Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

--------------·----~------ ----------'---· ______..._____ ____.______ ~ - :...1-~ 1 __ th_e_Epi/fle of lude. ~SJ j Ple1fe u1en i ... c.• d,llld for good. I files meaning \Vhac is that? A ·1[For A 1 :1 man afhamccl by dil~ppoincing him of the his cdific:~.tion: fo '\S the gcncrlll com:n,luD<icJ cbing hoped fOr, Rom.) ·5. Secondly; it mull mcnt adtlmtcth this limuatiou: chat men mull be ag:tinll hopc,dlac is,againfi :::~11 human hope~ be plcafcd, but oncly 10 farre as ir ccndcrh eo rc:~:fon, fenfc, & wha£focuer may be grounded Gods gloric, their own good, and edificatioa. vp,m thcfe. Thus A6raham bclceucth againH So, Rom.I :,18. fl.zue pcacewH}; al/m~n: but hope, Rom 4.18. Thirdly, it mu~ be apatiefit yet with adouble hmiration;firfi,ijit6: po.J!i6!e: vvaiting on Chri!t: Rom,8.rj. if wee hope for fccondly, if it 6e inJOI~: or fo much as lyccb in that wefee not, we~da~1virh pati(nce abid~for itf you: wee tnuft n..oc carric cro{fe and lhwartc 1 for dtherwifc the thing hoped for, dcferr~d1 mindes, as br:cing enemies vnco peace, but apmakcch our waiting painful & tedious.Fou'rth..; ply our !Clues eo the prcfCru:ni.on of it tn our Jy, it mult be groiided vpon the \o\'Ord an.d prdfClucs and othcrs:thu~ fh al we rc,~lj(v QUr fclucs I miiC:-s of!itC, Pfal. 1 30. 5. My foule h:nh wayto beadmitted inco God~ kingdom.::, wherei" red, and I haucm1fled in his word: Hcb.6. I g, tbe L;on and the- L~m6e p/a) together, and the the ground & anchor of our hope is made nOt young childc and the' Cokatrice, Ifai. 11. · B onely the promi(e, bm the oath of God who vyherby thus much is tiguified ,rh;J.t men once cannot lie, although bee fhould nor f.,.vc:~rc, conucrced fuall be fo chaunged andaltrcd;that that wee might holdfaft tht hope that i1fot before ifthey wcre.neucr fo fierce ::10d crucll again!l ·w. the church,and one aga.infl: another before, yet The fccond point is, the thing fot vvhichwe now they (hall be framed to a pe:1ceab!e and mufl waitc, which is not for gold, filucr, ho-. meckc: difpofition cowards all men. nours, plcafures, but onc:ly for the mercies of Now to pcr(wadc vs to the pracli(c of thele God in Chrift vnto life eternal\: by which wee rulcs,confidc:r firCl that thcfc arc th,e Iall times, mufl 110t vndcrfland the beginning of merde, wherein moft men arc /ouers ofthemfolue:s J and for thefc wee alrcadic here·cnioy, :!nd ha;uing loucrs ofmen for their owne aduanr:1gc, cucn the prcfent hold thercof,nccdnot hope for the fo farce as by them they may attaine and rccaine farile, but (or the full mcafure and. accomplHhtheir wealth, pleafu'rcs, and pompo:; but few~ mem of Qod~ mc:r~ies hereafter to be in.i(;)yc:d. arc they that 1oue men for god, or his gracesin The like m:mncr of fp,ccch had1 Ptm! ,. Rqm.S. them: now fccing the tintes more call for thefc 2 2. Wee tvaitc for our adoption a'~d rc'dm1ption 1 dutic:s,lct vs be thc,mon: carefull in them. Se- C not that we are not already adopted an.d redcc.. condly,loueamongH men is the b"ndoffocicmcd; but that it is notas yet.fully finif],cd and tics; for what els liokcth man to man but loue? accomplifhed in vs, as hereafter it fhall be•• . which therefore the Apoftle calleth thc6ondof c) The third point is. the fruite and profit of pcr[e£fio11, and truely, (or it makcth them fpeak .this waidng;and that is lifeerc:rnall, and therean9 thinkc one thing,&: pcrfc:Ct:cd.xtheir faciefore it is added, vmo life erernAD, .giuing vs to ric:.~ecingthcn Chl'il1ian f0cicti~s are gods orvndcrtbn~,rhar our waid11.g fhal bringvs vmo· dinances and preferued by loue, wee ate t6la..! and fee v~ in the poffcffion ofthis lifc.So as the bourrhc more in the prefcruarionofit. Third., dc::fcription flandcth in fctting downe t:VO cfly, the office 2nd action of lone is' moft cxcclc feC!s ofhope, dcfcribcd firft, tlmit caulcth,ro lent, for the: manifoldc gifts and 'gr,q_ces whicli waitc on Ghrifi for merde..: fc:condlyr, that it God beflowcth on men ·for ·the vfc of rhe doth nm fail~ qor make :1£l!an afhamed, for he Church and Common-wealth, arc all hereby \\'aiteth vmo ctcrnallli(e,and in this-expet1:ati.. made: profitable thereunto; all ofs:lercd hcr~unon is put in poffdiion of the fame. FrotO: the to ~right, and all hereby ~pplycd to their right former effeCt, wc learne fir.fl to put adiffcr.ellce ends and vfcs: the gifto; ofknowlcdg;tongues; bctwcene hop.c and confid.cnce: firfi by ,hop,e arts, wifcdonJe, and fuch like, without loue D we waitc: on Chri!t, but by confidence wc'tdt they putfc vp, hutit:U liJHeth~tt edijieth ., 1, Cor. vpon liim,andquiet our hc3rts in him.Secortd1 3·•and which c~ufeth man to ap.plic: and vfe ly, hope is,ofthings to come, & cohfirlencc Of thele gifts to the good ofman. ,:· '· things ptcfenr, adealt made prclent by foith, The third rule. tOr the maintc:naoce of faith Manh.9. t. Haue CDnftdence, and' thyJintus are concerning Hope, in the next wor~~ , lookjng forgitten thee. Whence \\'C may difcerne a.n crforthemercieof oilY Lordlcfiu Chrift vnto eter~ rour in Pop-Hh religion. They reach with·Ys-, nall!ife.] Wherein-is contained a cle(cription of I that a man i.s to haueconfidcncc in ChriJl ,-b.U,c hope, which is this : Hope is a gift pf God, they includ;e,it vndcr hope,and wil not permit wherby we wait for the mercic oflclus Chrifl chat it lhouli:i .be referred, becaufc then to etc::malllifc. Fo.r the better con:cciuing of they 010uld be drawnc to·grant a fpeciall faith,. which gracc,cOfidcr in the words thrc things: ·But that is erroneous, fecin~ confidence is not fidl, thepcrfon on whom we arc to waicc by ofthings to corneas hope is,but ofthings ptchopc, namely, our Lord Ielus Chri!t, together fc::nt: and therefore although confidenCe goeth with theproperties ofthis waiting, which arc;: with hops, y~t it is nobram~ch of it but profourc, firA:, it mull be ccrtainc withour doubt· cecdcth frOfaith.Sccondly,{eeing this waitino ting: for the ApofHc a(cribcth ft1ll pcr(walion i~ a cencn expeCtationofChrifl:,hcncc I e:athe~ and a{l'ur:mcc vnto our hope as ·well as vnro that there:: is :tfpeciall faith:for ifthere: be 0 a fpc. _ou_r_f:_•i_th.c'c..H_c_b_._6_.I_I_._n_ci_th_c_r_d_o_rh_ h_o,_pe_m_ ak_c....; l\,1h~rc mutt nccdcs bea fpecial\ faith Hhhh 4 to I