----·-- ---- - .. ~. --~-·1 · ~/ ___ tbe €pijllc if fuc/e; . I __?81 _ i / our powcno pcrformC',no not althougl~ ,,,,c be_ A <lclh rl:c lccpu.,_g of d1c C'on Olat:ndrrr.tntS ; P1piA12.re •oaeofthC that can eO !clfeth:\t tbcyarcvn– profitable ""hen they b3utdone allthcycail· borne ann,·:for being Hill fldh in pan,tomr ot ~md ycr tbc m on a1 c fo fa1 re f1om doing them~ 1 the powers of om Urctlgth arc ~,-\iihdu.wnc th:~r doryhnow thcmnot)ncither CHC ~okno,\· 1 . from the loue of God. The Gofpel is a qualihthem. c:~.tion ofth_c !awe, :tnd modcr:\tcrh ~he ri~our . ~be fifd~ point is~how a_man fl1ould drf"r1_·Uc I thereof; it trccth l m~n not from Joumg God, 111 hun tbc JOtl(: ofGod :l\l(l of t11<!1l? Anf Fll n but cxJCtcth not this louc in the highcH meathe mc~n.cs \i\ herby m~mmayprd"cn:c himiCJfc I furc and degree, but atceprcth flich a mcafurc in the louc ofGod is tn-o-fOIJ: firH, cucryonc as fiandeth in 3. things;fii'fl)n beginning uuly ~~mfl labo~lr daily to b:tuc his hearc fnkd inth~ to louc God: fccondly, in the 'hily 1 i:Jcrc2(c in tcnfc of Gods iouc toward hilt,fc'lfC': for the this lone:thirdly,in becing conflant in the fame · .n.wrc he Ota!l fcc!C' C:odslouc _confirmed vmb vmo the cndc:this mcaft!re the Lord -accc<ptcth .1hun,lhc n·.ore t11all hts lone be Inflamed nnd infor perfect louc, in rhofeth3t be in Chril~~ in crca!cd tO\NarCs Go~i ::~gan1c; <:utn as the more whom rhe imperfeCtion is couercd, Dcut.~o.6. ·v•c fccle the heat of the Sunne, the \\~nucr The Lord rln God JPilt circumcife t/Jinc /,ea1·t, .we arc. Secondly,~..,·c mull kccpe adaily obferthatthou m;rfl {otte thr Lord thy G~'t4 w~rh all v:uion o:G?dsble~ngs !Piri;uallandtcr.lpo... thine bcart, and all th)' ji11de, that 1s, ~s 1f the rall, .,.,-h,ch Js a fpec1all meanes not oncly td lord had faid,I will iugr:tft the rrue lone ofmy B ~onfirme and ilugcmcmour louc, but prefemC fclfc in your hearts "'·hieh you will increafe: in, 1t conrlant to the end. Pfal. t8. r. I wi/1/oucthC and con(bntly proceede in the fame, and then dearcly 0 Lord. Why, 'A·h.at made Dnuid thus I will account and :.~cccpt ofit, for tlfe f~l rrfcarefoluc himfclfc? the rcafon is rendered in the fi1re of louc that 1ny !awe rcquircth! v·vhich next words; The Lord is myrock!,m;forrrcffc; dHlin8:ion is the r:tthcr to bc. confidcrcd, •bemy ffrmgth, 3nd he that dcliucrcth mcc. Secaufcthe Papitls teach, that the loue ,,·hich the con.d!y,n\Cil mull vfe the mca11es whereby they Lord requitcth of Chriflians, is the fame for may prcfcruc their louc to man; and theCc 3re fiJbjf.mce and meafure which the lavve:pr~fcri. oftt·vo forts ,for fotne !Hid in meditation,orhet beth: and for the perfeCtion ofour JOu'e; they in ~raClifc. Tl.lc·medirttions are foure-. The fay a man may doe more then the !awebindeth fir:Cl1s the conhderation of the lpirituall and himvnto; as if bee glue all his goods to the neere coniunGlion ofall thofc: that are true be.:~ poorc, it is more then cuer God in his law bath lccuets,ofwhich numben\'Cprofdfc our felues commaunded: and if we loucGod abone all all to bee, who haueall one Father, God, one creatures(which they fay aman 111:tydo though Mother, thcll<:aucnly Icrufalcm the C:tthoHke imperfcCl:ly) it is the loue ,.-.•hich the Ja,~·e prc:- Church; all begotten of the immonall fccde, fcribcth. But all this is mo!Halfe, and fo the C •he.word ofGod;alklitic by one faith in Chri!t, Apoftlc,Gal.~.to.concludcth it,ai ma.ny M are and an arc heircs df Ctcrnall life and gloric, l vudcr the work.!J oftbe Law 1! .• re accm-_fod. If all T.his was Paub1llotiuc.. pcrfwadinghim heraro: men be condemned by the la,.v, then 1s no man EphcC. 4· 3· + There u one Lvrd, onefaith, en~ able to pcrformc the Jouc and duties which it haptifine, one God'akd F~tthtrof all. fee Phi I. ;,': rcquireth :but he rnkcth the former for granted: I. 1.. The i'econd mcditn.tion is, that the duties ! for e}fc his argument col!JJ BOt ho]de)& there6flo,uc which man flJCWCth to m:m, cfpcciaJJy. fore that none can perfonnc th,e louewhich·thc dlc·faithful,God acccptech as done tohimfc-lf, lawc c:nioyncth is rruc:,Sccondly, the common fo faith the w1fc: man: Hee that girtcth to tiJ~ opinion o~·men is, chat' they cucr loul::d'God poore, lcndctl, tmto the Lord. And Manlf. -zsV cWith a!hhtirhcarc, 3tld his pinie heC Dlottld l¥hln I WIU httng'i'icJe fc4mc,(:rc. namely,in m~ ·Hue-that d'oth not fo; but it is a. mec::rc dclufimembers vpon earth. The third -rt~edit3tion fs\ on, for_;ifi'it '\I\' ere {0, What needed anY qualithe cbnfldcration ofrhar curfc, -,.,•hi'h is'"dUe tO; fication 'c)r'moderation of the )a~,- ...,c by theGothem that negleCt duties of louc to ti1ln when fi)ell. · r • . . ; occafion is offered; Matth. 1f. ·Depart yecciJi'-" The fotirth point ts, wherem {hnd~th the fo-d, 1 ~PIU hungri6Jecfcdmee-not: to auoid tOt~ lolie of God? Anf 1. Epi!t.Ioh. 5. l· Thu u D curfc, we mtdl embrace the Apo!tlcs counfcl! theloTteof e!i-od, rbat yu k.!epe hU Comm~t-ndctO.\N21kcinloue. Thc:~ourth is,·t~ confidertli'r.t ~ mcntJ. loh-. 14. Ij. Hee that keepcth my the louc of man to man is a grace of God; , Commandcmcnts is hc:e thlt loUeth mc·c: the whi·ch leadeth a m3n by the hand tO-the firH"ileu 1 reafon \\'hereof is this, he_e that loncth God, grcc ofhappin~ffc: r. Ioh.4. 16. Hee that dwd... loucthhis word, and he that loueth his word lcth in lo11c, dwclleth in Godl aftd God in himi will bcwrav his loue in yeclding anfwcrable that iS, hcc hath cmred the firfi decree of obedience [hereunto; ahd· in one ,,rord' this ha:ppineffe, for hcc bath fcllowfl1ipp~ witli kccpinO' of t·he comm:innd.~l'ncncs flandeth in God: and verfc J'"2, Ifwe louc One another . thcfe l~lrCC ~hings _. firfl: in faith, for it ,mull: Go·Qs !ouc is rc~feB: in vs.Now 'as narurc it fel~ ' be the WOl'kC of a true bolccucr: fcconflly, d:m1tcll vs ahavpines is to be fought for~ fo·let· in contm"flon vnroGod: thirdly, in ncw.obcd.l-, this gra·cc lead~ Vs to the degrees a.nd be•inence; which Chcwcth many 2 rn:m ho"" mininos6fit. ' · · 1;:) fc:-ably he h:ah bccne ·heretofore deluded by fhc fecond !Ort of mcanes Hand in pr3Clife; Sathan : for cucry m:m profcffcth and prctc:nand the l'ulcs of practiCe be fixe. The firll js Hhhh 1 ;he I