\ ~94- t An Expo{ztion "Ppon I ! I quircd:fidl,to b~!ccucon him and depend vp- I A Jy, f[om the feconddc:tth and cucrbfhng de- --- .<>11 him alone for Jaluation, Secondly, to tume HruClion. 1 v 1 ura~nc1,ily w 1 ·~th .all our1 ~carrs Vdmo h1m~n.1irdf?heAi~~rAd poindc. i.o;: Hol w doth ChrHl fauc , y,too;:,r.:y lltliJO our wcs ~n conucn:mons. men n 1 • ccor mgto t )3torderv.hichGod This is thc.right wilcdolllc: for the teaching hath fct down c.: in the coucnant: not of works of ._,,hich, VVitCdo•nc her fclfc vttcl·cth her but of grace: wherein God promifcth to aiue voiq,and callcch tO the childrc1l of men,Proll. Chrifi with all hb merits and g~accs to ~~ery I 8. 4· I bdceucr: Now according to the tct~our of this The third rcalon is rakcn from the workc of coucnant, firH Chri!l with his merits is giuen 1 our redcmj'ti<.)n, in ~he \.\'ords f?urS.miour.) ~~~ vnto the bclccucr, bee ::~gainc is giucn vmo 1 Th~ which re:~ Con that INC lll.l)' ngluly vndcr-. Chrill:byvenue ofwhich donation a m:hl mav 1 fbnd,fl>tlre poims arc robe propounded. Firll, fay Chrill is mine, his benefits arc mine alfo,;s I what kind of Sauiuur Chritl 1s? Anfiv. Hec uulyandascertainly:~.s mybndisrnincowne. 'rimrt'bc t:oncciucd, firfla pcrfcCl-Sauiour, fa- 1 Hcrcvpon to make this mutuall donation cffeuing P.crfcitly all d1at arc laLlcd.Hcb. 7. 25. He~f C\:uall, followcch a fccond thing, which is the iJ a'bl~ to [:we perfiCUy llll tiNtr come vnto him; I vnion ofvs with himby the bond of the fpirit-, yea he perfeCtly (:Jucth by hi.m!Cifc ( and nQt by B :and this isarnytlical but a rruc \'nion,whcrcby :my other crc:nurc) \Nhofocuer actame to falhe that is giucn vnto Chrill is made one ·with UatiOn, for this is alio required vnwhisperfehim. After thiscommcth a third thing, which Clion: Rom.J . 2 ).Wbom Godharh{et oru tobe~ is acommunicationofChriil himfelfe & 31l hjs a·recOJ{Cili.aion rhrough fv..ii!J i;; IJiJ hlood. Hcbr. benefits vntobelccucrs. This is don two w.:1ies, !- 1 3 1 i JJ.y hm;f~1Jc hee lurrh pur;ged our ji1mes. firfl, by way of imputation, which is anacV%ei:·c note an error 111 (he· Church of Rome; counting and accepting of his obedicn{C· and wh;ch tcacheth ~h:1tChriH did bvhi;death mefitfferin·gs as ours, for the difcharge ofour fins iit,'tl13c \.\!c might by our O\\'fl w~rks nitrit fatand acquiting vs from them, Secondly, by a . ] 4~C.io'n ; but.t)liSis t'allc, CbriH flueth not man kindc ofpropagation, wherby grace is 8~riued ~ri~!~a~~it· , -\:l.y u~an,or byany crcature,bu,t by himfclfc;yea from his grace, and infufed into thofe that arc tcth.uot tlut !l~:(hPu.l.d no~ fo~bc a S~uiour,but :m inllrumt=t, fee into him: For as'miny·candles rcceiue light . I;!~~~a~i~~~. ~,y..Y::hqi~ vJe .. p1qWfauc ou: fCiucs . .Secondly; from one great TorcH 'Or light, and as many 1 but311 in· Oei1Cc;-y.·C-I~arne to ack1~owlcdgc' him an alon·e flreames flowe from one fountainC 'or head- .! ~h~~eb~~~ ! S~qJOi1r; without any fcllo~\1 ,p.a~mcr, or dc·p~~ fpring, :lAd as fiom one roore procecde many I mufl{aue he' : ACt. 2. Th~( r.r tlO orh~~-name 1md~r hea· C branches;·eucn fo all hiSiilenibers drinke ofhis j QUdc:lues. tf'!'$j{lento[auevs, b;tc cbehaJ.eofChrif/; ~11CI foumaiJ1cs, arc cntiched by his · ((eafures of ' J(,l'~ hauc any pa_rmer, hccjs bm, halfe aS:lUiwi[edome and l<-nowleage; yea indCc1 d & liu·c OUr. Hence we fee that the Romanc Religion, byno other life,theb rhai·,Nhich by his fpirit he ~~~fiQ~St\ in word it honour Chrilf, ye} in de' ea infpircth into the fade'fOf their fol!lcs: '&here... J¥.~Cn!~Jh him,in ioyning w 'Chrifls all.fufti~!~ byhe'fuc,.~eth hiinrelfe £0be a roote, euerfthat cn~fati'sfaCl.ion,oth~rs farisfaC:lions;and fo likeroote pflelfo, anJ diat fccbhd Adam'conucying ' ~i,(c-thC.y i~Y~\c tC? hls tJcritit"e 'v!)oh the cr~fte\, vnio .ill1 h1s.bralichcS>fi'glncoufnd1~.-and life, as "r'fiClr faCrHiCcs m ther Maffc; tb his meritorious , d1e firfl ''!)Jdam { bcCilig_·hrom~:alfOJ dctiued · iRl:rrceiJiqp,,r~c i1~t~rc~flion of the virgin Ma- ; I corr~~Rfidn from hjt:O~lfe to alJ his pofleridt I ,ry,aj_id orl\"er Saims,'3nd th3t no't by way' ofrefprivgl~gand ariHn~ fron't hili" foiHhatplace !'q*;~bb~i~·o.t;t,\\:.. ~ricrit ?fthc~r in~~rcc!TiO ..TOLls ; ' ·J. Cor. I .jo. to be Vihlerflood, H-ee)is~ made , 1 1't~ey.,~r ~? .~mny ~aurours 111 !leid ofthts .o* ' bf'Godto 7isn!ifodomf,ri,(hteoufntffe;fnmtijiwii,c)JcCl.·and ,~!~1jSauiour. . · ' ...... : !'naitilrr2d''imption; qhdt,[e hcisthC'f6otean<t Tlfefccc;>,nO point is,CrdmWhac·danger d91h fountalrie Of ~II·thefc.graces vnto 'v·s,~'Ofwhofe j}e.i~iC:'~s: .Ait£.fu\!~latio'n c,~'eb impli~~h.fn_dl~s · I fillnCfT2\VC recei\JCi'hc1W. ~ .• :t:;;·;~... • CfeltruCboll,Whlch ts the thl_ng ft:o.m w}lt,Pd\·ce • Tl1e"·fOunh poinr 1 iS:-Of whdm:fsChrill a [if_oih*(auc v~. I.~~ ~hi~h end.l_~!f_~ ~:erdido~·~o~e D ' 'Saui~ut ·? .Anf: Our"SaJiour,) that is, a. S3;uioOr t ijj!l,thc f•""ti:'"'" of ~r,r!J~t IS our !irtpes:notrd of the 'Colh'olique Chti~ch: Eph~t~ 5· 2 3'· 'lfhe jn"~hF exR<?0~1_9,1'' .. ofh1~ name, M~t~h. ~ ._Jf~/!:_,.lJI ·slmioHrof h;1thodi~ i' that is, his Gliu~ch. More 1;/.<iife IJ.Y people from their jinnel, Scd~dly, t'lic 1 .plainly" the po:'rfonsthot;~JC to'be foil<d by him, rJ:grces, ,\•hieh arc three: firll, in thisli'f'e'a fub- . ·arc fUc'h as trucly l.iclccue in himt and tdHfie t iiCtion tO all kindes of mifcrics inw~fc\ ~Ourtheir faith by tbeit'cbnliedlbn vnto~Gb'ii~ and : warO· inCouic;bodie,gOods~tHl!ilc,iti otir felUes ' 1off:iklng.rheir finnd~Fcir thccuid<!riCC' \Vherc.. I a~d o'~t}cr~'. Sec,ondly, it~ ti~C:eh<1C .~f th!s l!ft, ofcOo·fider ['1,\'othingS: '· ··, '· ~ ..~dCach :.~bccinrl iD it fclfe a ciat~,a.·nd :m cmrlocc Firlt, th:~t ids Inoft neceff3ric, th.at the pcr11ftol;~l1. :fr~.r,(!Jy, afcc.r t~t R.1';~~}-~~ ;;(?fJ<?~1;d I fon'tbat'islo be faucd fhduld be rhus.qUalified, \:•9catll, wh~ch 1s.cu~rbflmg ,dd~ruC~~~m tn .~5Jl ifhe be of ycare-s( fO,r with infa~ts ,it-is Other- ,' li.r<' for,cucr. Now Chrifl, i's. a'sauioiiftp·flUC I wifc)!or marke the brderprcfcribcd tO be obh.li'd free YS both fr0111 this 'found:~tion ~ o~1r I I fc'rUcd in theVVord and S:~Ci':ltncnts, in which 'I' fTitii\~'s' tl~cn~(C!~~~; :ts':~l!~·fib!litli~ d'eg~~c~.'.fiO \ ' Go(hcq'uircth in rhc fir!tplace r~y~nrat1c~ and 1 l the hond~gcto S:n20by lin~~e: ftc?iH1Iy; from . 1 faith, and tben afre.'Jrds rbakcrh promtfc of i ~ the fir!\ c!eath fo far forth os ids a cvrfe: thicdfaluation by Chri!l.I.uk,2+47·'Thar repnlimce I I ·-·~-··---------·· - and _ ___ ! -~ ~ ~---