Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

\ '78 \ An Expojition -vpon f-._ 'I I peace and fccuritie continued to vs & ours? the A operation, which is to make the cuaturc:,bur c- 1 • ! \\'~Y is to continue and abide vpon thl~ foundafpecially man holy: !oh. '7-IJ.SatiEfi.fje them in I I ' tion, nOt looking backc to Poperie or fuperfiirh; truth,thJ wordi5 truth. It fanCtificrh men intion, bu~ taking our rhc \\'holiOmc counfcll of fi_rum_enrally, i.l1 tlur it 111a~erh them rcfcmblc I good KHlg lcho_(!Japht~t: Put ;o.'lr trnft in the Godmmanygraccs:by.thlspauidbccamcwi- "'chr.:t~~o. L!Jrd, aJJ~)'eejbtdlbe ,if[in·ed; bcluue his Propheu, {er then his Tcachcrs,P-!Jl.•J 29. and fo rcfcxnbj ~ndJ<eJlu<ll pr>fper. led God io wifdome,lmq. 17. This wi!domc · In rh is dmic ofbclccuers ma1lkc funhcr, firH J which is from abouc (Qf which the wor~li~tht; , I \ how the ApofHc lfcnbcch power to the be leeinHrunJem)ispu1·f,pfatei161r.,eajic to 6e in,rruued, ~ build himft'Hc: for alt\hough by nature [HI! ofmercie andgoodft~tits, tpjthout»g, and . meu "\'all_t this po·\\'t.:r(for the n~rurall man c:m~ without hypocrHic.Thus we fee ho~~~t n.1aketh not of h1mfelfc fo lllUch as thinkc one good men rcfemblc God in all thcfc,yca.:m!) in.2JI o- ~ thought)yet the regenerate whom the lord by ther venues. Thirdly, it ismofi;holj, PeC~Jlfe it h'is fpirit h:uh n1ooucd, hauc a po\:o,.•er giuen fanc1ificch all infcriour dearures to the,.vfe of. them to muouc themfclucs, and build themman, fo as He mayvfc themwith good confci- ' felues:that \·\ hich was before to tiature impoffience: 1, Tim. 4• 4· Eu~ry crelturc 9f God is 1 b!e, i> m3dc poffiblc by groc<. . ' B good,[an:lifiedkl thel>'ord4ndp'Oin'1 .W.h<!~(by Sccondiv ,horc funhcr the force ofrhc v\'o'rd the way) may be noted rhc fupcrfiitjQn 9;t the ~'"J~,Jop;,. huild vp)wi1ii:h-rcquircth nor oncly a building, Romifh Church, \'\'hid) h3]m.\'ethBrc:ad,., Salt, but a going on, and cncre:1fing in building: as Water, Palmes, &c. (or the curing ofdi(c:afcs, if hclu.d[aid;Buildvpyoisrfo/IJeflmorenndmore. calling out Deuills, aod working w~nders _; A dutic which 1~cercly conccrncs men in thcfe which praCl:ifc of theirs is nothing but.1~he ~e4!\y~s, wherein men decline to AtheHine, and filing and prophaning·of the creatures, Py r~,~., ! .' -Poperic, (which alfo is but a paimed Atheifp~rfHdous prayer feemlng ro h?l~w ~he~, yet , ~~~~~~~~;-,~ nic) when me-n can content thcmfelucs to goc Wtthou~·any ~ord or \Vprrant) ertb~rrcr(pro;- wcrdfupcr· backe, and fall from their former Joue, and arC mife. or 'commandeme~t =.which is tl}eP-r!nci,. ~~;:';i~~~~~ afra·id to be fOl!'nd either hot or'(old. This difpall ml1t'lltnent of f.1nChfymglhc. p~C'at.U:f~~ vn. the erea· hfc of our daics hath this ApofiJc forew~rncd to their lawfull crids·3.n.dvfcs. , .,. 1 ..•,'. vs of in this Epi{tie, bccing one ofthe laft faro. Hence learnc firll, that the doClrine of the wcls of the Apo!llcs to the church. Let vs rhen Prophets 3nd ApoA:Ics is f1om G od.;,becaufe it take notice of Our dcdinings, and doe ourfirll is full of wif<lome, \\ ithol:r any foliic;, full of workcs,and go on tdr"·ard to pcr(cCHon,builtruth, voide of all fallhood; as alfo moft holy dingvp our fclues daily, J}ct\{bt'scome·ro paffc C both tn it fclfe, and in operadon and df~Ct,and that the lord c·om~ ... •gailhl vs,fpuC vs OUt ofhis in the author, as proceedinj from hit:n who is tn6uth, remooue out <i.:andlCAicke with his othe founninc of all holinctie ,: it is not of men, thcr bldling~, & leaucvsvmoour too late and word beeing·rnofi holy, it mufi dwell in our vmimcly repentance. neither neederh the eui.dcnceof men;; tbi$ The motiue~vherby this rule is inforced vppropertic ondy (if he had nomore) itcarri~h on the Church, is drawne from a porpcnie of \\'ith it, and comaineth within it fi.!ffici~nteui.. faith,which is rhar it is is moflhclj.VV"herein(to dcncc 3gainlt the 'gates of hell, that it is from vndcrfbnd it)wc will 01cw firtl what ho!iodl'c God, 3JJd holy as himfclfc is. Sccon<i!y, the is properly:fccondly,that faith is moll holy.For he:uts plentifully, :~1d our care mufl be that it the former,in this holines there be two things : · may be writt<:n in 'the.table~ thereof, that it: 1 .firfi, a frcedomcfrom all fault and blame: femaybean ingraftcd ~ ord,bcaring ru\e!ouer our coftdly, an exccllencic or perfeCtion confil1ins wills and affcdions;y.'-\~, ouer our \\'hole liucsr: of many diuine venues. Holineffe thus vndcrfor where it rulcth it i3rlc.9:ifieth thC whQl man·. fl-ood is tWo-fold:,or created.VncreaThirdJy, rht: doClrinc of true faith f<l-nCHfieth tedis the-hotines ofGod, which is nothing cl le vs; but as it is rccciucd, belecurd, and ·appJied l bur the pcrfCdion of his properties and atrri- •D by faith,and no othcrwife,when it taketh place I bmes: this holincs is incomprchcn!ible,& infiin vs th.en it fanCtific:ch vs: it is not the r~hear1lic,yea the fountain ofal od1e~ holincs,Creared fing of the articles ofit, nor the knowlcdge.of holindfc is a ccrtainc gift ot God, which by it,nor carrying about with vs tlu; words of ir, I fomeproportion refcmblcth this vncreatcd hothat Can workc gr:~cc;butthc hiding of it, and linelfcofGod;the fi1bicC.l whereofarc Angels, minalin.a it wirh f.·uth iu the heart: fromwhich 1 1 man,& Gods ordin~nces,efpecial.lythc written we ;arh~r that it is afoulc crrour of ~he Papifh, I \\'ord:fo as this holincffe offaith IS this dcriued to· teach th:~t the S:~cramems confCFre grace, holincs,~nd not the former. by the workc wrought, ~md th:n as tbe penne Secondly 1 how is the doChine of religion Writeth ·by the h:1nd of rhe wrircr, ~nd rhatof I moftholy? Anf Firfi,i,itfeife, being ,.\'i!hout ir.felfc,thc hand mooning it; fo the ~acramefus I all fa~Jt and errour, :md hauing fi.mdrie f.1nCHfie, beeing adirlioiihcd by kncics, bering full of diuine wifrdome and thci Minifier : but this is erroneous., for the , I truth, and rhe onely infhumem whereby Gods \'rVot;d and the Sacraments arc both of one najn'finite wifdomc and go~dnC's is m~de known ture; rhe S::.cramenrs beeing none other hue the 1 / : vmo vs. Secondly, in reg3rd of the effeCt: and word madc~,,ifible:butthc word read or ntrcd I . ~ '1______.-'------·-----------------==.,.-