_ _________ , . . - t 1.-----! 'lhePuUijlmsPojl-fcripr. __ j 599 1 I 1 v ..,hercin he may lcc111C icucrc againll them: as IA1wherein Gods truth) hi!. glori~, ~nd her own cl I f himtClt€ here :mJ there.thorough his wrhings I glorious cHace muH be quell ionable: moll iu!lhath dcl~ri~cd rh::m, ro be fuch as :1cknowly mull Chc be left of God, fi1ared by S:uh:m, t ledge the Pope their head: hold. and maim:~.inc 1 foyled through her ownc fOil it:, throwne fi·om . che dotl.rincs and dcuiccsofthc Counccll of ; hcrcHatc, ( though of innoccncic) and diJ:. Trent, and therein arc become ouerwrnrrs :md 1 polfdfcd (not :done we all knowc) cucn of rafcrs of the foundation of ChnHian religion; 1' J>;:.r~diJC' it fcltC. Befides, hov'' farrc fhorr nnnc I members ofBabylon, Idol:ucrs.,nor oncly outchelc men in zealc to the mnh, no;; oncly of Pu .(!t}trMIJJ. wardly towardsSai.nt9 and Imagcs,but i:1wardI our adu<:dlrics che Pap ill:~ chc.m!Clu:s, among I ~ · ly (acrificing t.o thctr ownc nets •thcfc..·zca!OliS whom .no. doubts or qur{hons m dH.•tr ground~ Papifls, cfpcctally the Teachers among them, and prmctpks arc tolerable; but eucn of the are the Jcceiuers tO lwcly dcfcribcd through- , Icw, whO \o\'ill admit of no di(pme ag:1!nll his out rhc EpiHic. I Religion~ yea of the barbarom Tutkc himfclfc, I The (econd point is our cortfcqucnt dmie, who iufliCh·th de:uh on whomfoeuer thcyconfianding in out· !landing out with rhtfe a~lu.cruince to .hauc calied a word oftheir Alc:tron infades ot Gods gr:tccand Gofpel:neuer oftcrtog [0 queOwtl'. ro comtnunicacc with them in their cup of for- !B Secondly,concerning chafe v.:ho cannot dif.·. nications; nor once bechinke vs of leaguing ,. ccrnc fit eh dfentiall differences becwcene Ollr foch abhorring nawrcs as are light & dnknes; Hcligions, boch of vs (as they ft~y) profeffing and truth (which is of an vnH:aincd nature) I falu~rion by rhc fameCHriCl;and all the anicles with mollfoule and deformed falfchood. For of the fame faith; I wifh them no \o\'Orfe then · J,Coqa.:u . rn cannot drink.! ~f th( CIJP of the Lord and of that their eyes v.1cre cleared \.\'ith the Cye.J:l~ue, I So::e P,trkiHt DeHillt. Which point let tnc wi.hgood leaue a tlllt they might'fec,thac he char feeth not fuch a r;~!'!~:{:~ little funher decl-are; not that llouc ro kindle PlpiH as is mentioned to profdfe a fal(c Chritl, C.olholi.~c. or kcepe in any coaics of contention, the,Lord and a fal(e faith, fteth in Religion fcuf.e ::wy 1 ~ put farre from mce fuch vnplcaf:mr thoughts) .thing at'3ll :neither dollbt I but(to v•hom lr.:tbut calmcly to 01cw the ouerfight of mcdilice, or ig:nor:mt fupedlition {hm teth not chc1r atours, attempting to reconcile ours with the eyes) eo fhew plainly in few words,. that\\ hat. prefcntrclioion of the RomiOl Synagogue :efocu~r in .\·\' ords thy confeffc with vs, yet in: ficc:ming it to be too much pcrcmptonocs fa docTrine and deed they altogether rC'ucrfc ic & far as we do to depart from thrm:yca ccnfuring diffcnt fi·om vs, in cafes wherein we may neucr it, cirher as v.:ilfulndl.C on the enc hand, or corrfenc-v-nto them. And f.rll, fcemcth it a ftnalll fcrupulolitie on rhcother,to be fo oppofic vnro C matter of dlffcrcnccp that in gcner:lll they . them as we are: rcputing it amatter of no difcharge our whole doCtrine of~noudcie,whence I ficultie to frame both fides to a me:me, either ordin3rily they teantJc the'tcachernhero(Nofidc( as they fay) ycclding a little~ nay it is buzuators? and in fpecia!l, fir!!, that our doC1rine z.ed our, into the cares, by the tongues ofeom.. of iu!Hfication by faith alone (fOr this flrikelh \ tliiOtl mc0, rhat there is no fuch difcrcpancc and at the head; and vnbo.welieth aH their {hifcing ·' ,<j ' ., ~ i j ! difference betwcene vs in matters of morncnr, deuiccs) is bUt-a new dctiic~t·ofours? as 3ppeal as is made; but tluc the (ubll:mce of both our reth in their Champians chlllenge. Bui: conc.:m;:~o;. Religions is 1,0t farre from the fame:fo as many founded herein was he, his C3tlfC and ::~bcr.cers: are in a mamering whether way may be better: our learned men :l't ihe conference with Jlinri n ·whe.runto (after the Hebrew u~~f4.1111f, imitated t.hc TO\>\'([ not only ntightely by the Sccipl t!?cs al(o by the Greeks and La~ins,that I ma~ begin conuincin~;but out ofGreckc & 1-:Hin Faihers with the la!t for the hclpmg ofmcmonc) firfl alfo, who l1ued abouc a thoufand ycares :rgoo, w.c may bewaile,in beholding in.w?at a fearcful I oppre~ng him.wi.th thofe v.e~y .form.all w~d~~ ( tfno't defper3te)dcgrecofdedmmg many are th.tt fazthonely m.ftifterh; fo drtuing,hml to ndlalreadie come: that afrer fo many yearc:s profcfc:ulous fhifis;.-and newly coyned difiinC1ions(f0 l fion of the truth, powerfuiiY both publilhc:d, · D neere the Mint was hcJbeforewnheard of:euen and proteCted, they fhould not oncly admit a as in this controuerfic bceing much fhaitncC, da~gerous deliberation; but cue~· call the very they were forced to cafi .:1bout for that z,s f•lfc maine grounds thcrc:ofinto qucftion: whereas JS new diilinCtion of iuf.hfication into thc..fl.rll 'ifit be in a motion to Idolatric-, they ought inand fecond, ncuer he3fd•of for the ·fp:tCe-of ·(bntlytofaywithSidrach; JtVeai'enot careful/ I .:1 thouf;mde and fiuc hundrcd · year~·. afcc.r 1 wb:tttt?t~»[VItri11thismatter. But this iudgeChrill. ·· 'I ; See the lidl: ~ andfoun1 dale~ conf~- t rence ();.- ~ t:uu, ~ ,,)\...,!' .! ~ . ;·~·; "':::', .~ n'temof God is iufl vpon them~ that \'\·hcrcas 2. Let mec :Jclioync hereunto the challenge they tieuerrcceiucd the truth inloue ofir, they of our Englands lewefl, whovnderroo~c, ?3nd !ifl~.Jewd Chould lofe of thdr ground, :md be left vmo performed the proofc,tha-r in feuen awchtwcp,(~' ~:~~rtH.u· ' 'further dclufi.o'n. Good caufc hauewe all to bpoints (none ofthC triAesJ the PapiHs arodifmclfC the remembrance ofour ruine, thorough fcrent, no~ onely from ours, buc from che.dothis Smanicall fir:~ragemc: If the ·woman will Cl:ri1~e of rho Primitiue ChurCh; and rhat n.e.uc'r necd(.s b.e fo '9t1\~ife.3~ (not nc:tC.in.g) ro enter 1 01~c oftho:~ thci.r new dcuice:s WJS oncc·hc:nd parleywHh Sat3t\ 1 wh'om fhc: ought to haue reof, or rccetued m rhe Church of God, for 1 fifted: 2nd that in matter of fitch moment, as ·the fpace of fixe hundred yecres af•cr Chrifl.I f I" th<n ·-----'