Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

; _ the Epijl!e of lude. I f --- ~ 3· Vft. Hence we mufi lco<~rnc to :~d~rc~md A Iglory is properly belonging vmoGod: but rhc I 1 rcw:rcncc the iudgcmcnts ~nd \'-'Orkes of God, / AH:rologn arrogarcth to himfcltC th:u part of howfocucr they fecmc vnto vs, and may be Gods glory whi'h confiflcth in the forckno~,-,.• 1 1 j har{h in our {hallo"'' rcafon; for~hc is gloric it ledge of things to come, in rhar by crc~ling a 1fclfc, M::ticflic irfclfc, po•Ncr it klfc, and bee figure and the afpctl ofthe {farrcs,herakcs vp1 wo 1kerb d1:1t for his o\\'nc g!.oric which we pon him ro tOrctcll thingsmeerc!y "~fitlll and c:1nnot comprehend. If God therefore louc contingetH,as oflifc-:~:nd dcarh, .....·oc,or wealth, ftlt!cob and h:Jtc Efttu, for 1101 hing feene in pc:~cc or w:lrr<:; ~'herein he cmrczh vpon Gods thcmfClucs 1 bnc bcca~1fe he will fo doe; o.,·;hich pof'fdlions,Ifl. 41. 2 3· Bcf1dcs thar, tbc llorrcs might feme [o be rhc cycofflcll~ :1 thing.vniuH neither by cre:uion, nor by any ordinance 0f andpanial,lcc vs flop our mcuthcsat. this moll 'God, con be :luy mcancs to foretell rhings to righteous iudgcmcnt ofGod; for he JS al powcome. Scco:1dly, dctdlablc is the Romifh doer and dominion,hauing foucraigmy and abfoChine, '"'hich g1ucth rhc gloric and power of lute Lordlhip oucr all his crcawr:s, to make God w Saints, Mofhcaring the prayers of :ill f6mc vdfcls ofhonour,and fome of difhonour; B men in all pla,cs, and knowing the hearts. Sefume of mcrcic,and fome of wrath,a\lmcn becondly, it giueth to rhe Pope po•Ncr to make ing as th.e clay iLl rhe hand of the potte-r: ~nd la~,ohs to biodc chc confcicncc. Thirdly,ic afcrithereforc the Apofile Rom. 9. fo foene a~ hec beth to 1hc Pope and his Shauclings, power to had propounded this famous and memorial exforgmc finncs propcrly;all \'\'hich be incommu1 ample, to fhut the momhcs of men v.•hich ocable propcrrics ofthe Godhead. thcn,·ifc would hauc beene opened againH this No\.v for the da1c fcrer::er.] Learoe th<lt it is I iufl and incomprchcnf1blc proceeding ofGod, the dutic of cucry childc ofCod to dedicate he brou\ght them prcfcndyto the confidcr:nio1~ himfdfc vnro the praifc of G od, and that con·- ofche power and foueraigntic ofGod,verf.17. tinually, Pfal, I19· 117. For thi~ fl1all be the c19. We our fclues thinkc it no iniuHicew kill tcrnall calling: :llld co11dirion ofthofe \1\•ho fl1aJ , the creatures, bccanfc God hath giucn vs a poffdfc the l{ingdome ofglq!ie, ::t.nd ir mufi ye : Lordf\lip.and dominion 6ucr them; and fhall begun euen in this life. · ·· · 'WC deny ri to be iufl in God to dcHroy likcwifc ·Laflly, from thc.nffcCfion in rhc word .A·- his crcaturf:,oucr ,.,·hich he hath infimuly more C men.'JNoce that wharfocuer we Otre to performc • foucraigntle then man hath ouer them? · in the feruice of God,it muH be nor offa!l1i01i; 4· Vfo. We arc to be afraid to finnc againll but with the carndl affeCtion ofour h<.'~uts: Pf. God; we mullrcf1gnc our wil vnro his whatfoIOi. ~. My fou!epraifethe L ord, andall rhtrffs cucr it is,and fimply fubieCt our [clues vnro rhe within mee praifo hUholy name. Iris f3id oflOf:~t~ obcdfencc ofthe fame ,fearing inthe Icall thing that be tun_led to God with allhi& fotJ!f,& a!lhU tooffend him; and all this bccaufc of hi!i Maheart, according to all rhe!aweof M Jfes;fd·wt ieffic, power, and dominion ouer vs; for this is in like manner in our conuer-fion toGod,in eUr the liuingholy and acCeptable [acrifice.which praycrli, praifc, or \vhatfoeucr holy worfhip & he requireth ofvs, Rom. I. 1 2. eHenourreafo.. fcruice we tender vnto him', rnull~bcWarc JeM~- nffMe[eruingof him. ' ·· · ' in dra1wvingncere him\"''-ith ourlippcs,wc wich~ Further, whereas all tlicfc arc tobe giucn to drawc our hearts from him: \\l.hichw~:lhalJ th~ God alonc,notc firll:,th:lt the wicked AllroloI bener pcrformc, if WC carry lll'mindc his owne. gcr with his Art is here condemned, fe~ing all commandcmcnrJ MJ$C hMYt~· ~ ' - ' .. - ~, , ·i ::... , . 597 , "''' >dl I . ~, F I :1\(_,lS. l.f•·C. ~· ; Laus [hrijlonefcia finu. ::·.·. I. ! '' I I 1·---·...:.._.____ ! ( . .t' .'!1 ' ~ 1·- ,. ' .. , ~:. 'i -- I I . 1·-----·- -- -------··-· ----~-~- ·-- '