Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~~- 584 . !!An Expofition vpon _ )-= ~ to ground this fpccial l hope vpon: for \\'C can iA . re:tcl vs, n.amely, that the Saint~~fGod auHifi- 1 I ncucr ccncnly waitc tOr that, whereof we arc \ ·ed, fant'bficd, :md fo continuing ,(for tofi.:ch I I . 1 Vncertainc \\·hether it belong vmo vs or no:he : lHde...wrote as ycrfc 1.) mufl wait fort he mctcy ; ! that hath rccciucd the cJrncfl, may certainly 1 of God_vnto life etcrnall. Yet kt amankeepc', I wait forth<: \>vholc fummc: but it it is faith that all Gods Connnaundcmcm~ he {hall merit no- ;\ rccciucth .chc ~~rncH ofthe fphic.from wh~ncc thing, hecdoth but his {iutie. ln the fecond 1 our hope IS r:uk d, Hcb.r 1.1. Nowfaithu rhe Comm:mJcmcntthc Lord faith hcjlmPeJmer- . grormd ofrbir:gs hopedJ'q-t: for vdHch caufe it is 'cie on 1 thoufan'd.r: but\' ho arc they? eH m to them I that h9.pc :Mo harh his full aiTurance afcribcd that lo11t muand k.,;ept my Co11:mn~tnd(meJits': Jf 1 vtlto it aswell ~s f::~ilh. AnG hence we may fur- ·.Adnmhad ·Ctood in innoccncic, hcC'could not the(- take knowlcdg of an other ofthcir errors, hane merited any better cO~te then heewas in; whcrtas they teach that hope indeed is ioyncd how much ld'fecan we fincc rhc fall?nay Chrill: ·I with a ccn;~imic, but they diflinguilh of ccr- :ts he wasman alone, could not merit, nor did ·talntie, which is (they fay) either ofrhe .will or nor, but in regard ofpcrlOnJll vnion. But the \ vnder{b.nding: hope they grannt hath the ccrPapifl \\ 1 il here fay,t·hat life1 ctcrnal is promifed 1 taimic of\' ill,but not ofiudgemcm & vndcrvpon condition, and if wC can kccpe the CornI fiiding~butthis is falfc, fcing the Apol11c Heb. B 1 maundcmems \o\'ee m~ymeritt. I an(wer,lfwe I 12 , cummttundrth to r(iQjCC in J1opc; which no keep the condition of our [clues wee m:1y meman can doe, vnldfc the iudgement be certain ' r-it indeed; but this is impofliblc, foreucn our and fetletl; hcc thntis not ccna\neof mcrcic-, l<cetting ofthe ccndition were of mercie; and can neuer hope certaincly for mcrcic. Thirdly. mcrcic and merit willneuer n'leet and towe lcarnc hence to \vaiteby our hope in ChriH ·gcthcr.SccOdly,ifwe wait for mcrcic in Chrilt for life cucrhliting eucn to the death, thatrimfl: then we mull altogether defp'airc in regard of be the white which n)ufl eucr be in our eye, at our (clues for euer attaining life cuerlaAing,for which we muA: conrjnllnlly direCt our aime.\.Vc hope fcndcth a man out ofhimfclfe,and caufcth haue many dxamplcs of holy men who haue him wholy to relic himlelfevp6 Chrill;Thirdgone before vs in this•dmic;/acob when he '!A· as JyJ ifwe nmH waite for the accornplifhment of makirlg his w'il,infetteth and as it were imcrlamercie, which tendcth to life cucrlafli11g, tlicn ~ ceth.tbis fpeach; 0 Dord, I'waitedfor thy much rnorc mull we inour dangers·or uoiibl~s 1 fa!uarton, Gen. 45. 18. MoflJ had hi& qe eucr \ \131[ for Gods mcrcie in our dcliuerance.Ifw'e ! vpon ·the recompmrt·cf rtwnrd, Heb. It. z6. mu{t wait for thegreater, we may forth<:_Jcffe, lobWill-trufi in the Lord,yea airhough hejhoutd Hab•• z.;. At !aft rhevifon/hall f}eakf, andnot kjltl,im, lob q.· 15. Dauid was much ·and C !it:thoughitrtm"ie,waite. Andifai28, J6,He ofterlin this c~pe€htion Of the Lords m~rcy, 'hat beltelltthmerl(sthnothafi.This meeteth with · Pfalm. 1 40. :r. lnwaitmg I htts~ waittd Dn. the mans corruption, who inprcfenttroubleWill . k d ~ Lord;that iS I ~~tle inll3ntly "''ayted; & "'.1"t haue prefcmhdpe, or elfc lYe will ferch it frorit i':~~tfcntmc eyes haHefai/edmte wfJiltff I harsc _waitedfor my heU i.t (clfe;from Satan and'Sorccrers: but fuch I troftblcs Gcd ~'Pf3lm.6j.;. an~ ·Pfahn,x6-.9. MJft4h nCuer loan1ed to waitc on Gods 11.1ercyf6r mr~fc~1:uc . fh;~ltrtftinh6pe: his hope was that his flefh fbal faluation • for then could they waite !his ldp,thot~gh rife ·againevmo hfc-eucrlailing. qhicfl. 13ut leifure in 'lcffer matters for health, and cafe, ~:fe~~~han hoW can W C nourifi1 d~iS hope CY.··Hl fame men a.nd Wit-h rftote comfort '·make farre lCtfc fay) fwng wee are f<> toffed and perplexed halt. • ' with fo manym1fefics·&gneuanccs !11 this life? - Sccon~ly~ ~rom the fecon1 ctfcel or frekof .An f. Patt/mectcth wtth tllls ol:i!cClion, Rom. 1 hope, ·nanlcl}', 'that;dCceiuc-th not, nor-difapJ. 1• !}Vet rtto;•ce'-m trtlmlatJon, Q!!._tl1. How pomteth hunihat hopeth\ note firtl ad1ffet€ce can we doe fo? !Anfl When wee (ubtcCt eur l betw~cnehutmme or C3rllnll, and relig1ous or (clues vnto God m oifechons, brefb cddeth A~ Chrilhan hope. The fornie! 'often dccl!1Ueth bread hi.J lout motiY'hearu,and this ~rcedethpa.. men, adeaft '1.!\ hcn death1 €ommeth all fuch timce J which bringeth fonh cxterience, and D j hopes perilb: but the fecond_neuerdeceiue~h a cxpcnencchope,whlch maketh not alhamed; manmtimCof ncedc no norm death Itftlfc-. becing the helmet oftaluatiOn,and our anchor Secondly, hence a m;n may and mull belee'ue ,which {laieth ourfhip in thetroublefOmc fea of _his ownc perfcuerancc in grace, for where this , ~his Iifc.Founhly,irwe mull byour hope waite hope is, fuch a man cannot faH whol!y from 1 onChritl:then in all onrrcquefts aOd petitions Chri!l, for thC hishope lhould difappointhim; vntoGod we mnfhbide the Lonfs leifure,o9t neither from his ownef3lu.ation, bedufe this -limitinghim,~or ptcfcribing thC::t-i1i1CVmohim -hope laics1hold on the mercieofGod•vnto eofhcaring:for herein o'ut hope mufi·excrcifc it rcrn.all life: and herein can neucr fru{hate his we muft ..felfeo expeCtation, or make him afhamed. Thirdly,if ;~;~~~~:n,t . Fu.rrhcr, from 'rhc <?bicCt of this waiting, our hope bring vs to the fnlneffc ofhappinctfe, notforiu~ which is the mcrcic ofGod. \o\ 1 C may lcarnr diand to the accomplifhmcnt ofmercy hereafter, llice,1sthc ucrfcpoints: fidl rhat thcrC is no [uch mcr'it of that it bringcth vs to rhc beginning of this I ~(;';1~hr workc as the P:~pifls drc:Hnc of, for then might h:~ppincs euen in thislife: for the beginning of th-eir do· ~ewaitc for iufHc.:e ~ :ind ofdue' Jay clairne to life eteruall is in this life, & flandctb in the c6-- ~rinc ofmelife eternal!. But here we haue another leffon uerfion of finnersvnro God, and in amcndmCt lrm, Gf_