Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

: )88 \-- "rhe cenfure ofc:'t:() o.• ntUOICJtion tmr to b~ ::'1flia~~ but in 1ncMl.d.(fpc· r.uecalu. ,I I v1n Expojition vpon . -~-----:-~:-------,-----'--- - -----·--- ' --- 1 le:::wncdiucrs in!\ruChons. A fpcl, CHH cxpeCHng our funher fruitfulncffe,an- r j firfl,th:u their ccnfurc ofexcommunicatio~n 1 fwcrablc to fuch meancs ; but \'\'C become fliii I is an ordinance of God, a11d no inucntion·of n•or: .barrcn, :md lcffc fmitfull; hcc h:nhoften ma11:for cucn in this vct·fc w~ t'iJ~ay obJCmc,fi(ft take.n id hand his pruning lH1itC, ~md lopped r that obfl.\n:ac'bffcndcrs arc robe faued by terv~ by.famine, pd1ilcnce, and other his iudgc- : riblc mcanCSJ fua1c mu(\' bt t':lucJ by tl:arC. mc!1r's, and yet behold we abound wtth bitter 1 Secondly, vi~ lent :mH !UPden mcancs mulfbc frultes of blafphC:~ni'es~ i,i1iul~~d, prophancncs, l vtCd, they mult be as it \I.Jc.icf:.llched otJ~ o'f th'e contempt ofchc Gbfpd, wh1ch .. \-aS n;orc em- \fire. Thirdlv ,they mu!l be lc·paratcd fro!TI,i\i re: braced and cfl:ccmcd ' of twcmic · yca~cs agoc, gard of f0~·:ict1C, in the n~cxc words; all~\1l1ch .then now it is in chefe daics, whieh 1tbke no three things c:at~not agree eo :mythingbutiOnly ct~d o'f declinibg : tWat furcly we.cannot no.w I to cxco:nL't1U"hkaci·on. ' ' " . · but expeCt chat the Lord f11ould open vpon vs Scconrlly,norc rhC end ofcxcbmnimilc':J.ti6; thetrcafurcs of his wrath, and Ilorchoufes of \\•hich is to p'hckc meno:tt of rhc firc10fl'lcll iudgcmerlts, vnle!fe we vfe mcanes"to prcuetit ; with violc..n~~ and ~hcrcforc \his dcfpcrate re- B them, and that in ·due time. Some will as.kc, I medic is l>ce vfed in defperatc c:tfcs, ' what be they? .An f. Remember 2.rules,firWthe when the!c~is no Ot~cr way tO faue the foti,lC' counfcll of.Amo.r) chap. 5. ll. Prepare to m~eu and no't fer trifl~s.The Surgeon;c:utteth not off thy God 0 I[raell. Meancs in this 13nd are prcA:;linfi the armes a?d !eg~~.s, v'iT,ti.ll tHe' life b~ difpara·ge.d: pared to mcete our Enttnics, and it iS· '\Vel don, 1 Iui1Jltcbch. neither lhe J'~yflrion prc~cr\bcth tarikc poifon but we mullfitll prepare! to mcete our God by but in mofl'dcfpcratc difd{fcs;Aoaine,if thisbe vnfained repcntanc~,and forfaking_of!inn~;for rhc end of it,th'cn it rcfpeC,cth tYlc fpirituall eth:Jt is· it which iniaketh the brra<'hes Of 'QUr fiate of 'rhc9, '-:fh-d'nqt che'tetl)pOi-·all ; the foule l::md,and m-engthcneth our enemiessgainfi~s. · properly; and·trbdh~ b'odl'e! 'Wickedly ·th~n Secondly, thcpraetileof hhofophai, '· Chro. d"'qth the PCfPS(for the vphOfcHng ofhts C~atc) 20. t 12. w~k;;JownDt·whllt to do~, butoHr cye.r are cxconlmun(c:tte1.<1ngs and :.Pnnces, to dcpofe towards thee, 0 Lord.I?epend vpon him alone, them from thtirClciwncs,and dc~riuc them of and nothing befidcs him; make him tny hiding th~it fccpte~s, ·~·4 byit free'their fubi.<et• from I .PUce in life & death, lhro,ud thy fclfc vnder the ~he~t a_H~eg~an ... ~e: thtSJs no end1 of th_Is ccp[ute I wmgs of h1s protcChon 1 and thou i11alt be fafe warratitcd·IQ t~n,•ord . hnU thirdly, iftlicrbe C vndcr hi• feJthcrs. . ." . __ : fuch anecdfane·cpd and vfc of Jt,tt were to be I Now followeth the th)rd pomt m thfs lalt \'·iJhed.that )11 tlfi.'~ cn'de it·w·1=rc m_orc vfCd arule,that is,thc eaucat tCJ?ding to thc·oblerujng gainfl open and notdrioUs'fi{mer's, whc.m;te the ofit, in·Jhe.fe w.o'rds;::AJidhAtetHen·thegarmtnt word canno't prcuaile with to their faluation; fJotud with thefo{h: that is,kcepr no c·ompany; fecing many go c:>n eucry where obtlinatd! in hauc no fcllowlhip or fociety with rhcin:which their finncs v~ithciut amcnd.mcnt_, to the gre~t precept is propoundc4,in adark comp~rifo~ or fcandaU of others. fimilitude, taken from the ceremoniall pollutiThirdly, ljcnce we~leame ih:at'many be fo ons of the lawe: that looke as men were then wedded and'additl-cd to their wicked way~"s, madcvncleanc, not oncly by conunfi_ng wit~ thaulthough they be in the mouth of hdl,yct perfons leg>lly vndcane; bmalfo bytouching they fearc: nothing;neither Gdd'nor Deuil:,nor (though-it was vnwares) their houfes; veffels, care neither for hcaucn nor h,cll; el(c \\'hat need and garments, a$ appearcth Leui. 1 s~ 4.; and were there Of fucH a ccnfiue' aS 1this is? A haG Num. 9. and therefore did not'·ondy aUoide was fo addiaed tO N ahDth.r vhlc)1ard tha~hcc: fuch perfons, but h:~rcd cuc:n their gafnlcn·~s:!O was ficke for it: befides, hce (old himfclfc to mufl wC vnd'er grace deal with obfl:inatc offen. worke wickcdndfe. Mana.fli.r fold'himfclfe to D ders, au0idc their pcrfons, finncs, yea and fo– S2tan,noth1ng could rcturnc him .. burfcttcrs & I cieties, as occ:1l1ons therco~~. Firfl. th~n. i1~ the captiuitic.Fruitfu.l offi1ch hath bcene, & is our former part of the companfon tv.:o quc!hons barren age. · may be demanded.Thc former is this: Founhly;whcn gentlemc:mC6 "''ill riot ferue · Why fhould any m:ms fldl1 be vncl~a·ne, .or to reclaimemen-,it is the will ofGod that terhjs garrpcnts fpoued, and fo dctdlable ~nd to .riblc meanes {hould he vfed, if by anymcanC's be hated,fecing they arc the good creatures of they may be pulled out of the fire: and thus God? Anf There be three kinds ofvndeanethe Lord vfed to dcale with his ownepeondfc: r:·N:uurall, 2. Morall~ 3· CeremomalJ. plc of.the I ewes, proceeding with them ac- -Naturallvnclc:mnrsis, whcreby the creature cor'dtn'g to that·orqer in Rom.1..4. firfl by paribecommerh byhis corrupre<l narurc vnclean f~r ;cnce, by long {uffcring,calling them to rcpcnmans vfe :.I fay by c~mpudna/Jtre,becaufe this t~!~c;c: but when they hardened their he 3rt avncle:m~es c:mnot nre from crca!ednat'urc,but gainff thefemeanes, then be hoarded and trcafrom l)Jans fin ne and Gods curie; as the-S~rfurcd vp wrath for them againfl rhe day of penes are now to mans vfevncfe~,:e, that ts, \ wr:uh.Thc fame hath beene his dealing ,.,·ith vs r.oifome, and filii of hu:c :md po1f~n. Moral/ in rhis l:md;for thcfc founy yeare~anel more h'e is, when' any cre:lture IS vfcd ag~1nft_ Cods harh hedged vs in \\'ith peace ancl pro(pcritie, Law and commandrmcnt,, fcp.ara.rmg tt from rogcchcr with the liberties ofhis glorious Gb... the vfe of ma,n·: as to marrtc \YHhmanyofthe --: ~_g::_c_: _____ ,