Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I 59& I ----- ---------------- P V B L I S I-I E"it S P 0 S (DSC 1(1P 'I'. MAny excellent points might I, as. A hay,flubblc,or chaffc,though thcfc L1la! be burgcmmcs and pcarlcs in this Cornncd,yet himfclflhal be faucd, nmwichfbnding 1 1 ' Cor, J• mcmarie, commend vnto thy Chrias it were through fire. SccondJy, thofe rrror.r : fltan confidcr:ltion ( ChriHian ReamJJPnot 6e_i0Jned with either tt willing, orwilf111l ' dcr:) but th:uone Ihal fufficc to giuc notice of, ignoranu, for fuch errors arc ddpcratc & bri11g :1nd direct thee vnto, as wonhi~H: of my penfvvift damn~ltion.And thus where God rcucaks a. Pcc.u. ning and thy pcrufing; which, as it is mofl: ioyno more but naked ClnHl,and where tbcrc is .1 ned with the (cope of this whole EpHllc; fo fubicClion ofthe heart to theword,caufing it to mofi fc::foilably is it fined to our prcfcnt condepend on the Mini!lrrie for ftmher and more dition, and mofl: diligently trauafcd by this our full in{huC1ion,thc acknowledgcmcnt .ofeuery .Author, namely, that The fodttcers of the laff diuinc truth is not of fuch abfolutc neccffitic age, efpecially hereaymcda& by the f}irit of God; to faluation, but that true faith may fbnd· with demer.r ofthe maine ground.r of Religion in dofome ( eucn Popifll) errors. The Ruler is faidc [lrme, andpraFlifo, ~tretlu Papifts and the preto bclcc\}C, and that \:<,':IS by a iuHifying faith, font Romifo Church. The neceifarie confequcnr when as yet he"vas onelyouercomeby the Mawhcreof is dircClly prooucd, namely, That we idhe of Chrill; appearing in the miracle ofraiIoh.+ B· may nmcr iO)ne wtth them in their religion: but B fing his fonnc;to affcnt vntoand acknQ'-\'Icdgc for cuercontendagainft them Jot thefaith once githe mainc truth that Chrifl: "''as the Mdfiah : Hen to th~Saints: which we canncucr doe, if we but fo , as himfdfc and bis houfCh:OJd deauoidc not their <ioCl:rincs, as the rockcs on pendcdon his mouth for funher infiruCtion, whichwe lhall neceffarily fuffcr fl1ipwrakc, or and became his Di.fciplcs. Yea cucn theDifc'ideath it fclfc, VI] towhich they cannot but carplcs tbtmfdues w-ere long after their calling & rie thcpfofeffours. The antecedent or former conuer!lon very ignora.m in no fmall points of part fccm<th (by the way)to be adircchnd naChri(\ianinc. Ph;t;p,ofthe firll perfonin Ttini- !oh. ••·'· tur,all anfwcr vmo a Popilh pamphlet, alreadic tic:. Lord {hew vs rhe.Fathrl', Orhers of them by three learned men fufficicntly confuted~ conccined ofChrift as aworldly King·: whence wherein H. r. by twclue triuiall articles (in tWO of them defre to fit the 011& at his right ! M&tth,20. comparifon) goeth about the bufh to proone, h.1nd, attd rheotiJcrat hii left, when hee iame to t}tat Protdhnts hauc neither faith nor pietie, his kjngdome. Others ofthem (eucn after his rereligion nor good life. To whom our author in fiurcChon) harping on the fJmc 11ring, and the expofition of the third verfe rcioyndcrh, hcal'kning::tftcrtemporalitics e.\peElit. Others Lukt4.u. and(doubling the number ofrhofe articles ·with askc hinn,·hcn he \\'ould re!'lorc it to Ifracl.Pe- Afr.t. 6 • aduantage) in the fame order prooucth the Ro- C ter hj_m(clfe hdd not as he ought the doClrin o{,· Match.r6'.u. mi£h faith to be aducrfarie in fixe and rwc'mic the p:lflion,fccing he diffwadccl Chrifl from it. feucrall, folid,and maine grounds vmo ChrifliWherin marueilous ignorance dcfcricrh it fclfe an faith 3nd praCHfc. I ..,,.ill no longer 11-and on in them beeing true bciecoers: but fo much the 1 1 this part then I haue 01ewed who thcfe Papills more tolerable, in that fir!l Chrill rcucaleth be, meant by the Author from Whom we muft no mor~ vnto them, either not opening the depart; and that for this ende, that the fcquell things, or their vndcrllandings to apprehend of our feparation from them may be ackno·wthem, till afterwards th:'lt hcc fcnt the fpirit of Iedoed rnofl iu!t 2nd nccefilrie.By fuch a Papi11rruth.Andfecondly ,this ignorance(the mother we<:Pvnderll:and not euery one who in fome oflhcircrrors) wa:;: acco111panicd \\'ith a dethings m'Y be Popilhly afl"eCled, for true faith fire of knowledge: for they were euer quelliomay A: and with fome errors, <1nd in the ende of ning \vi eh him,defiring himw open vnto them rhat faith be the f.'lluation ofmens foulcs: fo be his par:1bles,and reColue their doubts, in{hntly the panic: aherring be: framed1to thefc two lilling vnto the gratious '"'ords of his mouth, rules: fidl, he: mufl: of nccejfitie ho!de the founand in a Word were bkffcd euen in huugr_ing I dation, namely, that in Je:fus Chrift alone, and I a11d rhirfttn<-( after r~<;.hteoufnej{e. The pcrrons Note well. in no other n<lmc, either in Angel or man,himthen here aimed at,ere abfolute and perfect Pa- · Per~. PrDll· fclfe or others, faluation is to be (ought for.lfa piits, againH whOalone rhi$ grauc Aurhor dea- ~,;.~;~:.;~~·1• m:::•:::n...:•.rP,:::o.::n.:: th:::i:::.s.::fo:.:u::.n:::d::"::io:::':::.'.::h:::.ui:::ld::..::fo::.m::.e:...::w:::o:::o.::d.::c,, ch places ofrhis or other his "''orks, &P·1f1 • _____.________;___________________________________________~Crei:l ! _____·,