---- -------- - --- ---------- ·~- r1 the Epijlleoffrde. ! 58~ 1 - 1derorecs prohibited Lcu, r9· c_o_m_ m_c-t\-, -\\-,i-tl:-it-1- A- '~irh,l, which is i:Jfccrcd by rcafo ofdm d-.,-cJ. i ~-- - -· ,. ! thl~ vnclc:mcncs. r'hus a 01:111 bocnc.of ~ne km ling ftn in vs,cuC as it was wh!dl in the hw \>\'3) I I fs:c:cl :s vncleane, lob. r4· Ceremom_,/! IS when touched by a polluted and vncka:1 pcrfon.This ·the creature being cl cane in it ownt: nature. ycr ronlidcratton fhould caufcvs w !coke inro the in fomc other rcfpcCh byvcrtue of Gods profihhincffc of our he:1rcs; ....vhich ifvn could, or hibitio.d bccommech Tnc!cane, Thus Were ccr. did fee, as it is bbch in it fclfc, and iu the v!le · rajne bc;fis, and fowlcs, and dead bodies vn. fruitt'S ~,.,·hi eh without intcrmillion 1t fcn<l<.·th clcane not in their naturc,bm in fomc refpcCls, out, it would make vs humble.' our iCJucs , and which'e!Fecially were three: fir!t, iu rcg::J of ncucr he at rcH vntil this fountain of rhcz blood touching: fccondly, ofrafting: tl~irdly, ot faenofChrill \'\'ere fer opCn vmo vs, 3nd \\'CC tu en fi.c 111 1'1: in which rcfpctl:s they ought not be vplupgcd i11to it, & JO clenfcd from this vnclenfed. 0 Now the creature might be hated, not in ndf<";whcrcofthe vndcanndlCof rhe fldh V\'as 1 : regard of it fclfc, or a' it is agood creature of bur a figure and (hadowc. God; but as farrc as this ccrcmonia!l vnclcancz. Vfo. vv:c· learnc how ro vndcrfbnd the 1 11 elfc was fa!tcncd vmo it, becingprohib.itcd in B Co~nmaundcmcnrs ofthe Moralllawc,namcly, this or other rcfpcds by God. nor oncly according to the Ientr, and b:11 c 2. ~· But why fhould any manh1te the wtijds in \\ hich they arcprOpounded , which flc£11, or garments ofanother, Cccing rhis cerep1cndon the ntaine linnes onc!y againil God moniall vnclcanndfc was no finne; yea to buric ~nd.1pan ; l:Jut Py :1 Spucdoch~ in the mcmiothe dead corps was a duty eObeperfqnucd ne:- . ned lins, all ofthat kind, as an occafions, alfo ccfi3rily:& fo neccffarie '"'as it eo couch lhc:rn:& mo~iuc; . and inducemcms thcrcumo, as here for garmc:nrs they were narurall ,and no more _ the Apofl!c: wllhc:th the fai1its to hate the flclhJ fin w touch them then ro cat or drinkc?An.Al- }\c:a.cbe ga.rmcms fpotted.;Co wc·:m: 10 hate th~ though legall defilement was not alwaies • Gn, 11\inc it fcltc-, yea aad all the kin.d·cs; and all the yet it was alwaics an cuilJ, and prefigmcd the ec.h·lioMs ofthc-fanit>. :- ". t • defilement of men by originail llnnc:: aod be- "' j, V[e. t;Iezicc we hauc adir~Ct waY \.\~hcri.n fides vpo11 Godsprohi~ltion was tb beehated, ~11 bclcCucrs ar~W Walke~ firfl ,"'•cC mull ha~c Secondly, although the.defilement it fd.fe were the companyapd.focictieofn!;~\l)fcrt and o~~i~ no finne; yet hee that wit~ingly without caufc l natc finncrs, who will not bee reclaimed: Se~ did touch or meddle 1\'ith the thing dcfiled,did CE?Jldly, all 'tbeir.linncs , nqt..cc;mnnunirating finne, becaufe God,command{'d the' contrarie. C With :lriymad fi1 his finn~, we .rn~H hat~ no f~J~ Sccondly,out ofthefccond pm of.the Jimi- ~O.~tl•iR,(.as with thc'Work~\oJwith tb<\V,f\T Jicude,jn that we are to h.1t~the comp:fnie' Of J fruitfu1l '' orkcs of cbtkenC'ife. Thirdh•, all oc~ oblHnace offenders, ipnaybe demanded whc~ {1{i.Qlls an..d iMh.tcemcms· "\u.ltd theft tlnnc~ thc:r we may kc:epe3ny companie, orhaue any Founhly,a!l ;pparanccs ofwickcdri'dfc) r.=rhcf fcllowfhip with an obflinarcllnner? 4nf.Thc 5· 21. tharh, which men in conun~l'iuCfg~- famili.ar compan3 with fuc.h is forbiddcn,but al: m.cnt. account.cuill ;..an.d .all this mufbpro<lccd co.mpani~ is not abfo1Ute1y forbidd:C:n :··fOt in :fr.Ol(:J-3 goodgi'.ound, eu~n from 3good heart two cafes it is lawfull to actompal}}! with Cucha )hating !inne pcrf.eCHy,,thar is allllnne, as Dttuid one,firft,to doehimgoodwith coQ.ference,in- .Pfil.l. I l9· !.hat~ them withape~fi!EthatYed .~ aflO !lrud:ion, or admonition: an hcretikc mull bee 'not~s Come wh.o' can hare fdmc.lln, bur clcaue .tJII.(C or t'NiCI admonifoed, and if he bee not.thCn ·to{omc och'cr;-asm:mycan hatepride;·bot>l0ti~ reclaimed, hemuft beauoidcd , Tjc . a .. 10. Se- ~cOuetoufncffc, or.Come othe!r 4arling fins::~c·:'b[K condly. whc:1~ aman is.bound to. fuch·a oneby we mufi atrlilleto th.e hiuiedofall, b·cfor~ w~c: the bond of ciuill focictier: 3S for cxamplc,1 if a ,C<~n come to the p.rdCl.ifC'of eNs precept; bcfi'dl man wereby theChurch cxconm1uni~~~ed, yet ..that- allllhnesarc hatefull cucn in thtmfclUCs. 2 vvife mull pcrformc the dUtic ef a V.··if'e ;.-the D .A.nceQcfuU dutie ~bbcchecdfu!Jy rcg~:tdd?·hi childe 9f a childc; the feruant of a fcruanr; for tl-iefe dayc;s ,:whc.rcl,n ·arc fo fco,.vc haters of the . the(~ dluinc: ordinances :abolifhnor, 'bur- db~ ... ~fldh, andfo many haters oftheft that hate it:(o _bliJb c~uill foricties. Then.I fav famili'arcommaiiy that arc fo 13rre from hating the -appoapanic mufl be denied to fuch obflinatf.finncrs, ranCes of cuill, rh:umany linnCs themfeUicS.nrc but notal! companie; ., whm by the-fame :We fwallowcd vp and made no-.bo,•icf, h6'rlcibJ~ can either reclaimc rh em, or clfc to performe bl.afphcmieS> muH: now cr~dit. mens fpe:CChcsl: fomc ciu!ll dutieroward~ them. ':tllc.breaclu:nd'\•ibJatin·g ofrhc;Sabbath•in·iour. Cmmoniall Vfo. F~rtl, wee fee Pc:,e wh~rv.·~s dw':..Cll,d.of :[~n~'ying is as good! 3 fc.ruicc of Cod on horlc.. 'nck,:annes ceremoniall vnclc:mcn;es:and-tbat-)wa_s,t<.:>·(Cprc- ·backC as. nc:cde bee, or as bCe--rcquifcth; ray- ~~~~~~~~'~:~ fcnt that fpirituatl vnclcaneneffe ib t.he ~,hole :lings, aifo figlnings, andJucb ~orkcs of thl:: lhio.trfto man, by orivinall and alluallllnn~ in.;hougl}t, £lda:l, are notes of.v3lou'r alld fpitft: ~nd ro in o- ! word, and <1~ed<;.Zach, .1_~~ J , ln_tbat day (hall ·t!be't~,rThilsnlCO ... \\;ho-profdfercligion in ~·of(!; there be afountain opcn'cd io, thehoui~ ?~D.1dcnic it i11,dee.d-c; fceing true.re-ligion llandcth · 11id, & t9 ~h~ inhabit:mS>p( Ientfalern.,.fo}ijin (fr not -ondy in.the hatr~d.ofthc: llnns rhcmfelu(."s ' forvnclft:J"tnes.:wher<;Py. isll.gpifie?d.fuchanvn_- . b!JJ: .enen..of.a!l oCCafions acd 3p.pearanccs 0 ( clcannes,whcreby not oncly our fdueg arc~defithem: bccaufe (Jod hath COin!nandcd them to led wbolly,butwhatfoeucrwctoucb&.mcddle >beHaccd, ... '· ;- · ' ' -----~··--- 1-