Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I-~,..-- ---- ---- ~--·-------- ·------ . 590 .An Expojition llpon ; I - -------- ~-----·I 4· Vfc. As the Iewes { bccing not to come ~ A cpifllc \\'ith thcpr::~ifeofC. hrifl :ts the Judcc, '3S , neere the houiCs nor tou'h the vnclcanJifthey' 1 1 al!O the S~n1iour of mankind; 111 "hofc c...;mp!c 1 did touch any fuch thing, they were vnclc:mc . \-\'Car~ t:wght \":lth ..,, illing ~•inds to fpe'""-!. Ol.Jt \1 and polluted: & for that caufc mui1: wafh their da.ycs !ll rhc honour of Cb:-1!1: for that which bodies, and change thc:r garments, yea if they the Saint,s doe in hc:mcn, that rnufi \'\'C doe I did but fulpdl: ~hat they had defiled thtfclucs, while ...vC lille vpon earth; for iO wee pr~y-in the they were prcfcmly to be purified; fo we beeLords praycr.dtbtlt they in hcaucn doe continuing defiled with any knowtlc finncs ,or fuCpc-· 1 ally can do\"•: ne their Crowncs at the feecc of I ,I \ t"bng any vnkno1..\'ne: our next cOurfc mullbee the Lambc, Reu. 5. 11 . as wo,·tbie to receiuc all Ieo the blood ofChnll the Laucr oft.hc chmch, honum·, andglorie, nndpraifl, ar.d power; \.\'CC ! fmng vnto God by pr:~.yer th3t our tinncs may mutl therefore be rcadic vmo this dutic.•Again, ! be thcrewah waf11cd 3'A :Jy:we muA: put offour he h:uh fubieClcd hirnfclfc- to exceedingdi!hogarmems, that is, the oldc m:m \\•ith his lltA-s, nourand abaiCmenr,yc2 ro the death, otnd chat .1nd put on the weddinggarmcm,that is,Chrift ·I ofthe croffe: and all that we might fir!l: honour IctUs with his rightcoufi,e!fc, daily proceeding I . him, and then be honoured by him:how therein the duties of fanClificacion; for_hc that hath B• fore ought we in way of thankcfulnefi"e for the wafhcdhim(c!fc 1 had needc·fiill h.:lH~ his foe/e SfC:lt WOrke of OUr redemption•, glofijlChim, ,~afhed, that i3, daily rencwc his repentance"! and :~duance his honour?But inA:ead ~ercofm:J .. I and bring daily fruttcs <,·orchy amcndcmem of ny eucn of thofe that profdlC Chrifl difhonor life. him. vfing.him as a packchorfc to lay vpo11 him <7\,/' h· h' all their linnes, and 10 ladc himwith their finns lJ, 24. v '- Oll11Jnto tm t at pafl, aud crucifie him againc with d>~ly ncwe iJab/e tO leehe you that yOU {afl finncs, andyctth;y look he fhould betheir Sa- '\! r ' UlOUf tO brmg the to honor & lnlfTl<i.rtaJ glory. not and tO prefentyoufou/tefes - The i·nduccmcms follow. The fidlof which . 1_ ~ :hJ · 1' ... t:_h. 1 . istakctl fr.omthepowerofChrHl,vntohimwho vefore,e e.preji:nce 0; tJ g~orte uab!t,&<". That WC may know the forte of this •h · rT'h ·· q J · reafon, wcc,willfirH'conftderwhatthispo\1\'Cr 'f!llt IOJ• 25• .L ' at U tO 0 on~ of Chrill is. The power of Chriil istwofold: {y wift our Sauiour beglorie Firll,abfolutc: fcc6dly!acruall. By ab.!oh~t I vn- ::f~l:::~:: 1 ~ • '. • ' ~ dcrfland'that power ot hiS, \\'hereby he IS able , f~~~c~::~C: 1 -(lndmazeflte anddomtntOn and to do <Ucthat which ho.,•iJlneucrdo;ofwhich ,u, b h ' d!fi ' c lohnBap1ijffpcaketh':Godua61uumofjlonur. · fO'»:JCT ' Ot nO'f11C an 01 CUCT• raifo·up{mk to Abraham. By this pow<r God _ A ·-'- : could ~.iue tn'-dc many thoufand worh:b,whcrVl men. . - as he'made but one; & by the fame <lhrifl could In thc(c words 3re contained fhc third part hauc .CO!llmaunded.a lcS,:ibn 1' An[efs.tohaue· of the Epifile, n·allJciy, the condufion ot'ir;-and dclit{rt<:.""d-billl frotTiJ-hc:hands of,he ltt\•cs,but: it is nothing elf~ but a buding :tnd praifing of would' riot.This abf~hnc pO"t·tt goeth.bcyond God:wherein three things arc to be nored:firil his aChl:tll po\"Yer or\''itl~ycc J.S nor gre:Jter then the pcrfon praifcd, which is Chriffthc fccond his will: for as whor God docoh,th3t h'C'".willerh: p.r::rfon ln the Trinitie, the: Sonn~ ofthe eternall fo wh~n he can doe, he l!an al(o-...... m~ but this Father; this appearcth by tWO ,raafons hr the power is,not hc.rcnleant. The fccond; namely,' J words didt, bccaufe he is here dCfcribcd m he tf\ca6lu3'l~ower ofC!),jff,is,wher~b.y he d6th a Iudgcrhat doth pre_(eiJt 311 menbefort himfelfo, a"d.dfcc"lcth whar focucr hec" ilicrh, and it is 1 ,which is proper to the Sonne ofGod, Sccon8ofrwb forts: firll his general! pOwc'r~hich tC-· Jy, becaufc he is called our Snsiiour, which ts the (lcth On·his prouidCwcC·, whereby lie_ofdercrhj title. of ChriA:, accordin-g to the n.ame lcfus. all things both in b·cattcn and carth:Pfal.r '5'·3•: ,find yet here mufl be noted that in this pr~riGrig D ~o~~r 6odks i»htA_'HtnRnd doth whatfoeiiCr hBe will.! Lof. the Sonnc., the Farher at1d the holy GhoH Secondly, a 'moref}~ciallpowef ,\lhich accomarc notndudcd: fOr·as thcll:Jturc of the three .panieth his grace, ?nd ah''il~es goet~with i·t; of perfons iS all one, fo is their worfhip all one alwhichPllul fpe3keth, EpheL1. J 9. That wemay fo, The fccond point be thC" rcafons or inducek._nowe wkat Utht txcttding,~Y~atneffi ofhU power; 1 pcnts nioouing vs to praifc-Chritl, which. .be tDwnrds vs that luluu~,accordin~ to th! workjng of three. The'firll drawnc his power: r~~;m -.his mJgbtie·pow~r:- Ofth'is power ;\:ofk~n.g life· whicb is nble,&.c. The fc(ond from his wifdotrl: ·anQ grace to thcrn·v.·hi<h bclccul!·, '!Hde'h!'~rc to Godonely rt?ifo. The t1 ird ~rom the workc of fpeakct-h. Conce~nih_g v.'hich' Obft;true_Ehrce our redemption and tlluarion : O~~r Sauiour. contlulions. :.~ . ·.·~1 The third point i's the praifc, it felfc, 'in theft Fitfl, that thi~ p·o\vct' ·js giu<."n tO)·Chrill in \\'ords: Begloric, attdmaiefl:c;-anddominion, and time, Matth. 28.:111 power ii g;mn tb- mec in ·. power, both now a'fd.for ~uer, t.Anun. ·of-thefc he-aH'e,fand in tarth. AC'c.'2.'36.He iJ'JfGodmade poims in order. And firfi ofthe perfon[a.whom Lord dnd Chrift ~~i"inporling t~at ~his~powcr is' thiS pr3ifc i"s giucn. . · · giucn him to be aLord. lndeede th~~6nne <!If ~~._21~_" how the Apofllc concluderh his God as god,isofcqual power with the Father, :and'__ ..