--I Go"'•~' "h"h o,;; ;;; ,.;:::~:~/e,'t!..~':,, o;o;,g,;fu.,h '""1 '"''"'''' /I _! y<1l :~t the day of tudgcmcm. The fccond obu~:~hthn~g and :~Clion,cucn :lS 1IH')' arc~ ·he knn~\ cth J on: ACts the 20. ~ j . lt u a moY~ble~d.thmg to cucry hair~ ofou.r hc3ds ,:md rhc pbccs thcrot~ I r;iue then to r~cdHe · But ChriH rcceillcth \Y!ICcucry l1gln:t:g of a ~)arro'"'' vpon d1e ground. I 1 don;c life yea 2nd l~u lubH:mcc from hisfathn, The con!idcr:ltit)ll of which poims 'njC\\ C't'h l • and tC: th; Father is 1110tC blcffcd then he?An{ the ad!lnr.:d:~!c: greatnd1Cof tins wii~domc of / That place ipcakcth of tl1ch arccciuing,<1s prcChri!L 1 {ilppoieth w2nt, v\·hich is moremifcrablc then The third pOint is, that he i'i on~!}' l'l"iji·• .J ! to be ;~blc to giuc,whkh argucth plenty and a~ Where is not excluded the v:ifdom<' of rbe Fa.:. I bundicc; but Chrill rccciueth nor thus his fi1b~ thcrand ho)y GhoH, but lli t~1c wi!(~omeofall flancc, wi!Cdomc,and lire/or he ncuer wamecl crc3.mrcs,:ts l oh. 1 7.This is lik eternal toknow t thcm:whcn he recciued them he had them;and thee the onef; God; ""here thC Scrmc and holy.! haui11g them he reccmcd thcrn,and both had & Choll m:1y not be ('Y.cluded. Ob. But Come wiiH rcceiucd thembefore all \'\'orlds,::.nd fo that alfay, the ncatures hauc wifdomc , and fo the Icg:ttion is to no purpofc. The third ol;>icClion: Sonne i!> not oncly wife. An[. The ,Nildomeo !Chrill: iJ a Mcdiacour and pt3ycth vmo Godj B the crc:nurcs iS hut:} created v.·ifdomc: God iS and fo he is not God, fOr nothing prayeth to it ondy wi(c by a \\·ifdomc vncrc:lCC'd 1 theirs is fclfc. An[. ChriH is tlireClly a Mediatour to the bm o.n image 'and fi13dow of this:yca con1p:lrcd Father the firH pcrfon in Trinitie:now bccaule thcrcunto,it is no \\'ifdomc3t all;fo as fiill God the perfons haue all one nature and will,thcrc~ may be fa id eo be oncly Y\'lfc. fore heis alfo Mediatoreuen to him[dt"c asthe V{e. 1. Seeing Chri!l is affirmed to be Cod, Cc:cond perfon,as alfo ro the holyGholl.Lct vs note thlt his death, although it was but mo-' ' be !liii armed againfl thcfc wicked hellhbu~ds, mcmanic and fhor:: in time, yet it was of cndc· l and dcceH their Satanicalt dclufi.ons and {uch ldfe merit. ~~ft. Bu.t how can this be that 3 damnable doChines,derogatoric to the honour i110rt death ofTo few houres iliould counterof the Sonncof God. uailc th.c ctcrnall torment due to (inne? Anfrr. The fecond point~n this {ccond reafon is, The perfon that died becing God,thc dignidC that Chrifl is wife. Thiswifdome ofChriH is a · of the pcrfon coumeru3ileth the eternitic of propcrtie comn1on to.hiO} with the Father 3nd the punilhmcnr; fo 3S the Sonne of Cod f~ffe·; I holy Gho!l, whereby he pcrfeetly koowcth a!I ring,althoush ir was 11ot Cor halfe aday, itWO$ rhings 3S they arc. Concem.ing which,rcmem- C as much as if all men had died for eucr; (o infi~ ber thefee•ghtthings:tirll,tharrhiuvifdomof nirc. '?d. cndtc!fcit was(though n~t in timcJ.I· , .. ChriH is ofit (elf,& harh the bC'gint1iug_from it yer 111 'ilemand cfflc3clc. · felfe,and not from any other:forthough here- . 2. Vfe. Seeing Chrill bath fuch an abfolute ceiueth it from theF~thc~'yet it is all one wich Wifdom&di!Hnttl.yKnovving all things, WC are the Fathcrs,3ndthercforc.1~ is notbcgotten nor 't.al,!ghc to t~arc :1nd tremble be(ore him , ddprocccdeth fromany,but i! the fou.~t~io,e ofall iJ~all things as in his prcfence; he behol~eih wifdotne in the crc3turchmen or Apgels. Sejs with all OUJ;",aClions, there is nota word ;~'OIAcondly, we by our wifeqqme. conccitJe things .ro,~guebut he i(.noweth it r.ho!IJ,,yca be ·:mdn-]1~•- by formes and appearances, prcfented to our diih our thottghu,and that a[..-re off. See Pf!¥.• mind~s;but Chri!l he·k'o!'W<th a! thing~ by .the 1 39.z,~. . · •• · ··~ things chemfc!ncs,an~;1ot by any reprcfet.mti~ ·.,. P'fe. Such., arc in diilrdfe,rdiing t'hcfu~ ons thereof;he needed no hclpe fronnhething ,.fe.Jucs vp~n<fod~ mcrcie in Ch.ri~, m~y ~-~fiJn it felfe to concciuc of it as we doe. Thirdly w~ d.ry ~nd ,vp_~old fhemfdues with,this ~omfaj;t, know and concciuc of things by fenCe ~nd difthatChnil loS Gocland able to rclcene thcm,y_ca eourfe, but Chri!l doth this by one fimpleatl .he isrhcollely wife God, & therforc heko,o~vL of vnderllanding. Fourthly, this wjlfdomc of fo c)E 31 rh~ir ~l~[eric; diHindly~lc.~now,cJh hg,.y I God isall one with God himfclfc,for hi; wife- , f:i_rre toqh 11 IS g,QQd for rhcm to fu1"er,h'ow to I dome is his fublbnce•. In men and A:1gclsit is .·}u .. ~ni;thpirfiiffi:l~ii_Jvntothehcfl vnto rhc1);;~s , not fo, bura qualitie dif)~1et from ,thciJ;,fttb.- ; ,~If~ the .bell.and firrc!l time when to di:liu~r (hnccs. fiftly, this wifC49me~is infiuit.~:~;,for \tl}~r,:n ~e:lfonablyourof.thciJtrol:I.Pic ,:and.th~~- f hereby GQd knowcth b,o<\1 hill]felfc 21,1~ oll e>- f,o,re patlfntly commi~ thy _fdfe in{~ his!1~n~, ther.t,hings paH, prcfer,orto cOtl);thin&lMSOod ~tP~;td.te t~JY Cc1fc vpo~1 hn~ .as on a ~~~r~/~11 andb;ad:thtngsthatar7, :md ihing~V\hich pr_c , ~Fqcc:mC't. . ., .. ,{ .. ' ,not; yea the verY. mouons and thou~ht~ 9frbe I 4./')r:. tfChrifi beoirlj )r;;fo;thcn mull \vc tafic r Our\·.ifdom heart. Stxtly,thlS is 3lwmcs a ecn:un;Sb,t4)qf:.l~ ·~p,u;,feil ~fhlm,.ahd lc·atilc; wifcdPme of ~in(: ; ~~~~ k~~t· I libl_e kncwl~d_gc; neuer conieClur~i! .l> our.s i~. j:;t~.ef':'r..: of~~: Ifit}Jf.a§~~d,ho\:~ ~~~~.\~C lt;·~~~{e ~~~~r·:~~ ... Seucnthly, tt ts mofi perfeCt, boti.l bcclufc IC , 9f hmlffC:lll.g be 1s mP.eauen?I anfwcr,he-~lth Y ! doth .not ·enely know feme d)iugs, buuhcr-c is l lc(/his ")/Orei ~rit1t \'Sin t1te.Scripwrcs thcr't,V.·c nothing \'l!hich it knoweth not; as a~fo bc~a,u(c ~~TI.~Y'Jdt~ic h)S' ~V.if4om~., there we :nay l1:i~ie '1 nothing '~!l ~cc added. vn~o it.' !lot .decr:t. , fJis dir:ct1~onrl,t;ft R~~~ 3s~·~d,";;~:.t is thf1 {~;m,Jfc I Cled frQ.rp_tt, 10 a,ll whtch tt .dd1creth,from .. "fJ~pt 'ounfc\C;hcn: ·S'~~u:unccl? I ~m(wc:r''it . I ours. Eightly, it is' a dill:inCl' wifcdc:n_c,_fCcing I - !hmdCin in the hc:l.f~~~g :ind ~oiH&'cit f~is c~;h_ \ J J God knoweth 110t in groffc :lnd confuiCdly ~~~---~ t}I<1Ui1~15~~·:';ts ;.(a \\'~-~l.·;fnft~~:~.c.2:: ~ --·------.--- ----~!..}__________ qui1~- _