.~--·---- the l:pifllc oj }ude, I - '· ---- Atlurors are not of the lame G:w j of life: and :.'hofoeuc.r hJth true hope, hcc is A I ding thJt warre is not to be madc,obr bathe; I rhcrc:by Ou·rcd vp vnto daily repeorance &. reto be c:1kcn, erre gro!fcly: but yet herein form.luon oflife: J.loh. 3·3· 1/u rh:~t b.rth 1his (though in other points they dot·)rhcy ,rafc no.t hope, puYgeriJ~imfo!fc, erwuuhaU fllfe·:-Nc;m• the foundation. Thcfc ought \i\•ifcly to. ,bee I there ispone of vs but we fay we hope for life c1iflingui0ll.'d,for he that erres ill the fqmH.Iat!; ercrnall,~uq.Jooke to bc.faqcd by the mercic of QIJ, oucrrmnerh his f".inh and re.ligioil: but he God.iu Chrill:: ir Handcth vs then in hand to d1ar holdeth the foundarion,ariJ errcth in final ... rde the ~'n.ith ~.fthis hopC,'-'~ ir·hiO our feJu~s,and kr~po111ts, doth nor. 1. Cor. 3~; "2. If aJJr.matt . manifcH.. i!lc tnlth of it r•_uo .o~hcr .s_' 3nd.bqth I inuld ()11 rhefimndatJOI1 b:ty or ffu6ble, hu Wo1k..; I thcfc l;>y \h~s uoce, n\:H]lf.l.Jtrrthat we finde ~t; tO foot!{ bil-r,Ie, hm h;mfolfemay 6e fafe. One thmg purge O}Jl1h~arts and li,uesland that _Jt cqnfopnc l it' IS to b,;~tc do'll ne a w:1JI, eo pull dov.;n~ ~:l vsvncoCh1r,i.H~: lor lf~~vJc;liopem .be~~~c~ hirn I \oVipdow, yr" fomt one fide ofahoufq. and ati:er thj~ lif~. w~ tHu!}:.labOur to rcfe,p1blc him f\119.chcr m pluc~cvp rhc fou ndation ; for.rh.!~ cucn in this life,. by bccjog in tOm~ rl!e}•I"Urc ddlroycth alL Wh1ch d1ffercnce 1f H had bn1 pure, holy,innoccm,mceke,lou)ng,&c.eucn a!. made an~l nunded, n.any 1.1\h!Ch hauc fepa[atc~ he was.:_f~r othcrwi[e 1fqur hues-be not in fome B 1 ~hcmtCJucs from chc Cburch of England, ha.d rcformatioh <:~f9. t}r fclu<:~, ~nd confOtp}isie tq I ftJl,rcmaJ,ncd members oflt.Scrondly,of thp.f~ our head fyta;blc to th~ profc:llipn of our.hope~ th:tt crrc 111 opu11on, fomc erre of JgnoraOte it is bur,p~etencc of!lope,~nd wil mak,c;rpen in ;)nd b:i1~d zeale. fcc,ing n~ other trurh th~ ih~t t~~cnd~:i.!pamed• ., )'! ~ J.f: J, ! th<;y·hotdc: asrhe Icwcsdid,Rom•. J.0.2,\\·ho V<_2'2.· 'd.,. n_:l h.au,e; -~.o..m,. ea. p 1 h4dtfu z.cale-of God, bra not acEording to k!r~wc -: .• .- J •• _ • (4dge: ~Hhers errc of malice, v.:ho know the}t · /jion ojjome, tn ,put-t m~ . Jiffe, arc decciucd,ondycrperfiit ob!linorcly in rh,cir 6 error ond folfc opinion: left they ihould loofe rence·: 1~ :, their credit, asHcretikes.:Now bctweentbefe _;(" d h f. ' • 11 t~lfo a diffncncc is ro be put; Tic. j. I o. '.Ati ·2.3.- '!A,P ~( .~rs jt1U,C, "altf.J, /imtik.1afieronc.orrwice admonitienreic£/;for lfe a fJ If th / t '1rehe [Hchaot;e is condemnedofhioownefolfo. But if re, r;U tng .. ,em OU . '!J ~ thcercor be ofig9orancc,Panlfpcakcth; lfanj fire, and hate CUen that ,gar ~ bee oth,wife mi~~ed, rh; .Lord will rcttealt, it, d Philip. •>· 1,5. ~'I' here,, \\;« muit alwaY.<.S mcpt 'l))hich iJ .jpotte !fy the remember> tha! lfeing "'~can hardly difccrnc ·ll.all. C thl· groun~ ofrmcns crrours v.•hecher they J•i!;u• procccdc cif ignorance or malice, we are eTbefe words coptalne tPe two~a!,l r.ule,s tenuerto condcmne their enour, bu~ hauc_refpet\: dingto r'hC prcferuation.of the faith ,..both of to th~ir perfons, and not pa{fe femence raJhl}\ them teaching how .we mO\y and arc to rcco.. aga1ntl rhcm, For the error of the vbiquitie of ucr, .and rellorc thofe::whoarc (alien or dechChritls bodie hath beene hclJ and maintains;d _ning from faith or good confciCce.For the betby many both g·odly, and learned ProreHants; ter vndedbnding whereof, confider in the their error we are alwaies abic to cend<:mpe; words two rhing~;firfi,the way to beginnc this but we maynoc condcmne their perfons,no not recoueric, which is in the.end ofv. 22. BJ pHtalthot~h they hauc defended it of malice, fH~ ting difference. Secondly, the manner ho.w they out ut the pride of their beans, fc,dng che arc to be recoucred; cxprcffed in both the Lord mighc giuc them repentance before or at rules: the former concernrth Chrifiian meektheir dearh. Thirdly, againe thofe that do crrc ncffe, H~tlle comfaj]iononJomr:] the laner con.- of ignorance muU be d•ll:inguifhcd: for fomc ~erncth Chritlian feueritie; andorher fauewith I ofthem arc ndlcdoffimplc ignorancc,as thofc fiar~. Concerning lhe former: the '"'':JY ofthis who hauc no mcanes, or very fmall meanee; to r~couc~ie is toput d ~if(cren~e J that i~, by Chri- , D comet? kno".'·Je~g. e:othcrs crre of affeCled ig– (han w1fcdome to dtfhngUilh bcTWtenc;: offenj norance, wh1ch Js when men arc wil/i,zglj ignodcrs.for our direCtion wherein,we r~mH know rnnt;hcauing meat~cs of knowledge,but refu(e that mrn crre and offcn~ two waic:s; firlt,in othe (amc.As about fourry years agocthe people pinton and iudgemenr: tecondly, in praCHfc & ofthis laud erred of fimplc ignorance, becaufe diucr£ly to be diAinguifi1ed, according to the cufe them) but now their ignorance is wilfull, life• .Againc, thofc that errc in opiniot~ arc_3lfo I they had nor the mcanes(which yet did nol exdiuerfitie oftheir errors: fur fome erre in d~e and affct.lcd,negleCl:ir.g at leafi, ifnot feardl•IP(Jpifhdo~ foundation of rcligion 1 and matters ofgrc:nefl ly dcfpifing fo great faluation : and tbcrefor~ drincdcpu· .. impommcc,as the PapiHs ac this day, wht·n as the Onne ofrhis land is grcarer, fo the more C('th lrom they teach .inuocation of Silinrs, iuflificarion jCarrfi1!l is the iudgemcnt like robe, if it be I ~~n~o.mda· by workcs, a rt·all facrificc for the quicke and not fcaJOnablyprcucmed by repcmJ:ce.Founhdcad in the Supper, with other falfcd oChines lly, thercisalf<? wife ditfe1ence to he put bel rnJ1ng the foundation: others mayhold the folitwrcnC the autl)ors of feels and herefies, and dation,but erre in the final er points oflenrr imthofe who arc by them feducc:d. The ScCt-n~:t- \ I p~-~~an,c~. As!~ '-~~plc,the Anabaptiils holficrs and lcadc"rs ~o be vfcd with much fcueri:.. ..:.______.....:.._..!..--·--·- tic, Theigno. 1anc;c of rhisbnd morc fcare• full then it wasfvurtie . ycarc.sago~