Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I [ 596 1 . . . ~n Expojit~on vp~ . J begotten of the Father, the holy Gho{l is to A fclfc , and in our liucs we cxprcffc his me rei~- - -– I· proceed from them borh.Thus Heb. 1·l· Chrili I wiledomc, power, ""d fuch orher his proper~ I 1 is called the brigbw~f(e eftheglorie, and the inues. Fourthly ,that we may nor thinkc that this 1 graucnf~rme ofbW F.uhcrs pcrfon, Ioh.t. t 4.Wc is anarbitraric ducic lcfc to our ownc libcnic 1 1 (awe tl,c gloric thcrcl)f a~ thegJoric oftluone!JJ,c- :or put in our ownc power whether we wil per~ 1 gotten Sonncofthc Father. Both thele are here ·forme it or not; wee .mull kno\VC due it tlncch 1to bee vndcrllood; both whicj) are incomprc- !necrc, or ought to fie neere vs, and is a cafe of ' I h.cnfiblc, & therefore ourc:Jre mu!l be to walk i ncccffitic to preferre the glorie of God before ' by f~iJch,,.\•hcrcby we .may :mainevmo it,rathcr ll our liues,yca before the faluation ofour foulcs. 1 1 then more cU(·,ouily to fcckc to commprchend !11 the Lords prayer we arc raughr firfl·to pr:~y th'e knowledge of lt, for the glorie of God limply without any reThe ftcond thing attributed to Chrifi is, fpcCt to our fc:!ucs, and afterwards come to the trfaieflie: \Vhcrcby we :tre to vndcrHand that petitiol1S concerning our [clues :md others. Ob. highnc!lc and greotncOC: <?f God' and Chrili, I But here it will be faid, God ii the fulneffe and vVhcrchy he is i_n hi!Hfclfe, in his workcs,and e... perfcClion of all gloric, how can \\'C: then adde uery way wonderfull,Luk.6.fl• WhcnChri!l any glorievntohim? A nfw. The glorie ofGod h·aa \\·rought .a famous miracle of cafiing out a B is taken two w:lycs; fitfi, for that infinite glory DcUil, it is faid they were nmtf:(.ed4t the mightie \which is inhimfclfe,or rather which is himfd~~ power ofGod. to thepcrfetl:ionof which nothing canbee adThe third thing is dominicn; which w'-'rd ded, neither canany thing be detracted from it properly Ggnifieth power and authoritio, & by to make it leffe porfeC\. Secondly,for that gloconfcqueut dominion,as the fecond word tranric ofhis which is in, and from v.s, the which is ! ·n;cc·d power l1gnificth properly dominion;but nothing els but the acknowledging, confefic con.1methalho one. By domiffiO."' is m~ant an fing, and praillng of this his glorie, in which ~a~.fol~tc £0\:ve,r :1nd foutraigntie in goucrning f~nre we may be faid to giue him g!orie ,or not .. ar?'4.~omrfi:nld~ng alfcreatures. . . to giueic. Ob. But it may bee alleadged, that . ; 'Thcfounh thin'gispower; whteh fign•fieth God beeing the perfec\ion of glorfe inhim- .,th'3t 3bfoldce might~'!fCod, whereby he doth felfe, hc.e necdcth not glorie or praifc from vs; whatfoeu~rhc·w11!; Here bythn.ay wee mu!! and thoreforc the dutie is not fo abfolutdy ne1 9~_ferue that ofthcfc foure,Glory is the cheifdl, ccffJrie. An{Ou1 praifeofGod isnot heede.. ' 'theother~hree ate but a• pars efhii glorie,and full m regard ofGod: Pfalm.16.z. 0 Lord"IJ added tomake :l dcfctlption ofhis glorie. For , Ig oodnrffe r~tmtktb notvntothee, but u rs nced– ~Jte:g10fi: o!G~d is h~r~_in manifc!T, in ch\lt he 1 tUIJ .in n;gard of our felucs bccing creature~, lS fl\U:ofM1alc(h~. Po":JIOion, and power. 1 C and 111 this rcfpctl: bound to honour and.glon., : ,''l'he fe·cond' thing to bee obferued is, that •fie our Creator. Secondly, becaufe (although 1 -th~f~ fourc are. giucn to Chrill alone; for the l it is ~ot his happ~neo;). yet it is our chcif.g.ood & i -wordonefr.mulibcr<:ferrcdto the whole fenhappmes to pratfc h:m. Thus ore we to'take : .tenc.~~ the F.ather an~ holy Ghofi: not being exl\nowlerlge of~urmain dutic, :an~ on thcconc!udc<l'the:c)>y;but all falfc and Idol! gods. trarie ofour maro finne,who herem haue fa of1 ."-The th_ird thin)lis the time of praife: No"' ten failed, dilhonouring the Lord by our wic1 Andfor,euer:for cKcrc is no time wherin it is not ked thoughts, fpecchcs. and aClions, ~nQ that ' 'to bc,expr'effed. . continually, •nd fa haue robbed him ofhis glo- ~ ···~rh-~ (ourt~ d.~~,~:g ·~sthe·.Affe[f~on, .wh!ch is rie. for whofc g.1oric alone we ~ere created. euer,to bc'v!cd 111 rbe prayfing ofChnfl, m the •· Vfo. In thJS fonne of pratfe, obferue the •word .Amtn thaJ: is, verily,or fa b'e it: fignififoundation ofall diuineand religious ":orfbip, iRgthatthe'affcc!lon ofthe hearttnuli euer be all which may bee referred vmo.foure head<: ioyilCdwith this·. rcUgious :1Cl:iOO of the praifc Firfi, adoration, the ground whereof is Gods of God. . Maicliieand glorie:for it followeth wcl·,ifGod ···• Vfo.-Firlt, 'wee lcarnc hdnce, that wee are be full of Maieliic and glorie, then we muli.•- bounil to giue 'praife and glorie to God and D dare bim, we muli fubmit our fel•es before Chri!l:Pfai,65.1.0 Godpraifo rr>aittthfor tbtt I him, wee muli fubietl: our confcienccsrohis inSio 11 it is one ofhis rigbts,properly due vnro b wes, wee mull belecue all h1s prom.~(cs , ana ~im.: ; :Cor. 5. 1il/urher we~ e~te ."r drin/:.!, or tremble :lrall his t~re~tcnings. Sc.c~ndiy.fairh: I wh/ttfoeH~rwcedo let ;t/1bedon~ to hu glorie. Se.. the ground of wh1ch 1s Godsdommton, ~ndpoeohdly, looke what is Gods principal! ende "''"; forifhe be the fouerai~nc Lord oflife and irl:;~ll his aClions, that ought to be ours in our death~ ifhcc bauc fi1ch abtolure power to faue a~ons: But his p'rincipallt>ndc of all his a8iand ddhoy, tl~cn m.ull wee place all our faith ons is his ownC glor.ic : Prou. I iS. 4- The Lord in him for our bluauon. Thirdly, p~tt)'er: and made all things _for himfclfc, tl"t is, for his fourthly, tba~kfgiHi•g,both haue their grounds .::o.i~\:~r~~~ ~~1~~~.c~~r~l~·. a~~~;~~~ di'~~l ;;:~;:,a~~'di~atlt~~;l~~r~~s tl;:f;;r, a~:~~~~hi,';pe;~i~ I -I Gods blcffinos is to mooue vs eo fet out the ons, i'i aU et as a groum o pr~ycr t e rt:I.Ion ·y;,.ilmof ca"d' I. Pet.•. 9· which is then I of al!thc requdls' for thine is lzi),gdo.m,powcr, :1 dofiC~fvs, wh"lwithourmo,mhesweecon:- 1_ • andg lor;. -' \ lj ' . L!'fo. ----