Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

eAn Expojition vpon \ 1 ~--~~----------~------~------~~-------------------- ~ -----! ritic; and tlnne more gricuoufly: Rom. 16. 17. A z. Tlm. ;. 20. By thcfcdiffcrcnccs obfcrucd, al I Obfcrue t~em which caufo dit~~fions amor.g you; I l notable"'':!}' is made fonhe rccouciie-of thofe I as in a wiicly ordc_rcd Conunon-wcaltb, the j I that arc fliding or f::~llcn fi on 1 thc ff,ith, in m:n- ! heads of confi>iraucs :md authors of trc:~f~ns t~r cithd ·ofdoChinc, or praCltfe. ·· •· I ~re mof\ :J.imed at. Hchce \o\'C lc:~rne' firfl, that it iS bur duty to \ ,. Stco'ndly, c1·ror~ in praClifc or aCtion, is any cbfcrhc one anothc~ i.n Jur fpecch_cs Snd :ltli- J aCtual! Gnnc, or oftencc iu word or dccdc; and ons; or dfc we crn' ncuctput,anrtrfff~rcntdn t 'nich that otfchd in thCfc arc not all to be ran-. thcm;·thC: end of whic:h' o~fcruing ··nitlfl be gcd in'o\Jc rankc, bm to be diHinguifi1cd. Fof (not a¥the m:lnh~i- of)·n~~ly is;to ·imiiat'e others of thtfc,firH fomt:: fin of i£norancc,noiknov\•.:. in tlldr C"thiJs·, lor·tdidUCc·Or 'flotlCf:'!nl'Cn:) 'but rn.g· "''h.l: they doe; as p,,u~ perjec:JtHl the thaf'OPih'c J.p6tflc':HcO~ 10,:!4· :-Ltt 'V} r:onfh Church Of God·ignorantly, a'lid throllgli ablin<i der one nnorh(r, 'ioflp:Y,JIIolif !ihio /qtie_,a'ndg'o'ud zcale, Now ignorance is cwofold:fi.r ,gcnc:ran work,.u. Scc0ndly~1 for~il'trrihle-ing·or.cFii$1jiff6 ignorance,\\ hen the thing is vnerly kno\\'l~e': I rcnce"'5CtWccric o~er1Ui:'ts, We ougnr~_1 [0 haue feConcUy fpccial,,Nhcn thc:lcquiti"c ofaparticu- . In vs':i ChriJlian wifdon)t; Whcrby-V.·c_Rl~Y dit';. lar fact, or lome fpeciall aC'l:io\1 isvnknownc-1-a~ :7 cerne 3right of perfons and thing~, ·n~l:d DOt to oppreffi.on & vfurie in gene:rail arc vnknown td B iudgc::'ofialla!ike. '0ur fieaH'Chrifi ~·:Ht3 nota. be euill;but m:myparticui:Jr"aaions vnder t.hi~ I ~lcpr'cftdcnt vhtO ~s lfHCii}':' for t~tiUgh many kipd are vnknowne to many fo to be:&. lameprofdle'd hitn, and belciued-in hirh, r~~would time thc:'fc two ignoranccs arc-·ioy·ncd both't·o-; he not commit himfclfc vmo th'etTf, biniufebee gether,acordi"ngvtito which we m:~y put diffc-:- J0nr what \}'3S~P..!~~~·~Jqh •• ~2· 24:_:L-pyejndeed ~~;~~~ ren~c betwcenc the faults and offences of-mCnJ. m~~' Hope al11hings,bdreue a1,s,fuffcr-al Cue h~ndin Secondly, fom< finne of infirmitie, who know tbm~r;. Uor1'8: ? llnfAyepbis Ch,rill_ilui.!Oile ~h'~ili;~ what they do~, 'b"u,t yet 3rC oucrcarricd by fiJd.! mull be ora·ercd by Chriltian wifdon~e~ ..,• ' wifcdQmt. den and violent pa.ffions ofangcr,fc::lrc,forrOw The fccond point concerneth the rn:~hn'cl'"'of or fuch like v!1to ~uill. Thus Pmr denied h_is r<flj>Jr'g.a(l;of~lr~, (\~!:4ing iq,\_"!;o r;~~:firll MalterTpon fudaen fear< of danger. Thirdly, ofcompilllon:lecondly offeuerlti·c'Jn tlie for· fame finne ofmalicc,bccing earned vmo euill J!l~r-cdnfidsr two t}:1j1_ig.s: tit:fr~ on "'!.ho .. "l €,\ Oy·thc m:~licc of their owne Will, not of ignopaffion h to. be !hewed; 'the Apollle"faith, on· rince, or paOion 3S the former;ofthis the Apofome, '!Jlitl!f,on tl1dfc!~hat brrC ofiSriOi-antc·,-or tHe ~pcakcth, Hcb._ i.?,· 26•. If w~J!n"~»;illingf]J in.~rpli~~e~\: o.n ~ho(e ~fa ~·ho~a:c. carrjeQ ,!l~~y, After wee haue recn11ed the k!zowle'dge of the C Ymh thOJt olen<e ot'(O{!l.!-'fuddcpatfron,iFthey truth, there remaincth nt~ more facriftcc fur repent, yea or giuc any hope ofamcndmef"lt:all fnncJ, Nowofthis malice ofthe W11l,thcrc be fuch rnuH f?c reflorc~ with the fpirit o(ineek-\ two degrees: firfi p:lrticular,when a man \\·it... nes, Gal3t:6.t. SCcondly;the manncfOffi"l~·- tinglyand willingly linncth ag3infi fomcpaniihg the·compaffioi1, 'Which is not hfwin·king cubr Comm:mdcmem; as ACt.7. 5J. the Iewes at, cr1foothing men in their finnes, but by adwere fiiffc.nccked, andaiwain r:(ijftd the holj mon'iti6t'ls, and exhortations' feafoll'erl With Gbo/1: that is, the miniJlcrie ofthe Prophets in compafiion: Mattll:l-8.-f s . lfrh_i/;;.~tJ/irtreJ~ fome things, not in all. Sec01~dly,generall mapaj/( agatnfttbu, go"e ani£ tell him hU [a11lt he.. lice, when aman is carried 1 Wittingly and wiltweene.tbunndbirn .: if'hi>'e hf'a?·e thee not, taf<! Jingly to oppugne all the law of God, yea yet with tkie one'or'nVt..:.:·TIHS is the ine:ancs fifft ChrHl h~mfeltC, true religion, and faluation by to cotluinc'c the Offenders, 3nd then to bring Chrifi, and fa rcucrfc:th all the Commandethem to repentance with all mcrde arld rfleekments;.This is the finnc againll the holyGhofl. ncs,and'confirme thenhherin. ThusGodbim. and of this d<grce rhc Apottlc faith, thererefclfe dcolt with Adam, firll conuinccd_him,and main~thno more[acrifice forfinne: _this bceing th_en in much mcrcie made that gratious pro· an vmuerfall and gcnerall Apo!lacte. Now ofmtfe~ that the fude of the woman fhould' /Jr11ifo fcnder$accordingto thetC differences mufl be D the Serpent! head. Thus Chrift !ou~d on Pfter, diflinguilh<d. & mercifully rdlored him. Thus Pa•/rcflored Further, ofthole that aCtUally offend, fome the Galq.thians, bceing fallen from thcfaith,by finne fccrcdy, when it is knowne but to fomc merdfull admonitions. · onconcly; and priuately, when it is k~own~ Obiefl. But ifwe admonifh men before wit... but to fame fcw,and the fCantbll is the fmalttr: ncs, aCcOrding to the rule of Chrill, wee may Some finne publikdy, when the finne is noto. dra\V 6ur [clues inro danger,for they_may take rious and the offence giucngrcat.Iftheoffcnce fucb·admonitions fodl'andcn, and vfe them as be fccrcr, the Apofile rulcth the cafe, faying; witndfcs thercof:rgai"nfi vs, ·~ thatloue coucrcth a multitude of.fuch fins. For Anj: If therefore the fault be fecret, we the fccond, ifthe offence be priuate, then mull muff oncly admonHh our brother alone; and if\ thou admonifh the parcic bctwcene thee and that will not ferue to redaime him, le:mc him him: if he he:~re thce,thou hafl f.1ucd ar:d won to God to turne him: and if it be priuate, ibat him: if not, but he pcrflJl in offending,td r~e is known to feme[cw,it is Chrifiianwifdom to Church. Bm he that offcndcth publikdv,mull :~dmonilh himbetorc fome two of thofe that 1 bepubllkcly rcprooued, that others 111:1}; fea:re, can tcllifie of this finne, that fo the p~~e a:~- \ . monifucd _ __J_____._ __:_____o-------~--___:_:::_:----~---