Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

···- ~-·~----- j - -! 179_1 --- ~. fi~~ nocby the wotkc done,bnc by.bccingbei'j. g-r·ace and comp::tiTion is promi lcd ro brpo.w;rd ! 1 , Iecucd and applied by fa.lth: therefore no more om~pon theho~fo ofDaHida;;d inh:r6i:m:r! of f~ .. J I doe the Sacraments by bccing adminiflrccl,buc m[~t.em: :md from hence a man n·.:tv tx:m:ine & by apprehending Chrill ~n rhcm;gracc mull be find whether he be the child of G~d or no;(or conte•rrct.l by the: fpiric of grace, and not by the . it he hauc th: fpiric of God he is his, and if he vercUes of:my aCbon in tile Sacram::nts. bauc thc~c holy motions and c.!dlres to pr~y, T he Iaftpoim in chis,!irH rule, is chc mcanes and can Jcndc out thc!C cries \'nto God vnfawhcrcby bclccucr~·arc to build vp themfclucs J)Cdly, he hath the prrfcnce of d1e Spirit;, a~1d in cheir mofl hol)• faith,:md that is pr-ny_cr(praihe that hath not this fpiritin thefc bldlCd fi uics p 1 g i:-t thebo!J Ghojl.) ~herci11 cu~ric_ member of ir, is none ofhis. Thirdly, theft: \\ords :lrc ofthe: ohurclt is put 111 tmndofa prul.c1pall du- ~dded,to ccac~1 vs,that vvhc-n \\'C pray, •.vc mu!l tic,namcly,chat whcnfOcucr we fcarc;,or foredoe it tfo~ ~ur beans :for\\ bere 1.he (piri_t of (cc afaHmg, and dcfetl:io~1 fr?m the faith, by God.d\.o,·cllcth, thence nmfi prayer pr.occ-:dc, reafon either of \\'Cakcnefie wuhn),qr pcrfccubut his abode is in the heart, & dterforc pr:~y"er ti~n without, thC time ic is to repaire Vmo god (that go·dmay :sclmowleQgc, ic coproc.:ecd tiom by. the .prayer of f:ti-tb ,crauing a.r ~is hands B the fpiric) n;utl be heanie: and (o of all other 1 f1rcngth, and power notonely to De pre~crued {f>iritL!all c.lmic:s; Coloff. )· jinging withgrace in from reuolt, but alfo to l>ce confirmed m the Jour hearts : Rom. I. whvml' I ftmc in riJyfpirit: faith and.doCtrine wherein we fiand. The A· \vherc the .1\po!Hc cxp(dr~th :i rcafo:1 \o\·hy polHe having exhor.ted the Eph.cfians to fl:and prayer lhould proccc~c fronl th,c ~can,bcc:mfc !ph,t:I.Jc. fa(l and be flrong in thc']..ord, and hauing prcprayer is ofthe fame nature wit~l ~aith, andrth~ iCribed loihe·mcancs tending to tha.t purpofe i fj>trituall worl11ip ofGQd, yea i~dd·de is a p;rt· in the 18. verfe he cohdudcth the pl'incipall of Of it anfJietaD!c- vn~ot.God hiu1!dfe \~ lio is a the reil robe praier:pra.yingalwale.rwtrh allpraifpiric: but all tliciC arc featcd in the hr:ut and er411dfttpplicarionofrhejpirir: and thatids fo, fpidc \ ;ltld Confcqucntly prayer it felfC ouohc . appe3rerh by two rcafons :firll by prayer faith tq be:netlh~r is it the outward t~Clion or vv.o~ds is.exc:rcifed,ycaand incrcafed,accordiJ1g•to the whidi is fimply\che YVoi{h~p Of God , but fo' increafe whereof, the other graces of z.cale, far re as they confcm.. and p~o~eed(f ffon1 \thlf hope, patience, &·conll:ancic arc likcwife conheart. \IVhich tcachcth vs,that wh:ttfoeuer'{cf firmed and anim:sced. Secondly,faithfi.Jil praiJig1ous dury we arc to curnc our (clues vnr.O,w~e er bath afaith full promifC made vnto it,.(f.Jk.._& C . arc firH ofaU thcrin to appr.o_o.uc,.o~~ flag~ ynio ;e/hallbaru,[ukfandJe {hallftnde, k.;;ockf and it God, Fourthly, that there npy,be~ di!li\1Cli•, jhallh~'Opetudvnto)OH: thcfc promifcs we mufi on made bc_rwcenthc.truc bcleCucr ,and th~hy":' layhold vpon,and apply vmo our fc!u,c;s,fonhe pocrire ll),q ,ama! m~n.The hypocrite 1¥-:P,raiftirring vp of continual! prayer, and fireogtbc;th outwardly for forme and faChion; the nat~:J-. ning ofgrace,efpccially 111 time oftemptation, rail m~n inaffliCtion praycth.of compulfion, as and in fcrife of frai.ltiC ,::md then God ,,·ill bee a m3n_tha; is racked and tormented, witl-tout good in hearing and helping ,as hispromifcis. any louc ofGod atoll; both of them Wi!b!>u.~ Now in the meancs ob{erue the manner of any inw3rd fenfe,or reCbfieCI difpofition ofthe making prayer in thc(c w~rds,In1hehol; Ghoft, hcarr: but the bclccuer he praycth in tl)e hea;[ which arc added forfourc caufcs: firfl, to giue 2nd in faith, the fpirit of God difpofing his vs to vnderfiaod,thac although a man be rcgcheart aright vnto prayer. ncrace, yec hecannot pray as he ought, vnldlc £2!J,,ff. How doth the holy.Gholl direCl the:' he be !lill mooued, helped, and llirred by the hean. An[. By fiuc waycs or mcancs: firll, by holy Ghofi. God giueth fundric graces in the illumi11tttiou>wherby he reuealeth God ton13n,. conucdlon ofa tltlncr:firct,a prc:ucnting grace·, as a!fo his owne etbtc; b~th of them in parr. which yet is not atall cffcel:uall, vnleA.C it bee D Secondly, by comterfton, "''h~:rcby he rurned1 (econded •nd helped with a fnpply ofalecond the heart vnro God once made ~nown,T)Jirflr grace: for that is true euen of the r('gcn crate, ly, by direCtion, whereby he dircCt:eth rheh_an Without muyecandoenotbing, Ioh. r 5. God gito deale as ""'ith God himfelfe, taking it from ueth firft th~willandthenthedcede, Phi!. z. 1 3, outward mcanes. Fourthly, by feruem & COJ1yea and the continuance of the doing of th:st {I ant dcfirC.J for things tpiriruall .or rcmp.or~li; which is uucly good: harhbegun the Fifdy_, byfllirh, whereby we can rcll: on Goq!, willperfarmc or finiDJ it, chap. T. 6. for the accomplifhmcnt 9fthe things wc~c-hauc Here let grace bccueric way grace, Jcafi it bee heartily dcfircd. . , no grace at all; let God who is all in all hauc Qf!_efl. Whether may we not pray to the ho.. the g!oric of all; as for the dothine of mans Iy Gholl, fecing here it is [aid, praying iQ or bYmerit and humane .[atisfaClion, which robthe holy Gboll:? Atif. w~may not oncly pr:sy bethGod to enrich man, it here fallcth to rhc in or by him, but vnro him: for although wee ground. 'I"he fecond is,bccaufc pr:1ycr is a finhaue no particular example hcrofin the Scripgular and efpcciall workc of the holy Ghoil in ture, yet we hauc fitfficic:nt warram: for the vs; who fbrrcth vo in vs thefe orones and fiohs three perfot~s_bcinp vndiui~ed in nature, mull I which we c:mnot Cxpreffc, Ro~1. 8. & mak~th be- alfo vndtmdcdmworfi11p, and one becincr '-''-'~ryc_A_b_ba_F a_t_h_cr"-, .;_Z_ac_h.:_.-='-=2.;_. r:_o_._tl_,i_<e_ ffr_ir_ir-"'uf-'--'--w-'.Co;Oli PI?._Cd all mufi be worfhipped. Second~ Hhhh 2 . - ---l£,_1 ____ the Epijlle of fude•.