1-\ -=--~ __ __ tlc Efiflle of Judc. . i :~~~ 1 and that from nll eternme! m wh1ch regard no A 1 mcth ~r.d turncth their v~ ills: Ioh. 6, !lo tr:.:w • ! power can be gincn him: bu;. if \.\"7 rcfi,e~t his comrr._etlnotheSor.n_e,e,,:crpr lhe,Filrher dra~'lhi"_,i I I office ot mediation, to the perform:mcc of chat 1s, except he wclmc, :mo turnc mans will which he mull lay afide his power, and become vmo his owne, and make it of an \'nw:lli1~g ' I os a iCruanc fubictling h~mfc!fc to _the d~ath' :''ill :1 wi!l_i1 11g will. A_g:line, after conucd:on ft thus this pown'tll:ly be laid to be g!llenhtm aIS not :m 1c.lc power m them: 1.loh. 3. 9-He , 1 gainc, namcly 1 v.·hc by his riling rron_, th~ dead, . thm u_ ho~iuofcod,ftm:rhno_,.. rhat is,~ddiCleth . and afecndino into hcauen,hc ..vas nHghuly denor hm1klfe, nor fctt<:th hHnfelfe to the pra... , dared to be cl1c Sonnc of God: (o that in Pfal. Clifc of finne : and the r~·afon is giucn, l:cc:ourc I I z.Thollt1YtmySor.nc;thUdll)'h,mc l begortc_n thee, thcfeedeof God rcmllir.eth in him, which is all is in ACt. q. applied ro the rdinn:Cf10n of one "'ab th1s pm.-. er,\;\ h1eh JS able , <tnd ac- 1 I Chrifl: as if he had (aid, This day home lm:-.dc corclmg!y 1\ecpcch lum. Whereby chat Pomlnifcll by thypowerful rci"urrcCtion that rhou p11'h etror IS dcreCkd. n::undy , that 111 the con~ arc my IOnnc,and that I ha.uc begotten thee be¥ uedlon of a finnc1 tt IS mmans powc1 :md v.lll, I I fore all worlds. CHher to recemc or refill the grace of God and The JCcond conclufion is, ch:.c thispower is B that n1ans \-\'Ill can c!the: ttpp!y lt fclfe ro grace manifcfled in Ch 1 ill the hc:1d efpceial!y: nameoffered 1f lt \\•tll; or clic refpfc 1t: but tfth!s ly, when ic ,aufcd him tO vi\~lorio~O~ to oucr- \\ere true, the power of God fhould not order ~~;;•~~E~:,e_t I come death in fi1tfering it; to rifc-·from. che mans will, buc mans will 01ould_ order Gods , ~!:~~~·;';;,c grauc, a(ccnd to hcaucn, and fit at the r1ght gracc,yea and ou~rcom: this omnipotent pov.:..: .!ifor~krcd I hand ofGod his Father. Paul praycth that th_c et: of ~od. Agau_1c, this ot1_ctrhrowcth thed1~ 1 ~~~~~;;~~;~5' Ephcfi:ms might know the greamelfc: of chts fimChon ofgrace JlltO !ldfiCJcnt and dfcctuall: r obui11C4 power, which raifod Chrift from the dud, lltfd for fufficicm grace is dfeCtualJ, fecing that this ftt bim at GodJ right hand inhea:un.!J placu>Epower of Chrifi waitcth vpon it to make it :f- \I ph.t.1o. · · f<ctu>ll. The third conclufion: That thispower conSc(ondly , hence \V cc: fee rbat tl1is pov\·er of ucyeth it fclfc: from Chrifl the head to !ill his Chritl in hi3 members, is a continued power, 1 members,Eph.3.10. To him that z{abletbdoe ancucr \\'holly incerruptC'<I , for it k<·cpcth them hoUJifitmtlj•abouea/1 rhat~~eJU~.eorrhinft..!,accorin this life thaflhe_J f"tt!lmt imo prcfmnpr.uous- 1 ding to thepower rhatwork.!rh in VJ. Cololf.t .29. finncs. SecOndly, it iuthfieth ehem and f:mCH-· I at[o labour and fltille accordmg to hU-worl!,jng, fieth them in~pcrfeCfly in life, :md pcrfCcti}r in which work$th it; memighti(J. Now bccing con- C death• Thirdly, aficn1eath it prcfcntcth them ucycd vnco the members ofChriH, ic is not i. vmo their glori'C. Fourthly,afcer the Iall- iudge.. -= dJ.c in thel11,or vnprofi1ablc ~ but w.orketh proment, it po'lfe.ffcth th~mwithvnfjunk!ab!e io_y.· ~ortionably in themall, as it did in Chrift himThus the ri~h~Cous man byvenueof this po"<.''..:. tdfc:for as it caufcd Chrifi eo die for our finnes, er, becomes like'a tree lvhofo le~rfe nmer faileth (o it mak:eth vs die to bur owne finncs; as this n(IYfitderh , PraL 1. 3· And hence is it that hope' power made him to liuc againcto his Fathcr,fo i~ faid to be aJitrcrmchor, Hcbr. 6. vcrf.. 19. fdr. it makethvs his member:s to liue vmoGod; thispropcnichath it 1 nocfromitfclfc- (asalfo , that as he by venue hereof rofc ag::~.inc, fo it loue and faith in thcmfelues arc ehangeable,and· caufct-h vs to rife to a new life in this life, 3nd nothing indecdc is in it fclfc vnchangcablc_but ; to our etcrnatl life in the life eo come. God) bur the power of Chrill is it chat makeeh' FurtHer, this power is commcnded here by it an anchor iurc and CleelfaH. By which cOn fr..:~ fourc cffcC\:s : firft, it1i:; able to i&"ept them that ds;·r:ltion , thofc t\-\'0 vncomfordblc errours are: thq,fa/J nor, namely., into manifcft finnes ioyconfiJted: fidl, th:a the child of God being re..: ncd with obftinacie: for of fitch finncs and generate may (allmalitioufly, and euen wholy finners he had fpoken in the forme; \1\'ords; away. Secondl;·,chat he may fall finally: fecing ' · and ca.nnot be meant of euery kind at-fall, fee:. D God puttcth his hand vnder,·and this poWcr·or ingthe·children ofGod fall d>ily, but of filCh Chrilt is >bi< ro-kccpc rhcmtl13t they fall riot , ·>S Dauidprayed again!\, Pfai•. J 9-i>il. K"P' thj (though fearefully they m>y) yet neither whol- ~1 'fou'"iht from prefomp&uotts jimus., leto 'them not !y nor finally. ~ .~' raigne otltrmc. The feeond effeCt is,.to prefent #Thirdly, we mul1labourto hauc cXpCriepce to:l fi1Hlt!efe, that is,.fitflt·O iu{Hfic bclccucrs: of this power of Chri!l in our fcluts, work in" fecon'dly, to fanClifiC: them here in part while in our harts the death ofour finnes, :md quick~· they Hue, and in death eo fini(h 1 3na ·perfect: ning them againc vnto the lifC of grace and of that i,nchOace fanCt.ific~·tiom The third effeCt, God :for thisp'owcr of ~hri/l eonfificth not irr~· in the.ch)O of iudg~ncntJtO~refcnt thc_m hefq,.et anyfancic, but in an clfeC)uall feeling, in t~'e 1 th~prcfenceofhUglorie--. The founh cfteCf, wit/, heart of euerlc t·f.Uc bclceucr. Pau/praycdt'h'ar ioy, that is, to potfeffc them with ioy cuerlathc;Ephefians might fcele in themfclues ~hts' 1 !ling:. proporrionall pov\•cr to Chrift hh pov.•c:Jr inlH-s V[e. t. In that Chritl is able toke·ere the·m dc·acl\ & .rcfLirretlion,Eph.r .19'.himfclfe coun ... tba~ bc\ecuc, vvc may note that this ·his'powc·r tcd'all things dung in comparifon ofthekno'-''1.. doth order the wils ofbclccucrs both in and ::~.fl<rdgc ofthis power,Phil. ~. r o. & that he mfohc 1- ---- cer their conucrfion. In their conuerfionlt fra.- haue ex:~:_eriencc hereof, hec will rcioycc 0 in . I i i i 2 his l, -------------------------~