haue in his be founded vpon chis rocke? hqw·cl[c fl10nld "heart adeepe fcnfeand feeling of his miferic in not their fall be grclt? but this furc 'fou.f)dafioij fu'ch fort, as not finding in himfelfe wheron to e!hbliOJcth the heart 2gainA: all calamitic.5' of be founded,h'e may fCcle himfclfto be foundtd thisprefcnt lifc,yca iu the home of dc:Jth aJfo, vpon God a11d Chrill: cucn as in laying llrong which othcn\'ifc is the down<!fall to.hdl, yffa and furc foundatiOns men diggc dcepc; and if and in the day of iudgcmem the·fC;J1tcncc fbaU they find Cure groundpr?c~edeon .in theirpu,r- D .paffe on their fides, who are laid~o.Q this-foUda_.... pofc. So this w1fcbuilder laicth hisfounCation tion: they Oull be found worthy to Ctand be- 1 911 a rock,t,··Luk. 6. 48. Secondly, he thua bpue fmc theLambe,\-\·hen the dell ill a1)d h~{}ngcl~, 1 ftnow!edge of this doCtrine ofihc •Prophets and with all fi.nncrs and fin ne it felfc .fhall be cafl: Apolllcs ; for \'nlcffc it b.(' kn·ownc it can be 'l'l into the bonomcleffebkc. Now as cuery parti.~ foundation, Thirdly, .a holymemorieto I,ay vp .cul<1r Chriflian man is to be a pnt1ifcr Of this the word of God in l:hc"ir heart as in.a!loredlHy in hisowne perfon, fo alfo m<"~}' it be firly houfc: for he that remembrcth not thedoChinc , :tppliCd to the fiatc of thr \-\'hole l.:lnd, \\·hie-h offaluation, can neucr buiJd vpon'ir. l1ourt1rly',1 by Gods blrffing h:lth had for lll:lllj' ye:1rcs faith, Whereby not oncly we bclCeuc'the tmth thi~ foundation l:lid wirhin ir., tlirough the of U:, but ;pply it vnto our felucs; this kn?tt'eth wl11ch it hath bccne :1ble to wirhfiand, yell l vs Vtlto the fOundation, without ""'bicll Jthe and fubduc m:my rebellions, trcafoJtS, for1 word ~all bc-t1o more profirablc vmo VS: thCn ces, and po~.ovcrs, intended ~gain/l .it: and the lcwc~, ~;<:ho mingled it n?rwith fnith·,Hcb. h:ficios h:Hh .had (~curiti:: and f3fctie \'tHJcr I 4· 2 . for tl:•s oncly applycthltvmo dur:bc:~ns., ~~d~ prorc810n,~·"·.'Hh much peace ru 1 d profpc- 1 h::.:m::.:·::.:'::.:A.:.·.:.•·:::·Ri:::':.:fc::.:h:.Jlyc:'c:'::.hc:..<::.lo::CI:::: ri.::n:.,c;.bc::l:..ec::u::c.::d..:a:::n.::d..!__:_:r::_IC::_JC::·_W:.' ould .v.;c now kno\\ 1 the; wa)' how th)s·\ L _ __ L:_,:o H h hh I pcJcc.!