Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

! the Epif/le of lude. · ___ I ---------------~~------------------- Feuemufl f<lrecwhom Jouecaonor allure:. 'i monahed m:ty be conuinccd, :mrl theadmoni- IA! nor the 1m~ancs of ir mram. The fccond rhc:~ns 0.1cr cleared from all 0.1C\oYCbnd appearance of ~re fpi ricua/l_. dirc~l-ly rcfptCiing the !Oulc, not !launder. thebodir, an~.~h~y arc rcd,uccct tO threekincl9 Vfo. 1. By this rule: is condemned the rlgour or heads: firft,a.dmrJpirion~'' ith dcnunci:uion of and auflcritlc of many m too tCcere ccnlitring Gdcis iudgcmqlfS ag:J.intl the p.::mic not rcpcnoffcndcrs and offences. This was a..C·tult and t~ng. ScconrJJJ.,,JilfP:nfio~, v ...·heJe,b,y offcndcn blcmifl1 in the auncicnt Church; ..,,·bich fomcarc dcblrred from the Lord~ Tab,lc. Thirdly, time for no faults would enjoyne pcnancc,as if I c>:fommunicatitm, ;v,.:hcre~y men ~re dcliucre-d a man had married rhe f"ccond time; yea fvr vp to,S:ttan,and qq our ofrhc CociL"tic ofGods finall and light offences werewont to e1~ioync I pe0;p}~.Ofthc (c tl~·rce thislaft is hC,r~ moH pro.- 3 penance for rwo, fiuc! yea and f?mcnmc of pcr)y meant. Ob. .B\lt !Omc vvil) fay ;Exwmmuten ycarcs, This is the finll<; alfo of thofc rhat nication Is ofno force, it i~ llg.htly 1:-cgardcJ,& are departed from our cpurch,condcnmmg vs rhcrtRrFJ~an be to of .. (for fomc wams)vttcrly as no church,nor pcofcn_<l.c[s· A nf. ~~~~i> C<'llfurc ,,fc~ according tq plc of God, rcfufing to heare the vvord of the word o~Cod,t~nnot,bur be full ofhorror, God, to pray, and to ioyne in other,rcli uious and tcrrour~rpd_the1mofl {w~ibJ,e ,(~s the Iafi) duties with vs. It is alfo the finnc orma- B merpesoftbj~fqrc.Ma~b.J8~ ~ 7.1 jf,h~~h~ar~ ny of the Luthc:rans, who bccaufc wed lifem 1101 Je.: C~urciJ,,}IJ(, him./ .YM/{er flan fl,Mfrom them in fomc opinions, condc:mrc vs rhen._ \'\'hat "'~11. fi}09ue·aman if-~Ls will OQfJ and our Churches ro hell;-and fpeakc andwrite ,that the whole Cd'Vj'fh f\\?~)R f,q-~ojlnt of hini that we arc limmcs of the DeuiU. V\thich were as a Pagan ?rJ-l.~at\l.eJl?J:hs~~<;eftupu,s perfon, tOO great fcueritie, if we h~ld not the tr~l~h a1. Co!· 5· 5. t)l}JJ~ se.nfUJF<iJ ii .siuen vp to sa... gaintl ,hem in the things wherein we differ. tha.~,;:md dcl41cr5d;i1\to the d.c;.ujls.}NY.'CT:thc,n Vfo. z. We ought 0,11 t)lc ~OAtraric ~ t0 put on ."~!}~Cl; \\'!l.a~c,a;l1 ~1;~?fC fc~rf{ii!tl: sq;h t~elc the bowels of eompa.ffi·on ~ov\•ards <?tf~':d~rs, pJ!1~c~, the cnemtc.~of this.q:nfi.Jrc_,feekc roe.. if there beany hop!= ofamendment; following lucfc~ that tbcy.mighr~a~c r~!l~<f.e/?f~ibl.e: f~r herein rhc footdleps 'of Chri!l himfdfc, .who rhnr mMatth. 1 8.1h9 iQt~rpJer df fcekingS'" was very tender ouer Icrufalcm,fo as h~A wept lli.Jl rcmcdic, aruinfi ciuillfar.rpc Q~ .wronn as ouer ic. Mofuwhen. .th~- I(raelitcs had ti,nned in t~l?_tlg~ the fc~l(~'tv:~~(: thu~;,lf'lhr..§rot)~cr!~h':- making them thclr golden CalfC, he mpurncd !l~ ~1cc, admr;>n!lh,him.firfl ~rj~~~efy; and i_fhc for them, failed fourtie Jaic:s and founy nights r~liJle to I1~ar~ t)lcsi bnng hJlfl bct'W.f the: M~r for them, and would not dep3rt from God till C gJflr~cc, tli.ouma~sll·g9,.e ~o ll}\o}' ·'f''it't;~Jirn, 3nd he was iqucated of•him in their bchalfe. Men v~~ h1m as aHcathcf! man.,.-,; i~ ,calJing him becannot but be compafiionare tow:uds ficke, & fqp! th,c- hc'\dlf:n !Jlilgifl,r:u.c:.Buvhis cxpofition d3nger_oully difeafcd, or wounded bodies; but ~annodla~d;(9'r,to1he.\)l th,~~ill.sfo direCtion a rare thing it is to be fo tender oucr the. ficke of.rhemanner..toJrc:uenge ciuiJ-wlo-9gs,b';~pfoules of our brethren. But hlelfodUhe that iudpcrt3inerh vmo the confci~nce,, it is 3dPcd gtth wife!rofthepoore,wbcrber.aflliCtcd in body c~cn in the very nExt words,verfc ', 8.Whatfo: or minde. euer .lhey bindon:Canh, lhallbC,bo,uud in hea.. The fecond rule ofrefioring otfendcrs,conucn: and wh::~.'tfocl~#Cf. tbCy loP(eln c:inh ihal bt ccrneth Chritlian feucritic: and it is the lafl of loof'ed in hcap~n. ·for th~, t .C()r, the fiue ~laid downe in the vcrfc 2 j. ,Jp ic the 5.. they c:xp<?,U~Hl it of an ~xrraprd1~aric punifhApo!tle l.aicth downc three things ; fidl, the mem, which :m!g~t bf! excepted 111 thofe dales rule it fclfc, to fim~ with feare. Secondly, the bySatan vp.on t.bc ·bod1es pf offendc:1s .. reafon of the rule, or manner of it; pul/i"g Dcl:r1er htm lo ~a~~fln · that IS fay they.. that h~ th~m out of the fire. Thirdly, a caucat fC?r the .-· m::~y torment h1.s bod,C.But.t6Js c5i1ot be a hare better obferuing it: Andhate euenthe garment bod1ly pumfl1mem,but :m ex.~lydmgofthe linffiotted hy the fojl?, In the rule it felfc confider ner frqm th~ Gommunion &;f}.~~'·,lhip ofthe tworhinp: fir!l, who arc to bcfaucd by fearc? D I Church, and mull be done in the face of the, namely, thofc who orherwi(e 2re incurable, Church, by the confemofthe, whole Church, which is manifetl in the oppofid~nl of thele which appcare to be fo vcif. -z..,aud.4. Againc:,if words with the former, fome are to be cured it had bccne meant offome·f~(il txtraord\rtary with mercic a!1d compallion, as t.hofe which punifl1ment,~au/by his Ap~t!9Ji!al Roq c.ou_IP· finne of ignorace and infirn1ity: but th.ofe who -~auc done rhat :1lonc ,& IJeed~d- not hauc: trOllarc hardly curable mull be te.rrificd,affrightcd, b;Icd the whole Churchwith it. ·i >• .' ,: 1 and fo faued by terrour and-fcare, Secondly, The fccond point is the rc<lfPn of this 1 ru{C, what rhis is? namely not abodily fr2rc,as taken from r~1e danger ofrhc-4day of i~; PP.incithcr the meancs caufing it arc: but a fpirituJing them our of t/:;e fire. lhcy an: in pei·ill of all fearc, and that of euerla~ng ddhuCtion. prdCmd::mger,thcy ~llu{hhc:rfore prefcntly be The meansoffcare are either nnil or fpiriuual. faucd: euen af things thaC arc in the fire mufi Th~ ~ormcr is the po.wcr and aut,horiticqf the be prcfc_mly pu~lc_d out violently, or clfc :they I Ma~dhare,who carncrh not the f)Nqr<hn.vo<t. ~~~ arc prdently co!umcd; fo mull thefc offenders ag21n!l offenders; but that chofc.t]l,at doe cm// be prcfcntly,prefcnicd & pulled out of the fire ~ight jea1·e, Rom. I 3·4·but neithq is ~his fcarc of hell. Out of thcfc two f!'rmcr point~ we -- lOOc