: ~9 2. \ /ln Expojition "'lpo11 I I his 011. ne \\'Cakcndfc, 2.Cor. 1 2.9. And "'bat A I V\' ill d11s power be profitable vmo vs (be it nci Iner f0 powerful! in it tC!fc) vnldlCwe find our f fcl\lcs rhus ilrcngthncd in g•acc and godlind(c 1 byit? I ! Fourthly, wee may•!Jot content our JClucs I v:i;,b a forme and {hew ofgJdlincflC, but Hrfue to <maint: the power of 11; or clfC let vs ncucr profdl~ ChnH, and plof"c our !Clues oncly in ! (uch a profc1Ti6: for vvhofoeucr is rrulv Chrills, fin him thi:> povvcr workcth mightily ·in fubdu– ing finnc,in Hriuing againJt tcmprations,in flir– ring vp z.ealc of Gods gloric, and in a "'·ord in mJking men fru ttfull and abounda:n it; all well doing: ....yea it can no more hide it felfc where i,t is, then can ;he Sunnear noonc day, but it will caufc men to {hi ne as lights in the midddt of a B fro~ovard gcncr:ltion: which fruites and effcCls, ifa man c:mnot find-: in hin.fclfc , let him fU– .fpcC1: himCclfe that hcc is not as yet knit vnto Chrifi, for then he would be by venue of this power in fomc proportion conformable vmo hun. Fiftly, this doCtrine miniflreth a (lay and prop to om fai th and hope , fceing that Chnfi I hmh iuch a working power as this is, whereby he is able to make good,and accomplin1 ·what1 . focucr he h::nh promifed,c6ccrniLlg our faluati– on; thus he flrcngthencd his Difciples, Ioh. I 7. But beeof good comfort, 1hmte orler.{omc the wor/d:and thus .Ab.,.ahambcleeucd .aboue hope, becaufc hcc k!Jewt that God 'JJ'aJ able t9performe what he had promifed,Rom.44 1~.o teaching all C the fonncs of faithfull .Ahrah.yn vpon what pro'p they arc to IC3nc, and fiay,.yp themfclues while the promifes arc delayed. Here the Pa– pifi teacbeth that in regard ofGod indeede & his P!omife, we may belccue o~t own fJluati6; but in rcfpeel: ofour [clues, & 111 regard ofour owneind_ifpofition we mufi Hi! doubt, and it is pr~fumption (faith he) to bclccue it. .An[. But this is falfe, for we mufr not doubt in regard of our owne indifpoiltion, but mufl ccrraincly by faith lay hold on om ovvnc faluation, fccing that Chril1 by his power correcrerh, yea and a– bolifucth in his members this indifpofirion,fit– ring them (notwithfianding it) and keeping tlicm vmo \jfc ctcrnall. ' Sixtly and la1lly, wee mufl firiuc to qecome· D like vnto Chrift, fceing the fame power rhat w:ts in him is com1eied and derived from bin( imo eucry one ofhis members, t.har as he liucd in obedience vnto his 11.1ther, both doing and} {uffei:in.u whatfocucr his Father enioyncd and· ,,,Uied; ~ucn fo ought we: lookc what was his difpof1tion and conuerfation '"'h.ilfl he conuer-. fed hqc vpon canh, fo ought ~c to be difpo– f~dand conucrfc,refcmbling.him in mccke-nes, humil.idc, patience, louc towards Father ,,aJ)d brc~hren, yea aHd roward sour enemies: an~ as hc"":'a.sminded,thc fame mindcought alfo to be,jnv's, Phi!. z. 6. So much fo.r the firR- rcalon· n1oouing vs to the praifc ofc;hrift, drawn frpm hi:_powcr. , 1 The fccond motiuc is in the vcrfc 2 5. To God - --- -,--- Olle'J wifo, drawne from his wifcdomc; where– in three things :tre to bee ol>fcrucd: firft, that Chritl is God ' fecondly , rhat he is w;jc.- rhirdh·, i that he is onc\y wife.For the firfi, this IS a not~b!c tcflimonic, ~nd to bee obfcrued ac:tain!l the Arrians and Athcifts, to ccnfirmc th/'diuiniric ofChrill_,w·ho like dogges moH blafphcmoufly with blacke momhs barkc againfl their crcato~, :~Airming him to be oneof the grcnt fcdm::crs of the world : ag:~infl whon1(th:n we may bee the 1 bec~crarmc.d; I \o\'i!l fidl propound one or two I cuidcnt rcafons, and then anfwcr their alJcga- J tions.The fidl argument:Confider thllt whofO– cucr haue taken vpon thcmfelues to be called I Gods; thciuft iudgcmcnt and vengeance of j God hath bef.1llcn them, and they haue bccne 1 dcfiroyed by the hand ofGod. Admn>nd Euc ' becaufc they would hane beene but like God, or as Go'dt, wen: gricuoufly punifhcd in thcm– felucs, and all their poflcritie. Ht'rod becaufe he "''as contented that tbe people fl1ould call himGod·, the hand of God.~.>vas inflamly vpon him, and thc .Aogel ofGod finotc .him, ttndhe ; was eaten vp of lice. Bm Chrilt profelfcd him- . fel!c ro bee God, yco and d-irpured, I oh. -;: a- 1 gaintl: the Pl.1arif1cs that hcc was the {onnc of God, and yet no 1\:Jrmc bcfel him: nay ht pro– ued manifclllyby his doChinc,:md miracl'c:s,by his death & glorious refurreCtion,that he fpt1ke true when he faid he was God and the Sonne of God. , The fccond reafon, Chrill wrought miracles, which could nor be done either by namraJJ or Satanical! power; as to raife.the dead, to make themwhich were borne blind to fee; and thefe by a diuine ahd omnipotent power, ·nons an inflrumcnt, but as an amhor ofthem; & there- , fore hee was true God, Now if they •al[eadgc i here, that we hauc no proofc hereof, bUt out of the neweTcflamcnr, whtchJhcy reieCl: a;9.ihey doe the other Scripwres.: ·I anfwer, thilt many , oft be \3l)1C'things ineffeCt {Ire cxta[tr'alfneiicn · in Heathen. wrirers themfelucs. Ob!~a. •But • they allcac{gc againft d1C Diuinitieof,C:::hrill, ' chat Chritl'is infcriour.VntoGod: lbh.'I4f 18~ TheF.uherisguaterthen.J.: r."Cor. 1 r! ~. ··God U thcheitdofChri/1, as the man is the:-l.vomans 1 head : and Chapter 1 50 ,I 8. The Sonne-(hAP bee JithMJ vnto h;m 1har fithdued Ail th;ng/.Vn"- . d(r htm1· B\!'t as none is aboue God, :·fo-·God ; is inferiour to none, and therefore Ch1'~ is~ j not God. Anfiv. The fwo formh places mult . be vi>tkrllood ofChrifhshl is man andM~di- · atom: •\A{hich hindC"reth•ttlOt but that 'aSbee ~iS God he is <quail to the F.atner. The third place· I , Co'r.t 5, z8. inuflbe;<thU.s· vncler0:o.o.d ;·tha.t the So!JO$! is made S!tCfna:lly ~ubieC[ y:n(p the Father,no_t ~s he isgod;bift Jn;~g.-ar~· OfJlishumanitie.Secondly,ofhis myHical bodic;rhatis; the church.:(o :t_s·thi.~ fu OleCl}onand inJtriOritic ofChrill·; jSnothing dfc-but·a manifd1ad.Qltof, the ditfcrericcof Chrifias he is Man&J:t,he is God, & of the inferiority ofhis malJOod:to'the . . . God-)