l ,gO \ Jr, wcearcbapttzcdmt~ thcname~:e~:.O~l:~:c~:~:,gofthchwe, how much moJ --- \ G hoH, as w~l! as of the Father and Sonne; and IS the louc of God, ~htl'h by the fame 1 eafon 1 thercfo~c he ts to be pfaycd VIHO, cucn2s they mt1fl include the othcr?Thirdly,itisa true rulc arc. 06u·El.Bur we arc not commanded to pray in diuinicic,th:lt rhc firff Commandcmcn.r mufi any where by the F:ttbcr or Sonne, as here by be included=& prac1ifed in all the nme foUQwrhe holy GhoH, which argued1 that the: Holy ing, as being the foundation of them all.Now GhoH is not rhe amhor ofour prayers, as they the mainc Uuric of th~ fidl Con1m:lndcnlenf,is ~:~~~~~~:.r are. fin[. Tbc .ApoHlc hcr.c "'vould hauc ~~~brh.c loue ofGod,whic!1 rtmfl goe with the pra· :~~a;;~ti~a· (cruc an order Ill the workmg ofthe Tnnme, Chfeof all the other, fo as ,a1J the duties of the ourown~: for all the three pcrfons arc :tuthors ofour praioche'r C6mandcmcmsarc included in the fame. f!l·onnds. c:n; 1 the Father and Sonnc make vs to pray,but The f~c01ld point is, whether thJs loue of by t•lC holy Gholl; the holy Ghofl maketh vs God be in mon by nature, or gmen by grace? pr:ty.,but more immediately, for he is the imAn[. It is not from nature, hut a gift of,gi'ace, mediate author ofour prayers: which teachcth following faith, and iufiificarion. Ioh, 14~.1 4, that when __we pray, it is not of our felues, but lfyee I#U(-mee,yuwillJr.!ept m; commllndemtnts; from the tpirit which !hrreth ahd fcndcth vp both which procecde f(om one beginning.: 3S heaucnly tcquc:fh for vs: herein rhen we murl B no man thencan by nature keepe the-c.OiTJmanrcnoYncc our fc!ucs,magnify the grace ofgod demcms,fo no man can by nature: loue G~d a..: wirhiu vs , ond fhcw our fducs thankcfull by right, Rom.8.5. Thn,ifodom<afthefk/h(that entertaining carefuly fuch holy motions ofthis is mans bell thing,, his be.Cl.thoughts amh3ffc-. moftholy Sp1rit. tl:ions) Uenmitit to God, therefore can·ili~:re·be _A d L~ no true loilcofGod in nature. 1. Tim.t. f• v. :tt. 1!./1 n "'!epe your ThNnd.ofthe Commaundement "''"' ""'[" lfelues in the loue ot Cjod loo:. pureheart, ?"d ofagoodconfcienceankfaithvn- "J ' famed. Agame, we muH firtl bclccuc that '-'''ee !(fng for the mercieof our Lord areloued ofGod, before we can loue htm, r. . c ;fl. ' l'f Epifi.Ioh+Welouehimhecaufihcloucd'tlsfirjf, fejm . OYI_j~ 'UntO .eternat, It will be obieCled herc,Luk.7·•f7· Many fins lifi are forgiuen her, for fbecloued much :. where it ,, e. fccmcth that louc is the caufc of forgiucncs of Thefe wordsconraine the fecondrulc.ofthe finries, A,Yw. I anfwer, this word (for) doth Apottle tending to the prcfcruation of fairh, nor fignifie here a cattfo. bur a reafon drawne and uue religionconcerning louc, and it is infrom the figne, as it is alfo cllCwherc v(ed; this deede offpemll vfc, and dire6lion forthe fra- C then ische fenfe, many finnes are forgiuenhcr, mingofour liues:Chrifl calcrh theloue ofgod and hereby ye ll)all know ir, becaufc or in that and men the fummeof the whole !awe: Paul lheloaedmuch. callcth it theendofthe Commandment~. This Note hence firrl char doChine of the church eaufed Paul to keep faith & good confcience : of Rome to be falfe, whereby they teach <hat :. Cor.5. '4· The loueof Clmjfcanjfraintth w. before iufiification rhere mull be a difpafition Now for the better informingofour vn<.icrfiiand aptitude in aman thcreur.co, (landing in a dings,&our furtherance in obferuing this rule feare ofhcll,loue of God, &c. for by this dofiuc things arc to be confidcrcd: firfl, what is Chine the loue of God in man fl10uld goe be-.. meant by the loue of God? AnfWc are tovnfore iuflification, 'A hieh is a fruit and follower der!Hndby the louc of god a diuinc vercuc in thereof. Secondly, that is as falfe, rh:u loue is the hearts of the bcleeuers, whereby they loue the fonle and life of faith , for though in time God& Chrifl,propcrly and fimply for himfelf, they bee bO<h rogerher.yec in order ofnature reftin him,and cleaue vntohim as the moll ab.. loucfolloweth afrer faith, and therfore cannot folure good; for by Gods loue in this place is be the forme and ioui< thereof. Thirdly it hach not meam that loue wherby God loueth man, been rhe opinion of fome, that faith apprrhrn... but whereby man loucth God. Qu.. Why doth D dcth Chrifl by loue 1 , onJ not by it felfe; but the ApoA:le here omit the loucoTman? An[. this is alfocrroncous:for louc in orderfollowes Bccaufe the loucofman toman is included and apprehenfion ofChrifl, and rhercfore Chrifl: istobe vndcrfl:ood in theother as a fruire nccefnor apprehended by loue.Fi1fl,"' e be!ecu.c,and farily flowing from it: for firft, when a man Iobedng knit vrto Cl1rifi by faid1,thcn our harts uethhis neighbour, hcrin afcera fon he Ioucrh are knit vmo God by louc. God:for then God is Joucd not onelywhCour The third point is, what is the rueafure of affeCtion of loue is direCted vmo himfclfe, but louc whereby wemufllonc God and man..An, alfo when his ordinances, his creatures, im<Jgc, Acord111g to the t v.:o diflinCt part~ oftbe word &: other things pertaining vmohi~are lour;d. ofGod,arc prcfcribcd t'-' o dtfli~H9 rneJ(ures of Secondly, the Apolllc Pttul callcth the lone of lo~1C, The mcafllre of~hc la~·e "tmioue God the neighbour thefulfilling of ehe /awt; wh1ch vmhout meafurt> for tt rcqUJrcth that :\'c loue cannot be vnlcffe we include alfo therein the God With all the pov\'Crs of our bod1es and louc ofGod, or rather it within Gods louc, & fot:les, :mdwithalltiJt_f/rength ofall thde pow..: ioyncrhcmcogrthcr. Nowlftheloue ofman ers. Luk.rc. 27. This meafure iinOt nowe Cal.s.ri• in .