i l8z.~\ ----·--· An Expojition 'lJpon - ----------- 1 -- -- \ i I the pn t1-ifc of the La~;v of nature, bccing the A words, :md aChon_s(ifit be pofTiblc)i~l thebet- --- i .I fummcofthe l3\o\' and the Prophets, byChrifis tcr parr: C<ICil fa tarrc a.s the \.Vord of God giI I ownc tA!imonic: Whlltfoeucr_ya wo11/d that mm uerh vs libcnic: for it is a fruitc of malice to fboulddoe vmo]nU, doe ]OH rhc J4me vnto tlum. mifcon!huc mt·n,to-make :an otfcncC\\hcrc It is The tn(.:aning of .,.,hid\ gvlde11 rule is this; not giuen 1 or not to be taken, and that is, fo OoJ'wi\lbc fc:ruc:dofvs fn ourfcr• uingofm.an. Lookc \·\ h.at .,,.c would h:auc oLhcr men to lor:g as the wickedncs is not apparcnt.Founbthinkc, !pclkc, anti doe to vs, that mull we ly, 1~1 ~~Hor_ing him that i~ fallcu into a fault,~y thinkc,fi,calu:,& doe vmo them,and no \\'Orfc: the lp1r1t ot mcckncs, councfic, and humanian_d on rhc cotHraric, confider ...duewe would tie: cuen as aSurgeon dcalcth wich abroken not that mmJhould 1hmkc, lpcake,or do vnto annc or lcggc, not with roughncffc) or anger, 1 vs, th:Jt we m11H ab{binc to fpcak, or think,or but_ with mildncs,yca and pitty to\.\'ards theofdo vmo them. The prat1ifc \\'hereof would cut fcndcr-,Jo iCning him as it were in ioync again.· offmanyv. rong~.conrcmions,frauds,& imurics The fOurth rYlc is in Rom. 1 2. ro.BeajfeCt;. both in \o\ ordand dcedc. · oned one to1V11rds ll.nother with /n·orhcr'J /we. The fccond rule of praCl:ife is in Gal. 5· t 3• How may that be ..clone? ·~Anfw. In the next Duefomice one to rmorha by loue; th:a is., Jet words, in giuing honour goe one before anotlu r, eu::ry man in his place and cal!ing become fernot in t.aking honour as our nature is; but in uant to anorher, & fo prefnuc louc Ly the du- B preferring others before our ft:lues:and here we tics oflouc. The re2Con hcreofis, becaufc God mull not conceiue of this honour as a mcere (although he might ifhe had plcafcd prefcrucd ccremonit, !landing in iOme outward gctlurr-; man withom man) would ho1.0e man prefcrued but ic is arcuercnt opinion concciuc:d inwardly by n•an, and thlt cur-ry man fhould be his inin the hearc, whereby c:ucry man thinkcrh bctfirumCt for euery mans good in regard both of tc:rofanother thcnofhimfclfc:,and accordingly body & fouJc.For which end hehath furnifhed yecld5 himmore honour.But fome wll fay here men with feucrall artc:s, fcicnccs, trades, and this is hard to do, to efteemc ofcucry man bctcallings that one mi might Hand in need ofthe ter then our felucs, &. hdw may we anaipc vmo help ofanother.'sccondly,wc arc placed in the it? An f. Who(oeucr iudgcth this fo hard alcf- "''orld that here we might fcruc God indeedc, fon,lcr him cmer inco the fcrious examination nor in [peculation oncly, but alfo in our whole of h1s ownc heart, without partialitie, let him praCtiCe in our !landings and callings,he wil be looke narrowly into hlmfclfe, and he tbal cfpie it-rued ofvs inour fcruing ofmi,for thcfe two fuch a bodie of finne for meafurc: or manner, mufl gotogethcr,and as it wcr.c.ha.nd in hand, C as he cannot fin de in any man befides; fo as in the fcrvice of God, and r.hc femice of man. the true fcnfc ofhis dlatc he can ncucr abafe aWhofocuer therefore impl<>y their callings ny man fo farre as he can him(clfe,"'hereby bee principally for the purchaiing of their prolhall come ro iudgerucry man worthy to bee fits, plcafures, honours, and not for the good preferred and honoured before himfelfe. of men, they abufc their calltng•, prophane The fifth rule iStn Ephcf. 4· 26. Let notthe their liucs, and mi!hke the proper ende of fimne Jet vpon JOUr wr11th. A very necctfaric them : as though they were borne onely to 1·ulc; for feeing we be but tnC'n, ,we cannot liue vnto themfelucs,and ferue themfelucs,and be wit~out many finnfi1ll motions, and dj>ccineither God nor man bdides; from v.. ·hich too :ally of rcucngc vpon occafion; I? ut here "'~ cqmmon a practife harh that dcuillilh fpccch arc counfclled forthwith to {by and rcprdle fprung, and by Sathan put into the mouthcs ehem, yeaand to br~akc them vn~rly off:rhat of,many men: Euery man forhimft!fo, 11nd God althqugh angcr,wr.Oith, &. reuengcfyl thougl;us for vs all. Afpcach well befeeming thofe who will arife vp in our hearts:, yet we mull ex.tinare at ope cnmitic with the d~1ties of true louC. ! guifh them, ind not fuffcr them to continue The third rule is in Phil~ 4-). Lnyot~rmoder with vs, no not for thc,fpace ofada,y.Tbe fame rA(e mindehek,_nQWJJeVntoit/1 men. Wherein is D Chrifi himfclfc hath taught, Mn.lt. zs.When tommcnded that meckenesofmind, whereby 1ee jland topra;, forgiue, if yu haue-~"J thing we canwith moderation and equitybearc~ with againft any man. So often then as \\'C arC to pray men forthe preferuation of Joue; fee Phil. 2. ~; (which is at the leafi daily,) fo oft,cn-wc arc to This moderation ll:mderh in foure altions:firfi forgiue iniuries offered to vs,for w.cpray robe ifl:l>caring with dcfctls & infimuties ofnature:, forgiu.cn :as our fdu~s doe forgiuc others: men J as haflincs,frowardncs,ddlre ofpraife,flowne.s co~rer.t themfc1ues to carry the-ir wrath awhol I and fuch wcakndfes: it is the pan.andpropcny yeare togc:rher:,ifchey forgiuc once aye<irc at ofan cquallmindc, not to be fcuerc, or haftic Eaftcr,or at rhereceiuing ofthe SacramCt once j .,gainfl rhcfc, but rather to paffc by rhem, as aquarter,itisas m\Jch(thcythinke)as they need Salomon faith : It iJ the glorie qf a ma11 to p4J[e to do: but they fOrget that the Sunnc muft not by a., it~ftrmifie.Sccondly,in couering many,yc,a goe downc vpo11 their wrath. :: t a multitude of!inncs:yea and ifam:mbe Called The fixt rllle, Rom. 15. 2. Let ~un7 mAn ro rcuca!c and difcouer them by w~y of cdlipleafe hi.t neighhoHr, Some will f:1y, how can monic, it caufcth am:~n not to <lggt:au:ue the this be, for (ume will UCIIC'r be pl<:aJCd. if we crime, but equally ro fpc~kc: euen as the thing condifcc:nd not to their corrupt andwicked de.. is. Thirdly, in confiruing mens meanings, fires? .An[. The n'xt words cxpound the .Apo- . l\leS